*MERGED* Raw Guest Host discussion

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  • Batista

  • The Million Dollar Man

  • Seth Green

  • Snoop Dogg

  • Shaquille O'Neal

  • Ozzy Osbourne

  • Sgt. Slaughter

  • Ben Roethlisberger

  • Floyd Mayweather

  • Dusty Rhodes

  • Bob Barker

  • Trish Stratus

  • Jesse Ventura

  • Roddy Piper

  • Verne "Mini Me" Troyer

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Austin was awesome(even though I was dissapointed that I didnt see stunner) but to me Jesse Ventura was better because of that Battle royale(even tho Seamus won that one).If he hasnt done anything else that night he is gona be remembered as GM for that match.Yes,i know that they dont book matches(VKM does) but to me he was best guest GM of Raw because I expected that attitude from him(even if he was doing promo of his show)

All this guest GM crap has to stop.Pete Rose is probably gona be OK because of wrestlemania next week(even if we see tombstone number 5676) but after him are Rob Corddry and Clark Duke,then David Hasselhoff and then the cast of Macgrubber

Seriosly,as I said somewhere on this forum I dont have the problem if it is somebody from wrestling,wrestling fan or even a high profile celebrity but to bring someone that has no interest in wrestling rather in his own promotion(Springer) is just total crap

My scenario to end it will be:Michaels loses at wrestlemania and retires.Then he comes back before Summerslam and says "In the past we had good and bad guest GMs" then he mantiones all good ones and then rants bad ones with apropriate video package and says "I am putting the stop this crap now and as guest GM of Raw I am putting myself as permanent GM of Raw".I know its nearly impossible but it would be awesome.

What you think about my idea?
Time once again for Dagger's weekly rant on the guest hosts!

This week the guest on Raw was Pete Rose. I'm thinking it's due to the fact that this was the final Raw before Wrestlemania, but his being there just felt so pointless and other than an amusing segment with Kane (come on, who DIDN'T see that coming?) he did next to nothing.... He was better than Cheech and Chong at least, so it's not like he ruined the episode. However, I still think he did a bad job because his being there added absolutely nothing to the episode, which should have been guest-host-free to add more momentum to the wrestlers going into Wrestlemania.

Next week we have Rob Corddry and Clark Duke from Hot Tub Time Machine. They will probably be rather funny, although I still had been hoping that the guest host concept was ending after Wrestlemania, unfortunately it looks like I was wrong.
Pete Rose was a terrible, terrible guest host. His segment with HBK was awful. Rose looked so awkward, and rigid in front of the live crowd. The backstage segment with Kane was bad also. We all knew Kane would get Rose eventually, but the way it happened was just done so bad. The locker room beating wasn't funny or entertaining in any way. Rose has been by far one of the worst guest host so far.
He wasn't bad as a guest host, just wasn't much of anything. I was upset that he broke up the emotional scene on Raw at the beginning, but really, he did what should have been done, he didn't try to get himself over, he just went out there and announced the match. Nothing great, but nothing bad.

This wasn't a Raw for over the top humor, but it was good to get the laugh in from Pete Rose getting attacked by Kane. Could have been a lot worse, and it wasn't bad at all. Little laugh for the older fans.
Whether they are legit fans of the E product. Or they dont have an iota of a clue of what the wrestling business is about and how it works. We have seen just about every type of celebrity there is visit the WWE ring in the past year. We've seen actors, race car drivers, comedians, musicians, talk show hosts. Freakin Bob Barker.

These people have to take time from their busy schedules to appear on this show for a few hours, plus being there perhaps a few hours before the show goes on so they know what the hell they'll be doing. Some here should understand that some of these celebrities wont do this just out of the kindness of their warm heart.

Ive always wondered how much they get paid for that night. I would assume something around 5,000? Which is not too much, not too little for a 2 hour appearance.
I think the amount is very minimal. I think the main reason the guest host appear is to pimp a product, a show, or something similar. By being the guest host they get to promote whatever it is to millions of people. Just my opinion.
$5,000? I dont know what the exhange rate is nowadays with dollars and pounds but I would have to say no way!

$5,000 would be nothing to them. Unless they were actually WWE fans, which the vast majority arnt, I would say it would be alot more than that.

I would imagine more in the hundred thousands for some.

Maybe it depends on who the guest host is? Example The Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin would get paid alot more than someone like ZZ Top or Dennis Miller would get paid. It depends on their popularity?

Dennis Miller did not get paid for his guest host appearance as he wanted to promote something, of which I can not remember.
I'm pretty sure that Dennis Miller said he didn't get paid to host Raw (not that he deserved it, if anything, he should have given the WWE money for how terrible he was). Miller said the WWE allowed him to promote his charity, and that platform basically was his pay for those three hours. I liken it to when a celebrity appears on something like Jay Leno or David Letterman, or even Saturday Night Live. Those people appear on shows like that to promote what they're hawking, and the exposure.

Miller had his charity. Jeremy Piven had The Goods to promote. Stone Cold had his Direct to DVD movie. Barker had his book. Rob Corddry and Clark Duke are coming on Monday night to promote Hot Tub Time Machine.

If they're not promoting something (Pete Rose for example), I'm sure they get some money then. Otherwise, I can't see the WWE really paying someone a grandiose amount of money to come on and host Raw. It's why Cole always says shit like "the longest episodic television show!", and the Did You Know? segments are really so prevalent. The WWE is basically trying to sell the representatives of athletes and celebrities on their outreach and their brand name/power.
Time for my weekly rant on the guest hosts of Raw!

This week the guests were Rob Corddry and Clark Duke. I think that they did a pretty bad job, the fans were giving them "go away" heat rather than real heel heat. The hot tub segment with the divas (and later on Mark Henry) was really dumb. I expected a much funnier show from these guys, given the movie that they are from. They were better than Pete Rose was last week though. I give them a slightly bad review because their segments were the only terrible parts on what was otherwise supposed to be a special Raw to send Michaels off.
Time for my weekly rant on the guest hosts of Raw!

This week the guests were Rob Corddry and Clark Duke. I think that they did a pretty bad job, the fans were giving them "go away" heat rather than real heel heat. The hot tub segment with the divas (and later on Mark Henry) was really dumb. I expected a much funnier show from these guys, given the movie that they are from. They were better than Pete Rose was last week though. I give them a slightly bad review because their segments were the only terrible parts on what was otherwise supposed to be a special Raw to send Michaels off.

97% agreed. What's the other 3%? Well it's Mark Henry. I can't explain why seeing him in a hot tub was amusing; it just was. But most everything else about the segment was crap. They weren't heelish enough to actually draw heel heat, just "WTF" heat. They only way I felt having the movie work would have been having Craig Robinson on the show more instead of these guys. But hey, we got a small cameo, and really, we got some tiny guest host spots compared to some of the other horrible ones (Criss Angel, I'm looking at you).

When can we be rid of this silly gimmick?
I really do not like the whole guest host thing as they serve no real purpose.They can't actually book matches,and most of the time their segments are awkward.I'm willing to bet that most of them are not really wrestling fans. Instead i would like to have a gm such as shawn michaels, stone cold, bret hart, rock, hell i really wouldn't mind seeing tiffany every monday night.

But please vince do us all a favor, and get rid of these idiotic guest hosts because the only thing they make me want to do is watch tna.
Rob Corddry and Clark Duke were hilarious in the Hot Tub Time Machine, but unfortunately, that same entertaining presence they had in the film wasn't able to translate into them being good guest hosts. Corddry and Duke weren't horrible, but they also weren't good either. They seemed to be trying at the beginning, but the crowd wasn't into them because they jokes they were using were just bad. Corrdry actually seemed to be trying really hard to get the audience worked up, but Duke just seemed to be going through the motions. They weren't as bad as some of the other guest hosts, and I think they did an okay job.
David Otunga has been absolutly terrible guest host. He gives Cena and Batista a unified tag team titles match, thats as lame as it gets. I predicted the ending to that match before it ever even started. Worse yet he makes a match with himself and Cena vs ShoMiz. WOW, that is just aweful. "O maybe we should give the title match to the Hart dynasty the guys who beat The tag team champions last week, No No lets give it to Roidtista and The WWE Champion, Then we'll give it to a young punk who i doubt we'll ever see on RAW again and team him with the WWE Champ." I just think this RAW has been horribly exicuted Show. i really dont like David Otunga. I think that the show is predictable and he made Orton vs Swagger which idk i guess it sounds alright we'll just have to see and wait how that plays out.
It's that time again.... Dagger's weekly rant on the guest hosts of Raw!

This week the guest was David Otunga fron NXT. I think he did a good job honestly and was a decent guest host. Why you ask? This was a HUGE opportunity for Otunga! He got a chance to be on WWE's flagship show and introduce himself to the fans that don't watch NXT. His backstage segments were funny and he fit in rather well on Raw. The only problem I had was him (kayfabe) booking himself into the tag team match. I didn't like Seth Green or Cedric getting involved with matches, therefore I got a bit frustrated at Otunga making that decision. However, the bad side of that kayfabe'd abuse of authority still gets canceled out by the fact that Otunga is actually an employee of WWE, unlike most of the guests we have had in this terrible concept. I give David Otunga an above average review because he fit in well on Raw and this showed us what he can be capable of on a more important brand after he's done with NXT.

Next week we have.... David Hasselhoff!? I'm hoping maybe he does some kind of Baywatch themed contest for the divas, otherwise I think I'll just be watching TNA next week. :banghead:
Otunga actually did a good job. I wish Daniel Byran would've hosted this Raw, but I liked Otunga. He played the cocky rookie role to perfection the other night on Raw. Although, he did look out of place during the open segemnet between Orton, Cena, Swagger, and Showmiz. The backstage segment he had with Santino was hilarious, and I thought the whole green M&M thing was a nice touch, but then Hornswoggle had to kill the buzz. Everyone knew he would turn on Cena during the tag match, and he did. This made Otunga look like a cocky jerk, and it was a cool way to end Raw.
Bryan would have been classic, i could see a 2 on 1 handicap match with Mark Henry and Show taking on Michael Cole (i'm a huge Cole hater), but Otunga was pretty good. I loved the idea of Dana White that someone posted earlier, it would (possibly) draw some old wrestling fans that became MMA converts, and it would be very interesting to see the kind of matches that took place on the show, and hell why he's there, plug TUF
While I personally have no grudge against the guest hosts themselves, what the WWE has each do is more often than not silly or outright pointless. While some guest hosts will be remembered, most will be forgotten effortlessly. I am hoping The Rock will guest host the draft granted he was the first draftee in the original draft and that would allow for a pay-per-view worthy three-hour long show. Here's to hoping it will also be commercial free. Aside from The Rock, I would have liked to have seen some more Legends, but granted two of the best are now TNA-owned, I guess I can only dream.
:wtf: Is it Vince's idea of a cruel joke to keep putting REALLY annoying "celebrities" on RAW? Are these guys even celebs any more?? Why not get Gilbert Godfried while you're at it?? JESUS! This is just terrible! Just call up Paul Heyman and give him a contract as the GM or someone else please! I'm tired of this crap! Anyone else tired of this? Any suggestions for a new GM??
To be honest, I'm really not too bothered with the guest host concept. I've actually enjoyed some of the guest hosts(Former wrestlers AND Celeberties). Hell, there are many times where I look at the guest host and go :wtf:. Then I watch the show and they actually do a good job and made the show more entertaining. Ya, there have been duds, but there have been awesome ones too. You just have to stop assuming things and just try to enjoy it for what it is. A good portion of guest hosts don't even spend more than 10 minutes on screen anyway.

This concept will probably be here for a long time. It's not TOO terrible and I think WWE is still trying to get The Rock to host. Which might be in summer in Miami.
Really?? Flava Flav and Jon Lovitz...REALLY?!?!? :wtf:Is it Vince's idea of a cruel joke to keep putting REALLY annoying "celebrities" on RAW? Are these guys even celebs any more?? Why not get Gilbert Godfried while you're at it?? JESUS! This is just terrible! Just call up Paul Heyman and give him a contract as the GM or someone else please! I'm tired of this crap! Anyone else tired of this? Any suggestions for a new GM??
i believe it should have ended at trump ( the first one ) next the gonna have a rapper or a comedian then the rock then end this plz but i stop watchin raw ( to much talking ) for a gm i think it should be an commentator like the king or j.r
The guest host concept has been hit and miss and not all bad like some people try to make it seem, but I think that a year is long enough and it should end this summer. The question is who should end it. I don't think it should just be ended without a reason, there should be a story behind it.

The only logical person I could see ending it is Donald Trump. He was basically the first RAW guest host and came up with the idea. He could come back and say something like he's tired of Vince McMahon making money off of his idea. And If not him who do you think should end the guest hosting and how?
I think your'e right about it being Trump, either him or someone so huge that it couldn't be topped like Rock or Randy Savage, someone along those lines. I really think that it's time for the angle to end though, last week was Otunga a NXT rookie and Flava Flav is coming up. WWE must really be running out of "celebrities".

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