*MERGED* Raw Guest Host discussion

favorite guest host

  • Batista

  • The Million Dollar Man

  • Seth Green

  • Snoop Dogg

  • Shaquille O'Neal

  • Ozzy Osbourne

  • Sgt. Slaughter

  • Ben Roethlisberger

  • Floyd Mayweather

  • Dusty Rhodes

  • Bob Barker

  • Trish Stratus

  • Jesse Ventura

  • Roddy Piper

  • Verne "Mini Me" Troyer

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I fear Verne will not live up past what Jesse Venture gave us. Jesse was a great guest host, I felt the goosebumps when I saw him on my screen. But Verne seems to be a strange guest, as we havent seen an Austin Powers movie in close to 10 years. Verne has little connection to the wrestling world, and he is not part of a demographic that wrestling fans watch.
I like the guest host concept so far and hope it sticks around for a little while longer till they run out of good people to host. Ted Dibiase and Dusty Rhodes,Roddy Piper,Jesse Ventura,Jeremy Piven and Shaq have all been great. Bob Barker was not. Ozzy was ok. I can't wait to see Mini Me. I'd also like it if OJ Simpson or Charles Barkley were guest host.
I still hate the guest host concept. Detest it. Look no further than how I make fun of it in my signature.... Not all of them have been bad though. They need more guests like Ventura who actually understand wrestling and are not just there to promote some movie/product/organization/whatever. Trish, Shaq, Piven, Ventura, Roethlisberger, and a few others were good.... but most of them have been bad.

The worst one of all though was Sharpton. Cedric and ZZ-Top are not far behind. They can't possibly get any worse than that in the future, and I think that is part of why I am able to ignore the guest hosts more than when this was first introduced. As for Troyer.... he didn't really do anything. I thought he would have been entertaining compared to most of the guests, but oh well.

I stand by my previous statement when it comes to the guest hosts.... THIS NEEDS TO END AND SOON. I continue to watch Raw because I enjoy everything else about it BUT the guest hosts. I'll simply try to ignore them until they end the concept. Hopefully they have more guests that actually know about wrestling until then.

I honestly agree with you on this concept. When McMahon bought RAW back from Trump, I thought he was going to return to his awesome heel boss character and run the show/brand by himself again. However, he and the McMandroids decided to bring this concept up and it stinks big time. Out of all of them, my faves were those who actually know about wrestling (mainly because they were/are (in Batista's case) involved in the business at one point in time or another). This does need to end soon, and McMahon needs to return to the way he was earlier in the decade with his heel boss persona.
Cuban did an alright job as guest host this week. He handled the Cena/Sheamus confrontation well and he even went through a table. I usually give the guest hosts a hard time, but I gotta give Cuban props for being willing to take a bump. I rank him towards the middle though when compared to the other guest hosts though because he was better than most of the awful ones (Cedric, Barker, SHARPTON!!!!) but he was not as good as the few good ones we have had (Trish, Shaq, Piven, Ventura). WWE has yet to give me a reason to not hate the guest host concept though because there is always far too much emphasis on whoever this week's guest is.
Cuban wasn't too bad, he did hold his own out there. The guy just got too annoying for me after awhile. It was cool that he was at ringside instead of having WWE cater him like every of celebrity with bad comedy skits. I really don't know what Dennis Miller can bring next week. I loved his stand up show on HBO, not so much his work on Fox News.

Except for athletes, there really hasn't been a good celebrity host to mesh well with the wrestlers. They just come off as odd and too over the top. ZZ Top and Cedric The Entertainer made me ashamed to be a wrestling fan. It looks like Don Johsnon and Napolean Dynamite will be guest hosts in January.

One guy hasn't been relevant in 5 years, and the other hasn't been relevant in 25 years. That will go over well.
WWE should just drop the whole guest host thing on RAW. For the most part all they get is people nobody care about and they do not know how to talk on the mic ala Jeremy Piven.''Summerfest'' or them Nascar guys who could barely talk at all on the mic. Please give me a damn break. Of course the Access Holylwood chicks were just plain terrible as ZZ Top was, who did nothing but play music all night on the show. Just get rid of the concept and bring back a general manager or commissioner of RAW. I rather they bring back the commissioner thing on RAW. That could be a former wrestler who is a legend.
There may be one of these threads posted already so fill free to delete if you have to.Dennis Miller just hinted that Bret Hart may be hosting RAW.My first thought is Jan. 4th.All i have to say is i loving that i live in Dayton on the night the Monday night Wars start.So do you all think that if Bret does indeed host that it will be on January 4th just to nail TNA in the grave or do you think that this is hype that will never happen?
Hitman on the 4th makes a TON of sense. We all know Vince wants a big name and I haven't bought into the Rock hype for that date. I would be thrilled to see Bret come back.

Plus, weren't there discussion about him returning as a more permanent character? He could come back as the full time GM and then help the Hart Dynasty take the tag titles from DX. That'd be awesome to have the Hitman back helping his family out.
Well you can add Dennis Miller to the list, but as the worst guest host of all time. I swear I thought I was watching Fox News with all the political satire. Even people from Texas were booing Miller's anti liberal jokes. Wrestling fans don't want to listen to political jargon, they want real action which was definitely missing with Miller there.

You could tell that he was miserable being there. He said we are on hour 17 of the Slammy Awards. He wasn't exaggerating either, because that was the longest most painful show I've ever seen. If Vince wants a guest host to alienate his audience, he has achieved it.

Next week we are treated to Yankees player Johnny Damon who will host live in Tampa Florida. That should go over as well as having Michael Vick host a PETA convention. Damn even my jokes are sounding like Miller's. Awful. After Damon, we have rapper Timbaland guest hosting. Timbaland knows who Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair is, but has no idea who John Cena is. Fabulous, lets get the cue cards ready.

Tameus, you will be facing Ron Pena! Damn January 4th can't get here sooner.
The Rock would be a much better choice for host of Raw on Jan 4th. He would be able to draw in more of an audience that Brett would. Hell, there are probably a bunch of TNA fans that would tune out of their broadcast to see the Rock on the stick for 3 hours. (and in hopes he'd get in the ring with Cena)

When I saw Bret's taped Mr McMahon appreciation night, my reaction was just "Oh cool! Haven't seen him in a while. That's nifty." When the Rock made his taped appearances on Smackdown and back on Raw before Wrestlemania 23, I marked the f*** out.

Hart was a fantastic talent and I would still love to see him host Raw and I would definitely watch that Raw, but in terms of who would be better, I don't see the upside of him hosting vs. The Rock. The Rock would destroy TNA's ratings and their venture into live broadcasts on Monday's would end before it even began.

Don't care if it's another Rock pipe dream. I'll take either one of them
Dennis Miller was awful. We watch Raw for wrestling not for political jokes. Also, he called Triple H "the Show". That was almost as bad as Piven's "SummerFest" mistake.


They should have advertised the award nominees as much as they advertised Miller and then maybe tonight's show would have gone a lot better because the awards did not go as great as they potentially could have, and Miller was NOT funny. I'm tempted to replace Prinze Jr in my signature's picture with Dennis Miller because he was one of the worst guest hosts we have had so far.
Apparently some legit heat between Dennis Miller and Vince McMahon:
ProWrestling.net is reporting that there was legitimate tension between Vince McMahon and Dennis Miller on Raw this past week when the two of them did their segment together. Apparently, Miller was late in arriving to the building that day, and showed up only a couple hours before show time. Vince attempted to give Miller some comedy notes, and when Miller told that to the live audience on the air, Vince reportedly became irritated because it was not a scripted comment. Internally, there was said to be frustration amongst WWE officials over the fact that Dennis Miller did not connect with the live crowd like they had hoped.

Well let's face it, everything that came out of Miller's mouth was pretty much all scripted by WWE anyway. So Vince certainly got his "blend" of comedy in.

Although I think Miller is awful in real life anyway, and don't find him funny, I have to fault Vince for the "comedy" not connecting in this one, since Miller obviously had no clue who the WWE talent was he was interacting with. So that was pretty much all WWE, with Dennis Miller simply reading lines.

As far as Miller not arriving on time, again unprofessional, and WWE obviously can't be faulted for that. Although, Miller is now saying that he was not paid for his WWE appearance and was only given promotional time in return. That's interesting. I wonder if that is the deal for all the Guest Hosts, in exchange for their appearance, and if none of the Guest Hosts are actually paid. Even if that is the agreement, it was still unprofessional for Miller to arrive late, since he obviously agreed to the appearance without pay going into the event.
^^^ what did the WWE expect when they got Dennis Miller as the host. The guy is terrible all around, unfunny even for right-wing comedy standards.

You know who the WWE should get right? It should be Conan O'Brien, when I watch him interviewing WWE superstards he seems to have some good chemistry with them. Though his daily schedule in the Tonight Show won't allow him that.
Dam I'm the only person who voted for Dusty Rhodes as best Guest Host lol. I just enjoyed the shameless plug of his dvd with DX more than anything. That and the showdown between Cody and Orton at the end was pretty intense. To be fair I picked Rhodes by default because almost every episode since the guest host era has begun has been shit. Especially Dennis Miller. That was the worst one apart from ZZ top and Freddie Prinze Jr. The thing that saved Miller was the Slammys. Even though I was upset about how that was done too. Overall apart from the main event Raw this past week was terrible.
Damon wasn't that great. Add yet another name to the list of mediocre guest hosts. He wasn't horrible, but I didn't find him entertaining either because he seemed uncomfortable in his segments. WWE really needs to focus less on how famous their guests are and more on how much they enjoy the product because a guest who legitimately enjoys wrestling is going to be more entertaining when hosting a wrestling show.
Damon wasn't terrible since he wasn't featured on the show every 5 minutes like Miller. He did seem a little cocky and full of himself for someone that can barely get out 2 words on the mic without stuttering. The Tampa crowd didn't give him a warm reception either. Except for Cena, they didn't give a warm reception to anyone. Especially the Little People's Court.

The guest hosts have been awful lately. Ever since Mini Mi it has gone down hill. Verne Troyer, Mark Cuban, Dennis Miller, and Johnny Damon were all bad. Dennis Miller was the worst sense he didn't know his audience. I'm sure Timbaland won't be much better. The guy doesn't even know who John Cena is. Frankly, I'm not sure I know who the hell Timbaland is either.

I hope Jan. 4th ends this terrible guest host concept once and for all.
I wish Raw would just get a GM, hopefully Bret Hart will be that guy. Every week it's just becoming more and more cringeworthy watching these random celebrities show that they know next to nothing about wrestling. The idea was interesting at first, but now the concept for what the guest host does has become very boring and monotonous.

We know he/she will come out and say how happy they are to be on Raw, then is introduced to the superstars of Raw. Some heel will get up in their face (95% of the time this was Jericho) and insult them. They'll unenthusiastically make some matches and be involved in some lame backstage comedy skits.
Definitely agree with goodlay. Bret Hart would be perfect, and I hope that is their plan for him. A lot of the fans I know are sick of this "random celebrity" stuff. If Bret Hart isn't going to be the GM of Raw, this crap will continue.
I wish Raw would just get a GM, hopefully Bret Hart will be that guy. Every week it's just becoming more and more cringeworthy watching these random celebrities show that they know next to nothing about wrestling. The idea was interesting at first, but now the concept for what the guest host does has become very boring and monotonous.

We know he/she will come out and say how happy they are to be on Raw, then is introduced to the superstars of Raw. Some heel will get up in their face (95% of the time this was Jericho) and insult them. They'll unenthusiastically make some matches and be involved in some lame backstage comedy skits.

It's sad when you can now predict exactly how the show is gonna go on Monday Nights due to this new Guest Host nonsense. I agree wholeheartedly with you about the need for a General Manager and that man being Bret Hart. It is no coincidence that the shows are always better when a wrestler runs things. Hart has been away for over ten years and I'm sure people would tune in weekly to see his return.
I thought this whole guest host thing was going to be resurrected when Jesse Ventura hosted because he did such a great job, but man was I wrong. Damon was horrible. He looked so awkward when he first came out, and just didn't look comfortable in front of the live crowd. Then Vern Troyer was just completely pointless. He just seemed like he was "there" so everyone could say, "oh, so you're the guest host tonight". He really didn't do anything that was remotely entertaining, and every time he made an attempt at cracking a joke, it fell flat.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed either Bret Hart or The Rock will be able to save the guest host concept once AGAIN.
Ok so Bret Hartis good as guest host for next week. Sounds bad for DX, surely the weekafter will do them well.

Step forward Mike Tyson, should be a very interesting two weeks for DX. It'll be good to see Tyson back in a WWE ring to see how he interacts with DX.

Not so sure about Jon Heder the week after though, he can be funny but with two serious guys like Bret/Tyson buildin up do you want humour?

[source is wwe.com for confirmation of tyson/heder as guest hosts]
I really don't know why John Heder and Don Johnson will be hosting Raw together in 3 weeks. You would think Vince would have Bret as the guest host or General Manager for the next few months. I don't think Mike Tyson or Don Johnson will improve ratings, maybe in the 1980s, but not now.

I don't even think the majority of WWE fans know who Don Johnson is. Bret Hart coming in is every mark's dream, but all dreams end. Hopefully Bret will have a nice Impact in WWE, I just don't see it going anywhere though. Anyways, next week should be an interesting night on Raw.
Timbaland was not an overly bad host, in my opinion. He seemed fucking stoned at every turn though. Personally, I thought that he was one of the better guest hosts and especially over the last few weeks. His matches were pretty good and his performance in working the crowd was pretty good too. It is too bad that he really seemed to be out of it for a lot of the time. He was the guest host but he was only on the show like twice and had no real impact on the way things were done. Apart from that, he was fine.

As for next week and beyond, I think that WWE are really picking up the slack when it comes to guest hosts. They were cruising along with pretty mundane people and now it seems as though they have got their shit in order. Bret Hart followed by Mike Tyson are pretty good choices and should make for interesting viewing.
The E seems to go through stretches of decent hosts and then a stretch of pretty average or bad hosts. Timbaland was alright, nothing special though. I can't wait for next week for Hart. It is a shame it is only a 2 hr Raw. And as a huge Tyson fan, I'm definitely looking forward to see him hosting. Heder is a favorite of mine. I loved him in Napoleon Dynamite. It would be awesome if he hosted as ND, but that won't happen. Should be a fun couple of weeks leading to the Rumble.

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