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Should Vickie Guerrero become GM?

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Booker T is the new GM of Smackdown.

I think he will end up making it hell for Rhodes (their feud in December) which gives him a chance to have a few matches as the year goes on.

On the subject of AJ, this will hopefully put her back in the Main Event picture soon. She was given the ball and ran with it. I can see her aligning with one of Bryan's rivals or something.
Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this but something is bugging me.

Unless I dreamt it I'm sure AJ won a match on Smackdown ages ago to earn a future Diva's title match.

To the best of my knowledge she never had this match and it has not been mentioned.

Have I missed something?
I would love to like this idea too.I saw already very good raw segments on last few days.I don't think so about this that Should Vickie Guerrero become GM .
He doesn't reach goal to become a GM.
NOTE: Though the title may be misleading this is NOT an Attitude Era thread discussion. This is a thread about AJ Lee. This thread is not for the "leave it in the past it isnt coming back responses either.


I found that article today after clicking on a link to the Cena article in the Backstage Heat on Cena thread and was thinking about AJ's run and her unpredictability and how people are so quick to love something one minute and despise it the next. CM Punk seems to be a bit of an exception, but then again you have people in the forums bashing him on the "what have you done for me lately" routine as far as him not having dropped any big pipebombs lately. Or saying he's just like Cena now. He lost his appeal as is a one hit wonder.

It's silly.

Anyway I think this article is wrong as it lists 7 reasons why AJ wont be GM long. Now I know GMs come and go, that is valid, but I do see them running with this a bit and with the release of WWE '13 I see this as a great opportunity, as they are highlighting The Attitude Era in the game.

AJ IS our Attitude Era today. AJ Lee is Attitude incarnate.

She is totally unpredictable. She doesnt define it in every way, but the thing that kept you tuning in every week was the unpredictability.

What I'm saying is, I think, if booked right, that AJ (as she has been the most important person on Raw for several months) could be The Stone Cold of this generation not for Divas but overall. AJ could be the biggest thing since Trish Stratus, but different.

WWE has been moving to a medium with content as they arent as PG as they once were, but this isnt about bringing the era back, really. They simply have the opportunity to do something LIKE that again but differently, but doing it via a person this time.

If they book a person as The Attitude Era (in a way) in a PG environment and have that be the mix, authority attitude and unpredictability, they can really have her stay GM for a few years to come and draw in huge numbers. Now I think people will completely miss what I'm saying and take it for something it's not because it's a complicated thing I'm trying to get out. I cant explain it exact what I am saying, but I can only say I think AJ could be the biggest star today if she was booked right, yes even though she's a Diva. But they need to actually sit down and think it through and book it right.

It cant just be her being unpredictable like she is now as a GM, this has to move to another level of exciting television and cant miss shock value styled TV, but it DOESNT have to be as raunchy and could totally be comprised of new ideas.

What do you guys think about AJ as Attitude Incarnate and the future she could have in WWE with her BEING a revolution and a whole new thing in one person in a show, and the Article, and her staying power as GM?
So far I have enjoyed Booker T as the smackdown Gm, but I feel he can be a bit bland at sometimes (eventually all we might see are tag team main events...)

I would like to see some kind of change, perhaps a change in persona. What I would really love to see and what I think would be a great idea would be to slowly transition him to a heel and make him King Booker again.

I really liked his King Booker character and I think that character to work really well as a Gm.

That character could also be used to help Del Rio and Sandow as the both seem like regal types (not William Regal), although that would just be an option...

Basically this is just to make another heel gm, I dislike both brands having 2 face gm's. But what do you think? Do you like this idea? Or are you happy with booker t as a face gm.

(apologises if I made any mistakes, using my phone to write a thread is annoying)
While on Wrestle Zone's main page I read a report that both Booker T and AJ Lee are having trouble in there GM roles and Vince McMahon will return on - air to fire both of them and bring in a big name to run both shows.

So my question is Who do you believe will be the next GM of BOTH RAW and Smack Down .

I have five people in mind

1. Edge but I feel like WWE will not let anyone attack him because of his neck.

2. Steve Austin he was a Co GM in 2003.

3. Shawn Micheals but the likely hood of that is very slim

4. JBL He was the biggest heel in the last 10 years and he can do it again if he is the new GM.

and The last one

5. Ric Flair hands down I believe it will be him it said A Big Name he's one of the biggest names in Wrestling history besides Hulk Hogan but he's the GM in TNA.

Your Thoughts.
WWE is booking both A. J. Lee and Booker T. to have trouble in their General Manager roles as part of a bigger plan. The belief is that Vince McMahon will return to fire both GMs, and then bring in a BIG name to run both shows.

So, a lot of people are thinking, with Hulk Hogan as the General Manager of Impact, who better than the Nature Boy, Ric Flair, to run Raw and / or Smackdown?? The answer, nobody. Well, I guess I could come up with a short list of names:

Eric Bischoff
Paul Heyman
Vince McMahon
Shane McMahon
Stephanie McMahon

But, if the choices had to be a Legendary Wrestler not named Hulk, then Ric Flair would be the very next best choice in my opinion. Like if Hogan was number 1, then Flair is number 1B.

What do my fellow WZers think??
The belief is eventually Vince McMahon will return on-air to fire both GM's and bring in a big name who will run both shows. –4Wonline.com

If you haven't heard this yet, you have now and should have seen it coming. I wanted to start this thread to discuss who might be chosen or who you would like to have chosen as the new GM of both shows.

I'll kick it off by saying that I typically like to have someone different for each show, it just adds more dynamic to each show watched and a reason to watch Smackdown for more than just a Raw attachement. Though, this isn't the case.

When it comes to having a GM, you first need to decide if you want a face or heel. The heel role is easy to play because you are basically playing the hated boss that McMahon and Bischoff paved a nice smooth road for. The face aspect is tricky. Look at the list of face General Managers; Teddy Long, Booker T, Ric Flair. In reality, Ric Flair was the only entertaining one for two reasons: One, he's frikken Ric Flair! Secondly, he had the feud with Smackdown's Vince McMahon and someone needed to be the good guy. But Teddy and Booker or any others for that matter who were face GM's were quite bland and were just there because it was necessary—it felt like that to me anyway.

So fantasy wise, I have nobody in mind who can fill those shoes realistically, but as a face GM, I have had someone in mind who could fit the role quite pleasantly. If you've noticed me say it before a couple times, I have thrown the name Road Dogg Jesse James in there.

I can see some negative feedback, as per usual, but I embrace other opinions here. My reasoning behind choosing Road Dogg as GM is for a few reasons. He is already working behind the scenes as a Producer and an Agent—whatever that duty entails—as well as hosting an online show with Josh Matthews. He had an overwhelming response at the previous Royal Rumble with "You've still got it" chants filling the arena. He was part of one of the best Tag Teams of the Attitude era being the main entertainer, mouth piece and dare I say the key word 'promoter' of the New Age Outlaws. He was significant apart of the era's biggest faction that bleeds into its third decade, knows how to talk to the crowd and hype them up, he is part of a the Armstrong wrestling family—where his brother is a referee in the WWE—can hold his own in a fight as GM's tend to find themselves in once in a while. He also has a noble background as a Marine who not only DIDN'T go AWOL but commanded a platoon during Desert Storm. There is a lot of things that can be said in regards to Road Dogg that only speak good, and the only negative connotation I can associate with him is his duties in TNA as a part of "Voodoo Kin Mafia"... But let's forget that.

I don't know, could you imagine his signature music hitting, coming out sharp dressed in a suit saying "Welcome to the RAW house!"

Again, going back to the other GM if necessary for Smackdown, I can think of a few who could fill that position, but it's not the point I was after.

There is no reason to replace Booker T as the GM, he is fine as he is. AJ, on the other hand should be replaced ASAP. The GM role should be taken seriously and not by a young woman with a crazy gimmick.

Anyway, is your source reliable? I want Paul Heyman to take over RAW and make a "dark age" starring Brock Lesnar and CM Punk.
So less than 10 episodes of RAW and Smackdown and we're already talking about new GM's.

If this isn't proof of the utter failure of the GM role as an angle, I don't know what is.

We can keep throwing names out there: Flair, JBL, Heyman, McMahon himself, but the fact of the matter is that the angle has become hackneyed. In less than a year, we've played through the exact same angle: The face GM is ousted by a vote of no confidence...something that the heel GMs never have to face.

The thing is: Why do we feel the absolute NEED to even have a General Manager for these shows? The wrestling world survived for years without it, and no one ever did it as well as McMahon, who had the benefit of actually being the Boss, and also having the extra storyline boost of the Montreal screwjob / Stone Cold angle to truly drive it home.

We don't hate or like these GMs. We don't really think they are in charge, and nothing portrayed on TV convinces the audience that they are. There's just nothing new under the sun here, and it's time to retire the angle.
if they have a new GM for BOTH shows, hopefully it's JBL, BUT i hope they do NOT do that. leave Booker T as the GM, he's best there. if they want a commentator, test out Regal on Smackdown or Teddy Long, dont have Booker back at the desk, let him remain the GM. as for RAW, i like AJ as GM, BUT she also is young and has a BRIGHT future as an in-ring wrestler. She would be BEST as the Diva's Champion and yes, i DID say that. As for what i would do for RAW, have JBL named the GM, he's a big name.
So less than 10 episodes of RAW and Smackdown and we're already talking about new GM's.

If this isn't proof of the utter failure of the GM role as an angle, I don't know what is.

We can keep throwing names out there: Flair, JBL, Heyman, McMahon himself, but the fact of the matter is that the angle has become hackneyed. In less than a year, we've played through the exact same angle: The face GM is ousted by a vote of no confidence...something that the heel GMs never have to face.

The thing is: Why do we feel the absolute NEED to even have a General Manager for these shows? The wrestling world survived for years without it, and no one ever did it as well as McMahon, who had the benefit of actually being the Boss, and also having the extra storyline boost of the Montreal screwjob / Stone Cold angle to truly drive it home.

We don't hate or like these GMs. We don't really think they are in charge, and nothing portrayed on TV convinces the audience that they are. There's just nothing new under the sun here, and it's time to retire the angle.

I agree, they need to get rid of the GM. Its pretty much the same thing over and over again. The whole GM concept now feels tired and played out. Its time to do something a little different.
I personally can't stand AJ. I hated her ever since she was involved in the whole CM Punk/D.Bryan/Kane feud. Just the way she acts crazy every time she comes to the ring, skipping like a little girl..it's just unbearable. I think that making her the Raw general manager is one of the biggest mistakes WWE have ever done in years. She is just not GM material. I mean when you compare her to past general managers, she is by far the WORST!! Her in-ring performance tho is actually not bad at all. In fact, she is one of the few good divas left in the WWE today. Question is why would you take a good diva and put her as a f'n general manager? It just doesn't make sense. This past monday on Raw, it was indirectly announced that she will probably be stripped off her position as a general manager but still it's not officially announced yet. But imagine Paul Heyman as a GM..DAMN!! Anyway, do you think AJ shouldn't be GM anymore? Share your opinion.
First of all yes, I am a Paul Heyman guy. I think that Paul Heyman is the real deal. The guy is awesome. Great as a manager, on the mic and as a persona. He is just confident in almost everything he does. The way he talks, walks, everything he does is badass. Even on commentary..he is great. As stated on Raw this week, we might have Paul Heyman or Vickie Guerrero as the new general manager. Do you think Paul Heyman will make a good GM? Will we see a lot of pipe bombs if he's in charge? What do you think?!
He would be good in the role but i feel he would too controlled by wwe in regards to what he could do or say. It would be good though, he could have Brock and Punk as his guys and grab a couple guys that could use a push as well. Atleast it would give a strong heel force to Raw. I dont see it happening though, dont think he wants everything he says to be pre planned.
YES! YES! YES! I'm down with PAUL HEYMAN BEING THE NEXT GM :D I'm sick and tired of that barbie doll AJ. Paul Heyman hopefully becomes the next GM; however, as usual, WWE adds a negative twist to everything: Vickie Guerrero. Shut up like ur husband did. I cannot stand Vickie whatsoever. If Paul becomes GM, but Vickie becomes his assistant, I quit WWE.
only if its not jus an on air role. with some of the things hhh is trying to do, having paul on board with some creative would not be a bad idea at all. perhaps give him the on air title and behind the scenes a little control with the writers
Wwe should make Vickie Guerrero the General Manager of both brands and then let her and Dolph Ziggler run wild like she did with Edge, it will be great for Vickie and it could be the push that Dolph has been looking for to set the Wrestling world on fire and become the top superstar that he should be today.
WWE.COM "This afternoon, mere hours before Raw kicks off in her home state of New Jersey, Raw General Manager AJ Lee posted the following on her official Twitter account:

@WWEAJLee: Been called to an emergency meeting with the WWE Board of Directors at #WWE Global HQ. #Confused #RAW
Earlier this month, the WWE Board of Directors put the eccentric GM on probation for slapping Paul Heyman. It is unknown at this time, however, whether AJ’s meeting with board members today in Stamford, Conn., is in any way related to her job performance.

AJ Lee’s confusion on the nature of this meeting is no doubt shared by the entire WWE Universe. Perhaps some answers will come to light tonight on Raw, live at 8/7 CT on USA Network."

So what does this mean for AJ? Will she be GM come the end of Raw Tonight? Or is she another GM under review?
I think this could be their way out of the Ryback situation. let Ryback maintain steam but maybe have him removed from the match...some loophole by Heyman perhaps?
I think this could be their way out of the Ryback situation. let Ryback maintain steam but maybe have him removed from the match...some loophole by Heyman perhaps?
I hear ya fella, and id love for Ryback removed from the match. But how would that work? He signed a contract on raw. So storyline wise, how would that change things. Unless he gets beat up on raw tonight by Brock Lesnar!! Talk about WWE being in the shit. All they had to do was to say Cena wasnt fit, and hold a battle royale or something to determine number one contender. Simple really. Isnt it???
I hear ya fella, and id love for Ryback removed from the match. But how would that work? He signed a contract on raw. So storyline wise, how would that change things. Unless he gets beat up on raw tonight by Brock Lesnar!! Talk about WWE being in the shit. All they had to do was to say Cena wasnt fit, and hold a battle royale or something to determine number one contender. Simple really. Isnt it???

Couple things you could do:

1. Have Lesnar attack him backstage before the PPV. Play a concussion angle where WWE won't let him work the PPV...and either Vince or Cena (doubtful with Cena seeing as he's STILL having some major problems with that arm) replace him.

2. remember....Heyman plays an attorney/agent. I do believe they could find SOMETHING, if they wanted to, to allow it to happen.

Now I'm all for Ryback getting the push...as I do love WWE trying something different...but at the same time...i don't think NOW is the right time because he almost MUST win the title. You can't put him in the cell...have him lose to Punk (regardless of HOW he loses)...kill the streak which, in turn, kills his momentum. While at the same time...you can't take the belt off Punk as it kills HIS momentum going into an already "seeded" storyline with Rock at Royal Rumble.
Simple post, how are we supposed to believe that it's against the rules for a GM to date/ be romantically involved with a superstar and that can lead to being fired when the woman replacing AJ dated and married EDGE (among others) during her reign as GM on smackdown. Also, wasn't Teddy just messing around with Aksana on Smackdown a few months ago when he was the GM, when in the world did this new rule go into effect.
Ok so AJ is dropped because she went on a "business dinner" with Cena. Correct me if I'm wrong but Vickie has been managing Dolph Ziggler for a long time now and he appears on raw every single week. How is Vickie ok to manage Dolph but AJ can't go to a "business dinner" one time with Cena?

Also, I don't see how Vickie is so great at drawing heat. All she does is scream excuse me in the most annoying screaming voice possible, any idiot with or without experience in wrestling could pull that off with ease. It is the definition of cheap heat.

Obviously I voted no.
Simple question...how do you think Vicky has gotten so over? Where does her heat come from?

We all know that for the past few years, Vicky has probably been THE most over heel in WWE. The heat she draws is incredible...its way more intense than Orton over drew a heel. She gets more heat than Punk, Del Rio, Barrett, Miz, ...you know what Im not going to list all the heels in WWE, suffice to say she gets more heat than everyone.

I have three possibilies as to why she's been the most over heel on WWE TV for years:

1) Everyone knows she's Eddie's widow, and since we love Eddie, we are simply giving her heel character all this heat out of respect/homage to Eddie.
2) She simply is doing that good of a job of being a heel and getting the heat on mostly skill.
3)Its just easy for managers/mouth pieces like Vicky and Hayman to draw heat. Something about them just really rub audiences the wrong way.

So what do you think? Why/How has Vicky been the most over(for a heel) character in the business so long?

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