*MERGED* Raw Guest Host discussion

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I thought Timbaland was average to borderline terrible. He looked either stoned or wasted half the time and he didn't really add anything to the show but he didn't take away from it. There have been much better and much worse guest hosts so he will fall somewhere around the middle. If this was a couple of years ago when he did the music video with the Divas, he probably would have been better. Bret Hart will be a huge step up from what we saw last night hopefully.
It's time once again for Dagger's weekly rant about the guest hosts!

Timbaland wasn't as bad as I thought he would be. That doesn't mean he was any good though. I remember the last time he was featured on Raw. Two things came from that. Jillian got her "bad singer" gimmick, and then Timbaland overhyped some new song of his that he borrowed some divas to appear in the video for the song. That song ended up being terrible lol.... but I digress.

Timbaland seemed to be struggling with remembering what to say, especially when he was in the ring. He didn't seem to even know who Cena was, as seen in his inability to announce the title match contenders. You could tell he had to memorize the names and then try to remember them. His backstage segments were cool though, so he ended up being an average guest host rather than a bad one because there have been some that were so much worse.

However.... is it THAT hard for WWE to find guests that are legit fans and actually know who the wrestlers are? I find myself repeating that rant too often.

Thank goodness we have Bret Hart next week. He was one of my wrestling heroes before Cena was, and can't WAIT to see him back as next week's guest!
I thought Timbaland was average to borderline terrible. He looked either stoned or wasted half the time and he didn't really add anything to the show but he didn't take away from it.

I thought I was the only one who thought Timbaland looked wasted. I'm going to go all the way, and say he was horrible. He just looked out of place, and awkward. The only segment I found him funny in was Jillian was trying to audition for him, and Hornswoggle came through, and knocked her down. But then again, it really didn't have anything to do with him. It was more so Jillian and Hornswoggle.
Timbaland probably did the least of all guest hosts.

It started off with guest host's "taking control" and actually making matches and participating. Lately, all the matches are being made beforehand and they do nothing but backstage segments or just sit on a couch.

Every RAW should start off with the guest host in the ring, every show. Of course, someone should interrupt them, but pushing the whole "guest host" angle to have them sit in the back for 1 hour and 55 minutes and be in 2 lame segments, then simply introduce the final match (poorly) is pointless.
Timbaland probably did the least of all guest hosts.

I'd say 2nd least. Mayweather did absolutely nothing and wasn't even there for most of the show.

It started off with guest host's "taking control" and actually making matches and participating. Lately, all the matches are being made beforehand and they do nothing but backstage segments or just sit on a couch.

I like that and hope the trend continues. I hated the Raw's that revolved around some celebrity rather than the wrestlers. It came close to making me swear off of Raw forever (luckily I was saved by Trish guest hosting, I couldn't afford to miss that episode :) ) That aside.... the less the guests do, the better honestly unless they were involved with pro-wrestling in the past like Ventura. Hart was a legend so he will probably be one of the best guests and do a lot more than most of the previous guests.

Every RAW should start off with the guest host in the ring, every show. Of course, someone should interrupt them, but pushing the whole "guest host" angle to have them sit in the back for 1 hour and 55 minutes and be in 2 lame segments, then simply introduce the final match (poorly) is pointless.

That depends on how good the guest is. Timbaland was better off in the backstage segments. His opening would have been even worse than his main event introductions if he had opened Raw. The guest should only open Raw if they are gifted on the mic and/or a legit fan of WWE's product because otherwise they will lose casual viewers within seconds.
was i the only person to notice something in his ear while Josh Mathews was talking to him anout the Cena Sheamus situation? I think he might have been given lines. No i know he was getting fed lines and he still did a pretty terrible job.
Ohh and the moment he said Sheamus/Cena was going to be match of the century was when i knew he didn't really watch wrestling.
Timbaland was just alright. The segments he was involved in were pretty decent, and luckily they were fast. He had nearly the least involvement out of all the general managers, which is neither this nor that, but it's probably interpreted as a good thing by many, including me.

I'm stoked for Bret Hart next week, and I'm sure next week we are going to be talking about how great he was, hopefully anyway.
I did notice something in Timbaland's ear, but I do not think it was a earpiece, honestly to me it looked like a cottonball. He did look kind of out of it to me as well, so maybe he was pretty sick or something, but didn't want to back out on hosting. Honestly though, it would have probably been better if he was replaced. He did absolutely nothing to warrant any praise of warrant any mention really. He'll likely be the worst guest host for me by the time this whole thing is over.
Timbaland was okay. I liked his segment with Josh Matthews although I cringed when he did that stupid dance with the bellas.

bret hart will in my opinion be the best guest host so far. he will no doubt have some creative input and may make good matches and provide for an interesting show.

any word on the rock hosting RAW? to be honest i'd rather have him than jon heder or those two from psych.
I think that Bret Hart will not do much "guest host stuff," as it is certainly a given that there will be a confrontation of sorts between he and Vince McMahon, or Shawn Michaels. And this type of thing calls for more of a recurring type of role, which is what he signed up for anyway.

The most I can see of him making use of his host "powers" is to put The Hart Dynasty in a match with DX, or to name them the number one contenders. I can't see why everyone is so stoked to see him as a "guest host," when in my opinion he is more of a storyline, whom things can be built around.
I think that Bret Hart will not do much "guest host stuff," as it is certainly a given that there will be a confrontation of sorts between he and Vince McMahon, or Shawn Michaels. And this type of thing calls for more of a recurring type of role, which is what he signed up for anyway.

The most I can see of him making use of his host "powers" is to put The Hart Dynasty in a match with DX, or to name them the number one contenders. I can't see why everyone is so stoked to see him as a "guest host," when in my opinion he is more of a storyline, whom things can be built around.

I agree with you in the sense that you can probably forget about Bret Hart doing much "hosting" for the night.

However, DX is booked up with Jerishow, unless of course .... Bret decides to cancel that match (good idea), give Jerishow the boot since they already had their rematch and this is getting redundant, and put the Hart Dynasty in there.

However, since the Hart Dynasty are Heels, either he is going to "surprise" them and actually not do anything at all to benefit them ... possibly even deck both DH and Tyson and put them in their place .... or they are all going to turn Face tomorrow (which I don't see happening just yet).

Bret will undoubtedly use his "Guest Host" powers to give himself a spot and a contract on the Roster.
My idea for the whole guest host thing would be to end it, because I am sick and tired of people coming in who don't know a wrist lock from a wrist watch, or who need to read to know peoples name. If they continue with this crap they need to get people who follow wrestling and know a thing or two about it. I say just have legends come in, I could care less what "celebrity" comes in. Give me a wrestling legend and that's so so so much better than a celebrity. Personally though, I want a GM for Raw so the "leader" of the show can actually be there every week. But as I said if it has to continue, continue it with wrestling legends.
It's time for Dagger's weekly rant about the guest hosts!

This week our special guest on Raw was Bret Hart. I think that Bret was one of the best guest hosts we have had because not only did we get to see the return of a legend among legends, but we also FINALLY had a guest who actually is familiar with the WWE's current product. Also, Bret didn't do too much "GM stuff". That's another plus. He came out, had his moments with HBK and Vince, and then the rest of the show ran itself. It flowed very well and I really hope to see more Raw's in this format. Raw should be about the Raw wrestlers, not be centered around that week's guest. Next week with Tyson should be interesting, but Hart will be a hard act to follow!
We all remember Wrestlemania 14, right? Austin winning the title from Shawn, the beginning of the Austin era, brother vs brother Kane vs Undertaker, oh yeah, Mike Tyson betraying DX.

Does anyone else have a feeling that DX will confront Mike Tyson on Monday when he's guest host?
What other reason is there? Austin is gone, so there is'nt much more he can do on RAW thats intersesting. I would expect it.
I think DX have a good chance of getting involved with Tyson to some capacity, probably just to do a simple segment with him. DX have a tendency to get involved with guest hosts, and Tyson did have past relations with them, so it's fairly likely that they may interact with him.

Will their involvement relate to their past relations? probably not. That was a different time, and a different story line.

Alternatively, it's logical that Tyson just goes along with the GM mantra, and doesn't interact with DX at all.
I'm mildly embarrassed that I didn't think of that myself. It's almost too obvious not to happen. What I find interesting about the past two guest hosts (Hart/Tyson) is that they both feuded with DX in its infancy, when it was a heel stable. I know it sounds weird since Tyson isn't exactly the most likeable guy, but can Michaels/Triple H play faces while confronting Tyson? I get the feeling the crowd will cheer for Tyson as they did back in '97.
I'm sure they will have some kind of interaction but it won't be a confrontation. I want to see Jericho confront him since he already said he would bully the next guest host.

DX will have some sort of interaction with Mike Tyson that is for sure. However, I think it will be interesting to see what that interaction is. For example, DX are huge faces at the moment and I can't remember a guest host that came in and was the heel to balance this out. Jeremy Piven is probably the closest you are going to get to that and it failed. Now, is the past is anything to go by, "Iron" Mike will come in as a face and perhaps show heel aspects during the show before eventually turning on DX once more. However, I just don't see this happening. I don't think it is a case of Mike Tyson trying to bury the hatchet like Bret Hart did but I can certainly see something like that happening. I also don't think that it will end the same way that Hart's endeavour with Michaels did.That, however, is part of the mystery and will keep us all guessing until the time actually comes.
I can't help but think that next weeks show is going to suck. Nothing against Mike Tyson, I just have this gut feeling that it's going to be pretty bad. All I can imagine now is a segment with DX, mike and hornswoggle and thats enough for me to think it's gonna be a bad show.
It's time again for Dagger's weekly rant about the guest hosts!

Our guest on Raw this week was Mike Tyson. He wasn't that great of a guest host. The backstage segments weren't any good, what he said to Hornswoggle was funny though! His mic work was really bad although we have certainly seen a lot worse from previous guest hosts. Cena's jokes about the Mike Tyson's Punch Out video game were hilarious and one of the best parts of the show this week. I give Tyson a negative review because he wasn't entertaining as the guest host at all.... but nowhere near as awful as Sharpton or some of the guys in my signature's picture.
Tyson was okay. He sort of looked lost during the opening segment with Sheamus, Cena, and Orton. His best segment was, when he told HBK he was actually happy that he knocked him out years back. Tyson came off as evil. The sparing session with Jericho was nice to watch because it gave you that feel of "Mike's still got it" The tag match it self was mediocre at best. He really didn't do anything with HBK or HHH except for lock up a bunch of times, and get into push and shove matches with the two of them.
What about Freddie Prinze Jr.? He was a great host for the fact that he has knowledge of the product and is passionate about although I do agree that "The Body" was a great host as well.
I was alright with Mike Tyson as guest host, he has his speech impediment, but he makes it through, and was decent in the ring as a wrestler. He is a decent persona to bring back, and got to promote his movie. His recent cameo on Tha Hangover helped people know who he is.
I'm an old-school fan, been watching wrestling since '79. I was watching The Rise and Fall of WCW today and thought what about Magnum T.A. as a guest host? I'm quite sure he still has "star power" among older fans and his career was cut entirely too short. what do you guys think?

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