*MERGED* Raw Guest Host discussion

favorite guest host

  • Batista

  • The Million Dollar Man

  • Seth Green

  • Snoop Dogg

  • Shaquille O'Neal

  • Ozzy Osbourne

  • Sgt. Slaughter

  • Ben Roethlisberger

  • Floyd Mayweather

  • Dusty Rhodes

  • Bob Barker

  • Trish Stratus

  • Jesse Ventura

  • Roddy Piper

  • Verne "Mini Me" Troyer

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All the guest hosts are shocking. Cheapens the brand having them, just so they can plug whatever they have coming out.
I know a lot of you agree, It's time to drop the guest host's!!!! The start was an interesting idea and i liked the old wrestlers, such as Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase, doing it - at least they knew what they were talking about and not ranting about "Summerfest". But it has really got to a ridiculous stage.
If they drop the guest host idea asap it means new GM Bret 'Hitman' Hart can get more involved in the show, make him act like a real GM and use him to start new feuds, make matches etc.
Bret is a true legend and i'd much rather see him on telly instead of zz bloody top, cheech and chong or Bob Barker.
I don't think this has been done yet but if it has been feel free to merge it. The question is simple:

On June 28 Rob Zombie's job as guest host will mark a full year since the guest host gimmick began. Now what I want to know is your opinions on it so far.

Who was the best host?

Who was the worst?

Is the gimmick worth continuing or should it be dropped in the future?

For me this is how it goes:

The Best:

Stone Cold Steve Austin - I loved this not only because we got to see Austin again but because that night you had no stupid time-wasting skits but you got the Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon contract signing where we got to get a taste of the old Austin-McMahon feud for a few minutes. (Although I was a little sad that nobody took a stunner)

The Worst:

Jerry Springer - Ok, I'll admit it if I watch the skit on Youtube it makes me laugh but watching it on Raw was horrible I want to see wrestling not a made up story of Hornswoggle and Kelly Kelly conceiving a child. End of story.

Continue or Not:

For me it's a no, I want to see wrestling not VKM trying to get ratings with star power.
Well whats the point of having Guest Hosts who control Raw and a General Manager that controls Raw? Utterly pointless and not a single Guest Host stands out, not even Austin (Who was so watered down, it felt like someone else in his shoes)

The Guest Hosts have to go, but they wont go
The best i have to say was Bob Barker. I loved that raw. It was by far a good one. Jeremy Pivens is up there too. The worst would have to be Jesse Jackson or Jesse Ventura. Didn't enjoy either of those raws. I would love to see them continue, just with wrestling personalities hosting. No celebrities.
The best was by far Stone Cold Steve Austin, he got a nice pop, but he was definitley watered down, I mean come on, no stunners for Vince or Bret? The worst was either the damn astronought dude cause he was too old to change his own clothes or Jesse Jackson, i hate Jesse Jackson already but him coming to my damn wrestling show and preaching about utter bullshit just pissed me off.

I think they should end it as soon as they can and bring in The Rock (or someone like that) as the last guest host. It really needs to end soon though.
To be honest, I think the best was Big Ben. Mostly because I love Ben Roethlisberger and I know it as fact that their the best team in the NFL, and because I love the promo Ben with his offensive line. Yes, it was crappy, and didn't have much creativeness, but not only did it put over the top tag team of that time, it showed Big Show and Jericho we're scared, and that..in my opinion, was fun to watch.

Oh, and the worst...Ozzy and Sharron. Ozzy was fine, but his wife...oh my god...she is the most annoying celeb to ever be conceived. Her promos we're terrible, and the skits they did wern't worth watching at all.
wow do all black people look alike to you guys or what? smdh
Jesse Jackson hasnt been a host at ALL!!!! that was Rev. Al Sharpton you fn pricks......yea he was horrible but I dont even remember him out of all the guest hosts.....what was so bad about him? he didnt PREACH as someone of you idiots have stated......anyways......................
the guest hosts gimmick has gotten stale but with the right host and storyline its just fine as long as they dont get a good amount of tv time like how ashton Kutcher got like 5 minutes total.....the best hosts have been Donald Trump, Shaq, Piven, Ted Sr., Ventura and Big Ben.....the worst to me have been Buzz Aldrin, Ozzy and those Nascar racers
The best for me would be either Ted Dibiase or Jesse Ventura. Steve Austin was good but wasn't great since he was hardly on the show. Bret Hart was a huge guest host when he first appeared too.

The worst would have to be Al Sharpton. Jeremy Piven and Dr. Kim didn't do much good either, but at least they tried to get the audience motivated. Sharpton just didn't want to be there and the fans couldn't care less.
Alright, I'll give this one a shot.

Best Guest Host: I'd have to go with the first one, Batista. The reason I have to go with him is that the majority of the guest hosts were more or less useless when it came to advancing the overall plot of the WWE story arcs. They had their little mini-plots and I guess that's what they were there for, but Batista's bit was much better. He's a wrestler, he already had an established story to play off of, and he was given a free reign for a bit of vengeance. What could be better for a wrestling show?

Worst Guest Host: Oh there are so many worthy candidates here. Jeremy Piven is near top of the list, not so much for him as that annoying Dr. What's-His-Face he brought along with him. The most satisfying part of the night was watching that twerp go flying. Flavor Flav is up there with horrible guest hosts, but that could be just because Flav himself annoys me. Buzz Aldrin really didn't add anything to the show, but at least he had the decency to stay out of most of it.

Continue or Not: Please end it. Particularly nowadays the celebs aren't adding anything worthwhile to the show. If they're gonna be there, at least let them be used on rare occasions and only use ones who actually have some connection to the business. I had no problem with the original Mickey Rourke, Mike Tyson, Floyd Mayweather, or even Mr. T storylines when they came, but not as a continuous gimmick with different ones each time.
I like it hows with some guest hosts they have the actors who play fictional characters in movies potray them fictional characters on RAW as if they are real. Like tonight on RAW they had the A Team, they had the actors acting like they characters from the film on the show. Rampage Jackson said to the divas he was BA Baracus not Rampage Jackson. Thats just as bad as when wCw tried to pass off Robocop as a real person.
To be honest i hate this whole fuckin idea. I can't stand celebs comming on a wrestling show and acting like they belong there. I can't stand all of them, there wasn't a single good one. Hell even the HOFs and Batastia all sucked. Austin who was my favorite wrestler sucked when he did the guest host. I expected beer bashes and stunners i got nothing. So to get the wrestling program i want i went to Total NonStop Action. TNA gives its fans what they want, not stupid skits, celebrities, or wannabe rock stars. They give there fans wrestling, hot chicks, and volience.
Everything in wrestling gets old and the thread in the Guest Hosts concept is starting to tear. I know they've had quite a few good and interesting Hosts, but to get 1 good Host, we have to suffer through 6 bad Hosts. Bob Barker? Really? The guy is like 102 years old and doesnt have a clue about the wrestling biz. Thats another thing, BRING HOSTS WHO ACTUALLY WATCH WRESTLING AND GET IT. That way, they'll feel more comfortable and no one will look stupid.

When we get a Host that obviously has no idea what wrestling is about, its painful to watch, those 5 minute skits seem like an eternity. Like someone said here, we get these douchebag Hosts who have no clue what wrestling is about and they feel like they're better than everyone else and feel like the own the place. Where's Kane when you need him to come out and Tombstone the shit out of these annoying Hosts?
I find most of the guest hosts to be pretty forgettable. I don't even remember most of them.

Some of them were really good. Bob Barker comes to mind, that opening "The Price is Raw" was was one of the best segments in the past year in my opinion. It jsut felt like Bob Barker "got" the WWE? You know? I feel a lot of the guest hosts just "don't get it", while Barker totally connected with the type of humor WWE brings and how to connect to the audience. Unfortunately, for every Bob Barker theres about five Verne Troyers.

I guess what bothers me most is how stupid and formulaic they use them. They always comes out with the Bella Twins, always some comedy segment with Santino and/or Hornswaggle and they always make some sort of Diva match with crazy stipulations. It's usually just a waste of time because it's the same thing we see each week. Not to mention most of the hosts don't understand how the WWE works and botch their lines all the time.

So yeah, throw it out the window. While it wasn't all compeltely terrible, most of it is.
Best had to be SCSA. He brought back that old feeling, even talked like he use to not caring about the PG label. I loved that. There was so many bad GM's man, Rev. Al Sharpton had to be up there for me.
I've said it before, but after Rob Zombie WWE needs to end this guest host nonsense. What is the point of having them if you aren't going to use them to their potential? Rampage Jackson would of been a lot better as himself them some ridiculous Mr. T ripoff from a movie based on a television show that was popular 30 years ago. The fans don't give a rats ass about these guys.

We heard crickets when the A Team were doing their skits, and we will continue to hear crickets until Rob Zombie. I'm sure WWE creative will find a way to fuck up Rob Zombie and get fans to boo him instead of cheer him. Last night was one of the worst Raws of all time because of the creative team and the celebrity hosts. I'm not mad at the celebrities, I feel sorry for them. They might as well be committing career suicide because after their Raw appearances, you never see or hear from them again.

When Roddy Piper can't even get the fans interested in your skits, you have problems. Especially when most of the fans leave the arena during the last hour. End this torture WWE or you are going to continue to alienate fans. I'm one of them.
There was this baseball guy who hosted Raw many months ago, I dont know his name because I do not watch baseball. He looked hispanic. Anyway he went down to the ring with the mic, people apparently werent liking him and started booing, if you look close at his face, he looked like he was about to cry.

This is why I say that Guest Hosts should be legit WWE fans, or at least be quite familiar with the product. Instead of just picking names out of a hat or choosing a host at random. When we get one of those clueless Hosts you can tell they feel uncomfortable. It makes it hard for them and its hard for us to watch as well.

They should have an actual fan Host Raw one day.
Yeah I wonder why they had Jackson be his character from the A Team movie on the television show. We all knew he was not B.A. Baracus. It was stupid and pointless and only 2 of the A Team members were even doing it. The other 2 did not do anything.
The cast of the A-Team(minus Liam Neeson) did a pretty good job last night. All of the backstage segments with Sharlto Copley and Rampage Jackson were good. Bradley Cooper disappeared quick, but Jackson and Copley were able to fine by themselves. The final showdown between Piper and Jackson was great. It was cool to see IRS,Okerlaund, Virgil, and Dusty Rhodes together. Next week's guest host is Mark Feuerstein from the USA show Royal Pains. I think he will be either decent or horrible.
guest hosts, especially since they aren't given the power to make matches, are essentially worthless now. they don't even help spike the ratings anymore unless WWE gets a huge name like Austin, or Bret, or Shaq. so i think they should only bring back people who could actually make an impact and people who have ever had anything to do with wrestling or the WWE.
I think that at this stage, the whole "guest host" thing needs to die a death, especially if this new NXT thing turns out to be a long-term invasion angle. It was entertaining for a while and there have been some memorable hosts, but it's time to put this idea to bed once and for all, especially that Raw now has a proper GM, even though he hasn't really been utilized as of yet. Raw needs to go in a more serious direction now and hopefully the NXT invasion is the beginning of that. For too long, Raw has pandered to the kiddies and to the idiots who think that watching Hornswoggle beat Chavo Guererro is actually entertaining.
Who was the best host?

Jesse Ventura. He was consistently good on the mic, got involved with the storylines, did commentary for the main event, it made sense for him to be there as a former wrestler and he didn't plug his show every three seconds like some the celebrities have done.

Who was the worst?

More difficult than the best. I'm going to go ahead and say ZZ Top. They did NOTHING to enhance my experience. They weren't funny, there interaction was piss poor and they just didn't fit in.

Is the gimmick worth continuing or should it be dropped in the future?

It should be dropped but I don't think it will.
It's that time again, my weekly rant on the guest hosts of Raw!

This week the guests were the cast of the movie The A-Team. I think they did a pretty good job and I enjoyed them as guest hosts because the segments backstage were pretty funny and, best of all, they didn't do anything incredibly stupid or annoying to ruin the show. They basically set a better standard for future "movie cast guest host teams" to live up to. They had a tough act to follow with Kutcher last week and still did good. I also like it when the guests are not the focus of Raw. Luckily that has been the case recently. I give The A-Team's cast a rather good review due to the fact I can't think of anything I disliked about them as guest hosts on monday.

Next week we have.... Mark Feuerstein.... There's no way he'll be as cool as The A-Team's cast, we'll see though.
This is the biggest disappointment I had on RAW as far as the guest hosts are concerned. I mean they announced the A-Team but the only one among the four who is seen as a respectable A-List actor, Liam Neeson, was absent. Can someone explain this? It's pretty disheartening especially they advertised it as "the cast of the A-Team" and they had a poster on RAW showing the four guys (with Neeson included)

Bradley Cooper is semi-respectable I guess but he only appears for a total of 30 seconds.

Too bad though having someone as respectable as Liam Neeson on RAW would probably have re validated the RAW Guest host gig for another couple of months. With this is shows that the best celebrities WWE can get from the Film and TV industry are B-Lister's.
Can someone explain this? It's pretty disheartening especially they advertised it as "the cast of the A-Team" and they had a poster on RAW showing the four guys (with Neeson included)

Liam Neeson is an Emmy winner, why in the hell would he have agreed to do the ridiculous stolen crown angle? That kiddy stuff isn't anywhere near his league, he has shows sub-abysmal that he can plug his movie on without making an absolute fool of himself in the process.

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