*MERGED* Raw Guest Host discussion

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Should there be more segments like this? No freakin Way!!!! This is not a solution for the WWE. This is part of their problem. It was stupid. And while it was a fake eyeball on that guy, I couldn't look because if I did, I was gonna puke. Seeing that sideshow act would make Jillian Hall sound like Carrie Underwood. It was by far one of the most painful things I've seen come out of this whole guest host nonsense.
If I said no, he wasn't a plant, and there truly are 1 in a dozen freaks in this world and Lovitz simply pulled an ace out of the hole.. would you believe me? OF COURSE NOT. Yes, he was clearly a plant. I think the Star search winner should be Lovitz for merely remembering which 'plant' he was once things went live.

As for whether segments such as these should continue? No. Hell no. OH HELL NO. Not only is it a waste, its completely pointless. What point did this serve? To further mock Ted Dibiase by finding some random "fan" that turned his offer to buy something, down? Or to have Santino apply a modified vulcan death grip on Virgil? Maybe, just maybe, it was to waste 10-15 minutes of air time, because they're trying to cover up the belief that they don't actually have enough faith in their talent to fill the void?

Regardless of the reason, segments are nice.. but ones like these are purely stupid, pointless and serve NO reason on a Wrestling show. None.
It's my weekly rant on the guest hosts of Raw!

This week the guest was Jon Lovitz. I thought he was a lot better than Buzz last week but his talent show segment was really stupid. I hated the part with the guy who pulled his fake eye out. Seriously, that waste of time could have gone to a match between guys who are stuck working on Superstars. Or maybe even a match between the NXT guys. Lovitz himself did an ok job so I'll still give him an average review because the terrible segment wasn't his fault and he was alright other than that part.
no they shouldn't. this was a pointless segment and this is just an example of wwe also loosing time for midcarders and such. after this segment last night i was kinda pissed and turned off the tv and fell asleep
Yes he was a plant. As a matter of fact he is part of the World famous WWE Creative team. He got the job by doing the same trick to Michael Hayes...

I think it did help Dibiase just a little bit, but he needs to be continuing his feud with R-Truth, instead of Dreamstreeting people like Santino... Who just tries to be the comedy relief of Raw and fails badly at it.

Overall It was not that funny to me.
The plant was a member of WWE Creative. I guess he did the eye trick backstage and Pat Patterson got a kick out of it so why not put in on national television!? It was the stupidest thing I have seen on Raw and that is saying something considering some of the ridiculous skits we have seen since this guest host abomination was brought up.

I didn't think Jon Lovitz did a bad job, but there was no need for him on Raw. He told some zingers but the stupid star search show didn't do him or anyone any favors. Steve Austin, Randy Savage, and The Rock could of hosted that show and the fans would of still shitted on it.

Santino coming down brought the show to a screeching halt too. The only good thing that come out of that segment was Ted Dibiase doing the old school bribe for money bit. It looks like there is no end in sight for the guest hosts even with the permanent GM Bret Hart.

Is there any way the celebrities can just interact with wrestlers backstage without having a horrendous segment or promo in front of the crowd that wastes 20 minutes?
Wow. I thought it couldn't get much worse then Flavor Flav... But now I'm seeing... Khloe ****ing Kardashian!? :wtf: Are you kidding me!? :wtf: What does that bitch have anything to do with wrestling? I know Flavor Flav had nothing to do with wrestling, but, this is it with me. She's most nameless of those sisters, so I certainly don't want to see her on my TV. I honestly refuse to watch that episode of Raw. Sorry... /endrant
Its pretty sad that they couldn't even get Kim. They had to settle with the ugly duckling Kardashian. Do wrestling fans even watch Keeping up with the Kardashians? I don't think so. I think Khloe will hear crickets and get booed out of building. Pat Sajak may be alright if they have a wheel for the wrestlers to spin like a Raw Roulette type deal. Anyways, the celebrities may have added ratings and exposure to Raw a year ago, now its clearly not the case.
And Khloe Kardashian is hosting the Raw that I will most likely be attending, as it is in Philly. The only positive with her would be showing up with Lamar Odom, even then she will get booed out of the arena, especially Philly fans. She won't take away from my experience though. I'll get to see Bret Hart and it is the show after the PPV, so some fallout will take place. Still could have got a better host. Hell even a local guy would have been better.
Ok, I'm confused on something here. Is it me or did it seem like Ashton Kutcher's titantron appearances were pre-taped? Watching these segments on the tron, usually you can get the feel of watching something that is live versus watching it pre-taped, and it definitely felt like he wasn't there (literally and figuratively). I believe this is the first time in the history of these goofy-ass guests hosts that one actually did not come out to the ring or appear on stage in front of everyone. It just gave me the feeling he wasn't actually there at the show at all.

If at any point in the show he could've easily made a live appearance it was during the Ryder/Fox in-ring segment. He easily could've came out on stage or something. Did anyone else catch this, or feel the same about his titantron only appearances?
Dagger's weekly rant on the guest hosts of Raw!

This week the guest was Ashton Kutcher. I think he added a lot to the show and his taped segments were hilarious. He was one of the better guest hosts recently, although I agree with ThAwRe$tLiNgGaWd that he could have come out to the ring for the Ryder/Alicia promo. Perhaps he was too busy and they only had time to do taped segments. I honestly thought it was good that he never came out to the ring though. Raw is about wrestlers, not celebrities. Usually when the guest hosts come out to the ring for a promo it ends up being the worst part of the night (looking at YOU, Buzz!) and adds nothing to the show. Ashton fit in pretty well and I look forward to seeing more guest hosts like him in the future. My review for Ashton Kutcher is positive because his segments were funny and added to the show rather than being annoying like the majority of the guest hosts have been.

Next week is the cast of the A-Team movie. That should be interesting!
The A Team hopefully will be good. Will be interesting to see which of the wrestlers will get knocked out by Rampage jackson. I am sure one of them will make a comment about how he got dominated in his last fight. Just like how Jericho got knocked out by Tyson I bet Miz will get knocked out by Jackson
The A-Team couldn't be any worse than when MacGruber was host. I really hope Rampage knocks out someone.
I just read on the main page that Rob Zombie will be a guest host. That's gonna be kick-ass.
Kutcher was a good guest host. The taped backstage segments were very funny, and Kutcher seemed to be enjoying himself the entire time. I actually liked the whole secret attacker angle they did throughout the night, and Alicia Fox was a complete surprise.

I'm going to the Raw on June 7th, so I'll be seeing the cast of the A-Team in person. I just hope WWE doesn't do a repeat of what they did with the cast of MacGruber.
It would be epic i know people say it will never happen but can you really say that after the hitman.

Just think about it Cena starting the show cutting a promo the champ is here blah blah blah then brocks music hits comes down to the ring F5 Cena Then cuts his im the host tonight promo just that moment alone would be amazing and you know he will get a massive pop not just for who he is but for planting cena haha . Also raw will if only for one night get some UFC viewers and if they put on card with brawls and less comedy i could attract some to stay.

So you think Brock would ever host raw ?
This is very doubtful in my mind but I guess anything's possible. I'm sure it would piss off alot of hardcore UFC fans, but I do think it would make rating's go up for that night.

so yes, I would like to see him host Raw, but I doubt it will happen anytime soon.....But I could be wrong.
It's a possibility if RAW comes to Minneapolis, but if not, I don't think Brock would do it.

I like the idea of Cena coming down to the ring, cutting a promo saying the 'Champ' is here in Minneapolis. etc, then Brock comes down to the ring saying "The Champ never left Minneapolis, and that he's the guest host" (I'm assuming Brock would still be UFC Heavyweight Champion at this time). Then Brock gives Cena an "F5" and then just walks to the back. IMO Brock would get a HUGE pop, even thought Cena is the top face of the company,Simply because Brock's from Minneapolis. I'd LOVE to see Brock back in the WWE for one night, but it's a 50/50 call on whether he'd do it or not.
It's not easy to say...i mean he has taken up the UFC...and hi has to train all the time..i mean it's not like pro wrestling is it..it's just like boxing...i don't think we'll see it happening...
I guess it's possible. It really depends on wether or not Brock is still pissed over the court battles. He's spoken like he isn't too bitter. I think it's very possible, but your right, Raw would probably have to go to him, not the other way around. They'd have to be in his town.
Well these words are for me and for you, lol "DREAM ON!!"

I would be very satisfied because I always liked brock lesnar and thought john cena sucked after winning WWE champion from JBL. What would be better is actually doing it for bobby lashely cause it was obvious he is a lesnar ripoff.
It would be epic i know people say it will never happen but can you really say that after the hitman.

Just think about it Cena starting the show cutting a promo the champ is here blah blah blah then brocks music hits comes down to the ring F5 Cena Then cuts his im the host tonight promo just that moment alone would be amazing and you know he will get a massive pop not just for who he is but for planting cena haha . Also raw will if only for one night get some UFC viewers and if they put on card with brawls and less comedy i could attract some to stay.

So you think Brock would ever host raw ?

you said raw for only one night will get some ufc viewers i watch wwe all the time and im a ufc viewer and also ufc star rampage jackson is hosting raw this monday also that being said do i ever see lesner hosting raw no because he has worked so hard to be know as a mixed martial artist and get his name as far away from wrestling as possible going back to it would be like taking a step backwards
you said raw for only one night will get some ufc viewers i watch wwe all the time and im a ufc viewer and also ufc star rampage jackson is hosting raw this monday

Maybe but there are alot of MMA or UFC fans that do not watch wrestling and im sure there will be alot who stoped or have never watched raw befor tune in to see him
I think he would, sure, but it would depend on the timing. If he did it before his first fight back people would label him as being reckless and risking himself for injury, and obviously he can't take time out of fight preparation, so shortly after a fight would be ideal.

I think he's a big enough star now that he likely no longer resents wrestling for holding him back. To him it would be like charity I'd imagine, going back to say hello to the little people.

The chances of seeing an F-5 are probably quite low though, I'd imagine a spear and a knockout punch are far more probable. He won't wrestle, but I'd imagine he'll knock someone out if they get in his face.
I don't see this happening as Lesnar has devoted his life to ufc.
If Raw is in Minneapolis there is a chance But i don't see Lesnar going and asking Vince could he guest host Vince would have to come to him.
I think I remember JR in one of his blogs mention saying there was a chance as Brock has a book out soon... I can't see him getting in anyway physical though with him being under UFC, any injuries and WWE would get sued hard.

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