*Merged* Mick Foley Return Discussion (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!)

No, the WWE didn't use Foley to get Cena over. In fact, I'm sure it's the other way around.

Exactly. As young as many WWE fans are, Foley has probably been away long enough that many of them don't really know who he was. What better way to re-introduce Foley to the limelight than to have him appear with the #1 guy in the company?

But for those of us that remember Mick's heyday, it's the same thing; his initial segment will garner more interest with Cena than it would if Foley appeared with Daniel Bryan or Dolph Ziggler.

Okay, now that he's back, they can start using him in segments with Kelly Kelly and the Bellas. But for his first appearance in a few years, WWE did it the right way.
That segment was horrible. Thank God The Rock came out and Rock-Bottomed Foley. It needed to happen. When is WWE going to get it through their narrow minds that they cannot get Cena over with the fans anymore? That ship has sailed and they're going to have to come up with another direction for him so with that being said, his heel turn has got to happen and what better time to do that than this Sunday at Survivor Series when he turns on The Rock and reveals himself as the guy who's been giving Awesome Truth their marching orders with advice from Nash? Make it happen, WWE. On a side note, is it just me or has RAW been really bad lately?
I can't believe I'm posting this, but I actually thought the segment was hilarious. I usually can't stand John Cena, but he was entertaining last night. I don't think the segment was an attempt to get Cena over with the fans. I think it was just meant to be a funny segment. People will still either love him or hate him, no matter what. I liked the segment, but I'm not planning on joining Cenation anytime soon.
I have to agree with many of the people here. Whether an attempt to be funny or to win over some new people, the segment did not work. No one really knows the true intention of the entire segment by the creative team so I don't see the point in making claims as if you do. Foley's endorsement of Cena was met with boos and even more often, uncomfortable silence. His guests where either greeted with little no reaction or were simply too untalented on the mic.

As much as I'm not a fan for speculation regarding the reasoning behind decisions already made, if I were to analyze the possible logic for the segment, I would have to say it was to get a strong reaction from the crowd from either one way or another. Aside from toned-down boos and loud boos from the crowd in a very few spots, there was no significant lasting reaction throughout the entire 10+ minute ordeal until The Rock "saved us" from the further embarrassment of watching that hot fucked up mess.

If there's any doubt, I would assess this as a fail.
That segment was horrible. Thank God The Rock came out and Rock-Bottomed Foley. It needed to happen. When is WWE going to get it through their narrow minds that they cannot get Cena over with the fans anymore? That ship has sailed and they're going to have to come up with another direction for him so with that being said, his heel turn has got to happen and what better time to do that than this Sunday at Survivor Series when he turns on The Rock and reveals himself as the guy who's been giving Awesome Truth their marching orders with advice from Nash? Make it happen, WWE. On a side note, is it just me or has RAW been really bad lately?

It amazes me how few people listen to Cena. His character is so polarising because he wears his heart on his sleeve, much like CM Punk, The Rock, Austin his character is an extension of himself, thats why its so realistic. So when Cena says he doesn’t care if you boo or cheer him i for one believe he means that. He knows hes getting a reaction, hell ive seen men at shows boo him while wearing his shirt. Hes over as a FACE with some of the people booing him, they just do it coz its fun or they think its cool.

Funny thing is last nights segment was, well, funny. It was so slapstick over the top that it was never going to get Cena over with the people who legit hate him, but the people who love him (i am one) would’ve loved that segment, the Foley fans (i am one) would’ve loved it and lets face it, Cenas Dad and Cenas subsequent reaction was absolutely priceless!!!
As usual, the shortsighted idiocy of some internet fans never ceases to amaze me. It's astonishing that you can't see that segment for what it was and, instead, try and turn it into yet another anti-Cena thread.

If anything, last night's segment with Foley was designed to get even more heat from the crowd on Cena. The "This Is Your Life" segment with Foley was a parody of what Foley did with The Rock back in the day. How can anyone be so foolish as to think that WWE was hoping to use Foley to get Cena over with fans??? Cena is already over with fans, in case you can't see or hear. Cena ALWAYS gets a response. Some hate him, some love him. It's been that way for an extremely long time. Think about it, why would a segment designed to "put John Cena over with the fans through Mick Foley" have John Cena's father come out and insult the entire Boston crowd?!?!?!?! Telling 15,000 people that they suck for booing his son isn't quite going to garner an endearing response. Having a former colleague come out and rant and rave on Cena about how he is responsible for ruining his life and turning it into a country music song won't send people through the roof cheering for Cena. Use your heads people.

Why would WWE want to put more potential heat on Cena? This is only a guess on my part but I think that Cena will basically turn on The Rock at Survivor Series and Rock will lose the match because of it. The writing is on the wall. Why else bring The Rock back for a wrestling match before WM if not for something major to happen? Will that something major be a fully fledged heel turn? Maybe, maybe not. It's certainly possible when you think about things in the long term. Cena vs. Rock will be in Miami, Rock's home town, and Cena will most definitely get a hell of a heel response anyhow. There's nothing WWE can do to counter that and I'm sure they know it. Plus, look at how Raw ended last night. Even Cole & Lawler said on commentary that The Rock stole the spotlight from John Cena and the look on Cena's face as Rock pulled Miz out of the AA just so he could hit him with the Rock Bottom only adds a little extra bit. Am I reading too much into it? Possibly. But, as I said, they're not going to all this trouble just to have Rock work a standard match at Survivor Series.

The WWE had The Rock come out and hit Foley with the Rock Bottom as kind of a protest to the general silliness that The Rock associates with Cena. The Rock doesn't like John Cena. The Rock's character is also something of an ego-maniac and Cena doesn't necessarily fits Rock's requirement of what a man is supposed to be. He's practially said as much in past promos.

As usual, the WWE is playing the IWC like a friggin' banjo and Vince will be laughing all the way to the bank after Sunday.
I don't think it was meant to be a great promo, The Rock bottom at the end sums it all. I think the whole idea was that, no matter what, rock and cena ain't getting along, It doesn't matter wether thier teaming up, or foley asking them to make peace, the shit is on. Also, I believe it was a good way to build up their WM match and to welcome back foley to WWE TV. One thing for sure, the rock is back and he's in lot better condition than he was the last time we saw him on WWE TV(His Birthday). He looked like a M*****F****** beast!! Hell, in the last segment, they all looked like little kids standing around him. BootsToAsses!
With the exception of the Bull that segment was horrible and finger of shame for WWE, Foley, Vince, whoever for trying to sway the fans' opinions(which didn't work lol). Never seen so much ass kissing to one guy(which again failed to work)in a loooong time. When are these idiots going to realize that no matter what they do Cena's not going to get over as a face in his persona? People don't like him. He got booed again in his hometown, and it wasn't just the typical "Cena sucks" heat, it was almost apathy. They were groaning at the mention of his name; they were genuinely disgusted and frustrated with him.

And who can blame them? The guy is stale, the guy is stagnant, and the guy is a worn out act. It's not my opinion, it's a fact. He's a whole representation of what's wrong with this company. It's really freaking pathetic when your supposed top babyface gets a much less face reaction than Zack Ryder of all people, let alone the Rock. In your hometown no less. Something has to be done, and Survivor Series is the time to do it.
It was set up to be a failure and thus it worked as entertainment. Cena was able to carry it by acting embarrassed. It reintroduced the bright-eyed Mick Foley who just could not believe it was not going well and Cena talking about striking out and even being embarrassed by the Rap Character he played with Bull Buchanan worked well. Even getting his dad to just leave worked as well.
It even let Cena throw out some old wrestling references to be funny and show he actually grew up a wrestling fan.

The Rock coming out and taking out Foley was the capper.

People who are sick of Cena still need to just point at the fact that other guys have not gotten over enough to step up to main event status. You are tied of seeing him because there are still not enough options to keep interest.

Just look back at when The Rock started his movie career and would take a few weeks off for filming. Raw could still put Austin, HHH, Jericho, Mankind, Undertaker and others out there and do an entertaining show with guys people care about. When Cena is not around even the entertaining stuff is with guys who have not quite made it yet.
Shameless. And to be honest, a little insulting. It was a blatant attempt to win the fans over for Cena through the praise of a legend. That's all Mick Foley was there for, to try and sell Cena to the crowd. I thought it was a horrible segment.

I agree, I was pretty p($$3d off. I didn't appreate how little they showed respect for the fans by basically saying that they will never let us cheer for who we want which is the whole point of pro wrestling. Also they basically told us

"We can push him down people's throats all we want and we will still remain popular if you don't like it leave because its not changing and we don't need you or respect were you helped us get, we can do it with anyone because we have money, even mick foley will sell out to us"

I just feel so betrayed by wwe, last night i felt it alot though. Playing us for fools by getting us hyped up for a 3 hour show but filling it with commercials, BAD segments, crappy comedy and 5 matches that were very short and had very stupid endings. The only part i loved was cena's face of sadness and embarrassment whenever rock makes fun of him because he knows deep down its true and he will never be what a champion or what past champions have been, desearving of the belt he usually holds. WWE is embarrasing
Oh shit, here we go again. John Cena is an attention magnet. Whether you like him or not, people are drawn into Cena. A match with Cena will do wonders for you're career simply because he draws. Cena is already over and he's as over as over can be. Mick Foley was there to fill up a little time and make his official return to the WWE. The segment wasn't meant to be taken seriously in any way and I'm sorry you didn't see that. No, the WWE didn't use Foley to get Cena over. In fact, I'm sure it's the other way around. The WWE wanted people to take interest in Foley again so they put him in a segment with Cena.

lol, don't you love closet cena fans and wwe fans who are in denial that its no good lately because their "optamistic" you can be a fan and not think its good recentley you know, it doesn't mean your any less of a fan. This kind of phony crap ^ just makes you sound like a douche.
I thought they did a good job with the segment. It wasn't Foley trying to get Cena over. Anyone who thinks that has lost their mind. Cena gets a reaction no matter what he does. Yes some hate him, but most of the fans like him and he ALWAYS gets a reaction. He is more over than the just about the entire roster.

Foley's This Is Your Life segment with Cena was a parody of an old segment with The Rock from back in the day. The original was the highest rated segment of all time for Raw. I found it rather funny, obviously the old one was better, but still. The Rock came out at the end to show his own thoughts, through a Rock Bottom.

The segment was meant to add more tension to the Rock/Cena angle. It was NOT meant to get Cena over with the fans because he already is.
I, like others, just saw it as a way to put Foley over through Cena since Foley has been gone for a while and most of the fans may have forgotten about him. I found the segment hilarious and even was surprised that he brought Bull Buchanan out. It's funny how every thread related to Cena seems to turn to a bashing of John when nothing can be further from the fact. Just goes to show that Cena is the best and the most polarizing figure in wrestling.
i thought it was entertaining, so i think it did its job.

yeah because your one of those fans who are easily entertained:lol: and "special" there's no way your over 15 and if you are your a little gangster wanna be. you kids are the reason these crappy segments are around. dont lie and say your not because we all know ur a kid or just plain dumb. this was an attempt to get cena over, plain and simple don't deny it because your bias. you see the hurt in his face when people insult his skill, he knows its true that he sucks and he wants to erase it from everyones mind so he himself can forget and pretend he is this great champion like hbk or ric flair but he's not even a hulk hogan, he's the worst champion of all time and even if he makes everyone forget it, which he never will he won't forget it. You know it too so shut up. You or him aren't fooling anyone trying to pretend you don't know what we're talking about or that you actually think he has some skill or that there is no propaganda from WWE for him, no matter how many times you reply to comments with your phony bs.
I've just read through 4 pages of mainly idiots. Just like Dagger & Jack-Hammer have said, this wasn't Foley trying to get Cena over. This was Foley trying to garner heat, in Cena's hometown. He made Cena look like a crybaby, a mean-spirited person and then his Dad came out and made it look like he had to protect Cena. I wouldn't be surprised at seeing Rock turn fully heel at Survivor Series with the help of Foley, joining Miz/Truth, you know, just throwing it out there. Either way, most of you have this all wrong.
Look, I fully understand that this segment had absolutely nothing to do with Mick Foley trying to put John Cena over, that's just silly. I should also state that I am by no means a John Cena hater, quite the opposite in fact. I think he is far better in the ring than he gets credit for, his work ethic is second to none, and he performs brilliantly while consistently facing a healthy mix of cheers and boos.

Having said all of this, I absolutely hated that entire segment. If it was supposed to be entertaining, it certainly was not for me. If it was supposed to be funny, I wasn't even mildly amused. I get it that it was a parody of the Rock's version of this a decade or so ago, but the Rock's was funny and relevant, whereas last night's version was neither. Right on the heels of the Jim Ross/ Michael Cole fiasco that fizzled out for me six months ago, and wasted about 20 minutes of key programming time, we had the Foley segment,which wasted another 20 minutes or so at another key point of the show. The end result for me? I fell asleep and missed most of the second half of the show. Not figuratively, I literally fell asleep.

I'm not sure where the Rock versus John Cena is headed. Hopefully the latter turns on the former, although the reverse would be OK too. Personally I would prefer it if Foley wasn't a part of it either way. But after last night, I figure he must be. Either he screws the Rock to help Cena, either as part of a heel turn or not, or he helps his old friend Dwayne defeat Cena. If neither happens, last night's segment was absolutely pointless, except for pure entertainment value, which for me it simply did not provide. God, I thought both of the segments were so awful, I had to check to make sure it wasn't Thursday night ;)
I found it funny how Cena was getting booed in his hometown. Hardly anyone gets booed in there hometown no matter if they are face or heel. So to have Cena get so much hate, that shows that people even from where he is from can't stand the guy.
How in the name of God was that segment an attempt to get Cena over? Cena's coach told that he cried after a baseball game, Bull Buchanan told him that he ruined his life, his dad told the crowd to stuff it. That isn't exactly the classical way of putting your top babyface over. Nor can it empower the crowd to hate Cena any more because the ones who hate him already hate him a lot. And the way in which the segment was executed did make it apparent that it was not supposed to be a serious segment. Therefore it could have hardly affected the people who like Cena.

The segment was a parody of the famous "This is your life" segment between Rock and Mick Foley back in the Attitude Era. Except this time this segment was designed to make Cena look bad. If anything, it seemed like Foley was debuting a new character of sorts, the bonafide goofy Rock supporter. I would have assumed that most internet fans would have loved it as it was designed to make Cena look bad and well most internet fans do hate Cena. Clearly, there is no guessing the whims of the internet fan.
Good god, people are dumb on here. I already posted once on this thread, and I will post again: 1: The segment was in no way an attempt by WWE to help get Cena over with the Haters, it was a way to reintroduce the WWE Universe to MICK FOLEY who has been gone for three years, in an entertaining way. 2: I was in the crowd at the Garden last night, and from my perspective, Mick Foley doesn't need any help getting over with the crowd as well. When he first popped up on the big screen, getting out of the limo, there was a massive, sustained pop, and I couldn't hear shit of what he was saying. Then, when he came out, once again, he got a massive pop, and a HUGE "Foley" chant went up. I have no idea how it came off on TV, but I can tell you, from my perspective, people still know who Mick Foley is, and people still think that FOLEY IS GOD.
I agree, I was pretty p($$3d off. I didn't appreate how little they showed respect for the fans by basically saying that they will never let us cheer for who we want which is the whole point of pro wrestling. Also they basically told us

Cena himself told the fans during that very segment that he doesn't care if the cheer or boo him, that they can do whatever they like it's their right as fans, if WWE was trying to force you to cheer for him, do you really think they'd let him say shit like that if they were trying force you to cheer for him.

"We can push him down people's throats all we want and we will still remain popular if you don't like it leave because its not changing and we don't need you or respect were you helped us get, we can do it with anyone because we have money, even mick Foley will sell out to us"

I just feel so betrayed by wwe

LOL WHAT?!?! let me ask you a question, if you feel so betrayed then why the fuck do you continue to watch on a weekly basis?

last night i felt it alot though. Playing us for fools by getting us hyped up for a 3 hour show

Uh... yeah, well it would be kinda stupid for them to advertise the show by saying "Special 3 hr. RAW, that you'll want to miss!!! MAKE SURE TO NOT TUNE IN CAUSE AS A PERSON WHO'S BOUND TO WHINE ABOUT ANYTHING YOU'RE SURE TO HATE THIS!!!"

but filling it with commercials,

Well if you want to see free wrestling there are going to be commercials, this happens with EVERY show on television.

BAD segments, crappy comedy

Funny, more of the overall crowd found most of the segments, and comedy on the show pretty entertaining, perhaps if WWE isn't producing the high standard of programming you expect then you should find something else that can deliver that high quality programming & watch that instead.

and 5 matches that were very short and had very stupid endings.

Hate to break it to you but there's more to sports entertainment than just matches, this show was designed to let everyone know that their is a big PPV this Sunday while at the same time entertaining the masses, which is accomplished.

The only part i loved was cena's face of sadness and embarrassment whenever rock makes fun of him because he knows deep down its true and he will never be what a champion or what past champions have been, desearving of the belt he usually holds. WWE is embarrasing

Yet Cena is always right there with a response to anything Rock throws back at him, Cena has put over more talent in his career with WWE than Rock has ever, & Cena deserves every ounce of respect he gets & more. Cena is easily one of the best wrestlers in the industry today, & when all is said & done, will be one the best all time. This is coming from a a massive Rock fan & will likely be until the day I die. The only thing embarrassing about WWE is the stigma fans like you leave, fans like you, the ones that piss & moan about every fucking little stupid thing, fans that claim WWE is an embarrassment yet they continue to tune in every fucking week without fail just so that they can jump on the internet & piss & moan some more, as if it adds some sort of validation to their sad pathetic lonely existence. If you are embarrassed to watch WWE, then fine, fuck off & watch something else then.
I for one loved the segment. I didn't watch the highest rated segment in the history of wrestling (i think it was something like that) when Foley and Rocky did it. Of course i watched it on YT, but it was just a feel good wrestling fan moment for me.

The one thing i really wanted to point out is CENA HATED THIS JUST AS MUCH AS SOME OF YOU SEEM TO HAVE. or at least he made himself seem that way.
One thing that really puzzles me about this segment is that some people are saying that this was the WWE's way of 'putting Cena over' but if the same kind of stuff had been said about some other guy(Punk/Ryder etc.) the thread title would have been 'WWE buries wrestler'...
I find the ignorance in this thread amusing. That segment last night was total bullshit and Mick Foley & Cena knew it as it was going on. If you actually think that segment was to get Cena more fans then you are dumber than the "5 year olds that actually like the fruity pebble guy". That entire RAW was about the Rock and they didn't want Cena to get overshadowed. The point of that segment was to get Cena more attention whether it be cheers or more heat, it got him more attention. With the amount of sarcasm in that segment, it was blatantly obvious that everyone wasn't magically going to become Cena fans and I highly doubt that was the intent.
yeah because your one of those fans who are easily entertained:lol: and "special" there's no way your over 15 and if you are your a little gangster wanna be.
That's so fucking idiotic. You're telling me I can't be a fan of someone who does the right thing? Who's wholesome and has all the right values? I have to be a kid to like that? My favorite wrestler has to hate the crowd and drink beer and do crazy stunts over the top rope?
you kids are the reason these crappy segments are around. dont lie and say your not because we all know ur a kid or just plain dumb.
Ur tha 1 who still types lyk dis. How is one defined as dumb because you cheer a certain superstar? What logic are you using?
this was an attempt to get cena over, plain and simple don't deny it because your bias.
Bias? Hardly. Cena was already over. If you cannot see that, then your bias as bias can be.
you see the hurt in his face when people insult his skill,
How many times has he said he doesn't care. He entertains his fans and doesn't care about his haters.
he knows its true that he sucks and he wants to erase it from everyones mind so he himself can forget and pretend he is this great champion like hbk or ric flair but he's not even a hulk hogan, he's the worst champion of all time
Lulz. Please tell me what you think makes a great champion.
and even if he makes everyone forget it, which he never will he won't forget it. You know it too so shut up.
My mouth is closed.
You or him aren't fooling anyone trying to pretend you don't know what we're talking about or that you actually think he has some skill or that there is no propaganda from WWE for him, no matter how many times you reply to comments with your phony bs.
Much like your comments are bullshit? Your entire argument was he sucks. Nothing more...like at all. You've yet to prove how he isn't a fine wrestler. You've yet to prove how Cena isn't over. You've yet to prove how John Cena isn't the best thing going today. You sir, failed miserably.
I find the ignorance in this thread amusing. That segment last night was total bullshit and Mick Foley & Cena knew it as it was going on. If you actually think that segment was to get Cena more fans then you are dumber than the "5 year olds that actually like the fruity pebble guy". That entire RAW was about the Rock and they didn't want Cena to get overshadowed. The point of that segment was to get Cena more attention whether it be cheers or more heat, it got him more attention. With the amount of sarcasm in that segment, it was blatantly obvious that everyone wasn't magically going to become Cena fans and I highly doubt that was the intent.

I agree with you. I thought it was a dumb time waster inititally but I guess it did serve the purpose you suggest. To think that Foley was being used to get Cena over is ridiculous. Cena is the most over guy on the roster. Having Foley be Foley with Cena in the ring wasn't going to make any haters like John Cena. Most of the Little Jimmies probably don' even know who Foley is so it was likely a confusing segment for those fans and thus why Foley got basically no pop.

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