*MERGED* Raw Guest Host discussion

favorite guest host

  • Batista

  • The Million Dollar Man

  • Seth Green

  • Snoop Dogg

  • Shaquille O'Neal

  • Ozzy Osbourne

  • Sgt. Slaughter

  • Ben Roethlisberger

  • Floyd Mayweather

  • Dusty Rhodes

  • Bob Barker

  • Trish Stratus

  • Jesse Ventura

  • Roddy Piper

  • Verne "Mini Me" Troyer

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LOL Mini Me was on a wrestling show? why the hell was mini me on a wrestling show? im actuallly surprised vince didnt hire him and put him in a tag team with Hornswaggle and have them win the Tag titles in a sqaush match against DX. Wouldnt surprise me.
The whole John Heder situation was pretty uncomfortable to watch. It seemed he was just really confused the whole time. Let see how dumb this match turns out...
Alright guys, it's time for Dagger's weekly rant on the guest hosts again.

Raw had two guests this week, Jon Heder and Don Johnson. I have mixed feelings about how they did as the guest hosts. I'm not a big fan of either of these guys, and I felt they took up a little too much time tonight that could have gone to wrestlers that are stuck relying on Superstars to get tv time. At first they were doing ok, but that segment before the Miz came out was pretty awful. So was the final match. I think that was supposed to be WWE poking fun at Flair and TNA or something because Heder's outfit looked a lot like one of Flair's old robes. While I don't enjoy seeing celebrities actually being in matches with the wrestlers, at least he probably had a good time. I give them an average review because while nothing awesome happened, they weren't terrible either.

I find myself saying this once again.... WWE really should focus on finding guests who either have been involved with wrestling before or are legit fans, rather than random celebrities. The guys guest hosting next week might be interesting but we'll see.
Next week the psych guys host and Im excited for that. Those two seem to be pretty big fans of WWE. Mickie has appeared, Cena is appearing and anyone who is a fan remembers the episode that started with them watchng the Royal Rumble with their Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Junkyard Dog dolls. Classic stuff. Im actually excited to see them next week. More than I can say for Jeremy Piven andVerne "Smurfs call me short" Troyer
apparently another nascar driver is set to host RAW on feb. 8. if so, why? we've already had two?oh yeah, because they were such good hosts last time, right?
apparently another nascar driver is set to host RAW on feb. 8. if so, why? we've already had two?oh yeah, because they were such good hosts last time, right?

Expect this time its someone who most likely knows the business and watches since Carl Edwards is pretty good friends with John Cena and most likely watches the show each week.
Get ready for more HILARIOUS gags like Snoop's scented candles.

Cheech and Chong are going to be hosting Raw on March 1. Their entire personas are based on weed smoking. It also shows a lot of hypocrisy on the WWE's part. Brian Kendrick, who was a very talented wrestler, and was getting over early as being THE Brian Kendrick (he was even an interim WWE Champion!) wound up getting fined up the yin-yang and eventually lost his push entirely due to his pot smoking. There are rumors that for each drug test he took, he had the fine all set to pay as part of his "Weed smoking fee". There are also rumors that Evan Bourne lost all his momentum due to his pot smoking. I think it's stupid on their part to be in that position and smoke weed. In no way am I sticking up for them. However, by having Snoop host and doing weed smoking gags, and with Cheech and Chong coming on and the chances very good that they'll do more comedy bits surrounding pot smoking, it's going to give the appearance that they at the very least endorse pot smoking.

Hopefully by that point, Punk and Gallows will be Tag Team Champions and they can base an angle on it. Cheech and Chong are so irrelevant to begin with, and it's going to be a waste of time with them hosting like it usually is with the C and D listers they get. Getting Punk to yell at them about pot use and basing their careers off of it will be at the very least, pretty entertaining.
To me its Dule Hill from the good television show Psych. He was funny, good, interacted well with the superstars on the show. I think by far he was the best celebrity guest host they had so far on RAW.
Dule wasn't as bad host. I guess we have Shatner next week. He has that quirky sense of humor that would mesh well with the show. It's not the show I wanted to see 10 years ago, but it fits now. Didn't he induct someone in the Hall of Fame? That was weird. Next we have some random Nascar guy and Jerry Springer.

It seems no matter who the guest host is, it usually goes over well if WWE are in the south or mid east. I don't think they would bring out Springer at Madison Square Garden though. Stone Cold should be good. I just hope they end this crap after Wrestlemania. It has lost its luster a long time ago.
Alright guys.... it's time once again for Dagger's weekly rant on the guest hosts!

This is a rarity. I have a positive review this week. Dule did a good job as the guest host. REALLY good. Out of the guest hosts who are NOT former employees of WWE, he was probably the best one other than Shaq! The backstage segments with Cena were good as they made fans care about Cena's appearance in Dule's show later this week. I found them entertaining as well. His button pressing was really funny too. I laughed at Maryse's angry reaction to the pyros randomly being turned on during her promo. The best part though was him randomly putting Carlito into a match with Kelly through that machine in the production truck. More of the guests who are not former employees of WWE could learn a thing or two from Dule tonight. He definitely was better than I expected.

Next week we have Shatner. I'm not a big fan of him, but we will probably be in for some hilarious promos since his acting style is made fun of CONSTANTLY. I can imagine Santino or Miz mocking him somehow. Who knows, we'll see.
hopefully they show some of the old video footage of the Shat monkey-flipping Lawler! that was comical back then, i think he kicked the roadie's ass too, aka road dogg jesse james!

here's the infamous James T Kirk monkey flip in action!


cant wait, even though RAW is lacking lately, I'll tune in to see shatner! america's most beloved ham
I actually like Dule. He was very funny, and entertaining. The pyro segment between him and Maryse was hillariuos. Also, the argument and slap from Alicia Fox was another funny moment. When I heard him and the other guy were going to be guest host, I immediately was bashing it in my own mind before they even got a chance,but I was wrong.Dule seemed very lose and comfortable during the backstage segments and all the other stuff he was involved in, and didn't come off as awkward or boring like some of the other guest hosts.
Dule Hill was awesome. If Roday was there it would have been even better. Those two are hilarious and are pretty big wrestling fans. It seems that when the hosts are solid fans enjoy the show and are better host. I think Shatner will be alright, but he has some big shoes to fill, as Dule was one of the top 5 hosts.
I was actually excited for Dule Hill and James Roday when I found out they were hosting Raw. I'm a casual Psych fan, so I was hoping for some Gus/Shawn antics. Even though we didn't get to witness their excellent chemistry, we still got a fantastic guest host out of Dule. Finally, a non-wrestling personality Guest Host with charisma. Dule was loose and easy on Raw, and it translated on screen.

I also like that he was one of the few guest hosts that really interacted with the Divas in a way that allowed them to put their characters on display, especially Alicia Fox. The back and forth between Dule and both Maryse and Alicia enhanced their respective segments without detracting from either woman.

AND we got a Magic Head reference!
Time for Dagger's weekly rant about the guest hosts of Raw!

This week the guest host was Shatner. He didn't really do much. I'd say that's a good thing for most guest hosts, but I suppose I was expecting a little more. The Raw match Negotiator thing was kinda funny, and the entrance theme parodies was.... interesting.... Normally I have included in these rants a comment along the lines of how Raw should be centered around the wrestlers and their angles, not the guest for that week. For the most part, we got that this week. Shatner did a couple of segments and then announced Bret's entrance. He did an ok job as the guest host and I'm giving him an average review because he wasn't that bad, although I expected something a little funnier in the segments he was in. At least the focus of the show had less to do with the guest host for once.

Next week seems to be another racecar driver.... didn't we just have nascar guys last semester? I'm not expecting anything great from next week's guest, hopefully it won't be bad.
Well it looks like we will have abysmal Jewel and her bull riding husband as the guest hosts on Feb. 22nd. We also have Mindfreak's Criss Angel on March 8th. Maybe Angel can make Hornswoggle disappear, and make Raw reappear into a more entertaining product for once.

The only host I'm looking forward to is Steve Austin, although there isn't much the man can do in a PG environment. I don't think drinking steveweisers and chanting Hell Yeah is very family oriented. I just can't wait till after WrestleMania when they end this guest host garbage once and for all.
william shatner is by far THE WORST GUEST HOST EVER!!!!!!! HE HARDLY DID ANYTHING< I DID KINDA ENJOY HIM SINGING THEMES BUT THEN A LITTLE WHILE LATER I REALIZED HOW STUPID THAT ACTUALLY WAS, next week its some nascar driver??? ive never heard of him and i doubt hardly anyone else has heard of him either, the main thing i want to say is, THEY EITHER NEED TOHIRE BETTER GUEST HOSTS OR JUST STOP THIS STUPID GUEST HOST THING COMPLETELY!!!!! (i want to see more legends as guest hosts)
william shatner is by far THE WORST GUEST HOST EVER!!!!!!!

No he wasn't. He was nowhere near as bad as Cedric, Barker, Miller, or Sharpton. I expected funnier stuff from Shatner myself but there have been far worse guests than him. He doesn't even make the bottom 5. The worst guest hosts were the guys who did not belong there. Barker had no reason to be on Raw, NONE. I'm still upset that he won guest host of the year, that's 100% bull. Miller felt really out of place too with his bad political jokes. Cedric was terrible and I have tried to erase his Raw from my memory. Sharpton is by a landslide the worst though because making him a guest host nearly made me swear off of Raw forever, THAT'S how bad he was. Shatner was tolerable because he had some amusing segments and didn't ruin the show like the bad guest hosts all did, he was GREAT compared to Sharpton or Cedric.
Criss Angel is gonna suck the guy has no personality whatsoever. He is going to be a vortex of personality and charisma. It's strange that they chose to have him be host because he will suck all the energy out of every person in the arena. He made the Amazing Jonathon look boring and that is quite difficult.

I'm not a fan of this one
It's time once again for Dagger's weekly rant on the guest hosts!

I'm glad that WWE has been continuing the trend of not having the guests do too much. The show should be centered around the wrestlers. This week our guest was Carl Edwards and he was decent. All he really did was make a few matches. Other than that he didn't do much and that's fine in my opinion. I think that they missed an opportunity at a cool entrance for him if that was Edwards in the car rather than Hornswoggle.... oh well. I give him a decent review because although he wasn't entertaining, that is canceled out by the fact that he didn't do anything stupid to mess up the show.

Next week it looks like it will be Jerry Springer and that should be.... interesting....? I'll reserve any thoughts on that until after Raw is over next week. I still stand by my previous statement(s) that I hope the guest host concept ends by Wrestlemania. It overstayed its welcome long ago.
I still think they should get a cult fave like Christopher Walken to guest host, he couldnt be any worse then the other guest hosts of late. maybe get Kurtwood smith to guest host, he could go Red Foreman on the wrestlers for our amusement. and they need to do something, RAW is just getting plain horrible as of late
I actually liked Carl Edwards. He was decent, and looked pretty comfortable in front of the crowd. I still don't understand what was the fucking point of having Hornswoggle come out of the car??? It wasn't funny or entertaining at all. Anyway, Edwards did a nice job, and his backstage segments had a pretty good flow to them. Jerry Springer next week should be interesting. During the attitude era this would've been awesome, but now that we are in the PG era, I have a feeling he is going to be very bland, and boring.
The guest host thing was cool when Batista did it and after that it just went downhill. The whole Springer thing was ******ed. The only good that came out of that was Santino. He cracks me up..

Please God end this guest host bullshit. Id rather have Regal as a GM shutting the lights off every monday than a guest host.
It's time for Dagger's weekly rant on the guest hosts! (A little delayed because I have been busier the past couple of days)

This week's guest on Raw was Springer. Things certainly were.... interesting.... with Springer as the guest this monday. I honestly think he did a good job. He didn't do anything annoying to ruin the show and his segments were alright. The Springer show parody was funny. At first I thought that it was too controversial for a PG show but then realized it was just a parody, right about when everyone randomly started coming out. I'm glad that it was just a parody of the real Springer show because it would have been disturbing if they really did an angle like that with Kelly. I liked it though, it was funny and took up the time that a pointless match normally would have.... although I did hate that they had to involve Mae Young, she gets "go away" heat from me no matter what she does. That aside.... Springer wasn't awesome, nor terrible. I give him a good review because the parody of his show was funny, and he didn't do anything all too annoying like most of the guests do.

Next week's guests live in the same town as me.... Stephenville, Texas.... and no, I don't know them personally, but just thought I'd share that as a trivial note. I'm not expecting too much from them, we'll see what happens.
Are the younger fans gonna appreciate the glory that is Cheech and Chong next week, I mean can they really be Cheech and Chong in a PG Raw, I feel that is a valid question cause if I'm not mistaken they are only about weed.

I think it's a strange choice

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