*MERGED* Raw Guest Host discussion

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So the news is that lesnar might host raw in the future.

I don't think Lesnar as guest host would be a good idea because people are still upset with him for leaving WWE so soon after he received the one of the biggest pushes in history. He could have been on the top for years, but NO, he left. It's one of the bigger issues that people like me have with him. I bet many WWE employees are still upset at him too. Lesnar hosting Raw is just asking for trouble. I'm sure that both Vince McMahon and Dana White know that it would be bad for both of their companies so I doubt that will happen.
Brock Lesnar would be a great guest host it would be great to see him back but the person i would first choose is jose mourinho. He was at a London show when he was the chelsea manager and he is the great manager in football so i'm sure he would be a great manager on raw.
Time for my weekly rant on the guest hosts of Raw....

This week the guests were Will Forte, Kristen Wiig and Ryan Phillippe from the movie MacGruber.... I think that they were featured far too much on the show and the parts involving them were incredibly cheesy. I realize that nearly every Raw wrestler was over in Europe due to the volcano and flight issues, but that's no excuse to have so much of Raw centered around the guest hosts. Had it only been one promo and one or two segments then it would not have been as bad. They had the Smackdown guys who showed up and they could have brought out the NXT guys if they had to, or even do a couple of diva matches. I give the MacGruber guys a negative review because they took up too much time with cheesy unnecessary segments that could have gone to the Trips or the Smackdown guys.

The surplus of bad segments is probably more due to the travel issues that prevented most of the roster from appearing, but that does not cancel out how bad those segments were. I would much rather have seen something along the lines of "Monday Night Smackdown: Featuring Triple H" rather than the "Monday Night MacGruber" we basically got stuck with. Thumbs up to WWE for offering fans a refund for that night's show.

On a positive note, I do think their movie is worth a look and it will probably be really funny. I plan on watching it, if anything then for all the cameos by WWE wrestlers in it.

Next week is the draft, and I really hope they do not bring in some annoying celebrity to guest host it. Have a legend or some employee of WWE do it.... or better yet, how about there not be a guest host at all next week? That would be great.
The cast of MacGruber was pretty funny. I'm surprised to say this because I thought they would suck. When R-Truth was "blown up" I laughed very hard because it was something completely unexpected, and nobody saw it coming. The match between Kozlov, and Will Forte started out terrible. Forte did such a horrible job at selling Kozlov's head butts, but that's no surprise because he's never had any real pro wrestling training. Khali as Khaluber wasn't funny to me, but I guess WWE wanted to add even more comedy to the match, and I guess you can say Khali's presence did sort of save "the match".
I don't think there will be a guest host with the 3 hour draft. I cant comment on Magruber since I haven't seen it but I don't think I've missed much. I have seen the SNL skits and I didn't think they were anything special. After the draft Wayne Brady hosts Raw followed by Flava Flav and John Lovitz. Yeah I couldn't pick 3 more obscure irrelevant names if I tried.

Brady may be relevant with whatever fail of a game show he has on now, but Flava Flav and John Lovitz? Lovitz hasn't been relevant since Mom and Dad saved the world. Awesome reference. People got tired of Flava Flav five years ago after he went through every reality show in history on VH1. The sooner this concept ends the better. The better for WWE and the better for wrestling fans.
Well, in case anyone had their hopes up (lol), Tiger Woods will NOT be hosting Raw.

​Earlier this month, multiple reports popped up that World Wrestling Entertainment was trying to secure Tiger Woods as a special guest host when it stages Raw at the American Airline Arena on June 7th.

It's not a completely far-flung idea. Woods is apparently a fan of rasslin', friends with some WWE superstars, and lives in South Florida. Plus other sports superstars like Shaq and Ben Roethlisberger have made special appearances on WWE before. Problem is, the timing couldn't be worse, what with that whole scandal still boiling over.

Apparently WWE did invite Woods, but his representatives turned it down.

WWE does seem hot on the idea of making their Miami show special though. They previously tried to get Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to make a special appearance.

I scoffed at the idea of this ever taking place, because Tiger not only is too "big" for a Raw hosting gig, but he's going through the aftermath of his giant sex scandal, and I'm sure appearing on something considered very lowbrow like professional wrestling, as well as being flanked by The Bella Twins as well as Santino making golfball jokes, it probably wouldn't have been a good idea for him to do this.

Very cool that he's friends with a bunch of professional wrestlers and is actually a fan of the product though. Tiger struck me as being someone who feels he's "too good" to be a friend of someone who is a wrestler.

I'm glad the WWE is trying to aim higher with their guest hosts as well. I think we're going to get a lot more bigger names guest hosting during the summer, with so many major movies coming out. It's too bad they couldn't land Mickey Rourke for his Iron Man 2 promotion tour.
It's time once again for my weekly rant on the guest hosts of Raw!

This week the guest was Wayne Brady. I think that he did a good job. His backstage segment was kind of stupid, but I found it funny. I enjoyed the random promo he cut during Edge's Cutting Edge segment and also give him props for taking an RKO, most of the guests wouldn't do something like that and I was not expecting it. I give him a good review because what few portions of Raw involved him were still pretty good, and him being a legit fan helped too.

Next week is.... Flavor Flav.... Really, WWE? REALLY? It would be much better if they just brought back that guy who hosted last week, he was really cool.... who was that again.... Oh that's right, NOBODY. That's who should be hosting Raw. I watch Raw for wrestlers, not celebrities like Flavor Flav who absolutely nobody cares about. I expect Flavor Flav to be the worst guest since Sharpton or Cedric.... who were the two worst of all so far.
I don't know if I'll find many in agreement here, but I think it's time to bring the Raw Guest Host thing to a close. It was entertaining for a while, but now it has left Raw often lacking leadership and direction. Call me old fashioned, but what Raw needs is a good old General Manager, or a Commissioner type character, preferably a heel one. You need someone to make the matches and to get involved with the storylines. TL does an OK job on Smackdown, but I'd prefer a heel GM for Raw.

Hats off to the latest guest host (Wayne Brady), for a non-athlete he made that RKO look painful and realistic.

Oh my God I just read that the guest host next week is going to be Flava-Flav (SP?) (Anyone really care?) Might be time to pull the plug on the guest host thing...
Alright so it appears they are still doing the guest host stuff, but they no longer have GM powers. I like it.... I get to keep making fun of the weekly guests and there will still be an actual GM, or at least that seems to be the route they are going. Not sure what's going on with the GM position, but that's a topic for another thread.... and with that out the way....

Now it's time for my weekly rant on the guest hosts of Raw!

This week the guest was Flavor Flav. I thought that he wasn't that great of a pick for a guest host. His entrance with R-Truth only got the positive reaction it did because of Truth. I disliked Flavor Flav's additional parts to Truth's normal entrance rap. I also didn't really care for his segment backstage. Making Regal rap? Come on now. Meat Loaf did a better job of keeping me interested tonight and he was only there for a minute or two. I'll give Flavor Flav a below average review because he kinda sucked but he wasn't nearly as bad as I thought he would be and his parts didn't ruin the show for me like some other guest hosts have.

Next week will be a Raw to look forward to, although moreso for the commercial free part and less for Buzz Aldrin.... it should be alright I suppose.
Flav was pretty much in his own world. I really didn't understand half of the things he was saying. I don't know what that Night tales series is. You would think he would say what network it came on or what time it came on. I'm pretty sure no one will watch anyways. It is probably some sort of Snoop Dogg Tales From the Hood series.

My guess is it will probably be on BET, Showtime, or Cinemax at 3 in the morning. Anyway, I'm not a Flava Flav fan but I guess he did alright for the little time he was on television. I actually liked the Regal rap. How could Flav say that was the worst thing he has ever heard when all he says is Yeaaah Boyyyyyy?

I got my hopes up seeing that the celebrities are now stripped of power with a new permanent GM of Vickie Guerrero. Vickie resigned and there are still a few more guest hosts this month. I will take Vickie/Edge part 2 over Jeremy Piven any day though.

Next week's host is Buzz Aldrin in Canada. That is pretty weird having an American astronaut guest host in Canada. I guess it really doesn't matter who the guest host is next week since Bret Hart will be the main attraction.
This weeks guest host Flavor Flav was probably the least entertained I had been throughout the entire angle. I was confused as hell when Meatloaf came out in the opening segment, my first thought was, thank God Flav cancelled, but I was wrong. But at least he got a weak ass RKO. The best part about tonite's guest host was the fact that the guest hosts don't have the power of the GM anymore. Buzz Aldrien should be interesting next week though.
I think it's very smart for the WWE to continue the Guest Host tradition, but take all of the "GM power" away from them. Granted, there is a huge, public outcry to "end the guest host concept", but it has proven to be entertaining for the most part. Plus, the only problem I've ever had with the concept was the fact that these people are required to (kayfabe) run the show. Therefore, that basically locks them into cutting some kind of in-character promo which normally turns out to be a disaster... especially if it's done in front of the live crowd.

I've said it for a while: The WWE needs to take this power away from the guest hosts. None of them have any experience in cutting promos and being a character in the WWE. It's been proven that even the most gifted actors that have hosted the show cannot seem to grasp the character required of them to be a guest host on the show. Therefore, they should be kept on the show for ratings purposes only, but they should never entwine themselves into a major storyline on television. Nothing pissed me off more than a really dramatic moment between top superstars like Batista and John Cena, only to have Jeremy Piven come running out from the back to interrupt them and cut a horrific promo, thus taking all of the drama/entertainment out of the segment.

The WWE seems to be following suit with this. They are stripping the guest hosts of their power, finally ridding the show of these disgusting segments, keeping their storylines true, separating the guest host concept from the drama of the major storylines, and keeping the ratings and "entertainment" portion of the show flowing. Finally, some smart booking.
Flavor Flav did pretty good as guest host last night. He was pretty funny, and it was cool to see him and R-Truth come to the ring together. You could tell Flav was enjoying himself, I don't know if I would watch is new show because it just doesn't seem like something I would like. Also, I'm glad we didn't have to see Meat Loaf for the entire show. He hasn't been relevant in a long time, and the crowd just wasn't into him at all. We were all waiting on an RKO, and thankfully, Orton delivered.
Man, I hope these are the closing weeks of the guest host concept, I am the same as many other people, I think this is ridiculous. I remember watching TNA and Bischoff made fun of the guest hosts, why can't vince get the picture that guest host's aren't good. I am hoping that Buzz Aldrin is the last
After watching last nights Raw, I am convinced that the guest host concept has long since run its course.

For one thing the guest hosts are barely ON the show anymore, making an average of 2 appearances on the entire program. Whats the point of bringing someone on to host the show when you use them on TV for maybe five to ten minutes of a two hour program?!

Secondly, they aren't going over with the audiences anymore, either in the arenas or on TV. Every week it seems like the guest hosts bomb more and more. When Buzz Aldrin, a freaking REAL-LIFE HERO, gets "what"-ed out of the room, you have a serious problem.

Third, if the whole point of this was to get the WWE mainstream press coverage, it has failed (with a few exceptions like Shaq). As if the press cares how Jon Lovitz or Flavor Flav spend their Monday nights.

This feels like the exact sort of thing that the IWC complains about with the WWE on a daily basis: they push an idea. It doesn't go over. Instead of acknowledging that it didn't work, they just keep PUSHING and PUSHING and PUSHING it down everyone's throats because GOD FORBID they admit they made a mistake!
Time for my weekly rant on the guest hosts!

This week the guest on Raw was Buzz Aldrin. I'm SO glad that the guest hosts are no longer (kayfabe) in charge of the show. This Raw would have been an absolute disaster if Buzz had been involved more than he actually was. No disrespect for the man's real life accomplishments, as he is a hero to so many people, however I feel that he did an awful job as guest host. He did not seem very familiar with the product (can they PLEASE get celebrity guests who actually LIKE Raw!?) and his promo was so horrible that it made Jeff Hardy promos look like gold in comparison.... yeah, he was THAT bad. The backstage segment was kind of bad too, I wonder how many takes they had to do when taping that one? As much as I hate to say it, Buzz Aldrin was a terrible guest host because he just felt so out of place on the show, he did NOT belong there.

I'm not expecting too much from Jon Lovitz next week, but I'm sure he will be far better than Buzz was.
Yeah, Buzz is a hero, and this man's accomplishments should be recognized, and celebrated, but he was a terrible guest host. Aldrin looked very out of place during the entire show. Even Vickie Guerrero couldn't help save him during their backstage segment. His time on the mic was just painful to watch. You could tell he really wasn't familiar with the current WWE product.

Aldrin is a hero, and he deserves all the praise in the world, but he was just very awkward as Raw guest host.
Well, I think Rampage will be interesting to see as a guest host. He could legitimately kick most of the roster's ass. I wonder if they would play up his martial arts skills.
So, on Raw during Lovitz's little Superstar Search, he pulled a guy out of the audience who pulled his fake eyeball out of its socket. Do you think this was planted? If so, are you shocked WWE let this happen since they are trying to be more "family friendly"? Now, Dibiase came out and tried buying it, only to be interrupted by Santino who used his new technique taught by Lovitz to knock out Virgil but Dibiase was immune.

Do you wish WWE had more segments like this? Cus in all honesty, it was entertaining.
No, they should not have more segments like this. One was quite enough.

I found it entertaining, but it was entertaining in the same way a train wreck set to the Benny Hill song is entertaining. You can't look away, and you kind of feel bad for laughing at it, because it's just so bad and yet hilarious. I had barely any idea what was going on in that segment, and I think that if it had been anyone else, any other host, any other wrestlers, it would have tanked and tanked hard. Lightning struck with this segment. WWE managed to put on a completely pointless and bizarre segment on TV, and make it work.

My eyes were watering during the whole thing. Ugh, no thank you.
I actually did enjoy this segment. Kinda confusing that Khali's supposed to come back and be a serious contender for the world title, yet every time I see him it contradicts that entire Smackdown segment, but anyway I LOVED when DiBiase said he wants to buy that guy's eye for absolutely no reason other than he could. Obviously it was a plant in the crowd, its live television, so you're not going to allow just anyone to get on camera. I don't think this really goes too far beyond the PG template, especially considering what most popular cartoons and kid's shows get away with nowadays. The Dream Street on Santino looked pretty weak, but other than that this segment actually contributed to DiBiase's character, which may be why this is one of the only guest host segments I've ever enjoyed.
It made no freakin' sense. I saw nothing of worth in that skit. Typical bad comedy segment from Raw. Was I the only one hoping that Lovitz would accidentally pluck out Bryan Danielson from the crowd? That would've made segment worth some value.

It made Ted look stupid for wanting a fake eye. It made Virgil look useless for just fainting. And Santino always looks stupid (But that's his job). A great Raw that would've done so much better without this. Would it really kill them to do an actual comedy bit that doesn't look like an episode of Family Guy in real life? I mean they had Cheech and Chong, Dennis Leary, Jeremy Piven and Cedric The Entertainer and somehow they can't come up with something good. That is just fucking unbelievable. Thankfully the rest of Raw was great.
I think that this promo was a decent, at best. Raw continues to make us fans watch humerous skits, that they think we think are funny. Yes, I know that it is called entertainment, and that's what WWE is, but if you are going to have as big of a wrestling company as WWE has, they should mostly stick to wrestling, with very limited amount of promos, like this one. I can understand interviews, for people who are majorly involved with that Monday Night Raw, but they have IMO fed us the same lines, week in and week out of these "entertaining skits"

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