**MERGED** (OFFICIAL) TNA General Complaint Thread

Hey guys! After reading most of the responses everyone has posted, I must say, some folks seem very angry at TNA for giving Hogan and Bischoff an opportunity to revamp their product. I see things this way, as I and many of you out there watched the Monday Night Wars back in the 90's, it was a great treat to tune in on Mondays and watch these two monsters go at it. Although, I do agree that TNA is a much smaller competitor in scale to the 90's WCW, I believe all great companies have started small.

As far as Hogan and Bishchoff stealing the pot of gold from TNA, yeah, maybe, but who knows and who cares?? Folks, we need to see the bigger picture, for the first time, in almost a decade, wrestling fans are being treated again to observing two independent wrestling promotions battle it out for our viewership. Let's forget about the complaining and enjoy these benefits we are receiving as wrestling fans and continue to support both promotions as I believe Hogan was correct when he told everyone in the Impact Zone that fans should be given an alternative to WWE.

Let's not forget, whether it's WWE or TNA or both, we the fans are the true winners as we are given the opportunity to view both promotions every Monday Night.
Hogan/Bischoff stealing from TNA, everyone will have their oppinion about this, the thing is, clearly people must be watching TNA to bitch about it am I right.

If people are comparing the shows week after week they must be talking about it and possibly watching it to see what is going on.

I watch both, WWE/TNA I find WWE spend more time on the celebrities then the actual wrestling matches, more talking then action, this PG thing is getting boring.

TNA can only get better, I have watched TNA for a while now, when Ken Shamrock won the title, to now, if I can remember TNA was not doing Pay-per-views at the time, then they did what "Bound For Glory", TNA version of Wrestlemania I guess.

Now TNA are doing pay-per-views every month like WWE.

People are saying nasty boys and dudley are boring, what about WWE and their diva pillow fight or half the stuff they have the diva's doing, they are beautiful but pretty boring and a waste of time, a lot of the women are talented if they are given a chance, not just tits and ass to do stupid skits.

I think Hogan/Bischoff might be good because people seem to be talking about it
The point of the matter is that Dixie is not overpaying for Hulk & Eazy because from everything i read on the matter, SpikeTV is paying those contract because THEY (Spike) wants to compete with Vince! So in all actuality, this whole thread is flawed. Get off of the "badmouth TNA Express" and just sit back and enjoy a wrestling show that actually allows you to suspend disbelief!! (for the most part anyways) WWE is DEAD, and thank God for it, unless VKM does something different, the WWE will hemorrhage fans to the company that has been putting together a more superior product as of late, TNA!!!
I'm gonna have to go with no on this one, I don't think for 1 second that Bischoff and Hogan are there for a paycheck for them and their buds, if they needed a fat paycheck there is a million other ways hogan or Bischoff could of done it, and using much less effort than they do working for TNA.

I think they are sincere in trying to compete with WWE, I just don't think they really know how to do it anymore. They're trying the same thing they did with Nitro and I don't believe for a second it will work again. Myself and probably a million others have said it, TNA needs to try and build their audience and make more revenue, the last thing they should try to do at this time is try to compete with WWE because they will get crushed, horribly horribly crushed.
People bash on TNA because, overall TNA is a much worse product, and even more importantly in a few years won't amount to anything. You say in a year TNA will come up and be a force against the WWE...you couldn't be further from the truth. See, all these old farts that are wrestling in TNA right now won't be around much longer than a year, and therefore people will lose interest in watching the show. That's all TNA is good for anyway, still being able to see all of your favorite wrestlers from the Attitude era and Monday Night Wars. But, let us be honest here when the old timers are gone do you really feel like TNA is going to have a place up there with the WWE...? No! I know this might sound really weird, but bare with me on this one...comparing TNA level to that of the WWE is like comparing the NFL with the XFL: The marketing is worse, the talent is worse (OK...besides AJ Styles and Angle), the presentation, everything. Now, if the legends of wrestling that are in TNA now were in their PRIME, that would be a different story. But, those wrestlers are old, beaten down, and don't make the final product shine like it used to (watch old matches if you don't believe me). I guess I'm just tired of hearing how people really believe TNA has some kind of chance against WWE. Granted I think it's fantastic for the profession of wrestling considering ever since the Monday Night Wars ended wrestling has gotten much worse, but the reason why WCW prevailed so long was because Turner obviously has the captial to square off against Vince, and these legends that we see on TNA now were in their prime and not on the last leg of their career. It's not like I think TNA is the worst thing ever, and believe it's WWE or bust...but, if you really think TNA is going to be able to force themselves into the market you're just denying the facts. WWE is always going to be on top. The have the capital, they have the talents, and you can think what you want but they have Vince too (like him, or not and his decision making, but the man single-handedly brought wrestling to the mainstream you can't credit anyone more so than him for that) and that goes a long way against a company that has 40-50 year olds as the main attraction, or incompetent inconsistent junky losers like Jeff Hardy (totally overrated IMO...sloppy wrestling...blah!)
I'm gonna have to disagree with this thread. I hate how people just assume that because ONE show did poorly that it was intentional. WWE has been on the air for 17 years. TNA has only been on for 5ish years. there is just a bigger following with wwe being the megapower in the industry right now. I mean, they have FOUR shows a week, 5 if you count AM RAW. It's not going to be a quick, easy overnight success.

I mean, I've read people's posts about bischoff turning the 1.0 into a positive. he's telling it like it is. TNA knew they weren't going to take all of RAW's viewers on week one, it's something they are going to slowly build up to. I mean, that's what TNA has been doing since impact first debuted, getting .2 ratings on average on FSN. The other big thing is Mania being in a few weeks, of course everyone is watching RAW. Mania is the biggest event in wrestling (unfortunately), so people are going to be wanting to watch the build up.

Personally, I think they should have waited till the week after Mania to start on Mondays, but I don't think this'll kill them. now that Hardy is with them, his fans will start slowly turning to see him wrestle, and who knows, TNA may have pulled a good rating last night with Hardy wrestling on Impact.

But, for the original question, Hogan/Bischoff are NOT robbing TNA. They may have made some mistakes here and there, but that doesn't mean they are doing it intentionally. as UseYourBrain said, Hogan doesn't have a ton of experience doing this, so it's going to be a learning experience for the next few months. Bischoff even said that the plan is to take Impact on the road in 6 months, although who knows if that will happen. I really don't think Impact has suffered from Hogan, it has improved and I've personally seen better programming and matches of late, I mean the push Pope has gotten has been killer. I love it. And with all the focus being on Lockdown, I think we're in for something REALLY special from Lockdown on.
I have tried to watch TNA in the past, but I can never quite seem to bring myself to do it. I tried 6 years ago, I tried 4 years ago, and I have tried so hard to get into it for the past 4 months. No matter how hard I try to watch, it just seems to be the same old thing over and over. Now I'm not saying that TNA is repeating themselves over and over, but the whole scenario of what is going on is repeating itself. I read the spoilers and recaps of TNA every week so I'm not totally oblivious to the organization, but I don’t understand why TNA fans are so hopeful....

TNA is getting to be so much like WCW its scary. I understand that wrestlers need jobs like everyone else, but does everyone that has been fired by WWE really need to go to TNA? It almost seems to me like the are trying to prove a point to WWE by going to their "competition". Over and over again, the ratings don’t change when they go there, and the WWE's point of letting them go is proven again. When Kurt Angle was signed by TNA, they acted like it was the greatest signing of all time. Did they forget that he was released by WWE for having too many injuries and not saying anything to anyone about them until he was found to be "cracked-out" on painkillers? He was beginning to be a danger to himself, that why they let him go. Vince Russo goes there and somehow convinces Dixie Carter that he is worth anybodies time? He is only there because he is friends with Jeff Jarrett. Lets face is folks, outside of Tennessee and Jarrett's mind, no one really considers him to be as much of a legend in this business as he believes that he himself is. I don’t care if you put Booker T and Jerry Lawler's title reigns together, add in The Rocks charisma and give him a body like Batista, and hand it to Jeff Jarrett; he will still suck more than Max Moon. In my opinion, the whole reason why TNA was created was so that Jay E Double Eff would have a job and hire all of his other has-been friends. The whole reason that WCW failed was because it was the "good-ole boys" that over ran the company and dragged it into the ground. I was a huge fan of WCW from 1994-1998. I admit that I marked out when Hogan came out in WCW, but the difference between now and then is that he was in the prime of his career between 1985 and 1997 (1994 was close to the end of it but, regardless). He still had drawing power back then and always will because he is Hulk Hogan. But the difference between then and now is that that was 16 freakin' years ago. If he were to make sporadic appearences for TNA, it would be so much more beneficial to them than having him on a weekly basis and attempting to be the star of the show. I don't care if he is trying to "give the rub" to Abyss and have Ric Flair "give the rub" to A.J. Styles, they are coming off the wrong way on that. It is holding those two back to have Hogan and Flair by their side. Speaking of Ric Flair, the guy who got the greatest retirement send-off in the history of pro wrestling, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING STILL WRESTLING? I wouldn’t mind you as a manager at this point, but for the love of god, please TNA, do not book another Sting and Ric Flair feud or I swear that I will puke. That match was cool 22 years ago but not now, and not ever again.

I personally like Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman and the Nasty Boys. I like watching them on my Wrestlemania Anthology DVD's. I don’t want to see them wrestle anymore. I want to see guys like Randy Orton, Samoa Joe, A.J. Styles, Christopher Daniels, Batista, Cena, Jericho, Edge, Christian and even Sheamus wrestle. I will be ordering Wrestlemania, but I won't be watching to see Vince vs. Bret Hart . But if it were up to TNA to book Wrestlemania, that would be the match with the two youngest stars on the card. I don’t give a shit about Scott Steiner, Mick Foley or Sting anymore. I am a huge fan of Mick Foley and Sting, but I don’t want to see them on a weekly basis anymore. If we were to go back to 1991 and all I saw was Killer Kowalski tagging with Mr. Perfect to take on Bruno Sammartino tagging with Kerry Von Erich I wouldn’t have given a shit about Kowalski or Sammartino then either.

I don’t mind the WWE deciding for me what is best, because they have the proven track record of keeping me entertained. They did long after Hulk Hogan left, and they will continue long after Bischoff fails again. I will never take away from Hogan and Bischoff how they helped revolutionize the industry, but they helped make it so that the only competition that the WWE has is themselves. WCW failed because of so many reasons and from my point of view, TNA will fail because history is repeating itself. Before any of you attack me for being a life long WWE fan who can't be bothered with the guys that I loved to watch 15 years ago, think about why WCW sucked so bad after Slamboree 1998. TNA will never benefit from having guys who have personal vendettas against the McMahons. They will only prosper if they push they guys that give a shit about TNA and the wrestling business in general. WCW lost because all they wanted to do was take out WWE at any cost. The ultimate cost that they paid was their jobs, plus nearly destroying a 150 year legacy built by the NWA. I wish nothing but the best of luck to TNA, but quit trying to take out the WWE, and start trying to make your product that you put out as good as possible.
I have tried to watch TNA in the past, but I can never quite seem to bring myself to do it. I tried 6 years ago, I tried 4 years ago, and I have tried so hard to get into it for the past 4 months. No matter how hard I try to watch, it just seems to be the same old thing over and over. Now I'm not saying that TNA is repeating themselves over and over, but the whole scenario of what is going on is repeating itself. I read the spoilers and recaps of TNA every week so I'm not totally oblivious to the organization, but I don’t understand why TNA fans are so hopeful....

TNA is getting to be so much like WCW its scary. I understand that wrestlers need jobs like everyone else, but does everyone that has been fired by WWE really need to go to TNA? It almost seems to me like the are trying to prove a point to WWE by going to their "competition". Over and over again, the ratings don’t change when they go there, and the WWE's point of letting them go is proven again. When Kurt Angle was signed by TNA, they acted like it was the greatest signing of all time. Did they forget that he was released by WWE for having too many injuries and not saying anything to anyone about them until he was found to be "cracked-out" on painkillers? He was beginning to be a danger to himself, that why they let him go. Vince Russo goes there and somehow convinces Dixie Carter that he is worth anybodies time? He is only there because he is friends with Jeff Jarrett. Lets face is folks, outside of Tennessee and Jarrett's mind, no one really considers him to be as much of a legend in this business as he believes that he himself is. I don’t care if you put Booker T and Jerry Lawler's title reigns together, add in The Rocks charisma and give him a body like Batista, and hand it to Jeff Jarrett; he will still suck more than Max Moon. In my opinion, the whole reason why TNA was created was so that Jay E Double Eff would have a job and hire all of his other has-been friends. The whole reason that WCW failed was because it was the "good-ole boys" that over ran the company and dragged it into the ground. I was a huge fan of WCW from 1994-1998. I admit that I marked out when Hogan came out in WCW, but the difference between now and then is that he was in the prime of his career between 1985 and 1997 (1994 was close to the end of it but, regardless). He still had drawing power back then and always will because he is Hulk Hogan. But the difference between then and now is that that was 16 freakin' years ago. If he were to make sporadic appearences for TNA, it would be so much more beneficial to them than having him on a weekly basis and attempting to be the star of the show. I don't care if he is trying to "give the rub" to Abyss and have Ric Flair "give the rub" to A.J. Styles, they are coming off the wrong way on that. It is holding those two back to have Hogan and Flair by their side. Speaking of Ric Flair, the guy who got the greatest retirement send-off in the history of pro wrestling, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING STILL WRESTLING? I wouldn’t mind you as a manager at this point, but for the love of god, please TNA, do not book another Sting and Ric Flair feud or I swear that I will puke. That match was cool 22 years ago but not now, and not ever again.

I personally like Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman and the Nasty Boys. I like watching them on my Wrestlemania Anthology DVD's. I don’t want to see them wrestle anymore. I want to see guys like Randy Orton, Samoa Joe, A.J. Styles, Christopher Daniels, Batista, Cena, Jericho, Edge, Christian and even Sheamus wrestle. I will be ordering Wrestlemania, but I won't be watching to see Vince vs. Bret Hart . But if it were up to TNA to book Wrestlemania, that would be the match with the two youngest stars on the card. I don’t give a shit about Scott Steiner, Mick Foley or Sting anymore. I am a huge fan of Mick Foley and Sting, but I don’t want to see them on a weekly basis anymore. If we were to go back to 1991 and all I saw was Killer Kowalski tagging with Mr. Perfect to take on Bruno Sammartino tagging with Kerry Von Erich I wouldn’t have given a shit about Kowalski or Sammartino then either.

I don’t mind the WWE deciding for me what is best, because they have the proven track record of keeping me entertained. They did long after Hulk Hogan left, and they will continue long after Bischoff fails again. I will never take away from Hogan and Bischoff how they helped revolutionize the industry, but they helped make it so that the only competition that the WWE has is themselves. WCW failed because of so many reasons and from my point of view, TNA will fail because history is repeating itself. Before any of you attack me for being a life long WWE fan who can't be bothered with the guys that I loved to watch 15 years ago, think about why WCW sucked so bad after Slamboree 1998. TNA will never benefit from having guys who have personal vendettas against the McMahons. They will only prosper if they push they guys that give a shit about TNA and the wrestling business in general. WCW lost because all they wanted to do was take out WWE at any cost. The ultimate cost that they paid was their jobs, plus nearly destroying a 150 year legacy built by the NWA. I wish nothing but the best of luck to TNA, but quit trying to take out the WWE, and start trying to make your product that you put out as good as possible.

How is TNA looking like WCW? Styles is your heavyweight champion, Morgan and Hernandez are your tag team champions, and Doug Williams is your X-Division champion. The old guys are not hogging the spotlight as much as you or others may think they are. They are doing their job and putting the younger guys over. Abyss was doing nothing until Hogan came along and now he is standing side with side with the best wrestler ever. How is that not getting over and the same goes with AJ Styles. Hall, Waltman, and Nash are not taking up much of the TNA time so I don't see any reason why people should be complaining. If nothing else, they are getting Young more over than he has ever been in his career. So you may not want to see the old guys wrestle, but they are doing what they are supposed to do and they haven't hurt anybody.
I for one don't think they are robbing TNA. I think bischoff and hogan decided to go head to head alittle early with the WWE. I enjoy the January 4th show and I have thought every show tna has put on monday was better then Raw's. I think TNA should have waited till after all the wrestlemania hype slowed down to go head to head, but I think some of you need to realize that Rome wasn't built in one day; if ratings are going to rise you need time not two weeks then start complaining. I also must say that we shoudl appreciate that we have a choice now of what to watch. I for one am tired of seeing John Cena defying all odds I have seen it before in the WWE, Hogan, Austin, the Rock, Undertaker, and now Cena. Now when I see something I have seen entirely too many time I can't switch the channel
YES!! Another TNA super-mark complaining about TNA's direction. These kind of post's used to annoy me, but now, I look for them. I search them out. I find them so funny, I just can't help myself.

Is Hogan self-serving? Yes, totally. Is Bischoff? Yes, totally. Is this a grand scheme, a heist?? NO. They want to get paid, true. But if they want to get paid for any length of time, they will HAVE to do something positive with TNA.

And as for complaining about his buddies; get over it, you baby. The Nasty Boys have done NOTHING besides battle an equally terrible tag team. Who is not getting TV time that you would like to see?? Everyone gets equal tv time, outside of main eventers. Sure, I agree that last nights match between Jimmy Hart and the Nastys taking on Team 3D, with Spike was GOD awful. Shouldn't have been on tv. But is it any worse than watching the Great Khali or Hornswaggle? Do WWE fans threaten to stop watching just because a match isn't a TOTAL SPOT FEST??? No.

TNA should have waited until after Mania to move to Monday nights. But they didn't. Do I think that is a fatal mistake? Probably not, but only time will tell. I love how after EVERY SINGLE episode of Impact, whether it be on Monday or Thursday, some dumbass smark comes on here and makes some CRAZY assertion that the world is about to end, because GOD FORBID, the F*****G Nasty Boys were on TV.

First off, I find it interesting when you find something to be "so funny" your reaction is to type in BIG ANGRY CAPS! and curse like a 4 year old. Most people laugh.

Anyways, maybe you are right.

After all, nothing screams "We seriously do want to beat Vince and not just give myself and my friends jobs until they shut this place down" like putting Bubba the Love Sponge - in Under Armour btw - on TV.
First off, I find it interesting when you find something to be "so funny" your reaction is to type in BIG ANGRY CAPS! and curse like a 4 year old. Most people laugh.

Anyways, maybe you are right.

After all, nothing screams "We seriously do want to beat Vince and not just give myself and my friends jobs until they shut this place down" like putting Bubba the Love Sponge - in Under Armour btw - on TV.

Are you seriously complaining about Bubba the Love Sponge and think that is going to be the death of TNA? Bubba hasn't been a factor in TNA except the Kong incident which was her fault. Hogan may have friends in Bubba and the Nasty Boyz but they have not taking over TNA. The focus is still on the young guys and with Hardy coming in, they will try to get some of the WWE audience since Hardy is still over and relatively young.
This is stupid. Even if they don't think they can beat WWE they're at least on TV every week and giving it their all. As banged up as Hogan is he actually wrestled last week. If he didn't give a crap about TNA there's no way he would have stepped into the ring. Bischoff has been genius in his heel role. This is the best he's been since WCW.
Interesting thread, but I can't say that I agree with it completely. Hogan and Bischoff are self-serving first and foremost, but I do honestly believe that they're trying to help TNA grow. The only problem is that TNA is trying to recreate the Monday Night Wars and it's just not happening for a number of different reasons.

TNA is not WCW. There are comparissons between the two, due in large part, to the large number of WCW wrestlers that have made their way through the company over the past several years. WCW was a stronger promotion than TNA has ever been at any point in its existence, but that hasn't stopped Hogan and Bischoff from trying to catch lightning in a bottle once again. When WCW was in full swing, it was literally stealing wrestlers that were on the WWF roster and convinced them to jump ship due to the financial backing of Ted Turner. TNA doesn't have that and nobody is really "jumping ship" from WWE to TNA. Most of the more established wrestlers TNA has brought in over the past several years are wrestlers that the WWE doesn't want. I'm not saying this to put TNA down, but it's simply how it is. Hogan and Bischoff are trying and that's good, but it's just not igniting because nobody is buying into it.

Hulk Hogan was brought in primarily to help get TNA over. Maybe he feels the best way to do that is to have most of iMPACT! revolve around him. Hogan still has his name and TNA might as well use it for all that they can. However, Hogan hasn't really been able to deliver the goods either. The initial interest of Hulk Hogan's debut with TNA has long since worn off and, at least the past few episodes, the segments featuring Hulk Hogan have been the lowest rated on the show. A significant portion of TNA's audience has tuned out when Hogan's on.

Overall, however, I'm still not completely convinced that Hogan isn't primarily in TNA for his own benefit. That doesn't mean he's not interested in building the company, but it's hard for me to think of TNA as the future when they rely so much on the past of WWE and WCW.
How is TNA looking like WCW? Styles is your heavyweight champion, Morgan and Hernandez are your tag team champions, and Doug Williams is your X-Division champion. The old guys are not hogging the spotlight as much as you or others may think they are. They are doing their job and putting the younger guys over. Abyss was doing nothing until Hogan came along and now he is standing side with side with the best wrestler ever. How is that not getting over and the same goes with AJ Styles. Hall, Waltman, and Nash are not taking up much of the TNA time so I don't see any reason why people should be complaining. If nothing else, they are getting Young more over than he has ever been in his career. So you may not want to see the old guys wrestle, but they are doing what they are supposed to do and they haven't hurt anybody.

TNA is looking like WCW because of the same guys that were there 14 years ago that were gripping to the spotlight then too. What relavance does Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett or "The Band" have anymore. Would I be expected to mark out if Vince put the Heenen Family back together? Which would never happen because Vince is smarter than that and most of them are dead unfortunetly. When I watched the first head to head in January, the whole show was about who was going to be the next surprise guy to show up in TNA. There was 7 five minute matches that meant nothing followed by about 20 ex-WWE'ers who all show up for that one show. They wasted about 20 minutes of the show for "The Band" and then failed to deliver anything to keep me watching for the rest of the show.. Thank god for the DVR cause I would have been pissed if missed any of Raw to watch that show.

How can you justify that the old guys haven't hurt anybody when its clear that they are hurting someone? Someone is paying their contracts right? Someone had the hope that they would draw some fans away from WWE right? Then why was IMPACT's rating lower than most WWECW's ratings last week? If the guys that recently joined TNA could have made any Impact, pardon the pun, they would have when they debuted. And its not like its been any surprise to anyone who would be going to TNA for the first two head to head shows.

I think its great that they dont have any of the old guys as champion right now, but somehow they still put the spot light on the old guys instead of putting it on their champions right now. Last weeks Impact Main Event would have been probably 10 times better if Ric Flair wasn't in the match. I have nothing but respect for Ric Flair and his career, but he serves no purpose in TNA. AJ Styles can look awesome all on his own without the Nature Boy. If TNA would be so much better if they realized that their wrestlers are talented enough to make that company big without all the old dogs to hold their progress back.

WCW failed because of the guys that couldn't take not being in the spotlight, and those same guys are all in TNA trying once again to get as much camera time as they can.
TNA is looking like WCW because of the same guys that were there 14 years ago that were gripping to the spotlight then too. What relavance does Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett or "The Band" have anymore. Would I be expected to mark out if Vince put the Heenen Family back together? Which would never happen because Vince is smarter than that and most of them are dead unfortunetly. When I watched the first head to head in January, the whole show was about who was going to be the next surprise guy to show up in TNA. There was 7 five minute matches that meant nothing followed by about 20 ex-WWE'ers who all show up for that one show. They wasted about 20 minutes of the show for "The Band" and then failed to deliver anything to keep me watching for the rest of the show.. Thank god for the DVR cause I would have been pissed if missed any of Raw to watch that show.

How can you justify that the old guys haven't hurt anybody when its clear that they are hurting someone? Someone is paying their contracts right? Someone had the hope that they would draw some fans away from WWE right? Then why was IMPACT's rating lower than most WWECW's ratings last week? If the guys that recently joined TNA could have made any Impact, pardon the pun, they would have when they debuted. And its not like its been any surprise to anyone who would be going to TNA for the first two head to head shows.

I think its great that they dont have any of the old guys as champion right now, but somehow they still put the spot light on the old guys instead of putting it on their champions right now. Last weeks Impact Main Event would have been probably 10 times better if Ric Flair wasn't in the match. I have nothing but respect for Ric Flair and his career, but he serves no purpose in TNA. AJ Styles can look awesome all on his own without the Nature Boy. If TNA would be so much better if they realized that their wrestlers are talented enough to make that company big without all the old dogs to hold their progress back.

WCW failed because of the guys that couldn't take not being in the spotlight, and those same guys are all in TNA trying once again to get as much camera time as they can.

You do realize that Nash has been in TNA for almost its entirety save a couple of years so he has had a lot of relevance. Jeff Jarrett still has a hand in TNA whether you may like it or not.

One thing you may not realize is that almost everybody in TNA is from ECW, WWE, WCW, or ROH so it's not like it is ex-WWE guys who are there hogging the spotlight. If you want to sell the show, you think people are going to watch just because it is Kaz or Amazing Red. Fans want to see names they know and have recognized for years and superstars like Angle, Hogan, RVD, and Sting bring that.

Styles may be the face in TNA but he isn't well known around the wrestling world. With the notoriety of Flair, he can help AJ be more well-known. Abyss was floundering before he hooked up with Hogan and now he is fighting for the title. They are putting the focus on the champion but people have been used to Hogan and Flair and all their baggage, they criticize them when they are actually putting the younger guys over.
Rather than taking the low road and criticizing the O.P, I'm going to address his assertion.

Lets assume that Hogan and Bischoff are just in it for the money. Why would they want to rob the Carters blind and head for the hills, resulting in only a small time pay day, rather than actually putting in the effort to make TNA a formidable threat to the WWE, which would pay off a lot more in the long run? They would still be getting paid the same amount right now, and they would have many more paydays down the road if they can actually turn TNA around.

It's not like Hulk Hogan or E.B have any other large ventures happening right now that they could be working on instead. There's simply no reason why either of them would actually want TNA to fail. You may not be happy with the direction of TNA or some of the business decisions they are making, and it may very well be a little over-zealous of Hogan to try to throw some work to his friends before the company is on a secure footing, but I have no doubt in my mind that Hogan/Bischoff are actually trying to compete with the WWE. It's a matter of pride, legacy, and long-term financial stability. They wouldn't jeopardize what is very likely their last shot at relevance in professional wrestling for the sake of a short-term payday.
TNA is looking like WCW because of the same guys that were there 14 years ago that were gripping to the spotlight then too. What relavance does Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett or "The Band" have anymore. Would I be expected to mark out if Vince put the Heenen Family back together? Which would never happen because Vince is smarter than that and most of them are dead unfortunetly. When I watched the first head to head in January, the whole show was about who was going to be the next surprise guy to show up in TNA. There was 7 five minute matches that meant nothing followed by about 20 ex-WWE'ers who all show up for that one show. They wasted about 20 minutes of the show for "The Band" and then failed to deliver anything to keep me watching for the rest of the show.. Thank god for the DVR cause I would have been pissed if missed any of Raw to watch that show.

OK. This is one thing that pisses the shit out of me. Everyone keeps complaining about how TNA is bringing back all these old ass guys like Hall, Waltman, Hogan, and The Nasty Boyz. What the fuck do you think WWE is doing. 'Taker has been in the business 20+ years, Michaels 20+ years, Finlay 20+ years, and Bret Hart 20+ years. so if u are gonna bitch at TNA for using "old guys" get ur fuckin facts straight.
One thing you may not realize is that almost everybody in TNA is from ECW, WWE, WCW, or ROH so it's not like it is ex-WWE guys who are there hogging the spotlight.

Exactly. I'm not saying that its all ex-WWE guys that are there. The talent that TNA has created is better than any of those guys who weren't good enough elsewhere. All of those guys that TNA is bringing in as "weapons" were all fired from somewhere else because of one reason or another. Take Mr. Anderson for example.. --Rough Numbers, too lazy to find actual numbers-- In 48 months of employement in WWE, he spent 36 of those not on Tv for either numerous injuries or drug policy infractions. Why doesn't that alarm anybody in TNA? Jeff Hardy left WWE to only be arrested a month later for FELONY DRUG CHARGES. That doesn't alarm anybody in TNA?How is that not hurting anybody? TNA talent is so much better without all the has-beens. I liked Abyss a lot more 4 years ago when he was managed by James (Vandenburg FTW )Mitchell a lot more than I like the Abyss being mentored by Hulk Hogan. You know, Hulk Hogan, the guy who has talked about retiring in 1985 after one year of being WWE champ and who hasn't been able to grasp the fact that this isnt 1984 and no one cares about him anymore. Hell even Linda don't care what the hell he does. Didn't his son almost kill someone too? Then they were going to try and make money off of it? Remember the taped Jailhouse conversation him and Nick had about it? Thats where I started to lose respect for Hogan and realize he only cares about him making money. He doesn't care about the wrestling business anymore than he cares about Pastamania. Its all about the $$'s to that guy, face it.

All I'm saying is that TNA is foolish for letting these guys even get TV time. I understand Nash has had a great part of TNA's history to this point. But its almost getting to where I can't take him seriously anymore if he is going to keep letting his career be tarnished by being around Hall and Waltman.

I appreciate that TNA still has a tag team division, which seems to be a lost art in the WWE, but they really don't need that Nasty Boys or the Dudley Boys to make it better. They just make it worse.

Focus on the future, they don't need the past to help them anyways.
OK. This is one thing that pisses the shit out of me. Everyone keeps complaining about how TNA is bringing back all these old ass guys like Hall, Waltman, Hogan, and The Nasty Boyz. What the fuck do you think WWE is doing. 'Taker has been in the business 20+ years, Michaels 20+ years, Finlay 20+ years, and Bret Hart 20+ years. so if u are gonna bitch at TNA for using "old guys" get ur fuckin facts straight.

I'll give the fact that Bret Hart is back,

But Taker has never claimed to retire and come back 65 times has he?
Shawn Michaels had career ending back surgery and came back after 4 years to still be better than anybody in WWE. Finlay sucks and Bret is here for 4 months, he didnt take 50% control of the company now did he chief? Get your facts straight.. Vince does it for the fans, TNA does it to appease Hogan and give all his friends a job douche.
Exactly. I'm not saying that its all ex-WWE guys that are there. The talent that TNA has created is better than any of those guys who weren't good enough elsewhere. All of those guys that TNA is bringing in as "weapons" were all fired from somewhere else because of one reason or another. Take Mr. Anderson for example.. --Rough Numbers, too lazy to find actual numbers-- In 48 months of employement in WWE, he spent 36 of those not on Tv for either numerous injuries or drug policy infractions. Why doesn't that alarm anybody in TNA? Jeff Hardy left WWE to only be arrested a month later for FELONY DRUG CHARGES. That doesn't alarm anybody in TNA?How is that not hurting anybody? TNA talent is so much better without all the has-beens. I liked Abyss a lot more 4 years ago when he was managed by James (Vandenburg FTW )Mitchell a lot more than I like the Abyss being mentored by Hulk Hogan. You know, Hulk Hogan, the guy who has talked about retiring in 1985 after one year of being WWE champ and who hasn't been able to grasp the fact that this isnt 1984 and no one cares about him anymore. Hell even Linda don't care what the hell he does. Didn't his son almost kill someone too? Then they were going to try and make money off of it? Remember the taped Jailhouse conversation him and Nick had about it? Thats where I started to lose respect for Hogan and realize he only cares about him making money. He doesn't care about the wrestling business anymore than he cares about Pastamania. Its all about the $$'s to that guy, face it.

All I'm saying is that TNA is foolish for letting these guys even get TV time. I understand Nash has had a great part of TNA's history to this point. But its almost getting to where I can't take him seriously anymore if he is going to keep letting his career be tarnished by being around Hall and Waltman.

I appreciate that TNA still has a tag team division, which seems to be a lost art in the WWE, but they really don't need that Nasty Boys or the Dudley Boys to make it better. They just make it worse.

Focus on the future, they don't need the past to help them anyways.

I don't care about Hogan and all that happened with his son because that was separate from wrestling. The one good thing that did come out of all that drama was that it kept Hogan in the public eye whether good or bad. I'm glad he is in some wrestling capacity at all because it was turning bad for him and he looks like he has picked himself up and gotten it together. Nash's legacy is already set long before TNA so it is not going to be damaged by Hall and Waltman. The guy is still one of the most recognizable faces out there and don't tell me he still loves wrestling. He's been one his whole life and given everything he had to the business.
im new to this whole forum thing although i do read it alot so here i go....i think they are trying their hardest and want to succeed...can you imagine hogan and bishoff accually beating vince thats person pride thats a big deal...but will it happen prob not...but will hogan and his crew get paid for sure!...nothing will stop that!!!anyways im just saying i was watching raw last night and i see austin (thinking he's still in the attitude ara you could so tell it was hard for him to stay pg lol) i flip and i see flair busted open (again) that was wack then i see jimmy hart when i fliped then i see the mighty abyss lol(WACK) dude face it they have no product worth watching then again wwe is getting stale too(makes you think)
What i've noticed with TNA's impact zone crowd is that react and cheer more for ex-WWE talents than they do with TNA's own talent. Are they really TNA fans or are they just frustrated WWE fans not getting what they want from WWE

look at Jeff hardy for example. Last night on impact, he comes out and the whole crowd is cheering for him and I'm thinking "WOW, these so called TNA fans care more for a WWE star than they do about TNA's biggest original star AJ styles". It's kinda pathetic in a way

any thoughs on the subject???
It's because it was Jeff Hardy. And it's fun to see a guy from another promotion jump ship. Look at Jericho's WWE debut. Hell he got more of a reaction than The Rock that night. So does that mean that the audience cared about a WCW cruiserweight than the People's Champ? Not really. Jeff is way over with most wrestling crowds so to make that statement based on Jeff's appearance is not really good to base TNA's audience off. And I don't certainly see how it's pathetic.
I don't think cheering for Hardy makes the TNA fans fakes. Jeff Hardy has a very large fanbase that goes beyond the WWE. I've seen clips of his first run with TNA on Youtube and he was pretty over with the crowd. His most recent run in WWE made him an even bigger star so it's not really a surprise that the Impact Zone went apeshit for him.

So no, I don't think this is pathetic.
I might also have something to do with the fact that Hardy is a hugely popular babyface and AJ is being pushed as the company's top bad guy. Does that just not register with you at all?

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