*MERGED* Raw Guest Host discussion

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It's that time again.... Dagger's weekly rant on the Raw guest hosts!

This week the guest was Mark Feuerstein. He did such a terrible job that he has joined the likes of Jeremy Piven, Bob Barker, Cedric, and ZZ-Top in my sig pic where my dislike for the guest host gimmick is shown in comedic form. Seth Green really wasn't THAT bad of a guest host, especially after many of the ones who came after him. Mark Feuerstein has officially replaced him in the pic in my sig. THAT is how bad "Main Event Mark" was.

I thought that Feuerstein's backstage segments were on the cheesy side. That could have been ignored and he would have only gotten a somewhat bad review from me, BUT he just HAD to go and be in that awful tag team match trying to put over that stupid "Main Event Mark" gimmick. I hated that. Why couldn't the match have just been between Ted Dibiase and Big Show by themselves? Virgil is years past his prime and "Main Event Mark" made me facepalm so hard that it hurt. That was a huge waste of time that could have gone to a REAL tag team match, such as The Hart Dynasty VS some random jobber team.

I hope Feuerstein had fun, because I sure didn't have fun watching him on Raw. Luckily the rest of the episode was still great, although he completely ruined about 10 minutes of it. I give him a terrible review because he was very annoying and one of the worst guest hosts.... I would put him in the bottom 10 at the very least. The good news is that I'll have fun making fun of him in my sig's pic like I do with the rest of the guys on there.

Rob Zombie is hosting in 2 weeks.... That should more than make up for Feuerstein and whoever we get stuck with next week.
Liam Neeson is an Emmy winner, why in the hell would he have agreed to do the ridiculous stolen crown angle? That kiddy stuff isn't anywhere near his league, he has shows sub-abysmal that he can plug his movie on without making an absolute fool of himself in the process.

Also an Oscar nominee, but that's the thing. A huge component of the entertainment industry / Hollywood are the film stars and that's the biggest barrier WWE has not been able to break. It's times like this I wonder what's the point of doing this guest host thing if the only film actors they can get are in the B-List level(Jeremy Piven) or has-beens(Freddie Prinze).

Part of my excitement of Liam Neeson (someone who is respectable and distinguished) breaking that barrier.
Mark Feuerstein was horrible. The backstage segment with Big Show and the Bella Twins would've been a lot better without. He seriously ruined that segment with his corny sense of humor, and he just looked so awkward. Everyone knew Feuerstein, and Show were going to win their match against DiBiase. You could see it coming from a mile away. Feuerstein deserves to be put in the same boat as Verne Troyer, Cedric The Entertainer, and ZZ Top because he was just that bad.
PWInsider.com is reporting that NBA legend Michael Jordan was backstage at Raw this past Monday night in Charlotte, NC. WWE really wants Jordan to host an upcoming edition of Raw, so it's assumed that idea was brought up to Jordan while he was visiting the show.

Wow this would be great if MJ could host an episode of Raw. He's a legend when it comes to basketball, and I'm sure plenty of people would tune into to see Jordan. Jordan's not as charismatic as Shaq, but I think he would do a good job at being guest host. I don't know if I would want to see Jordan wrestle, because I'm never too crazy about guest hosts wrestling, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that the matches are usually bad. Still, it would be great if Jordan could host Raw. Although, I'm sure ESPN will find some way to mock this like there's no tomorrow if this does happen.
MJ would be a great guest host, obviously. Not really for what he'd bring to the table as far as the actual show, but more for the publicity he'd bring the WWE. Having arguably the greatest athlete of all time host your show is definetly going to do you wonders. Make it happen, WWE.

Also, why no love for Main Event Mark. I loved it.
Michael Jordan sounds great. What doesn't sound so great is the celebrity guest host that is going to be coming around my neck of the woods on July 12th. Florence Henderson will be the guest host in Lexington Kentucky. I watched the Brady Bunch reruns like everybody did back in the day, but what has she done since then? I wouldn't be surprised if other members of the show make appearances or Santino does a Marsha joke dressed up as Jane. There will probably be some 70s sing a long or game show. Something corny like that. Breaking News, the next week's host will be Tina Louise who played Ginger in Gilligan's Island!

Something really big will have to happen for me to make that 2 hour drive to see Raw.
I'm not getting why you all think Main Event Mark was so bad. I found him cheesy, yes, but funny at the same time. He was goofy and entertaining, and he did The Worm! The segment and match achieved their goals, which was to plug Show's appearance on Royal Pains on Thursday and to provide some comic relief on a RAW heavy with action and intrigue with the NXT Radicals.

I enjoyed him.
Yes, for realz. I'm not just saying this because I'm a big fan of her, I'm also saying it because it could be a smart decision.

Think about it. What does the WWE want with guest host concept? They want mainstream attention and the network wants Star Power. Who have been the most entertaining guest hosts? The ones with personality, like Shaq, Seth Green, Feuerstein, Bob Barker, and others. And all of us that don't mind the guest host concept want relevant hosts.

Who is one of the hottest things in music today? Lady Gaga.

Who is all over the news, the message boards, the everywhere, and all for the right reasons (e.g. being good at what she does as opposed to going out and getting plastered/fucking a million people in one night)? Lady Gaga.

Who is well-known for her insane stunts, crazy personality, and showmanship? Lady Gaga.

Who is more relevant in the music world than Lady Gaga?

It may cost money, and maybe it won't work out as well as it could, but it's something I'd love to see. It's not like hosts are expected to be a huge part of the show anymore, so she could show up in some weird outfit, have some entertaining skits, and get RAW the mainstream attention the network so desires.

Lady Gaga is everything and everywhere when it comes to the pop mainstream side of music. Children, adolescents, grown women... they all mimic her style of dress, attitude, and persona. I can't remember the last artist that made this happen in music... actually, I do... her name was Britney Spears. And if Gaga can attract this much mainstream attention just from wearing a funky outfit, just imagine what she'd do for Monday Night Raw. I'm sure that if it becomes well-advertised on Entertainment Tonight and other mainstream news shows Raw will see a spike in viewers.
While I'm not particularly fond of Lady Gaga Doc, and you know that, I will not deny that she is a huge star in the music business today, around the world in mainstream music, and the very fact that she is that, will spark a lot of interest for the wrestling, as well as casual fans.

I do think that if she guest hosts RAW like D-Man noted, we will see a spike in the viewers, a pretty noticeable spike, and while it might not be the greatest show because we cannot guarantee that Lady Gaga has all of the knowledge of the wrestling business like an actual wrestler, or Ashton Kutcher for example, it is still a great move that WWE can make, because we've lived with guest hosts who didn't have a clue, so it's not really anything new.

And because of that, I do believe that no matter how awful the show might be from a smark / wrestling fan's point of view, the casual fan will like it, and that's what matters, the chances that the casual fans will spike the ratings, are quite decent in this scenario.
I just realized that there was no guest host tonight. I'm not really up on whether or not there are more scheduled or whether or not there was one scheduled for tonight and something came up, but wow it feels wierd not having one. Like I said I'm not really up on the future guest host thing, but does this mean the angle is over? Why wasn't there one tonight? If there was, who was it supposed to be?
I just realized that there was no guest host tonight. I'm not really up on whether or not there are more scheduled or whether or not there was one scheduled for tonight and something came up, but wow it feels wierd not having one. Like I said I'm not really up on the future guest host thing, but does this mean the angle is over? Why wasn't there one tonight? If there was, who was it supposed to be?

It was a little weird without one tonight. There were reports a while back about it being Pat Sajak, the host of Wheel of Fortune. Maybe they realized what a bad idea it was and scratched it then couldnt find a replacement in time. Next week, the website lists Rob Zombie, and they also have Florence Henderson listed for the 12th of July. Looks like its not over yet.
Rob did a great job as host tonight. He came out, sounded knowledgeable and excited about the product, quickly plugged his CD, had a quick segment with Edge that helped sell the MITB PPV, and left. He was very comfortable on the mic and didn't try to get too involved. He gets a thumbs-up from me.
It's my weekly rant on the guest hosts of Raw!

This week the guest was Rob Zombie. He didn't really do much, which was both a good thing and a bad thing. They honestly could have done the show without him and just had Lawler announce the entrants of the MITB match. The segment between Zombie and Edge was really dumb. Although Zombie was ok on the mic, something nearly every guest host has sucked at. I give Rob Zombie an average review, neither good nor bad, because although he didn't ruin the show, he didn't really do ANYTHING but give an announcement that Lawler could easily have done and had a pointless back and forth with Edge. His CD sounds interesting though.

Next week is.... Florence Henderson.... I can only guess this means that Santino will be doing impressions of various members of the Brady family, that will probably be hilarious.
Well, that certainly went well, didn't it?

Rob Zombie tweeted this week, that he had all sorts of crazy shit lined up for this week and it turns out that he was talking about a 5 minute segment, a match announcement and a mixing of words with Edge. Whilst I thought that it was good that he wasn’t given a lot of time, I think he is actually someone you want to give some time to. I mean, look at Jeremy Piven got and he doesn’t have half of the gusto and charisma as Rob Zombie does.

To me, it was short and sweet and whilst I would have liked to see a little bit more from him, I am not surprised at how much faith the WWE is putting in Raw guest hosts these days. For me, they are not long for this world and I expect that they format will be gone in the not so distant future. There was no guest host last week and the ratings went up. The guest host this week was on the screen for approximately 5 minutes and didn’t actually do much, did he? Personally, I like the idea of guest hosts but they are a dying breed and I will be damned if Vince McMahon didn’t realise that.

As far as Zombie’s performance went, I was actually quite happy with it. Sure, he didn’t get a lot of time but he did announce the Money in the Bank match and had a good little segment with Edge. He could have done more but I am not too annoyed that he wasn’t given more time.
It seems like the guest host concept is on its last legs as the Wrestlezone article stated. It looks like the Bella twins will be kicked to the curb which is too little too late if you ask me. The guest host concept should of ended months ago. There is no real point to it now with the Nexus angle and a general manager on Raw. The fans could care less about the angle as well. Florence Henderson got a nice response from Rupp Arena last night, but the majority of the fans had no idea who she was or could care less. I still don't know why she was there, she didn't plug anything.

Usually celebrities have a reason for being there. Hopefully WWE now realizes that guest hosts are like guests and they both stink after 3 days, or in this case 1 year. Bring out the new general manager and get rid of this asinine concept once and for all.
Florence Henderson wasn’t too bad last night actually.

The only problem that I had with Florence Henderson doing the show was that they were going to make too much of her and turn it into a “Brady Bunch does WWE” effort and that is what happened to an extent. They had the same opening and it was a little too much for me. However, I thought that it was quite entertaining at times and the dynamic between Henderson and Santino was pretty funny. She was confident and actually knew what she was talking about which is more than a lot of the guest hosts can say at this point.

Sure, they made a little too much noise over the Brady Bunch but some of it was pretty cool. I enjoyed the song int4roducing the teams and it was nice to see Goldust and Doink around again. I guess we have Florence Henderson to thank for that and the segment with The Great Khali was pretty funny. I am not a huge Santino fan but that was pretty good last night. The dynamic between them both was hilarious and the segments were a little out of place but still watchable.

All in all, she was nothing special but she wasn’t horrible either. She was certainly better than a lot of the hosts.
LOL... How ridiculous was Flava Flav? What a joke... He definetly ranks up there as one of the worst! I thought Austin did good... Ventura was pretty funny, interacting with Vince.
the guest hosts have really become insignificant on the show and they're not here weekly, which is good...they don't interfere with the show.
This is purely for entertainment purposes and likely wouldn't make a difference in the long run, but I think WWE severely misused Charlie Day on RAW. Charlie, of course, was one of the guest hosts along with Justin Long and Jason Sedekis.

As some of you probably know, Charlie is one of the lead characters on It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia on FX, which I think is one of the best sitcoms on television. It's a hilarious show that, while most of its content wouldn't fly on WWE Rated-PG programming, could have been used a little more.

I understand the hosts were there plugging their new movie, but I think Charlie could have been used in a match as Greenman, one of his Sunny In Philadelphia characters. Greenman is this dude dressed in one of those body-long green outfits that you might see at sporting events, including your entire face and head. Charlie has busted out the outfit a few times, and this could have been hilarious on RAW.

All-in-all, not a big deal but something I would have liked to have seen. I mostly don't like the guest hosts being part of the RAW show, but if they have to be on still semi-regularly, at least utilize them the best you can!

Get ready to get showered with the collective shit of the IWC. We bitch enough about guest hosts wasting airtime. Besides that wouldn't have even been entertaining or funny. Cool troll post bro.
There realyy isnt a place for any guest host on Raw. They have no purpose besides b list celebrities plugging there crap. So they misuse everyu guest host by using them in the first place. They add nothing to the program and take airtime from people like Bourne, ryder, tatsu, and Primo. Give these peole air time on REAL ACTION WRESTLING(thats what Raw stands for in the first place). They all have enough talent to get over they just dont get enough air time on raw to display these skills. They barely get enough airtime on Superstars. This is only the first of many rants you will recieve
I think it would have been rather neat to have added a segment with Charlie Day that allowed him to be funny. Sadly, there wasn't much room for that in the tone of the show they made yesterday, making me wonder why they even had any guests in the first place. Perhaps on a later show Greenman will debut. Of all the stupid hosts and guests I've seen on Raw since they started this last year, he's one person I actually find humorous and wildly entertaining.

Get ready to get showered with the collective shit of the IWC. We bitch enough about guest hosts wasting airtime. Besides that wouldn't have even been entertaining or funny. Cool troll post bro.

Don't be a dick. And grow at least one original bone in your body.
I usually don't post, but I had to come to the defense of the original poster. If anyone watches It's Always Sunny In Philly, this would have been a great idea. I feel like that if there would've been one funny guest host segment in the last year that was actually worth anytime it would've been a Greenman segment. Maybe one day they can have the entire ASIP cast comeback and have Greenman tear up Raw, but I agree that they missed an opportunity with this one!

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