*Merged* Mick Foley Return Discussion (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!)

Well I guess some fans are just smarter than the entire WWE creative team and Vince, despite their reading and writing ability. It is pretty damn obvious that they were not trying to use a legend to get 100% of the fans cheering Cena, I mean for goodness sake if they did who would cheer the Rock?

They are in a feud so against each other, if you cheer Cena you boo Rock and vice versa (in theory), so if they somehow managed to pull a rabbit out of the metrophoical hat and achieve 100% Cena fanbase where would that leave Rock?

Is it just me that found myself agreeing with Cena's dad? I hate the fact that because woman and children cheer him, some hate him. Well aren't you a right little expert, it strikes me more of a case of (in some cases) immature people hating him in the same way they will hat Disney movies and cartoons 'cos their sister loves 'em sort of thing."

Is it really that unbelievable that Cena means when he says he loves the business and fans? I love Rock and bear no ill and personally don't understand when he gets stick for changing careers, but Cena is there every weeka and has suffered major injuries because of it.

Some will argue that he is a body builder, well did you see Rock he sure as hell looked like he could be on a similar path to Cena. But Cena only has a few moves and always comes from the death to win, kind of like Rock then?

Like I said I enjoy in fact no love watching both and cannot wait to see SS and WM, but don't pretend disliking Cena makes you better or smarter than anyone. And even if it did who are you to take the reason why millions of fans love WWE and throw it their face? As an old song once said 'children are the future', and to borrow a quote from Ryder 'you know it.'
I was very happy to see Mick return last night, when I heard he made an appearance at a house show in Dublin I was itching to see him back. Foley is one of the most entertaining guys to ever perform in the WWE and having him back definitely brings back some great past memories. His segment with Cena was interesting, at first I thought it was pretty funny but in the end I didn't really love it, I guess I was so excited that a legend like Foley was back that I was expecting a little more, I will say that the bit with John's dad had me laughing pretty good. Rock coming out and hitting him with the Rock Bottom was pretty surprising but I think it gave the bit a good ending. In general I'm very glad to have him back, it'll be interesting to see him in some matches but I'm hoping he kind of goes the Booker route where he can have a match everyone once an a while but he mostly does his thing on the mic. Glad to have Mick back and I'm looking forward to what he does next.
I enjoyed the segment but felt sorry for Cena from the second i knew it was a rip-off of the highest rated segment in RAW history which just happened to feature The Rock, it was always going to be compared to the original and would always fall short, more ammo for the fans that repeatedly say "Cena is just a rip off of The Rock".

But as i say i enjoyed the segment and thought Cena's dad was hilarious:lmao:

But i don't think i've seen pics of many wrestlers when they were children, young wrestlers like Jack Swagger yes, but not children. I've seen so many pics of Cena at 6-12 years old i feel like i was there, maybe a tactic of the WWE thinking "hey lets put pics of Cena as a young child on the screen, nobody would boo a young child":confused:
In standing up for the whole " Does Booing bother Cena" question I would give a resounding NO...NEVER.

See folks a man long ago I dont remember if it was Piper, HHH, Hogan, Orndorff, Flair but it doesnt matter said this " I dont care if they Boo me...I dont care if they cheer for me....as long as I dont walk thru that curtain and here crickets I am doing well."
I have to say that I was extremely happy to see Foley on WWE television again. However, outside of his fun little segment with Cena, I'm not really sure how he's going to be utilized on television or any storylines going forward. I was actually hoping that he would be chosen to be RAW's GM, but that's still possible in the future. I always thought he played a great authority figure and the man can seriously work the mic. I'd like to see him take Johnny Ace's place at some point in the future. I also wouldn't mind seeing Foley hit up the announcer booth again. I did enjoy him being a part of the commentary team on Smackdown back then just prior to his release.

Also, to address those that say the segment was meant to get Cena over. I disagree. I don't know how you could possibly get Cena any more over than he already is. I saw the segment as a way to reintroduce Foley to WWE fans, especially to those who are unfamiliar with who he is. I don't know why so many people are taking the segment so seriously. It was meant to be silly and fun.
In standing up for the whole " Does Booing bother Cena" question I would give a resounding NO...NEVER.

See folks a man long ago I dont remember if it was Piper, HHH, Hogan, Orndorff, Flair but it doesnt matter said this " I dont care if they Boo me...I dont care if they cheer for me....as long as I dont walk thru that curtain and here crickets I am doing well."

Sheamus said that a few weeks ago.

If I was Cena, I'd be happy I was getting a reaction too... to a point. But the You Can't Wrestle and Cena Sucks chants would get to me, at least a little. I would be the face of the company and yet I can't get the crowd to like me more? I'd be a little sensitive about it. Of course I wouldn't lose any sleep, but I would still be thinking "Damn, if only one day I could go out and just get a huge ovation with no boos...".

I'm sure he thinks it once in a while. If you read some of his tweets, you'll notice it too. There's a reason why he has a RISE ABOVE HATE T-Shirt. I think it does get to him once in a while, but I agree that he is happy he's getting a loud reaction nonetheless.
I love how a thread about Foley and Cena turned into Cena disliking boo's, Cena hating, and Cena being over. Before I sound like a hippocrate, I'm gonna continue all of these discussions. :P

Cena/Foley Segment: It was funny. It was interesting. It was meant for comedy, and re-introducing Mick Foley. Yeah, it was too dragged out, but what else will they fill a 3-Hour RAW with? Wrestling? Thats my main complaint with RAW these days...not enough wrestling. Smackdown has turned into a real wrestling show, more than RAW, because the Smackdown storylines appear on the SuperShows.

The Boo-ing of Cena: Hey. Shit happens. He knows it. We all know it. I'm positive he is fine with it. But still, as another poster noted, everyone can get a bit hurt over this stuff. The man works and works and works for the company and the fans, but people love to hate him. I don't blame them, because I get annoyed with Cena from time to time. But either way, the man is over. He is the biggest wrestler in the company. He deserves to be where he is. So nobody can expect him to not be where he is. It is also WWE Creative that "shoves Super-Cena down our throats" lol. It isn't his fault or anything. So I think people should calm down a bit about that.

Personally, I am not a Cena Hater. But I'm not a Cena Lover. I can take him or leave him. The man has put on amazing matches over his career, and has been in amazing feuds. He deserves more credit than the IWC gives him. The Super-Cena character again, is the Creative team. If they told him tomorrow, to go betray the CeNation, and kick CM Punk in the balls, he'd do it. There's nothing to add on here.

But this thread has gotten to be all about Cena and not Foley. The Thread is titled: Mick Foley Return Discussion, and yet, it's about Cena. But I understand, and I'm adding to the mess. But Its alright. Theres not much to say about Foley yet. He's been back for one night. He's gonna progress and Creative will do something with him. I'm just unsure as of now, as to what they'll do with him.
In standing up for the whole " Does Booing bother Cena" question I would give a resounding NO...NEVER.
lol yes it does....you can see the sadness and frustration in his face everytime, the same look when Rock makes fun of him and no I know your bias but its not because he's acting because his gimmick is acting like nothing bothers him. Unfortantley he can't act (or wrestle) and we can see through a phony punk a mile away! If he was acting he would be acting like it hurt then not in a split seconds which makes no sense so its not acting, sorry your wrong.

your just in denial that nobody likes your hero because he isn't good at his perfession. No? have you ever seen ANY other superstar hated this much as the face of the company, people aren't angry for no reason.

I am not a cena fan nor am I a cena hater I can take him or leave him. I do enjoy his facial expressions in promos and matches and I wish he could go back to being Prototype.

I am not one that roots for a specific wrestler or is a fan of any specific wrestler, well with the exception of Piper from when I was a teenager, I dont mark out for anyone per se.

I enjoy the show in general from stick work to ring work.

Hated and Loved I can give you one Raven back in ECW the real ECW not the WWECW. He was loved and hated to the extrememe depending on if you were for him or for Tommy Dreamer. Then again with Sandman when he claimed Sandmans son as his own that was Epic.

Go back even further Gorgeous George was Hated by many and Loved by many. Men hated him women and kiddies Loved him.

I can tell you who I cant stand in wrestling tho...Hogan and Rock....their tired catchphrases that have no substance or meaning. I never liked either.

As for the Segment I thought it was great...Mick's This is your life segments are well a mini Roast...if you dont know what a roast is Check out Commedy Central sometime they are great.

I dont know where you are getting the sadness and frustration in his face tho.

You want fake acting tho watch Jeff Hardy when he says he doesnt use drugs anymore. Now thats a phony punk.
Just watched Raw today since I was gone Monday. (thank you DVR)

After watching Mic Foley's segment "This is Your Life"....I noticed one thing.

When John Cena's dad walked into the ring (not sure if that was really his dad, but I'll assume it was) I knew things COULD get good....but they only got worse. Let me explain to you the difference between the PG era and the Attitude era. Using this segment/promo alone, if this was the Attitude Era, Mr. John Cena Sr would have gotten the Attitude Adjuster in the middle of that ring. Plain and simple. It would have been shocking, and it would have made great TV. Guaranteed that John Cena would have gotten a huge pop....but they are portraying him as the "ultimate good guy" to the point where it's sickening...so he would never do that... hence the reason the fans boo him constantly.

I just wanted to pitch in my $.02.
Being ignorant is not a negative thing. Your post would most certainly suggest ignorance.
I know that the word "ignorant" in and of itself is not a negative word. However, certain people use the word to show superiority over others and though the term in itself isn't negative, you must agree that it does come with its share of negative overtone. Do we agree?

So it's your anecdotal evidence against mine.
another reason why i love debating with you. i always learn new stuff.
Clearly this is the case.

Since you cannot prove how John Cena feels, calling him a liar certainly makes you look slightly hypocritical considering the offense you seemed to take at me calling you ignorant for not knowing you.

Though i'm not calling him a liar. I'm saying that because wrestling is scripted, you go out there and you do your job. That doesn't mean that once he's back stage putting on regular clothes and going home, he's not thinking that it would be so much better if everyone was cheering him. I'm not saying he's lying at all. If wrestling was based on total truth and we all knew they were able to give a totally true account of how they felt, then i'd believe him when he said he didn't care. But due to the fact that it's scripted, i'm inclined to believe that on camera, he don't care, but at home, its a little annoying to him.

And what I'm asking you is why would he feel bad about it? Both points I made in my last post show why he has no reason to feel bad about it.
And they were very good points. You feel as if Cena, is far above the hate, (pun intended) and knows his worth well and does his job better so it doesnt matter what people think because as long as people are paying and he's getting that check he's doing his job. Good point.
BUT. After all that is done, I'm asking, why wouldn't he be annoyed about going out there giving 100% and putting his body and mind on the line every night to please people by being the kind of man the very moral fabric this country was built on, and yet half of the crowd boo's him. Maybe he doesn't feel bad about him, maybe he feels bad about the morality of the people who boo him...either way, I'm saying I think it bothers him.

No, not at all. It has nothing to do with HIM getting paid, it's whether or not he's doing his job. His job is to get fans to pay to come to the show. The WWE pays him to do this job, and he's doing his job very well.
Ok, I clearly read it wrong. I read "as long as they're paid to come to the show" and you initially wrote "as long as they paid to come to the show" referring to the audience. My bad. Disregard my reference to the Rock commentary.

I think if John Cena could choose to have this reaction or a 100% cheering reaction, I'm sure he'd choose the latter. But just because he prefers one choice over another, doesn't mean the choice which was made for him bothers him. Hell, at this point, I think he rather enjoys it. For example, last night when Rock said something about Cena's lady parts, you could see Cena mouth "wait for it" and then started counting, waiting for the moment the fans would start chanting about Cena's lady parts.

At this point, not only do I get the impression it doesn't bother Cena, I think he rather enjoys it.
You know, I wouldn't be surprised if he did enjoy it. I think after all this time, of getting it week in and week out it's become a part of the world he lives in. But that being said, I ALSO wouldn't be surprised if somewhere down the line theirs a John Cena Inside the Cenation DVD where they get candid and he says, it really bothered him. Even if only for a little while.
Because no one with the good integrity a great work ethic and the kind of moral standard he has, wants to be looked at as the bad guy for all that they do.
Thats all i'm sayin.

Sheamus said that a few weeks ago.

If I was Cena, I'd be happy I was getting a reaction too... to a point. But the You Can't Wrestle and Cena Sucks chants would get to me, at least a little. I would be the face of the company and yet I can't get the crowd to like me more? I'd be a little sensitive about it. Of course I wouldn't lose any sleep, but I would still be thinking "Damn, if only one day I could go out and just get a huge ovation with no boos...".

I'm sure he thinks it once in a while. If you read some of his tweets, you'll notice it too. There's a reason why he has a RISE ABOVE HATE T-Shirt. I think it does get to him once in a while, but I agree that he is happy he's getting a loud reaction nonetheless.

Sir, this is exactly what i'm saying. I totally agree that any reaction is a good one. However, to anyone doing what they love, it sucks when people hate on you. It just does. So though he may not lose sleep, i'm willing to bet money he doesn't love it.

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