*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] The Nexus General Discussion thread

What Should Happen?

  • Continue With 5 Members

  • Reinstate Darren Young With The Group

  • Recruit Rookies from NXT Season II

  • Recruit Wrestler(s) From The Locker Room

  • Disban

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Well i started thinking about this the Other day and I thought yea this could probably work if they managed to book it And what I'm talking about is the WWE booking a storyline that includes both Randy Orton and The Nexus and the Title , How I see it going down is this , at NOC Randy Orton wins the title and maybe Barret uses Nexus to try and beat Orton and get the belt from him , Reason being probably because Barret was supposed to get a title Shot at the ppv of his choosing and hopefully win the belt and become "the next breakout star" of the WWE , But then his chance got ruined when the title shot became a six man challenge for the WWE title and he was robbed of his "moment" and that he'd target Randy Orton because he wants the belt.

Now I know all of you are going to probably wonder whats going to happen to Sheamus as well as Cena and Jericho and Edge , Well i dunno about Edge but we could possibly have Cena and Jericho feuding ? And I think Triple H will be back after NOC so when Sheamus comes out to say he was robbed and that the match was unfair they could work in the Triple H return and they could have Sheamus vs Triple H at HIAC .

It solves the Problem of the Title being in the mix right , so =]
This being from the main WrestleZone site.

We reported last week that WWE Nexus member Skip Sheffield did indeed suffer a broken ankle at a recent house show event. The Wrestling Observer is now reporting that the injury is a compound fracture of the left ankle, and Sheffield will need surgery as soon as the swelling subsides. The injury is expected to sideline Sheffield for 4 to 6 months, which may not bode well for the Raw star in the long term, as recent reports are indicating that the Nexus storyline might be ending by October.

If this is the case and he is out the predicted times, he would be back late December to late February. What does this mean for his future with the WWE? We he get hyped for singles wrestlign upon his return as Skip Sheffield? Would he get a character revamp in FCW and return as a different gimmick? What does this do for Nexus, such as their reason for his absence?

I think that he will get hyped as (hopefully) a monster heel as Skip. He worked as a dominating star. I hope he doesn't get dropped back to FCW though. And as for Nexus, I honestly have no clue how they will cover for this loss.
I believe Nexxus can rebound easily without Shiefield. There's many replacements. They could get Darren Young back in somehow make him prove his worth or something. Then there's still all of season 2 of NXT who might end up on the shows. I could diffidently see someone like Husky Harris covering the power roll for Nexxus that Shiefield had there's also Eli Cottonwood who could fit or Tidus o Niel. So in terms of them covering the loss it'll be easy.

After his injury though if Nexxus is still around he might come back to it. I don't think H\he'll make it too far in singles but I could see him in a future tag team. Or they could send him back to FCW he wasn't really that popular with the fans yet or well known except for being a part of Nexxus in a months time lots of people will have forgotten about him if he gets replaced.
well NXT season 2 is ending soon Im sure you can see a few guys of there join the nexus husk harris, lucky cannon, li cottonwood even percy watsons heel turn and join nexus but by then the angle will be staler than my big berthas ass
Like I said about Bryan, the only essential member of the Nexus is Wade Barrett. Skip, while awesome is not the guy getting hotshotted by Nexus into the ME. he can come back in a few months and carve out an impressive nische for himself in the midcard. Maybe have him team up with Regal again and have a tag title run, or just be a dominant monster.

Skip is nothing if not good and versatile. He'll be fine, Nexus or no Nexus.
To be fair to Skip, he came off looking incredible at Summerslam, so maybe there's still a chance of him recovering his career on his return.

I think the loss of someone such as Gabriel or Barrett would be far more devastating, but it's definitely a downer for Nexus.
losing sheffield is a big issue w\ the nexus storyline. i dont think they should necessarily find a replacement but nexus is losing a big part of its strength. he was the main 'enforcer' for the group. losing a big guy like that hurts the dominace of the team a bit. rotundo (husky) could help in that dept, but hes nt nearly as menacing as sheffield. but his attitude would fit.

bringing back young is nt a good idea, moving backwards. & cottonwood looks like taker's ******ed cousin. either bring in harris or leave it be.

when he comes back he will be good in a tag team role depending on what happens with the rest of nexus & who hangs around till then. barrett& sheffield would be great. or a fued with dh smith.

guess we'll have to wait & see
The wrestling gods must not like Nexus. The same night they debuted, they lost their best worker when Daniel Bryan Danielson decided to choke Justin Roberts with his own tie and spit in the face of John Cena. Then they began feuding with then General Manager Bret Hart demanding contracts. The day he was supposed to make his decision, he didn't even show up at the pay-per-view due to his Lloyd's of London (or something) conflict leaving the show almost an hour short.

They go on to lose to Team WWE (read: RAW) at SummerSlam and ending up getting rid of their fellow member Sith Cena the next night. Now their most dominant member lately is injured and out until this whole angle will be long done. It just wasn't meant to be.
The wrestling gods must not like Nexus.

How so. THe angle's been a com[plete success so far.

The same night they debuted, they lost their best worker when Daniel Bryan Danielson decided to choke Justin Roberts with his own tie and spit in the face of John Cena.

Not a tragedy. In the long run it didn't harm the Nexus. Bryan wasn't neccesary. They didn't need a great wrestler in the group, which for all intents and purposes is a vehicle for Wade Barrett. Always was.

Then they began feuding with then General Manager Bret Hart demanding contracts. The day he was supposed to make his decision, he didn't even show up at the pay-per-view due to his Lloyd's of London (or something) conflict leaving the show almost an hour short.

Um, so? They got their contracts a week later and with it a new GM. not evidence of devine intervention.

They go on to lose to Team WWE (read: RAW) at SummerSlam

In the mean time they eliminated people who combined have 21 world titles between them and only lost because they made rookie errors. How does that make them look bad exactly?

and ending up getting rid of their fellow member Sith Cena the next night.

Young was shit, and wouldn't have benefitted from the Nexus rub because of it. No great loss there.

Now their most dominant member lately is injured and out until this whole angle will be long done. It just wasn't meant to be.

OMG A WRESTLER IS INJURED! CATASTRPHIE! Skip will be back, and he and the Nexus will be just fine.
He doesnt necessarily have to wrestle to make an impact. They could run some sort of injury angle where Sheffield "injures" his ankle, whether it be in the beginning stages of a match, or due to a backstage attack.

Look at what they did with CM Punk. Although he couldnt wrestle for 6-8 weeks due to arm surgery, they kept him relevant because hes part of a stable. While Im not comparing Sheffield in any way to CM Punk, he's also part of a stable, and they can hide his injury in that way. I think returning him to FCW would only hurt his development, along with the Nexus stable as well.

Sheffield is a beast, and has a very intimidating presence. While he may not be able to wrestle for awhile, he doesn't need to. He can still be imposing and a menace, which is exactly what Nexus has been all about. Their strength has a;lways been about the numbers game, and Sheffield can still participate in that, even if not physically.
its a shame hes injured. they will have to give him a new gimmick upon return. Some type of SCSA / JBL (justin hawk days), type of gimmick. It would fit the big guy to dominate with a gimmick like that.
I think Husky Harris would be a great replacement. Plus WWE is really high on Huskys character right now and he's pretty fun to watch.
while i do think that skip is the monster of the nexus, this injury can help the other members to get a boost, either way heath slater or justin gabriel could really shine right now given the right time on the ring. Otunga still suck XD.
It is a shame he got injured but why does this mean he cant still be a part of the Nexus possibly in a manager type role, this way he could keep the momentum he currrently has going. He could still be promonintely featured on TV and get mic time but he just wouldnt wrestle, depending on what he is able to do he could still be involved in the beatdowns aswell. He could acompany Nexus to their matches and help them win them ie Vickie w/ Dolph.
Unless they keep him around in a non wrestling role. They probably will run a injury angle to take him off TV. I read that the Nexus angle is expected to end by October. They may do something along the lines of taking each one out one by one to end Nexus. Or it's possible he could be replaced by a NXT 2 rookie like Husky Harris.
This is shit news for Nexus, not only are they down to 5 members, their most legitimately dangerous member (other than Wade Barrett ofcourse) is GONE! Skip may also miss out on the whole story line! What kind of turns will his career take? I thought he had a chance, but without Nexus/a mouth piece I don't know anymore.
Come the fuck on people. You were saying this when Daniel Bryan got fired. Nexus will be fine. Skip is as disposable as any Nexus member not named Wade Barrett. And even then Wade could walk away from Nexus at any point and be a-ok.
If the Nexxus angle is truly slated to end in October then Sheffield is lucky he is injured now. Here me out...

If done right, Barrett can simply state that Skip couldn't hack it, got himself injured and is no longer part of Nexxus. That way he is off tv and its explained.

So when he returns in 2011 (I'm projecting a longer recovery for this case), he can easily be placed on SD! He can ask T.Long for an oppurtunity to prove himself, and be humble about it. Long can address his history on RAW but then give the 'playa' a second chance, maybe against another former Nexxus guy on SD!

BAM! He's on a roster, with maybe the cornfed gimmick or something else, no harm...yada yada.

Or the quicker way is for him to be a surprise entrant in next year's Royal Rumble, attack Barrett or another former teamate, eliminate them, start mini-midcard feud. Insta-face 101.
There's been rumors that Nexus storyline will end in October. Did WWE mess up already to the point where they have to end it this soon or what? Also just this past week on RAW the Nexus was barely on the show. I was hoping this group could go on for at least 6-12 months. I know a lot of people (Mostly Kids and Cena fangirls) hate the Nexus but really, they made WWE interesting to watch during the summer. Which is when they pretty much debuted as the group. Then after Nexus is gone the WWE will be the same old shit with SuperCena winning again and again and again. But basically all i'm trying to ask you guys is, should they really end the Nexus so quick? Them losing at SummerSlam has made them hugely go down and kicking out Darren Young. What was the point of that if there's rumors the Nexus is going to end soon? I hope the creative writers can think of something to keep this group together for much longer than October. Thoughts??
I definitely that Nexus should be ending soon. October is probably a little too soon. Maybe Survivor Series is more like it.

The reason why I think Nexus should be ending is because other than Wade Barrett, they're just not that good.

It's funny how just 5 months ago, these guys weren't good enough to be on T.V. Now, they're supposed to be running roughshod through the WWE?
They are just rumours don't take them too seriously, it isn't like Vince said in an interview Nexus will have split up by October. The internet has been wrong before and will likely be wrong again and I hope this is one of those times.

If somehow these do turn out to be true then I will be very dissapointed they have been the best thing to happen to the WWE in a long time, ending them so quickly would be a very stupid move. If it does happen it wont be because Nexus are losing steam, sure they lost at Summerslam but they looked damn good in doing so and they redemed themselves the next night on Raw, BTW getting rid of Darren Young was a good thing he was useless to the group.
I love Nexus but it shouldn't last any longer than November or December. The angle has served it's purpose. It got big ratings and put 7 kids strait from ECW and a 10 year indy vet in the main event a Summerslam. Now end it before it gets stale like nWo or The Alliance, while the Nexus 6 are still hot, and divee them up between Raw and Smackdown and see how they do.
This is shit news for Nexus, not only are they down to 5 members, their most legitimately dangerous member (other than Wade Barrett ofcourse) is GONE! Skip may also miss out on the whole story line! What kind of turns will his career take? I thought he had a chance, but without Nexus/a mouth piece I don't know anymore.

Acually am I the only 1 that likes the idea of 5 members? I mean it allows the other guys to get more exposure as single wrestlers. I will admit that I'd rather it happen to someone else I mean Skip just looks like he belongs in Nexus but in the long run I think this may help Nexus grow as a team. I mean when Nexus first started off I thought it would be a disastor with so many rookies cause basicually all we really see them do is jump superstars and hit their finisher now with fewer members we can see promo skills and we may even see them start to wrestle more.
Yep. Wrestlezone has inside info that Nexus may or may not be ending in October. Insiders say Vince will end the nexus storyline in October but it's also believed that he may not. This is huge fucking breaking news. Wrestlezones very own Dave liquido or whatever his name is reports that while Vince has told his closest insiders that discussions to end the nexus group are in the works it's possible they are not. We here at wrestle zone think nexus will not break up in October but we also feel that they could and will but also might not.

Also, John cena may or may not but could but probably won't but might turn heel at summerslam but we doubt it.

In other words, typical day at the office for the dirt sheets. Don't get to attached to it.
I think that, with the clusterfuck that was SummerSlam 2010's main event (whoever booked that should be shot), and now Skip Sheffield's broken ankle, the WWE has been left with little choice but to look for a premature end to the Nexus. It'll be saddening to me as I've loved watching them. Hopefully though as Wade Barrett has kept saying the Nexus will "sehve a mooch 'ighah puwpose" and play a part in something huge on their way out. I think Barrett is fucking awesome and will feature in the main event scene for numerous years. I think of the remaining five all but Tarver have a legitimate place in the WWE main roster, be it in tag team wrestling, midcard whatever. I think Tarver is a bit meh, though. I'm excited to find out who is the leader and what this 'ighah puwpose is.

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