[Merged] Brock Lesnar Discussion **KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!**

Heres my take on it. The post PPV shows always score high ratings and being that last Sunday was no ordinary PPV, it was Wrestlemania, a lot of people are tuning in. What WWE should want to do in this situation is secure an audience for RAW next week. The one year in advance match type has already been proven to be effective with Cena and Rock. The Rock already alluded to fighting Lesnar in some interview if I'm not mistaken. So Lesnar comes out at the end of the show while Rock is addressing the crowd and they either have a stare down or they make the match for WM29 official. Is it a bit of a stretch, sure, but who though we would see Lesnar back with the WWE any time soon?
Actually Rock is advertised for tonight but aside from that I definitely think Brock will be here tonight because he debuted the night after Wrestlemania X8. Also Vince is known for bringing out surprises the night after wrestlemania in order to attract ratings.
Why not have him show up? Since he did sign a contract, he needs to. I mean don't let it be like The Rock showing up for a couple occasions, talk smack, and leave. Let's see a on-going feud with someone start tonight. It's the best time to do it! Wrestlemania's over, so let fresh feuds begin.
Probably. There was an article not too long ago stating that Vince wanted to set up next year's WM match the Raw after this years WM. So if that's the case, it will happen. Whether it's Brock vs Cena, Brock vs Taker or Brock vs the Rock remains to be seen.
thats the reason why he signed, after all the speculation of whats next for taker, think about it, after their long staredown at ufc and the history of lesnar disrespecting the boys in the back what better match than lesnar vs taker at wm29. if that doesnt happen than cena comes out complaining about how they were in miami and it was rocks hometown and what not have a the rock come out and challenge rock to another match at summerslam. lesnar should just come out week in and week out and f5 everyone in his path until taker notices this and says lesnar lets have a match at wm 29. thoughts???
I am very skeptical. The rumors and WM aftermath will get people to tune in. If you are bringing back Lesnar it should be promoted beyond the dirtsheets. Regardless, don't spend the show waiting for a surprise, you are likely to be disappointed and don't bitch about the surprise when it doesn't happen, you read this on an internet wrestling forum.

Last Segment

Sheamus comes out boasting his speedy Wrestlemania championship win. Talks about how he is the future... says he is "The next big thing."

Daniel Bryan's music hits. He comes to the ramp solo, prepares to speak...

"Here comes the Pain" hits, and enter... Brock Lesnar!!

Brock hits an F5 on Bryan on the ramp. Lesnar makes his way to the ring in street clothes. He announces he is in negotiations with WWE, and is here to make an impact. Lesnar challenges Sheamus for the title. Sheamus says he'll "take on all comers. So, Lesnar... You're on. We just need a ref and a bell." Sheamus hands the microphone away. As a ref slides in, Sheamus turns around into an F5, Ref signals to ring the bell as Brock makes the cover, instant 1-2-3, and Brock becomes the NEW World Heavyweight champion in a record 3 seconds.

Johnny Ace comes out seeming like he wants to reverse the decision/strike the match from record. As he says "I here-by reverse/strike..." we see a blur behind him, and an old style cell-phone shatters over the back of Johnny Ace's head, knocking him out... we see, IT'S PAUL HEYMAN!!

Heyman announces he is once again the agent of Brock Lesnar! But "Unfortunately for Vince, Johnny Ace, and company... The contract negotiations are still underway, and this means Heyman/Lesnar now have what they call in the business world... Leverage. The WWE World Heavyweight Champion... is a Free Agent!"

**Also an option: Heyman re-brands Lesnar as "The Ultimate Carnivore", or another updated moniker.**


Show Ends

Cena arrives at the arena comes up with some bullshit excuse to explain why he's so shit .. 5 minutes later something along the lines of needing help from a friend or something and then the music hits and outsteps Lesnar, Cole orgasms down the mic and then .. BOOM END OF SHOW
I got a few options, not gonna go into great detail just basically potential feuds for him. Im assuming he'd be returning in such a fashion that the Rock did occasional appearances until WM...

Set Up 1
John Cena comes out in the last segment. He finally shows up and discusses how he is down and out and blah blah blah and how last night was the biggest loss in his career. He says he is having doubts or whatever about himself. Que Paul Heyman. Heyman comes out and tells Cena he was just visiting backstage but was listening to him and decided to come out and set John straight. He talks Cena up telling him he has carried this business and what not. He tells Cena that WM20 marked the beginning of John Cena when he won the US Title. He says he saw John then and knew he was going to be the next big thing. Heyman says his time is up because the man he filled in for has returned. Brock's music hits and he comes down the ramp. Brock jumps up on the apron and gets in the ring and Cena is ready to fight but Heyman clinches onto his leg (typical feeble heel type manager move) and Lesnar clotheslines him. Lesnar beats Cena down then levels him with the F5 to close the show...

Another scenario. HHH/HBK/Taker are all out also at the close of the show. They discuss the HIAC match. HHH puts over how HIAC is Takers match and what not and how no one will ever end the streak. HHH/HBK leave and Taker stays in the ring watching the two walk up the ramp to the back. A man in a hooded Sweatshirt comes through the crowd and nails Taker with the F5. Lesnar grabs a mike and issues a WM29 challenge...
I tend not to belive stuff I read online on April 1st

but I would lve brock to come back and just dominate everyone for a full year and lose to undertaker at next years mania
If he wants to feud with Cena, he needs to work on his muscle tone. I mean damn the guy has lost a ton of muscle since his time in the WWE; hell, since his time in UFC. Whatever the case, I'm glad he's back. Having him speak with his actions is by far a better choice than giving him mic time as this leaves us the biggest cliff hanger on Raw television in quite some time. Huge ratings next week as I'm sure a good mixture of old WWE and UFC fans alike will tune in to see what happens next. Brock is a huge ratings draw; I just cannot wait to hear the reason why these two will be feuding.
my god the crowd LOVED seeing brock they went ape shit when his music hit! that was a beautiful F-5 on Cena i had a mini mark out moment when he destoryed cena all i gotta say is cena....HERE COMES THE PAIN! :worship:
I've never been a big brock lesnar fan but all you guys seem to love him on here. Anybody who comes and beats cena's ass is alright with me thought lol. Welcome back Brock Lesnar INJURE CENA. after this I wonder WHO'S NEXT (wink wink)
First of all, that crowd was amazing. Second, I'm glad Lesnar is back so we have one more familiar face thats experienced but can still put on a good show besides The Rock. It should be interesting to see how this is all going to play out but its safe to say its great to see an F5 some of us have been waiting years to see.
WWE managed to became as interesting as it can be in the past few months (since all the punk angle).

Last night ppv, and tonights raw, were the best couple of night in years.

The Pain is BACK!
If he wants to feud with Cena, he needs to work on his muscle tone. I mean damn the guy has lost a ton of muscle since his time in the WWE; hell, since his time in UFC. Whatever the case, I'm glad he's back. Having him speak with his actions is by far a better choice than giving him mic time as this leaves us the biggest cliff hanger on Raw television in quite some time. Huge ratings next week as I'm sure a good mixture of old WWE and UFC fans alike will tune in to see what happens next. Brock is a huge ratings draw; I just cannot wait to hear the reason why these two will be feuding.

Im with you on this one.. im uber excited and flat out speechless of his return.. my only complaint.. damn what the hell happen to his muscle? lol.. he was 297 in his WWE days.. Michael Cole said he's 265.. other than that.. look out, the WWE is becoming as interesting as it has been since about 10 years..
Lesnar being back is going to be huge for business. This draws in some old school fans and likely quite a few MMA fans as well. The best part is that there are so damn many options right now, especially with the Rock announcing his desire to be WWE Champion again. At any rate, I saw an interesting idea and didn't know if it had been posted here yet.

Brock and Cena start rivalry for a couple months where Rock returns and ends up joining Brock somehow. Summerslam is coming up and Cena has to find a partner to face the two of them....enter BATISTA.

The company is going in a different direction and has been since the Punk promo, perhaps Batista feels the same way and wants to help his fellow era star again the pair of old stars. Yes, Batista left too but he was on top for 5 years and hasn't been gone for two yet...it'll be like when Jericho left the first time.

I think this plus MITB and something like Punk/Bryan could put Summerslam over the top and truly feel like the second biggest show of the year.
LESNAR IS BACK... I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. Even when they reported it and all the sources said it and you saw.. the "We Want Lesnar" signs you weren't sure and when Cena asked the Rock to come out and that music played and he came around the corner... IT WAS AWESOME It was a true mark out moment of the 21 Century for pro wrestling. The F-5 on Cena the booting of the green hat, such great TV I can't wait for Smackdown.
I'm a big Brock fan so its great to see him back. Hopefully he sticks around.. He did look a little chunky though :lmao:. It looks like we got our year Wrestlemania build. Cena vs Lesnar at WM.

Brock's last WWE match he got booed out of the building at the Garden. He returns and gets a massive pop. Its funny what happens over time. It seems like when a wrestler leaves and then returns after a while fans appreciate him more.
Epic epic ending to Raw. Brock was absolutely intense and made Cena really look bad. The crowd along with that? Amazing. I haven't marked out like that since..since last night when The Rock won.

With Lesnar back and Rock wanting to be WWE champion again, and everyone else this is going to be a really good year for the WWE. (hopefully if executed right)
This is indeed huge. Lesnar is going to be massive this time around, the crowd literally went nuts when he F-5'd Cena into the next century..

I know badass "monsters" such as Goldberg are less popular now than maybe 10 years ago, but since Batista left, there has been a huge void left behind. Brock can fill that void and hopefully headline some great main events.

I'm also very excited by the feud that's on the cards between Lesnar and Cena. Those who watched WWE back in 2003 will remember that these two guys had a great feud back then, when Cena was actually hilariously entertaining. I wonder if Cena will do a few anti-Lesnar raps. Either way, this will make for a refreshingly different feud from what we've had for the past several years.
Heres the deal.

Brock was going to be who Cena has become. Brock left and Cena took the ball and became the face of the company. That was what Brock was going to become.

Now Brock is back, and if it really is fulltime, he can become the FACE, FINALLY giving Cena the chance to become a heel.

This should be very interesting.
Haha man I wasn't this excited after watching Raw in a long time. I haven't been this excited for the Raw after Wrestlemania since Goldberg's debut. But man Brock just blew the roof off. But man did he lose his muscles, he looks like a shell of what he use to be. Man I guess he took his UFC retirement really hard and hasn't done much since then.
I swear to god, in all my entire years of watching wrestling, I haven't marked out so hard since well,ever. Well,except for when maybe they announced Rock Vs Cena last year,but this,no this completely annihilates that. I was always a Lesnar guy,back when I first started watching in 03,he was the first guy I got behind,heel or face and I was saddened greatly when he walked out the door.

I always knew he would be back some day and it was far too long of a wait. As much of a fan that I am of his,I just didn't see him returning. It just seemed far to good to be true,so I was very,very skeptical. Tonight however,there was a certain buzz in the arena and I could feel something major was going to go down. Even when the crowd started chanting we want Lesnar,I remained skeptical.

Then,after a moments pause,his music hit,the crowd erupted and I damn near had a heart attack and sure enough, a few seconds later he walked through the curtain and everybody's speculation was confirmed.

I could hardly believe my own eyes,Brock fucking Lesnar standing on the ramp in front of a wwe camera,in front of a electric WWE crowd,about to go face to face with Cena. It was simply one of the greatest returns I had ever witnessed. For a few moments I had even completely forgotten about Wrestlemania and all I could think about was a letter and a number. F-5,F-5,F-5, that one thought consumed my entire being for those few minutes. Then it happened, Brock Lesnar F-5'd John Cena and it felt like my life was complete.

We can speculated about how he will be used,who he will face,what wwe has planned for him but right now,I'm just going to relish the moment all the way until next weeks Raw. Savior it people,he won't be around for long.

In conclusion....Best.Moment.Ever.
Gotta be honest. I never really liked Brock Lesnar. For all of his skill and muscle, I just thought he was pushed too much too soon. I don't think he had really been fully developed. Just an out of nowhere guy who got pushed to the top because wwe was beginning to lose a lot of their major players. That being said, he did have a great run and bringing him back is going to be great for business...BUT...
did they HAVE to add insult to injury tonight? I honestly felt BAD for Cena...

and I can't STAND Cena.

I have to say that had Lesnar not been such a big wig in the UFC, none of this would even matter. He put in 2 years of work in the WWE before he left...how is he THIS important? I could see Rock coming back and getting the response he got, and getting the year long build to a once in a lifetime match. It made sense.
This makes great business sense, and I get that...but on a personal note, i'm probably gonna root for.....

i cant' even say it. screw it i just won't be as invested in this one...i'm never rootin for Cena.

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