Shameless. And to be honest, a little insulting. It was a blatant attempt to win the fans over for Cena through the praise of a legend. That's all Mick Foley was there for, to try and sell Cena to the crowd. I thought it was a horrible segment.
It's the other way around, dipshit, and thinking otherwise just proves how little you know.
I don't see why they would even want to make an attempt to get the 'haters' to like him. No self-respecting male over the age of 18 is going to go out and buy his corny shirts and other gear if they previously hated him - that's the reason Cena is still face - merch money.
No self respecting ADULT male actually uses arguments about "NO MALE OVER 18 blah blah blah" to make their point. Aside from the point that you are provably wrong, you also just make yourself look like an ignorant ********. Go back to watching Spike if YER SUCH A MAN, MAN!
Why is it that the minute anyone posts something negative about Cena, all the people come on with " OMG here we go again with the Cena haters ".
People are entitled to there own opinions.
Why is it that when the assholes come out to post crap about Cena, they cry and get their panties all tightened up when people disagree with them? Yes, you can have your opinions, big baby. Everyone can. Fucking deal with it.
Its insulting to fans to say Cena is one of the best wrestlers of all time, and I'm glad people dont buy into it. I respect EVERY WWE wrestler who puts the work in. Why should I have to respect Cena more? He doesnt do anything 80 percent of the match anyway. If anything, I respect the wrestlers he faces more then him. Least they put the work in during the match.
Shows how much you know. You have no idea what any of what you just said means; just another idiot internet fan trying to talk about work rate and respect when they should just pull the ***** out of their ass.
If anything, things like this are the reason people cant stand him. Just another segment of him being shoved down the fans face. I dont care how much he draws. His matches and promos speak for themselves.
Of course you don't care how much he draws. You're a selfish little prick internet fan. Why does it matter to you that people still pay to see him and tune in to see him and pay for his gear? That's not what's important to you; what's important to you is crying about him being shoved into your face. I mean, if I was an idiot like you and I didn't understand that HE'S IN YOUR FACE BECAUSE MORE PEOPLE WILL PAY TO SEE HIM THAN ANYONE ELSE SO HE'S REALLY NOT BEING FORCED, IT'S JUST THAT THE MAJORITY OF FANS STILL WANT TO SEE HIM, I'd probably be just like you on here. Yup.
" A match with Cena will do wonders for you're career simply because he draws " .. Theres alot of people you can put in a match because they drew. Cena doesnt get special treatment.
Overall, Didnt like the segment.
Overall, I think you're ******ed. To each their own.
Cena is already the most over guy among the current roster. Why the hell do they need a segment to get him over?
I saw it as doing more to push the upcoming match.
This segment was just to fill up some time and make the fans happy to see Foley do something popular that he did years ago. It was more of a 'Welcome back Foley' rather that a 'put over Cena' segment.
Winnar!! WinnER!! Winnerrrr!
I was actually expecting, while watching this segment, that they are putting the wheels in motion for a Cena heel turn. Yeah, I know what everyone is going to say "More clamoring for Cena to turn heel, but it's never gonna happen" but, think about it. The biggest reason that most people give when they're anti-heel turn is that Cena sells merchandise. Punk has overtaken him and, like him or not, Zack Ryder is really climbing the merch scale as well. I may be 100% wrong on this but it seems like the seeds are being planted for Cena to say "screw the haters, screw the fans, I'm sick of being this poster boy"
Well, you're right about one thing (and that would be you being 100% wrong on everything else). Punk beat him on sales for like ONE MONTH. ONE. Fucking. MONTH. That, while impressive, does not undo Cena gear being number 1 for YEARS. Punk's shown his worth and is getting his rise to the top. Good for him. They are even putting Zack on TV again, even if he can't work in the ring. Good for him. Let's see how each of them do in sales against a new Cena shirt, though. And please keep the talk of Cena heel turns to yourself; you just make yourself look stupid.
Why do some of you think Cena is the most over? Did you listen to the Zack Ryder, The Rock and CM Punk's reactions last night? Have you read the news that both CM Punk and Zack Ryder merchandise sales have outsold John Cena?
Damn smarky Boston crowd.
Also, see above RE: merch shit. That's old news and was only for one little window of sales, not for the whole shebang. Jeez, I notice this trend of you smarky motherfuckers talking about terms and figures you know nothing about.
I'm not one of those John Cena haters. I enjoy most of his feuds (albeit I prefer when he's not in title matches due to the predictability of him winning). I used to enjoy the split crowd responses, although now it's become more boos than cheers.
You have to admit, that was a terrible crowd response last night. Cena is the face of the WWE and he got booed as badly as early 90's Sgt. Slaughter. They really have to do something to freshen him up. Turn him heel? Maybe, but it should be done progressively. Have him lose at WrestleMania and then bitch about it for weeks until he comes out and tells the CeNation that he PROMISES he will end the Rock's career early in his comeback. Then let him lose at SummerSlam where he snaps... It's the only way we can get some edge out of John Cena.
That is a horrible idea, and it relies on Rock actually sticking around. I'd be surprised if Rock stuck around that long after WM. He's only here now because he's got another film to promote soon. He even started talking shit about it last night.
Anyway, what am I forgetting? Oh, your silly idea. Yeah, that sucks kid. Go back to writing fan fiction or something.
This segment with Foley was not done to "put him over with the crowd", because the fact is, that's nearly impossible. The crowd has DECIDED. They do not want John Cena. They want CM Punk, they want edge in their characters, and Cena just doesn't provide that. Cena provides blatant pandering and sucking up and not much else. "This is my life, performing in front of the crowd that I love!" Come on, it's like he's desperate for cheers. He comes off as desperate and the crowd gets turned off.
If you thought that segment was supposed to get cheers, you are, pardon the term, ABSOLUTELY FUCKING ******ED. Simple as that.
CM Punk came out one day, insulted Mr. McMahon, John Cena and the establishment and even insulted the fans for harassing him at airports for autographs. And guess what? He got cheered for it. And he was a heel at the time! That was because the fans felt the edge, the honesty, the struggle in Punk's voice. In Cena, we don't get that, and that's why people are slowly getting turned against him. It used to be 50/50 reactions, but its become 70/30 and soon it will be 80/20.
I love when ignorant pieces of shit like you try and give "facts" like the ratio of cheering to booing at shows based simply off what you hear on tv. Were you there? Well ok then, that's strike 1. Did you poll everyone leaving? Can you actually back up those numbers with research and facts, or are you just speculating at best and pulling figures out of your ass at worst? Strike 2. Are you aware that cheers and boos change from location to location and that you can go back three weeks and find shows which cheer both Cena and Punk, and then one which cheers Cena mostly and then one which cheers fucking Regal more? Right? Strike 3 asshole. You suck.
It just didnt work the fans hated him more because theyre fed up of having Super-Cena shoved down their throats each and every week.
Yeah, totally. That's why he draws ratings and sales numbers. Totally. Forced on us, baby. That's what they're doing.
Actually, no, wait, what am I saying? You're wrong twice in one sentence. It was neither a trick to get him over (it was to reintroduce Foley and promote the Cena/Rock chemistry or lack therof), and fans clearly still love Cena as his shirt is selling well. What a dumbass.
That segment was horrible. Thank God The Rock came out and Rock-Bottomed Foley. It needed to happen. When is WWE going to get it through their narrow minds that they cannot get Cena over with the fans anymore? That ship has sailed and they're going to have to come up with another direction for him so with that being said, his heel turn has got to happen and what better time to do that than this Sunday at Survivor Series when he turns on The Rock and reveals himself as the guy who's been giving Awesome Truth their marching orders with advice from Nash? Make it happen, WWE. On a side note, is it just me or has RAW been really bad lately?
You really must be from a small town. Likely the type where cousins fuck each other. What a horrible idea! Cena giving the orders? Yeah, that makes sense. And yes, it's just you think Raw has been really bad. Well, you and all the other mouth breathers that over-analyze a fucking wrestling show and expect the company to cater to you like it owes you anything.
I agree, I was pretty p($$3d off. I didn't appreate how little they showed respect for the fans by basically saying that they will never let us cheer for who we want which is the whole point of pro wrestling. Also they basically told us
"We can push him down people's throats all we want and we will still remain popular if you don't like it leave because its not changing and we don't need you or respect were you helped us get, we can do it with anyone because we have money, even mick foley will sell out to us"
LULZ, you aren't butt hurt at all...
Seriously though, what the fuck are you talking about here? Like, where did any of this come from. All I see here reading your posts is "I'm a little fruit cake eating asshole who got butt hurt because things aren't the way I want them to be and I JUST FEEL SO BETRAYED BECAUSE OF IT, WAAAAAAAAH".
Grow the fuck up, buddy.
I just feel so betrayed by wwe, last night i felt it alot though. Playing us for fools by getting us hyped up for a 3 hour show but filling it with commercials, BAD segments, crappy comedy and 5 matches that were very short and had very stupid endings. The only part i loved was cena's face of sadness and embarrassment whenever rock makes fun of him because he knows deep down its true and he will never be what a champion or what past champions have been, desearving of the belt he usually holds. WWE is embarrasing
Wow, your Cena hate is kinda scary. It's like you have something personal against him or something. Too bad that you're totally wrong in your assessment, and that WITHOUT DOUBT Cena will go down as one of the biggest stars the WWF/WWE has ever had.
Also, you're ******ed if you think a 3 hour Raw isn't going to be padded a bunch. It's just common sense, buddy.
lol, don't you love closet cena fans and wwe fans who are in denial that its no good lately because their "optamistic" you can be a fan and not think its good recentley you know, it doesn't mean your any less of a fan. This kind of phony crap ^ just makes you sound like a douche.
The only phony crap around here is your bullshit logic and your assault on anyone who enjoys something you don't. I suspect it's because you're jealous that others are getting kicks from something you can't anymore. The only douche here is you.
yeah because your one of those fans who are easily entertained

and "special" there's no way your over 15 and if you are your a little gangster wanna be. you kids are the reason these crappy segments are around. dont lie and say your not because we all know ur a kid or just plain dumb. this was an attempt to get cena over, plain and simple don't deny it because your bias. you see the hurt in his face when people insult his skill, he knows its true that he sucks and he wants to erase it from everyones mind so he himself can forget and pretend he is this great champion like hbk or ric flair but he's not even a hulk hogan, he's the worst champion of all time and even if he makes everyone forget it, which he never will he won't forget it. You know it too so shut up. You or him aren't fooling anyone trying to pretend you don't know what we're talking about or that you actually think he has some skill or that there is no propaganda from WWE for him, no matter how many times you reply to comments with your phony bs.
Petty. Ignorant. Dipshit. First of all, if you're going to call people "little kids", at least have the decency to learn to spell like a fucking adult. Secondly, throwing a hissy fit and calling any possible retort or response to you "phony" and "bs" makes you look like the bigger child. Finally, what's the deal with "gangster wanna be"? He doesn't even do that gimmick any more, mang.
It's pretty clear that you've just always been a Cena hater, that you resent his rise while other guys you like floundered, and that you're going to be butt hurt in 15 years when people are talking about Cena as a legend.
I found it funny how Cena was getting booed in his hometown. Hardly anyone gets booed in there hometown no matter if they are face or heel. So to have Cena get so much hate, that shows that people even from where he is from can't stand the guy.
Boston sucks. And Cena isn't from Boston, you idiot. FAIL.