*MERGED* Raw Guest Host discussion

favorite guest host

  • Batista

  • The Million Dollar Man

  • Seth Green

  • Snoop Dogg

  • Shaquille O'Neal

  • Ozzy Osbourne

  • Sgt. Slaughter

  • Ben Roethlisberger

  • Floyd Mayweather

  • Dusty Rhodes

  • Bob Barker

  • Trish Stratus

  • Jesse Ventura

  • Roddy Piper

  • Verne "Mini Me" Troyer

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Nobody cares about David Arquette anymore. NOBODY.

I thought this thread was going to be something like WWE resigns RVD or is bringing back "Macho Man" Randy Savage or something. David Arquette hosting Raw is like WWE bringing in Rick Moranis or Tom Arnold to host an episode. Hell, why not just bring in Roseanne to host Raw.


Guess you need work on your sarcasm detector.

Seriously, did you actually think I thought this move seriously rivaled that done by TNA today? I don't think I could have made it any more obvious I was being sarcastic if I had just come right out and said I was.

I'd love to see Arquette guest host though, very entertaining actor, I'm a big fan of his. Good director too.
Yeah, David Arquette hasn't been relevant since the earth cooled over and the dinosaurs were born.

I don't think he will bring in any ratings at all for raw, vince needs to stick to athletes, current t.v. and movie stars, and musicians that are relevant in order for this guest host concept to keep working.
I fail to see how David Arquette hosting is a bad idea. He's a former World Champion, whether you like it or not. He's a rather funny individual, and his movies aren't that shit terrible. For all of you who see this as bad...explain to me why? Why is it bad to bring in the man who is not only at least sorta famous in his own right, but married to Courtney Cox? The chick from Friends? If anyone of these hosts could bring in extra fans, it's Arquette. And he can make matches with at least a little more credibility than, say, the Racecar Twins from last night.

As far as Hogan signing on to TNA...I know there is a thread for this somewhere, and I'm going to post in it...but if TNA can't ride Hogan to the top, then they truly do deserve every bit of criticism they receive from the "TNA haters" that TNA fans cry about in their sleep.
I know it was sarcasm. I'm not that stupid.

I was just disappointed when I opened the forum topic. I was just further pointing out how much of a non-existant piece of trash David Arquette is. The movie and his entire run in WCW was nothing special. WWE even acknowledging him as a figure in the wrestling industry would go to show how much the product is slipping. David Arquette's career is basically over. If they wanted to bring in someone from a Wrestling movie, they could bring in Jack Black or Mickey Rourke to host an episode. What about Dennis Rodman? Or Pete Rose? Maybe Drew Carey? They've all been involved with Wrestling in the past. But David Arquette would be an awful choice if they ever brought him in.
That will be an epic Raw. David Arquette as guest host is must see T.V.

You know DX will come out and get on him about his WCW title and it will be funny. I would like for him to be a heel guest host and for him to have a match. That would be the cake and the iceing too.

I can't wait for this......
I honestly can't remember the last time i heard David Arquettes name until i read the news on wrestlezone that he may be a guest host soon. He may not be bad but why exactly is he good? Not many people care anymore that he's married to courtney cox (if he still is, i'm too lazy to look it up) and the last movie i remember seeing him in was the one with the giant spiders. Yeah DX can poke and prod him about his championship run but how many jokes could they possibly fit in one show? i honestly don't think i could care anyless about David Arquette. It's just gonna be another episode of saturday night li.. oops i mean raw too me.
You know what would be even better than that? If David Arquette hosted Raw and put himself in a title match... and WON. Oh maaaaaaaaaan. LAWLZZZZZZZZZZ.


WWE would be desperate (Oh wait they are) if they were to bring in Arquette to host. It might be a good thing in the sense that Arquette is at least (I would assume because of his run in WCW) a fan of the business but I don't want to see it. Hes simply irrelevant.
Finally, someone to host Raw with at least some wrestling knowlege. Yea we had DiBiase and Rhodes, but the rest haven't had a clue. I think this will be a interesting host and I for one am actually looking forward to this guest host. The only other host I liked was Snoop Dog, the candle bit was great and definately not PG.
I think the last movie he was in was an Insy slasher film he wrote and directed I believe. He is a funny dude, it would be fun. I think the funniest thing to do would be to have him come out wearing the belt lol.
wow which would rather watch TNA with the Immortal Hulk Hogan and the mastermind behind WCW with beating WWE for 84 weeks or tune in to monday night raw and watch a funny guy he is funny no scarism but a man who should have never been champion or step foot in the ring, and also watch WWE take another stab how WCW dropped the ball mmmmmmm tough choice hogan's old but David shouldn't have never stepped in the ring hell who knows maybe he will take on John Cena and win the WWE title so i think i will tune into Impact and see just what kind of Impact Hogan and Bishoff will do to CROSS THE LINE
Oh yeah, Arquette hosting will be GREAT opportunity for WWE <cough> "Creative" to shine.

People are already booking that episode of Raw in this forum!

D-X, or at least Triple H will come out, do a couple of "shoot" jokes about Arquette's WCW title reign from 10 years ago (again, as I said, yet another chance for WWE to <yawn> bury a company that no longer exists).

Somewhere in this mess, Arquette will throw in a plug here and there for his wife's lame sit-com.

Then we have the obligatory "guest host booking" of a couple of matches, and you know Arquette will put himself in one of them.

Then we'll have to watch the boys have to put over this <cough> "celebrity" in a cluster-f*ck of a match as Michael Cole urges us to tune in next week for the next week celebrity host paint-by-numbers-booking of Raw.

Thank God there's SmackDown! and ECW.
Ricky Hatton will be the guest host for the Raw live in Sheffield next week. Knew I should have got tickets.

Anyway, this is a HUGE move from WWE. Ricky Hatton is well known to more or less everyone on the UK. There will be thousands of Boxing fans who might take a look at Raw purely to see Hatton. It will get mainstream exposure on Sky Sports before and after Raw. If the segments that involve Hatton are Gold, people will see it on Tuesday morning and might just check out Raw the next time.

In the UK WWE is hardly popular at all. This move is a fantastic one by Mr. McMahon. The WWE could not have found anyone else more suited to the role. It has the potential to attract a new genre of fans for at least a week.

Or WWE will just use Hatton stupidly, gaining them mockery from the Media and Vince won't care one bit as it's not America.
Ozzy and Sharon were good hosts last night, as I expected. Shockingly Ozzy only made one vocal botch (Evan Brawn?), so it could have been alot worse. It was nice seeing the old footage of Ozzy at Wrestlemania 2 as well. Good hosts, better than the usual shit.
I don't know if anyone else feels like this but World Wrestling Entertainment really needs to end this guest hosting crap Last Night Ozzy screws up last week Kyle Busch called Kofi Kingston Kofi Johnson Jeremy Piven called Summer Slam Summer Fest WWE Really needs to find a GM for RAW quickly yeah its cool to seen all the celebs but enough is enough how do you all feel about it .
Ricky Hatton, I'm a huge fan of his, lacks charisma. He's gained weight, can't act and he has no mic skills. But I'm happy that he atleast guest hosted one show. I thought that the Ozzy Ozbourne segments were actually funny, even tho Sharon got most wrestler's names wrong and kept doing the DX sign everytime she was on camera (because she prob thinks thats the WWE sign or something). Jeremy Pivet, BOB BARKER and ZZ Top were the worst guest hosts by miles. These three hosts have proven to me that this guest host shit needs to stop.
Hopefully it ended with a surprise, The Rock needs to come back for one more show as we know, after that I don't think people will be able to follow his energy on the mic. Lets just hope the Rock has his night, instead of comedy skits with hurricane throw in santino, with few surprises for the fans. I'm also surprised the coach hasn't took some time off to host raw, people who actually know the business. All in all the sooner its over the sooner i'm happy, these celeb hosts are b-list at best and having no knowledge.
It was hard to understand Hatton at times but I think he did an average job. Nothing great but nothing real horrible. This Monday will be real interesting with Piper as guest host. Expect Chavo and Hornswoggle to be involved somehow and there's a good main event so overall I expect the ratings next week to be up hopefully.
This guest host thing has been going on a little too long imo. They need to find a good way to end this once and for all. Dont get me wrong it's enjoyable, but in the long run it can hurt the product.

I think a good way to end it would be to have a good guest host (obviously somebody significant with wrestling) be the final host and negotiate an agreement with Vince McMahon. That should happen rather soon. but before it does happen I would like to see Randy Savage guest host, but that is highly unlikely. :disappointed:
There is precious little that's been enjoyable about the "guest host" angle. There is almost no continuity, save for the tiresome "DX" routine. My ideal ending would be for Barry Horowitz and "Gillberg" to trash the show.
You know there have been moments when I liked this guest host angle but in the grand scheme of things I think it needs to die and immediately. The only person in the future that I would be interested in seeing would have to be The Rock but I don't know when that will be. Most of the time I feel like they are just taking up valuable time that real talent could be using to further their careers. This guest host angle is single handedly ruining Chavo Guerrero's career. They hosts generally are not funny or even good. They consistently get names wrong such as Kofi Johnson. I have liked some moments though like Dr. Ken getting fu'd but I would rather it end then continue.
The only time I've come to enjoy the Guest Hosts are when they are people relevant to the wrestling business. Last night for example, was great. The HotRod always knows how to put on a great show for the fans. I was really hoping Vince and him would fight, I really was, but we still got something good from it.

The only guest hosts I've enjoyed have been Piper, DiBiase Sr. , Shaq, and Trish. And although Shaq isn't exactly a wrestler, he still knows how to entertain and that was one of the best Raw's to feature a non-wrestler for the host.
It looks like Verne Troyer is hosting Raw. This got me to thinking that Raw on that night is gonna have a big segment with Troyer and Hornswoggle. If something doesn't happen involving those two I would be surprised. Possibly something to do with picking on the little guy or someone your own sized etc. and he makes a big match off of it. What do you all think?
Verne Troyer and Hornswoggle will be the main event or an upper mid card match guaranteed. Vince is jizzing in his pants over this opportunity, he knows what we want and what we want is midgets!!

I thought Piper was pretty good on Monday, aside from that awkward Vince segment. Problem is most of the time the hosts suck, Troyer will be the same I doubt he knows one damn thing about wrestling.

I'm looking forward to Mark Cuban hosting Raw, as a big sports fan he's a pretty cool owner. He also could teach Vince a thing or two about marketing and business the dudes a genius.
It looks like two weeks of solid Raws will be dethroned yet again by horrible irrelevant celebrity guest hosts. How do you go from Piper to Jesse "The Body" to Verne Troyer?

That guy hasn't been relevant in years, the last thing I heard about him was when he was on Howard Stern last year. His ex wife filed a restraining order against him and they apparently have a sex tape together. Which has been destroyed. That would be pretty interesting to watch, it would be like watching a baby hump a woman. Ewww.

It seems like Hornswoggle will be suing DX too. It sounds like Raw next week might as well be called Little People, Big World, since the show is going to probably revolve around dwarfs. Troyer can't even walk, he needs a motorized cart to get around. How awkward is that going to look to see him coming into the ring?

Maybe he will drive around drunk and naked like he did on VH1's Surreal Life a few years ago. Awful. I could be wrong, but next week's Raw is probably going to be one of the worst one's we've seen in a while.
This is so fucking bad. I hope Batista comes and throws Verne Troyer into the titantron. What the hell is Vince smoking? The man is getting senile. Nobody in their right mind gives two squirts about Verne Troyer. He wasn't even that relevant when Austin Powers was out. I hope to the wrestling gods above i'm wrong. I hope Raw actually turns out to be worth watching. They announced the guest host and I yelled at my TV and proceeded to throw a pencil at it.

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