CM Punk: Mic Skills or In-Ring Skills?

Which one??

  • Mic Skills

  • In-Ring Skills

  • Can't Decide!

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Obviously these 2 require different skills. One is talking, the other is physical activity.

However, think about the core of what each is. It's storytelling. It's BEING a character, not just playing one. But acting such that everyone in the arena loves or hates you because they believe you are the character. This means when Cena says a corny joke or when he hits his "5 moves of doom" it portrays the same character. When Punk has the same facial expression when he's verbally abusing someone and when he's in control of the match, he's portraying the same emotion.

It's all about storytelling. It's REALLY what Punk (and all other successful pro wrestlers) are good at. If you believe in your character, and you are a good storyteller, then you will be good at both.
It's hard to decide when it comes to Punk. When it comes to in-ring ability and mic skills, Punk is easily one of the top wrestlers going today.

If I had to go with one, I'd probably be more tempted to go with mic skills. Punk has got the stuff in the ring, people knew that even before he came to the WWE and he showed it in his matches once he arrived. However, it's really Punk's mic skills that ultimately put him over the top.

Punk's feud with Jeff Hardy is when we noticed that the guy could flat out talk. The matches were awesome, no doubt about that, but the fact that Punk was so good on the mic is really what surprised a lot of people. Whether it was feuding with Rey Mysterio, The Big Show, leading the Straight Edge Society or the New Nexus, Punk's promo abilities were great even if the program he was working wasn't of the highest caliber.

Lastly, what was it a few months back that got everyone buzzing about Punk and made him the hottest thing in wrestling? It was his "shoot" promo on the WWE via the McMahon power structure. It set the wrestling world on fire and it really put Punk on another level. After that promo, there was simply no way that he was going back to being just "another guy" on the roster.
I voted for his in ring work. To say he is "gold" on the mic is kinda overstated how good he is with his promos. He is one of the few that are given the green light to say what he wants so having that freedom makes him better on the mic. The reason I voted for his in ring work is because he's got a great sense of ring psychology and his moveset is very unique when it comes to the rest of the roster. His different uses of his knees to include his finisher is like no one else in the WWE. I wouldn't call him Y2J, but he makes it believable that someone under 6' 5'' could be effective in the ring.
I'm not really the kind of guy who requires excellent ring work out of a performer, as long as both the performers puts in the passion to a match, and the match itself has a certain continuity to it. For as long as I've been a fan, I've never noticed the difference between great ring work, and absolutely perfect ring work, as I've always been a fan of the storylines and the drama.

As I see it now, I'm more interested in what goes on with Punk over the mic than I am in the ring. Sure, his match with Kevin Nash will certainly be exciting, but I'm more pumped for him when he walks out with a mic.
i would say at this point, Mic Skills, i find him very entertaining on the mic. In the ring its mediocre...but i havent seen the ppv matches which ive heard were amazing. Tonights RAW match was ok, but i see Punk using the same moves over and over again. I can see he tries to put on the best matches he can but i think his mic skills are the majority in pulling him into the main event.
Total strawman argument. What do Hogan and the Rock have to do with anything? I like the wrestlers I like because I get emotionally invested in what they're doing, not because of workrate. In the ring, Punk is sloppy and doesn't look believable. On the mic he is great.

Seriously, if you don't worship at the altar of an IWC favorite and say he's perfect, you get criticized. Look at my two favorites as you listed, does it look like I put workrate very high on my list of requirements for liking a wrestler? Geez.

CM Punk is good in the ring but you are right, now I don't believe in the whole "stealing move shtick" but he did take most of KENTA's manauvers and KENTA even did an interview last year whining about it.
CM Punk is good in the ring, he's a "Wrestler's wrestler" and the IWC is
drawn to "Wrestlers' wrestlers". Do you have credibility because you are a fan of two entertains not sound ground technicians, NO he's right about that but you have a right to an opinion and your "opinion" is sprinkled with facts. I'd say you have the upperhand here, good job.


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