NOTE: Though the title may be misleading this is NOT an Attitude Era thread discussion. This is a thread about AJ Lee. This thread is not for the "leave it in the past it isnt coming back responses either.
I found that article today after clicking on a link to the Cena article in the Backstage Heat on Cena thread and was thinking about AJ's run and her unpredictability and how people are so quick to love something one minute and despise it the next. CM Punk seems to be a bit of an exception, but then again you have people in the forums bashing him on the "what have you done for me lately" routine as far as him not having dropped any big pipebombs lately. Or saying he's just like Cena now. He lost his appeal as is a one hit wonder.
It's silly.
Anyway I think this article is wrong as it lists 7 reasons why AJ wont be GM long. Now I know GMs come and go, that is valid, but I do see them running with this a bit and with the release of WWE '13 I see this as a great opportunity, as they are highlighting The Attitude Era in the game.
AJ IS our Attitude Era today. AJ Lee is Attitude incarnate.
She is totally unpredictable. She doesnt define it in every way, but the thing that kept you tuning in every week was the unpredictability.
What I'm saying is, I think, if booked right, that AJ (as she has been the most important person on Raw for several months) could be The Stone Cold of this generation not for Divas but overall. AJ could be the biggest thing since Trish Stratus, but different.
WWE has been moving to a medium with content as they arent as PG as they once were, but this isnt about bringing the era back, really. They simply have the opportunity to do something LIKE that again but differently, but doing it via a person this time.
If they book a person as The Attitude Era (in a way) in a PG environment and have that be the mix, authority attitude and unpredictability, they can really have her stay GM for a few years to come and draw in huge numbers. Now I think people will completely miss what I'm saying and take it for something it's not because it's a complicated thing I'm trying to get out. I cant explain it exact what I am saying, but I can only say I think AJ could be the biggest star today if she was booked right, yes even though she's a Diva. But they need to actually sit down and think it through and book it right.
It cant just be her being unpredictable like she is now as a GM, this has to move to another level of exciting television and cant miss shock value styled TV, but it DOESNT have to be as raunchy and could totally be comprised of new ideas.
What do you guys think about AJ as Attitude Incarnate and the future she could have in WWE with her BEING a revolution and a whole new thing in one person in a show, and the Article, and her staying power as GM?