*MERGED* Raw Guest Host discussion

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  • Trish Stratus

  • Jesse Ventura

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It's time for Dagger's weekly rant on the guest hosts again!

This week the guests on Raw were Jewel and Ty Murray. They did an alright job at making their kayfabe'd authority seem legit, something that many of the guest hosts have been TERRIBLE at. In fact, they did a good enough job of that, that it almost canceled out that stupid bull riding competition. What exactly did that accomplish? Kelly and Eve are the future of the Divas division, they need to be winning matches, not doing stupid segments like this one. All it did was waste time and make Big Show look weird for staring down a mechanical bull. I mean, it was kind of funny, but it honestly was a waste of time, I would have rather seen Jewel and Ty Murray do another backstage segment instead of having them do this. So, they barely got by with an average review from me this week. It could have been worse, the whole show could have been centered around stuff like that.

Next week we've got.... Cheech and Chong....? WHY? Isn't WWE supposed to be PG at the moment? Cheech and Chong are anything but PG. Ladies and gentlemen.... next week we might just see the worst guest hosts since Cedric. If they are bad enough, I'll consider replacing Seth Green in my sig with Cheech. That's how bad I think they'll be, I'm not expecting anything good at all from them next week. As much as I enjoy doing these weekly rants, the guest host thing better be ending after Wrestlemania, seriously.
I actually liked Jewel and Ty Murray. They weren't great hosts, but they also weren't any where near as terrible as some of the other hosts have been. Jewel slapping Jillian was a hilarious moment. I know she always gets involved when there's a musical guest host, but this moment was really funny. The bull riding contest was kind of dumb, until the Big Show decided to compete. I couldn't stop laughing while he was on the bull, and the pissed off look he gave it when he got off was just priceless.
Now it's time for Dagger's weekly rant on the guest hosts!

This week the guests were Cheech and Chong. I didn't like them. The segments with the Lucky Charms were really dumb. Guys like this have no business being the guests on a PG show. I would rank them in probably the bottom 10, they were among the worst guest hosts. I really disliked their segments and felt that they did not belong on Raw whatsoever. I give them a negative review because their segments and promos were the bad parts of what was otherwise a rather good episode of Raw.

Next week we have Criss Angel, I doubt he'll be as bad as Cheech & Chong were. Then after him there's Stone Cold to look forward to, and he's rumored to be the final guest host.... PLEASE let that be the case, WWE.... PLEASE!
They should find someone that knows the business, like Ventura, I can't stand it when a "Celebrity" comes in just because they have some charity to promote. If they want to promote it buy commercial time. Ventura was the best Host, Vince should give this guy a giant bag of money to come and be the GM of RAW.
Monday night's host's were ok, Cheech and Chong are a hell of a team on movies and on stand up comedy tours but thats it. They really didn't knew crap about wrestling or the WWE, yeah they're old but still, First of all why will Vince bring old legends of any kind of entertainment(Tv shows, Movies) to host WWE.

I really cant wait to see next monday night's host, Criss Angels. I really want to see what kind of crazy shit is he going to do, and hopefully he makes it as a host.

I can't wait until this Host angle is over, Im really tired of seeing host every week in RAW. Fuck Vince please put HBK as the GM after he retires.
I can't wait for the this guest host thing to finally end. For me, it was a failed experiment and created nothing but pointless segments. But then again, I've always been more of a wrestling fan than a "sports entertainment" fan.
Don't get your hopes up about the guest host concept ending. I was hoping it would end too, but it looks like WWE has already added names for the next few weeks after Stone Cold Steve Austin. The week before WrestleMania is Pete Rose. That way we can see Kane give him his tenth tombstone even though Kane isn't on the Raw roster. After that we have the cast of The Hot Tube Time Machine.

I couldn't tell you their names because I don't have a clue who any of the guys are, except the black dude from Pineapple Express. Two weeks from that show David freaking Hasseloff is the guest host. Yeah, I don't think I'll tune in for that, no matter what is happening on Raw. Which probably won't be much after WrestleMania anyways.
I've seen 10 year old kids with more impressive magic tricks then Criss Angel tonight. For God's sake somebody throw a pie! Nothing. At least Raw is going to have Steve Austin next week to save the concept before we get weeks of dribble after ward.

Of course Steve probably can't drink beer on Raw, or even light beer. He will probably have to drink some diet coke steveweisers instead. Gimme a Heck Yeah!
Criss angel was OK, not the best, but certinaly not the worst. Higlight of the night from him has to go to the string "in" the eye! Classic! Then lil horny puts the string in that ugly bitches hair!! Had had me rolling!
I kinda felt like he was trying to much to turn I into an episope of "mindfreak" having certin wrestlers participate in a "magic" trick. Knew that was coming tho but I can't say anything bad as I'm a HUGE criss angel fan.
All in all, he was good on the mic, the fans seemed to like him and the show rolled smothly.
Now next week.... The MAN is coming back and I can't wait to see what's going to happen at that contract signing next monday night.
It should be a night to remember on the Road To Wrestlemania! See you all there!
I just watched his little thing I had to laugh at least twice. I love the Bella's dumb question "does that hurt?" when he just goes "mhm." No shit it hurts you dummy. A string ig going across his eye! Where was he when Jillian started singing.
Now next week.... The MAN is coming back and I can't wait to see what's going to happen at that contract signing next monday night.

A Stunner should most definatly be in place, Stone Cold returning wouldn't be the same without atleast one stunner against Vince, or hell it could actually work quite well if he did it to a guy like The Miz, I would love to see The Miz stunned, just for effects.

But anyway, Criss was okay, definatly nothing over the top, he's much better in his own actual shows, and the Regal trick seemed a little stale and boring quite honestly.

Hopefully Stone Cold will put on one hell of a show all thou, give him a little bit more time than the average Guest Host, that or a longer segment instead of 3-4 smaller segments.
And now it's time for Dagger's weekly rant on the guest hosts!

So this week the guest on Raw was Criss Angel. He wasn't too bad. Although his segments didn't fit in well with what Raw should be centered around (Wrestling and WWE, not a trick show).... he was still cool compared to most of the guest hosts. Angel's tricks were interesting and he did a very good job of announcing/introducing the main event, the fans seemed to like it and I wish more of the guest hosts were as into it as Angel was, he appeared to be having a good time at Raw, something that certainly can't be said about most of the guests. I'd say he gets a little above average of a review because he didn't fit in on the show but he did a decent job.

Next week's guest host is none other than STONE COLD! I can't wait, Raw is going to be awesome this week. Finally a guest host I'm actually looking forward to! I haven't said that since Trish hosted! Stone Cold will be the best guest host by far, and that's the bottom line because Dagger Dias said so!
Lita is my favorite diva of all time and it would be awesome if she could be the guest host of Raw.

Lots of people would watch because Lita is one of the most well known divas of all time. Love her or hate her everyone knows that she is extremely talented and want to see her in the ring again.

I think that Lita being the guest host of Raw would make the ratings go through the roof. So what do you guys think do you think that Vince should make Lita a future guest host of Raw or not?
It really doesn't matter because I don't think ratings will go through the roof because of someone like Lita. Steve Austin perhaps but not Lita. If they would have had a diva guest host it would have been Trish first because she is remembered more fondly. I don't see any ratings increase with Lita being guest host but it would be nice.
I actually doubt that Lita would raise the ratings through the roof.
just look back at how Trish Stratus drew when she hosted - 3.5 rating, certainly it's good, and it's above what RAW drew this week.
But I just don't see Lita blowing the roof off the ratings, I simply don't, cause bigger stars than Lita hasn't.
Look back at Bret Hart, he didn't top the ratings, but he was a big name to host RAW.
I think Stone Cold is gonna be the one to blow the roof off tomorrow, but not Lita, I won't mind seeing her as a guest host, but I'm not counting on it being anything memorable really, I mean she quit WWE because the fans were hating on her because of the situation between her, Matt and Edge, so I don't know if you can count on the fans having forgotten it, and if she really could draw anything worth mentioning, because as you said yourself, Lita is one of the most well known divas of all time, but Trish Stratus is (in my opinion) better known, and didn't blow off the ratings as I mentioned earlier.

Edit: Kenan, Trish already hosted RAW :)
Lita as guest host would not be a big deal, like, at all. She's been gone for about 5 years and in all honesty, why would anybody really remember her? Trish Stratus was the diva of her generation, arguably the greatest and most over female wrestler of all time. Lita always played second fiddle. And Trish is the only diva from that era remembered by most of the fans. And most of the ones that do hate her probably still hate her for all her backstage shit with Hardy and Edge.

The ratings go through the roof? No offense, but hahaha. Even Bret Hart only made the ratings go up by about 0.3. If Bret can't make the ratings go through the roof, then Lita doesn't stand a chance. Like I said, she's forgotten by at least half of the fans, not known by the kid fans and she has absolutely no mainstream appeal. She'd be lucky to get a 3.2.
Lita as guest host I would rather see stacy keibler seriously that would be a bore but it really doesn't matter cause all the guest hosts do is a few backstage segments and come out to the ring once. But to your subject of ratings going through the roof Lita isn't more popular than Bret Hart and he only got a 3.6. So unless she's getting naked ratings would be average (live sex celebration with edge did 5.2 ).
Lita is my favorite diva of all time and it would be awesome if she could be the guest host of Raw.

I agree with this part of your post. Lita was an awesome diva and she would make a good guest host. If she were to host Raw I bet she would do something interesting with the divas division, and probably work a match again like Trish did. It'd be a cool show.

Lots of people would watch because Lita is one of the most well known divas of all time. Love her or hate her everyone knows that she is extremely talented and want to see her in the ring again.

Yes.... but I don't really think that many more people would watch just because Lita would be guest hosting. People who normally watch raw anyway will still watch it. Maybe a few (emphasis on "MAYBE") fans will come back that week for Lita. Trish got pretty good ratings when she hosted, but Lita's won't be any higher because if Trish couldn't get huge ratings then no former diva could.

I think that Lita being the guest host of Raw would make the ratings go through the roof. So what do you guys think do you think that Vince should make Lita a future guest host of Raw or not?

Sorry but I disagree. Lita was awesome, no arguing there.... but ratings through the roof? That's not going to happen. Lita's not famous enough to get the ratings to go through the roof, the only way they could come close would be if they advertised that she would do another live celebration with Edge, but it's PG now so that's the absolute last thing we will ever see on Raw anytime soon. The only way the ratings will go through the roof due to who the guest host that week is, would be this week with Stone Cold or if The Rock would host a Raw. Those are the only two guys who could get the ratings to go "through the roof" because no one else is relevant enough to Raw fans.

Now, with that being said.... Yeah! I would like to see Lita as a future guest host since we already had the best diva ever (Trish) host a Raw, so why not bring in the second best (Lita) to host a Raw too? I would like to see that happen myself.
Time for my weekly rant on the guest hosts again!

This week the guest on Raw was Stone Cold. He was the best guest host we have had because it felt like watching an episode of Raw from before the guest host stuff started. No corny segments, no celebrities promoting some organization/movie/book/thing we wrestling fans aren't particularly interested in, and best of all.... we had someone in the authority role who actually was believable as a GM figure. I really enjoyed the contract signing. Stone Cold got to push Vince around again, which never gets old. Definitely the best guest host.

Next week is.... Pete Rose? I guess he's gonna get Tombstoned by Kane.... AGAIN.... It was awesome at Wrestlemania 14, but now? No thanks. I'm expecting nothing too interesting from him. Why won't this guest host concept end? :banghead:
To me Stone COld was the best guest host we've had, not by a long shot but it was good.

Lets start with the fact that within two minutes he's said hell and ass and I KNEW all the smarks would be laughing about PG. Stone Colds promo was done very well, he knew there would be a WHAT chant, and for once that didn't annoy me. The fact his promo ended and Cena came out symbolising that Cena is this generations equivalent I thought was very exciting, obviously both men have great respect for each other. Though back onto the promo, did Austin plug anything? Not directly (see next paragraph) what he did do was push Vince as a serious in ring wrestler as well as Bret. This I thought was very good as many people of the younger generation see Vince as an old man and generally don't know who Bret was.

Now the HBK/Jericho segment was great. This is where the plug came in, in the background his DVD was playing with posters for the movie. It wasn't in your face, but it was there if you noticed it. The interaction with Jericho and Austin was a good laugh and we're seeing more and more of Y2J every week. Plus the segment with HBK was brilliantly done, put HBK over as well as putting Taker over. Not that they need it, but you get my drift.

One thing I didn't notice until afterwards was the lack of the job squad...thank goodness!

Now the contract signing, this was perfect. We got Austin putting Vince in his place and the whole focus was on Bret/Vince NOT Austin. Yeah we all wanted to see stunners but that would take away from the feud in focus. This was superbly done, Austin was a great guest host.
Austin was one of the better guest hosts. It wasn't all about him and I surprised he didn't stun anybody. Nice interactions with HBK and Jericho and I loved the contract signing. He put over the match and the focus was on that match which I didn't think would happen. Stone Cold gets an A+ from me.
The Texas Rattle Snake did a great job last night. You could tell he was really into it. He put so much passion into every segment he was involved in. He didn't go overboard with beer drinking, and he didn't give Vince McMahon his 12,000,000th stunner. I loved the segment between him Jericho and HBK. You could just feel the tension between Jericho, and Austin. It was such an awesome moment. So far, I think Steve Austin has been the best guest host, but there are still many more to come.
As great as last night was I really do wish Santino would have made an appearance just to get stunned. I saw a few people wanted Miz to get one but that would have made him look bad and you can't have your U.S. and Unified Tag Champ looking weak right before Wrestlemania.
Was it just me or did Stone Cold's ring presence and mic work really highlight how truly bad the other guest hosts have been in those areas?
Granted they didn't call the squared circle home for a number of years but these are celebrities who are in the spotlight all the time. TV, Movies, Music Concerts, Commercials, etc... and they all looked like they were having stomach pains when they had to get in the ring and interact with the wrestlers. With Stone Cold it was not only seamless but it was believable.
The greatest guest host ever: The Rock. The people haven't forgotten about him, they love him as hell, he's in mint condition so good in fact he can even put on a wrestling match for fun (Against Cena if both of them decide to put the past behind them) not to mention the BEST mic skills to ever be introduced in pro-wrestling. He's also funny as hell.

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