*Merged* Mick Foley Return Discussion (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!)

I laughed thru the entire segment.

Did you not notice how the "Gym Teacher" mocked him as being a cowardly wimp and a crybaby?

How Buchanan said Cena ruined his life.

How his dad was telling the fans to stop bullying him " Dad....Dad....Dad your only making it worse"

This was a smash Cena party. I dont kow how many of you remember the Rock this is your life or have only heard of it.....Foley did the same thing embarrassing him and mocking him.

It was a fun segment and didnt hurt anyone but got MF some airtime and was kinda for the haters to give them more ammo in my opinion.

Just Sayin
I'm fully convinced that most people posting negatively about the segment, didn't actually watch the segment, and simply read the spoilers on the WZ main page (which are horribly inaccurate, but it has to get up quickly).

That segment was extremely funny. From the opening This Is Your Life title sequence being set to horror music, to Cena looking like he wanted to crawl under the ring, to The Rock giving Foley a Rock Bottom and simply leaving, to Cena cracking up while checking on Foley; the entire segment was expertly done. I would rather watch that segment then the entire rest of the roster, Phil Brooks included.
I'm fully convinced that most people posting negatively about the segment, didn't actually watch the segment, and simply read the spoilers on the WZ main page (which are horribly inaccurate, but it has to get up quickly).

That segment was extremely funny. From the opening This Is Your Life title sequence being set to horror music, to Cena looking like he wanted to crawl under the ring, to The Rock giving Foley a Rock Bottom and simply leaving, to Cena cracking up while checking on Foley; the entire segment was expertly done. I would rather watch that segment then the entire rest of the roster, Phil Brooks included.

I'll tell you what, I'll give you benefit of the doubt. The fact is, you were obviously the target audience of that segment and I was not. So I guess that doesn't mean it was a bad segment, it just means I was not supposed to enjoy it from the get-go.

It's the same things with films. "Jack and Jill" was released a few days ago. You might possibly find it hilarious while I found it dreadfully boring. It's all about who is supposed to enjoy it and who is not.

You have to admit the segment didn't do much story-wise though. It didn't get anyone over, add any tension or progress any story whatsoever. I thought it was boring, but hey, if you had a good chuckle, who am I to tell you you shouldn't have? Keep on laughing, just don't say that we are "wrong" to have disliked it. It just didn't appeal to me as to many other fans.
With the rampant negativity here always allowed in favor of positive thoughts, an interesting storyline could be developing with WWE legend Mick Foley. Mick Foley sticking up for John Cena could be seen as his own personal crusade against the IWC.

I think this could be an interesting development in World Wrestling Entertainment. The Rock can play the foil to this new development, adding another interesting twist to the Rock/Cena match at WrestleMania.
Shameless. And to be honest, a little insulting. It was a blatant attempt to win the fans over for Cena through the praise of a legend. That's all Mick Foley was there for, to try and sell Cena to the crowd. I thought it was a horrible segment.

It's the other way around, dipshit, and thinking otherwise just proves how little you know.

I don't see why they would even want to make an attempt to get the 'haters' to like him. No self-respecting male over the age of 18 is going to go out and buy his corny shirts and other gear if they previously hated him - that's the reason Cena is still face - merch money.

No self respecting ADULT male actually uses arguments about "NO MALE OVER 18 blah blah blah" to make their point. Aside from the point that you are provably wrong, you also just make yourself look like an ignorant ********. Go back to watching Spike if YER SUCH A MAN, MAN!

Why is it that the minute anyone posts something negative about Cena, all the people come on with " OMG here we go again with the Cena haters ".

People are entitled to there own opinions.

Why is it that when the assholes come out to post crap about Cena, they cry and get their panties all tightened up when people disagree with them? Yes, you can have your opinions, big baby. Everyone can. Fucking deal with it.

Its insulting to fans to say Cena is one of the best wrestlers of all time, and I'm glad people dont buy into it. I respect EVERY WWE wrestler who puts the work in. Why should I have to respect Cena more? He doesnt do anything 80 percent of the match anyway. If anything, I respect the wrestlers he faces more then him. Least they put the work in during the match.

Shows how much you know. You have no idea what any of what you just said means; just another idiot internet fan trying to talk about work rate and respect when they should just pull the ***** out of their ass.

If anything, things like this are the reason people cant stand him. Just another segment of him being shoved down the fans face. I dont care how much he draws. His matches and promos speak for themselves.

Of course you don't care how much he draws. You're a selfish little prick internet fan. Why does it matter to you that people still pay to see him and tune in to see him and pay for his gear? That's not what's important to you; what's important to you is crying about him being shoved into your face. I mean, if I was an idiot like you and I didn't understand that HE'S IN YOUR FACE BECAUSE MORE PEOPLE WILL PAY TO SEE HIM THAN ANYONE ELSE SO HE'S REALLY NOT BEING FORCED, IT'S JUST THAT THE MAJORITY OF FANS STILL WANT TO SEE HIM, I'd probably be just like you on here. Yup.

" A match with Cena will do wonders for you're career simply because he draws " .. Theres alot of people you can put in a match because they drew. Cena doesnt get special treatment.

Overall, Didnt like the segment.

Overall, I think you're ******ed. To each their own.

Cena is already the most over guy among the current roster. Why the hell do they need a segment to get him over?

I saw it as doing more to push the upcoming match.

This segment was just to fill up some time and make the fans happy to see Foley do something popular that he did years ago. It was more of a 'Welcome back Foley' rather that a 'put over Cena' segment.

Winnar!! WinnER!! Winnerrrr!

I was actually expecting, while watching this segment, that they are putting the wheels in motion for a Cena heel turn. Yeah, I know what everyone is going to say "More clamoring for Cena to turn heel, but it's never gonna happen" but, think about it. The biggest reason that most people give when they're anti-heel turn is that Cena sells merchandise. Punk has overtaken him and, like him or not, Zack Ryder is really climbing the merch scale as well. I may be 100% wrong on this but it seems like the seeds are being planted for Cena to say "screw the haters, screw the fans, I'm sick of being this poster boy"

Well, you're right about one thing (and that would be you being 100% wrong on everything else). Punk beat him on sales for like ONE MONTH. ONE. Fucking. MONTH. That, while impressive, does not undo Cena gear being number 1 for YEARS. Punk's shown his worth and is getting his rise to the top. Good for him. They are even putting Zack on TV again, even if he can't work in the ring. Good for him. Let's see how each of them do in sales against a new Cena shirt, though. And please keep the talk of Cena heel turns to yourself; you just make yourself look stupid.

Why do some of you think Cena is the most over? Did you listen to the Zack Ryder, The Rock and CM Punk's reactions last night? Have you read the news that both CM Punk and Zack Ryder merchandise sales have outsold John Cena?

Damn smarky Boston crowd.

Also, see above RE: merch shit. That's old news and was only for one little window of sales, not for the whole shebang. Jeez, I notice this trend of you smarky motherfuckers talking about terms and figures you know nothing about.

I'm not one of those John Cena haters. I enjoy most of his feuds (albeit I prefer when he's not in title matches due to the predictability of him winning). I used to enjoy the split crowd responses, although now it's become more boos than cheers.

You have to admit, that was a terrible crowd response last night. Cena is the face of the WWE and he got booed as badly as early 90's Sgt. Slaughter. They really have to do something to freshen him up. Turn him heel? Maybe, but it should be done progressively. Have him lose at WrestleMania and then bitch about it for weeks until he comes out and tells the CeNation that he PROMISES he will end the Rock's career early in his comeback. Then let him lose at SummerSlam where he snaps... It's the only way we can get some edge out of John Cena.

That is a horrible idea, and it relies on Rock actually sticking around. I'd be surprised if Rock stuck around that long after WM. He's only here now because he's got another film to promote soon. He even started talking shit about it last night.

Anyway, what am I forgetting? Oh, your silly idea. Yeah, that sucks kid. Go back to writing fan fiction or something.

This segment with Foley was not done to "put him over with the crowd", because the fact is, that's nearly impossible. The crowd has DECIDED. They do not want John Cena. They want CM Punk, they want edge in their characters, and Cena just doesn't provide that. Cena provides blatant pandering and sucking up and not much else. "This is my life, performing in front of the crowd that I love!" Come on, it's like he's desperate for cheers. He comes off as desperate and the crowd gets turned off.

If you thought that segment was supposed to get cheers, you are, pardon the term, ABSOLUTELY FUCKING ******ED. Simple as that.

CM Punk came out one day, insulted Mr. McMahon, John Cena and the establishment and even insulted the fans for harassing him at airports for autographs. And guess what? He got cheered for it. And he was a heel at the time! That was because the fans felt the edge, the honesty, the struggle in Punk's voice. In Cena, we don't get that, and that's why people are slowly getting turned against him. It used to be 50/50 reactions, but its become 70/30 and soon it will be 80/20.

I love when ignorant pieces of shit like you try and give "facts" like the ratio of cheering to booing at shows based simply off what you hear on tv. Were you there? Well ok then, that's strike 1. Did you poll everyone leaving? Can you actually back up those numbers with research and facts, or are you just speculating at best and pulling figures out of your ass at worst? Strike 2. Are you aware that cheers and boos change from location to location and that you can go back three weeks and find shows which cheer both Cena and Punk, and then one which cheers Cena mostly and then one which cheers fucking Regal more? Right? Strike 3 asshole. You suck.

It just didnt work the fans hated him more because theyre fed up of having Super-Cena shoved down their throats each and every week.

Yeah, totally. That's why he draws ratings and sales numbers. Totally. Forced on us, baby. That's what they're doing.

Actually, no, wait, what am I saying? You're wrong twice in one sentence. It was neither a trick to get him over (it was to reintroduce Foley and promote the Cena/Rock chemistry or lack therof), and fans clearly still love Cena as his shirt is selling well. What a dumbass.

That segment was horrible. Thank God The Rock came out and Rock-Bottomed Foley. It needed to happen. When is WWE going to get it through their narrow minds that they cannot get Cena over with the fans anymore? That ship has sailed and they're going to have to come up with another direction for him so with that being said, his heel turn has got to happen and what better time to do that than this Sunday at Survivor Series when he turns on The Rock and reveals himself as the guy who's been giving Awesome Truth their marching orders with advice from Nash? Make it happen, WWE. On a side note, is it just me or has RAW been really bad lately?

You really must be from a small town. Likely the type where cousins fuck each other. What a horrible idea! Cena giving the orders? Yeah, that makes sense. And yes, it's just you think Raw has been really bad. Well, you and all the other mouth breathers that over-analyze a fucking wrestling show and expect the company to cater to you like it owes you anything.

I agree, I was pretty p($$3d off. I didn't appreate how little they showed respect for the fans by basically saying that they will never let us cheer for who we want which is the whole point of pro wrestling. Also they basically told us

"We can push him down people's throats all we want and we will still remain popular if you don't like it leave because its not changing and we don't need you or respect were you helped us get, we can do it with anyone because we have money, even mick foley will sell out to us"

LULZ, you aren't butt hurt at all...

Seriously though, what the fuck are you talking about here? Like, where did any of this come from. All I see here reading your posts is "I'm a little fruit cake eating asshole who got butt hurt because things aren't the way I want them to be and I JUST FEEL SO BETRAYED BECAUSE OF IT, WAAAAAAAAH".

Grow the fuck up, buddy.

I just feel so betrayed by wwe, last night i felt it alot though. Playing us for fools by getting us hyped up for a 3 hour show but filling it with commercials, BAD segments, crappy comedy and 5 matches that were very short and had very stupid endings. The only part i loved was cena's face of sadness and embarrassment whenever rock makes fun of him because he knows deep down its true and he will never be what a champion or what past champions have been, desearving of the belt he usually holds. WWE is embarrasing

Wow, your Cena hate is kinda scary. It's like you have something personal against him or something. Too bad that you're totally wrong in your assessment, and that WITHOUT DOUBT Cena will go down as one of the biggest stars the WWF/WWE has ever had.

Also, you're ******ed if you think a 3 hour Raw isn't going to be padded a bunch. It's just common sense, buddy.

lol, don't you love closet cena fans and wwe fans who are in denial that its no good lately because their "optamistic" you can be a fan and not think its good recentley you know, it doesn't mean your any less of a fan. This kind of phony crap ^ just makes you sound like a douche.

The only phony crap around here is your bullshit logic and your assault on anyone who enjoys something you don't. I suspect it's because you're jealous that others are getting kicks from something you can't anymore. The only douche here is you.

yeah because your one of those fans who are easily entertained:lol: and "special" there's no way your over 15 and if you are your a little gangster wanna be. you kids are the reason these crappy segments are around. dont lie and say your not because we all know ur a kid or just plain dumb. this was an attempt to get cena over, plain and simple don't deny it because your bias. you see the hurt in his face when people insult his skill, he knows its true that he sucks and he wants to erase it from everyones mind so he himself can forget and pretend he is this great champion like hbk or ric flair but he's not even a hulk hogan, he's the worst champion of all time and even if he makes everyone forget it, which he never will he won't forget it. You know it too so shut up. You or him aren't fooling anyone trying to pretend you don't know what we're talking about or that you actually think he has some skill or that there is no propaganda from WWE for him, no matter how many times you reply to comments with your phony bs.

Petty. Ignorant. Dipshit. First of all, if you're going to call people "little kids", at least have the decency to learn to spell like a fucking adult. Secondly, throwing a hissy fit and calling any possible retort or response to you "phony" and "bs" makes you look like the bigger child. Finally, what's the deal with "gangster wanna be"? He doesn't even do that gimmick any more, mang.

It's pretty clear that you've just always been a Cena hater, that you resent his rise while other guys you like floundered, and that you're going to be butt hurt in 15 years when people are talking about Cena as a legend.

I found it funny how Cena was getting booed in his hometown. Hardly anyone gets booed in there hometown no matter if they are face or heel. So to have Cena get so much hate, that shows that people even from where he is from can't stand the guy.

Boston sucks. And Cena isn't from Boston, you idiot. FAIL.
If you didn't like it, that's ok. Notice that I stated that I didn't believe "most" people watched the segment. You may have. I didn't say that you were wrong for not liking it. But I feel that if you had watched it, and paid attention, and still didn't find it entertaining... Well I shudder to think what your version of a WWE Raw would be.
This is silly. Cena was over before Foley left, while he was gone and still over now that he has returned. Cena does not need getting over. As someone pointed out above, his crowd response is an indication that he's over, not to mention merchandise sales. Hmmm, practically mainevents every Raw and PPV, already booked for mainevent at Wrestlemania, I'd say he's pretty over.
I'm sorry, but you're just factually wrong here. *Punk* merchandise has outsold Cena's, yes, but Ryder's absolutely has not. Ryder cracked the top 10, he did not surpass Cena.

So... In one breath, you question the idea that Cena's over... and in the next, you talk about what a loud reaction he got? Que?

You do realize that heels get over too, right? Cena is the most over man on the roster because he gets the biggest reaction from the crowd. He is insanely mega over with a certain segment of the audience as a face, and he is insanely mega over with another segment of the audience as a heel. Sum total, most over man in the company.

As for the OP, this segment was in no way supposed to get Cena over, you can't get him over when he's already there. And this segment was also not meant to switch Cena from a heel to a face with the segment of the crowd that already hates him. What part of having him be part of a goofy segment is supposed to get him over with the fans who already think he's a goof? What part of having his dad shit all over everyone who boos him is supposed to get him over with the people who boo him? No, this segment was supposed to reintroduce Foley, tie in to the Rock feud, and be entertaining, and in my opinion, it succeeded on all accounts. I literally laughed out loud to Cena's dad after chuckling throughout the earlier portions of the segment. It was a great throw back to old times, it was a great reintroduction for Foley and tease of the Rock, and was just fun television. It was never meant to change anyone's opinions about Cena.

The thing is, when you're a face, WWE wants you to be cheered. Likewise, when you're a heel, WWE wants you to be booed.

If you're a heel and you get cheered, you're treading dangerous waters. WWE can either capitalize on your success to get the audience behind you (Randy Orton, Triple H, CM Punk, etc.) or they'll try and force the fans to boo you. Earlier this year, they kept adding fake boos for Christian because the fans kept cheering him too much.

If you're a face, it's worse. If you get booed too much, there is still a chance for them to turn you heel (Santino Marella, Lucky Cannon, etc.). But most of the time, when a face is booed, WWE looks at them like a remarkable failure and keeps them off TV. John Cena is obviously different because of his status as the "Face of the company", but the fact is WWE would prefer if that whole audience was screaming in support of him instead of against him.

I disagree with the OP and don't think the Mick Foley segment was a way to get him over with that 50% that dislikes him, but WWE has tried in the past to get him over with this crowd. WWE failed. This 50% doesn't want Cena and they've made it clear. They think he "sucks" and think he "can't wrestle". In Dallas, there was actually a "Go Away" chant towards Cena last year. I think its time WWE gives the 50% what they want, and its to turn Cena heel.
Remember several years back when The Rock was pushing towards a part-time role and turned heel once more? He still got cheered. I can only imagine it would be the same way if he's turned heel. So who would be in line to be the face of the company if they'd turn their biggest face heel? When Rock turned his role as a full time performer was coming to an end. Regardless if many of you think its time for him to turn heel, its not good for business. As long as he's most requested for Make-A-Wish foundation, clean image for company, pays tribute to the Military and sales merchandise they're not going to give him a character makeover to satisfy a few hundred fans typing away on their keyboards.
Shameless. And to be honest, a little insulting. It was a blatant attempt to win the fans over for Cena through the praise of a legend. That's all Mick Foley was there for, to try and sell Cena to the crowd. I thought it was a horrible segment.

Ahhh... does somebody not know how pro-wrestling works? Ric Flair did this for Triple H, Piper tried to do it for Sean O'haire, every retired legend and their mom did this for Randy Orton so what exactly is your problem? Retired guys are still useful for one thing... making current talent look good. All last night was was a parody of the Rock "This is your life" segment from several years ago, but we all knew jackass Cena bashers who are out there looking for reasons to be outraged would find something wrong with this. It was a funny segment and a throwback to the attitude era that some people around here seem to be begging for. If you don't like it that's fine, but try and lose the fake outrage. It's not becoming.
hey guys watch this...

Remember when Cena and Ryder tagged last week?
Ryder got a bigger pop than Cena.

(bring on the heat) lol

No seriously... Its hard for me to believe that Cena's ok being booed as badly as he is. I mean, I get that he has his fans and does his thing but his attempt to make us believe that he's OK being in this love/hate relationship with the fans is a little far fetched... I totally agree that ANY reaction is a good reaction. He's the biggest star in the WWE right now and the reaction that he garners from the crowd be it bad or good is one of the main reasons why.
However, most of the Cena haters are gonna say he can't wrestle, he sucks, he's boring and stale and desperately needs an overhaul, but I won't say that because those are opinions. While I share some (ok, most) of them, thats not what I wanna talk about. I want to ask the Cena-Supporters a question.

While everyone has always defended his in ring ability, mic skills, work ethic, merch sales and all of the provable aspects of Mr. Cena, no one has YET addressed the notion that maybe, he really does HATE being booed. I mean week after week he gets on the mic and talks about his love for the business and how much the WWE is his life and thats to be commended because God knows there are many who hate their jobs. But doesn't it seem like the ploy of a desperate man to try to garner sympathy from his haters? Or do you believe that he is truly pandering to his fans? Seriously?
Because, in my opinion, I can't believe for one minute, that a man who wears a shirt that says RISE ABOVE HATE, wants to be booed. I can't wrap my head around the fact that this man who stands for Hustle Loyalty and Respect (all things I Actually believe in) can be at HOME and STILL be booed by half (and i'm being generous saying just half based on what i heard) the arena? Seriously? Booed at HOME? Ric Flair as a HEEL got cheered in NC. AND HE WAS TRYING to get heat...lol.
I'm sorry but this can be argued to the moon.
But I can't imagine that it doesn't bother him. I mean think of it. Here he is "busting his butt" and "leaving it in the ring" "every night" while the Rock is sending his promo's in "via satellite" and as soon as the Rock walks into the building its anarchy. The roof pops off the building. But Cena's there EVERY NIGHT. Working his butt off not for "the millions" but for the "cenation". The Rock steps into the ring and says "boots to Asses" will be trending and whaddaya know...its trending. A man who's been gone for 7 years (i mean it's the Rock and I get that) but based on Cena's rants, "he's there every night cause he loves what he does in the middle of that 20x20 foot box".
Thats like your parents are split up and you live with your mom and she does EVERYTHING for you and gets no love and dad who only comes around on birthdays gets the royal treatment.
You can't tell me this guy's ok with that.
HE'S the face of the company, not the Rock.
And yet, whenever he steps into that ring...hell whenever he comes from behind the curtain he's hearing it.
I get it. Any reaction is a good reaction but I can't wrap my head around the "you can boo me if you want, i'm not here for you, i'm here because I love this business, I love the fans and.....etc. etc." Like it doesn't matter to him.
But hey..thats just what I'm thinking. Maybe it really doesnt matter to him......
I'd love to know what he really thinks.
Im confused at what your thread is about? Do you want Cena to turn heel BECAUSE Foley is sticking up for him? I really dont get what you want here.

Foley is just trying to play the neutral party. After SS dies down and Rock leaves, Foley will have another job to do with someone else or will be taken off TV and have a backstage role.
I liked it actually. Bringing out B2 made me laugh really hard because I had forgotten he existed until then. You could tell during some parts that Cena was trying to hold in his laughter. It was a fun segment and I had fun watching it. Also Cena's Dad was hilarious. Telling everyone they suck and not Cena. It was nice.
It wasn't intended to be a duplication of the Rock version of This is your life, it was intended to be a parody gone wrong, with the express purpose of drawing the Rock out to hit Foley with the Rock Bottom. It had nothing to do with trying to get Cena over with anyone.

Although, I did think of something after reading SlyFox's point about Rock verbally blasting his guests, while Cena just kind of acted mortified... If Cena had turned around and laid into his guests just like Rock would have, we would have had multiple threads created within minutes of each other titled something like "ZOMFG John Cena is turning heel!", people would be bitching about Cena left and right. The same people who absolutely LOVE it when the Rock does it.
[cL];3523040 said:
hey guys watch this...

Remember when Cena and Ryder tagged last week?
Ryder got a bigger pop than Cena.

(bring on the heat) lol

No seriously... Its hard for me to believe that Cena's ok being booed as badly as he is. I mean, I get that he has his fans and does his thing but his attempt to make us believe that he's OK being in this love/hate relationship with the fans is a little far fetched... I totally agree that ANY reaction is a good reaction. He's the biggest star in the WWE right now and the reaction that he garners from the crowd be it bad or good is one of the main reasons why.
However, most of the Cena haters are gonna say he can't wrestle, he sucks, he's boring and stale and desperately needs an overhaul, but I won't say that because those are opinions. While I share some (ok, most) of them, thats not what I wanna talk about. I want to ask the Cena-Supporters a question.

While everyone has always defended his in ring ability, mic skills, work ethic, merch sales and all of the provable aspects of Mr. Cena, no one has YET addressed the notion that maybe, he really does HATE being booed. I mean week after week he gets on the mic and talks about his love for the business and how much the WWE is his life and thats to be commended because God knows there are many who hate their jobs. But doesn't it seem like the ploy of a desperate man to try to garner sympathy from his haters? Or do you believe that he is truly pandering to his fans? Seriously?
Because, in my opinion, I can't believe for one minute, that a man who wears a shirt that says RISE ABOVE HATE, wants to be booed. I can't wrap my head around the fact that this man who stands for Hustle Loyalty and Respect (all things I Actually believe in) can be at HOME and STILL be booed by half (and i'm being generous saying just half based on what i heard) the arena? Seriously? Booed at HOME? Ric Flair as a HEEL got cheered in NC. AND HE WAS TRYING to get heat...lol.
I'm sorry but this can be argued to the moon.
But I can't imagine that it doesn't bother him. I mean think of it. Here he is "busting his butt" and "leaving it in the ring" "every night" while the Rock is sending his promo's in "via satellite" and as soon as the Rock walks into the building its anarchy. The roof pops off the building. But Cena's there EVERY NIGHT. Working his butt off not for "the millions" but for the "cenation". The Rock steps into the ring and says "boots to Asses" will be trending and whaddaya know...its trending. A man who's been gone for 7 years (i mean it's the Rock and I get that) but based on Cena's rants, "he's there every night cause he loves what he does in the middle of that 20x20 foot box".
Thats like your parents are split up and you live with your mom and she does EVERYTHING for you and gets no love and dad who only comes around on birthdays gets the royal treatment.
You can't tell me this guy's ok with that.
HE'S the face of the company, not the Rock.
And yet, whenever he steps into that ring...hell whenever he comes from behind the curtain he's hearing it.
I get it. Any reaction is a good reaction but I can't wrap my head around the "you can boo me if you want, i'm not here for you, i'm here because I love this business, I love the fans and.....etc. etc." Like it doesn't matter to him.
But hey..thats just what I'm thinking. Maybe it really doesnt matter to him......
I'd love to know what he really thinks.

Part of why I hear that Cena does well beyond his entertainment value and his commitment to doing the best he can each and every time (:P) is his professionalism. A professional isn't going to shit his pants over something like The Rock getting big pops for making a return after 7 years. A professional isn't going to skulk and cry about what a percentage of the fans say and think about him. John Cena is a professional. I think that trying to portray him as feeling jealousy over kayfabe pops is stupid.
Its how WWE treats people who come back from another promotion, him spending 3 years in TNA is what triggered this

Is it childish? Yes

Is it stupid? Yes

Is it Vince being Vince? Absolutely

This is the company that punishes its own wrestlers for people whom they date, this is the company that gets its jollies by embarassing Jim Ross, the guy who, signed Foley, Austin and many others and has been a loyal employee and is the voice of WWE. Why are we even surprised by them treating Foley this way?

They have been jobbing Morrison for weeks then they give him a win...over their US Champion Dolph Ziggler who has improved alot. They resigned Punk and he is now on a..6-7 match losing streak, on PPV!

Its almost like a sexual fetish they have these days, whenever something good begins, they put the breaks on it. They cant even use Twitter properly, instead they have decided to talk about Twitter more than their next big PPV.
The whole segment did drag out a bit long. I though the music video tribute Foley did for Cena was funny, along with B squared Bull Buchanan coming back. Most of it was pretty painful, but that was what it was designed to do. Foley has always been the guy that tries to play peacemaker between to superstars and usually ends up on the losing end of the stick. I'm happy to see Foley back and am equally as interested to see what will happen at the main event of Survivor Series. R Truth and Miz are an afterthought and I could care less who wins the match. I just wonder if Cena will turn on the Rock and leave him hanging out there to lose to Truth and Miz. Hopefully something interesting like that happens instead of a glorified squash match.
DirtyJosé;3523064 said:
Part of why I hear that Cena does well beyond his entertainment value and his commitment to doing the best he can each and every time (:P) is his professionalism. A professional isn't going to shit his pants over something like The Rock getting big pops for making a return after 7 years. A professional isn't going to skulk and cry about what a percentage of the fans say and think about him. John Cena is a professional. I think that trying to portray him as feeling jealousy over kayfabe pops is stupid.

I hear you. I even understand, but my question kinda goes beyond his professionalism. His work ethic and his ability to be professional in such hostile situations is not in question. I, having an immense dislike for the man, have grown to at least respect him. So beyond that, and even beyond trippin over the Rock getting big pops after having been gone, my question was directed at something none of us can really prove and those are his actual feelings toward the matter. He's said it didn't matter over and over again and I know most people would be inclined to believe that, but I just don't. I really think that it bothers him and I kinda wish that the WWE would let him loose on the subject. I kinda wish he would blow up and let his haters have it. I'd really like to see some edge on him... To be honest, not saying it would ever happen but if he ever turned heel...man...i dont know....it could be the coolest thing in wrestling history.
Why don't people want to see that? Ok New question.
WHY DON'T CENA SUPPORTERS WANT TO SEE THAT? I mean really, you dont' think that would be awesome?
Forget about merch sales and all of that stuff. What would make a Cena heel turn so bad?
[cL];3523040 said:
While everyone has always defended his in ring ability, mic skills, work ethic, merch sales and all of the provable aspects of Mr. Cena, no one has YET addressed the notion that maybe, he really does HATE being booed.
I believe the reason you would think this is because you haven't spent significant time in a public position and because you haven't grasped the point of pro wrestling yet.

Being in a public position will always garner you criticism, no matter what you do. Even as a teacher, I've grown used to it, but other members of my family, who have held administration positions, have allowed me to see that no matter what you do and why you do it, people who don't know anything will still criticize you. After a while, you just become numb to the stupidity of others, and only focus on what you can do and who you are.

You seem to think John Cena allows other people's opinions of him to dictate how he feels about himself. A more advanced person would never allow such a thing, instead relying on their own inner self-analysis to determine how good he or she is doing. John Cena has probably reached the stage where he doesn't give a damn what people think about him, because he knows he is good.

Secondly, you seem to think it matters to wrestlers whether they boo or cheer them. To be fair, some wrestlers it would bother, but to those professional wrestlers who truly understand the wrestling business, they're not worried whether people cheer or boo, they only care if they paid to come to the show. When John Cena can look back at his career and realize that for over 6 years now, more people have paid to watch him wrestle than anyone else in the business, he knows he has done his job.

The reason you don't believe him is because you're ignorant of what it is like to be in his position and understand the job he's supposed to do.

When Cena says he really doesn't care, I really believe him. Because Cena doesn't have to prove anything to anyone...he's already done it more times than anyone else in the business since 2005.
DirtyJosé;3522996 said:
It's the other way around, dipshit, and thinking otherwise just proves how little you know.

No self respecting ADULT male actually uses arguments about "NO MALE OVER 18 blah blah blah" to make their point. Aside from the point that you are provably wrong, you also just make yourself look like an ignorant ********. Go back to watching Spike if YER SUCH A MAN, MAN!

Why is it that when the assholes come out to post crap about Cena, they cry and get their panties all tightened up when people disagree with them? Yes, you can have your opinions, big baby. Everyone can. Fucking deal with it.

Shows how much you know. You have no idea what any of what you just said means; just another idiot internet fan trying to talk about work rate and respect when they should just pull the ***** out of their ass.

Of course you don't care how much he draws. You're a selfish little prick internet fan. Why does it matter to you that people still pay to see him and tune in to see him and pay for his gear? That's not what's important to you; what's important to you is crying about him being shoved into your face. I mean, if I was an idiot like you and I didn't understand that HE'S IN YOUR FACE BECAUSE MORE PEOPLE WILL PAY TO SEE HIM THAN ANYONE ELSE SO HE'S REALLY NOT BEING FORCED, IT'S JUST THAT THE MAJORITY OF FANS STILL WANT TO SEE HIM, I'd probably be just like you on here. Yup.

Overall, I think you're ******ed. To each their own.

I saw it as doing more to push the upcoming match.

Winnar!! WinnER!! Winnerrrr!

Well, you're right about one thing (and that would be you being 100% wrong on everything else). Punk beat him on sales for like ONE MONTH. ONE. Fucking. MONTH. That, while impressive, does not undo Cena gear being number 1 for YEARS. Punk's shown his worth and is getting his rise to the top. Good for him. They are even putting Zack on TV again, even if he can't work in the ring. Good for him. Let's see how each of them do in sales against a new Cena shirt, though. And please keep the talk of Cena heel turns to yourself; you just make yourself look stupid.

Damn smarky Boston crowd.

Also, see above RE: merch shit. That's old news and was only for one little window of sales, not for the whole shebang. Jeez, I notice this trend of you smarky motherfuckers talking about terms and figures you know nothing about.

That is a horrible idea, and it relies on Rock actually sticking around. I'd be surprised if Rock stuck around that long after WM. He's only here now because he's got another film to promote soon. He even started talking shit about it last night.

Anyway, what am I forgetting? Oh, your silly idea. Yeah, that sucks kid. Go back to writing fan fiction or something.

If you thought that segment was supposed to get cheers, you are, pardon the term, ABSOLUTELY FUCKING ******ED. Simple as that.

I love when ignorant pieces of shit like you try and give "facts" like the ratio of cheering to booing at shows based simply off what you hear on tv. Were you there? Well ok then, that's strike 1. Did you poll everyone leaving? Can you actually back up those numbers with research and facts, or are you just speculating at best and pulling figures out of your ass at worst? Strike 2. Are you aware that cheers and boos change from location to location and that you can go back three weeks and find shows which cheer both Cena and Punk, and then one which cheers Cena mostly and then one which cheers fucking Regal more? Right? Strike 3 asshole. You suck.

Yeah, totally. That's why he draws ratings and sales numbers. Totally. Forced on us, baby. That's what they're doing.

Actually, no, wait, what am I saying? You're wrong twice in one sentence. It was neither a trick to get him over (it was to reintroduce Foley and promote the Cena/Rock chemistry or lack therof), and fans clearly still love Cena as his shirt is selling well. What a dumbass.

You really must be from a small town. Likely the type where cousins fuck each other. What a horrible idea! Cena giving the orders? Yeah, that makes sense. And yes, it's just you think Raw has been really bad. Well, you and all the other mouth breathers that over-analyze a fucking wrestling show and expect the company to cater to you like it owes you anything.

LULZ, you aren't butt hurt at all...

Seriously though, what the fuck are you talking about here? Like, where did any of this come from. All I see here reading your posts is "I'm a little fruit cake eating asshole who got butt hurt because things aren't the way I want them to be and I JUST FEEL SO BETRAYED BECAUSE OF IT, WAAAAAAAAH".

Grow the fuck up, buddy.

Wow, your Cena hate is kinda scary. It's like you have something personal against him or something. Too bad that you're totally wrong in your assessment, and that WITHOUT DOUBT Cena will go down as one of the biggest stars the WWF/WWE has ever had.

Also, you're ******ed if you think a 3 hour Raw isn't going to be padded a bunch. It's just common sense, buddy.

The only phony crap around here is your bullshit logic and your assault on anyone who enjoys something you don't. I suspect it's because you're jealous that others are getting kicks from something you can't anymore. The only douche here is you.

Petty. Ignorant. Dipshit. First of all, if you're going to call people "little kids", at least have the decency to learn to spell like a fucking adult. Secondly, throwing a hissy fit and calling any possible retort or response to you "phony" and "bs" makes you look like the bigger child. Finally, what's the deal with "gangster wanna be"? He doesn't even do that gimmick any more, mang.

It's pretty clear that you've just always been a Cena hater, that you resent his rise while other guys you like floundered, and that you're going to be butt hurt in 15 years when people are talking about Cena as a legend.

Boston sucks. And Cena isn't from Boston, you idiot. FAIL.

Cool story bro.

I didn't read the whole thing, especially after the first "******" and "dipshit", but you seriously wrote that much just insulting everyone?

I haven't seen anyone (YET) to go out and just insult Cena fans with unreasonable profanity or ridiculous allegations. Sure, someone said that no one over 18 would wear a Cena shirt, but that's nothing compared to those ridiculous remarks of yours.

The fact is, people have different opinions. I personally dislike Cena. A lot. Others, like you, tend to like the guy. Like I said before, that's okay. But going around insulting people like that is not okay.

I don't agree with you, some other people don't either. It's not the end of the world, you don't have to get your panties in a bunch.

The topic is specifically about Foley's promo anyway. The truth is the promo was just a distraction to get Cena on the show and get some laughs from the crowd. I think it failed at the latter, but whatever, to each his own.

If you didn't like it, that's ok. Notice that I stated that I didn't believe "most" people watched the segment. You may have. I didn't say that you were wrong for not liking it. But I feel that if you had watched it, and paid attention, and still didn't find it entertaining... Well I shudder to think what your version of a WWE Raw would be.

My version of WWE Raw would include more wrestling and less Cena trying to be funny. And if we're going to have a 25-minute segment focusing on Cena's life, it would have to be a promo that actually progresses a feud or a story instead of wasting time for cheap laughs.

Comedy is good for the show, but it's better when it progresses a feud. Did you watch Sheamus' tea time with Santino? Now that was great.

But last night's segment? Unlike the OP says, this was not meant to get Cena over, and it wasn't meant to get Foley over either. There was literally nothing happening here. It literally resulted in nothing except Cena laughing at a Rock Bottom. Unless Foley starts cutting promos on The Rock next week, this was just a big unnecessary segment.

No progress. No purpose. No point.
Well I didn't try to read through all of the above paragraphs, but how about to get it back on point? What do we think Foley will actually be doing in the WWE now? I can't imagine him wrestling too much or at all. Maybe a RAW GM or just something backstage even. I would be all right with him on commentary as long as he's able to do it the way he wants to, and not have the issues that happened with him last time on commentary.
I don't understand, why is everyone saying the segment failed? I loved it. Finally some of the old school humour back on wrestling.
I don't understand, why is everyone saying the segment failed? I loved it. Finally some of the old school humour back on wrestling.

I think it was just meant to bring Foley back on tv, and it did run a bit long. But nothing was going to beat the Foley and Rock segment, so of course people will think this "failed"
I believe the reason you would think this is because you haven't spent significant time in a public position and because you haven't grasped the point of pro wrestling yet.

Being in a public position will always garner you criticism, no matter what you do. Even as a teacher, I've grown used to it, but other members of my family, who have held administration positions, have allowed me to see that no matter what you do and why you do it, people who don't know anything will still criticize you. After a while, you just become numb to the stupidity of others, and only focus on what you can do and who you are.

You seem to think John Cena allows other people's opinions of him to dictate how he feels about himself. A more advanced person would never allow such a thing, instead relying on their own inner self-analysis to determine how good he or she is doing. John Cena has probably reached the stage where he doesn't give a damn what people think about him, because he knows he is good.

Secondly, you seem to think it matters to wrestlers whether they boo or cheer them. To be fair, some wrestlers it would bother, but to those professional wrestlers who truly understand the wrestling business, they're not worried whether people cheer or boo, they only care if they paid to come to the show. When John Cena can look back at his career and realize that for over 6 years now, more people have paid to watch him wrestle than anyone else in the business, he knows he has done his job.

The reason you don't believe him is because you're ignorant of what it is like to be in his position and understand the job he's supposed to do.

When Cena says he really doesn't care, I really believe him. Because Cena doesn't have to prove anything to anyone...he's already done it more times than anyone else in the business since 2005.

I gotta say i'm a little disappointed. You're one of the people I greatly respect in these forums because you always seem to have a logical point of view. In one of the forums a post you wrote actually made me rethink my position. So I find it disappointing that in the midst of good commentary you felt it necessary to decide what YOU feel I'VE grasped and would call someone you don't know ignorant. It's all good though. Because you've made good points i'm still going to respond.

Being in a public position will always garner you criticism, no matter what you do. Even as a teacher, I've grown used to it, but other members of my family, who have held administration positions, have allowed me to see that no matter what you do and why you do it, people who don't know anything will still criticize you. After a while, you just become numb to the stupidity of others, and only focus on what you can do and who you are.

I haven't been in the public eye and don't wish to be. I worked for an artist for 5 years as a musician in his band and he got his fair share of negative press. I watched him become numb to it over time but because we were friends I knew that no matter how much he didnt' react to it publicly, privately he didn't like it.
No one who puts their heart into what they do is going to be comfortable getting boo'd especially if they're not trying to get boo'd. I don't care who you are. If you go out there and give it your all every single night and you get reemed every single night, that craps not gonna feel good. But when you're a professional the show goes on. So no, personal experience but I have watched the effects of negative press on a high profile person. You still go out there and work your butt off knowing that people are gonna hate. It may NEVER affect his work. But that doesn't mean it doesn't bother him personally.

You seem to think John Cena allows other people's opinions of him to dictate how he feels about himself. A more advanced person would never allow such a thing, instead relying on their own inner self-analysis to determine how good he or she is doing. John Cena has probably reached the stage where he doesn't give a damn what people think about him, because he knows he is good.

Thats not what I think at all. I never said that the people who BOO John mess with his self worth. That's false. I said boo'ed or cheered he is getting the reaction. And the reality is the only BAD reaction is NO reaction, BUT getting boo'ed especially when you're the face of the company, the guy who everyone SHOULD support, has got to suck. Especially when its happening at home. I'm sure he feels like he is giving 100% every night when he goes out there. And I don't disagree. I think he IS giving 100% and I STILL don't like him. He can know he's good all day long and every Cena supporter can say the same thing. His work, or his psyche is not in question. Its how he REALLY feels about being boo'ed. Thats what I wonder.

Secondly, you seem to think it matters to wrestlers whether they boo or cheer them. To be fair, some wrestlers it would bother, but to those professional wrestlers who truly understand the wrestling business, they're not worried whether people cheer or boo, they only care if they paid to come to the show.
In essence what you're saying here is that because Cena is a professional who understands the business, he puts no stock in whether he's cheered or boo'd as long as he is getting paid....right?
A little while back the Rock put up a video blasting Cena for being phony. He said that John Cena gets on him about not being at events, but he's not a paid employee of the company, John is. He said that John gets in the ring and says this and that about the love of the business but making this short and sweet, he's basically doing this for the money.
NOW all that being said.
Your statement was that, it matters to some wrestlers whether or not their being boo'd but to those professional wrestlers who truly understand the business, they're not worried whether people cheer or boo, they only care if they are paid to show.
If you're statement is true, wouldn't that make the Rock's statement that Cena is in it, "for the money" true as well?
I think it is fair to say that some wrestlers are sensitive about being boo'd just as much as I think its fair to say that some people rise above that and really DON'T care. But in all of Cena's promos about being there every night because he LOVES the business, his life is in the ring, "i'm out here for each and every member of the wwe universe love me or hate me...." These things always sound, to me, like a plea for everyones respect. But if this is NOT the case, and your sentiment is true, isn't the Rock's sentiment true as well? Just asking (please don't be a douche.)

The reason you don't believe him is because you're ignorant of what it is like to be in his position and understand the job he's supposed to do.
I do not know what it is like to be in HIS position nor would I want to. However, I have seen first hand what its like for someone in a high level position to be scrutinized and criticized. So, I'm not ignorant. My father in law is the Pastor of one of the biggest churches in Chicago and though i see him doing all he can to be right and doing the right things and saying the right things, he gets criticized all the time. And sure, he's grown numb to a lot of it. But I've seen somethings get under his skin. So to say that John Cena doesn't allow the booing to bother him is something I believe to NOT be true. We can argue it all day. You say he don't care, I think it bothers him a little.
If it does bother him, its fine! I'm not using this to say he's a punk b@#*( for it. Not at all. I'm just saying I happen to think it DOES bother him.
Thats all.
[cL];3523254 said:
I gotta say i'm a little disappointed. You're one of the people I greatly respect in these forums because you always seem to have a logical point of view. In one of the forums a post you wrote actually made me rethink my position. So I find it disappointing that in the midst of good commentary you felt it necessary to decide what YOU feel I'VE grasped and would call someone you don't know ignorant. It's all good though. Because you've made good points i'm still going to respond.
Being ignorant is not a negative thing. Your post would most certainly suggest ignorance.

I haven't been in the public eye and don't wish to be. I worked for an artist for 5 years as a musician in his band and he got his fair share of negative press. I watched him become numb to it over time but because we were friends I knew that no matter how much he didnt' react to it publicly, privately he didn't like it.
No one who puts their heart into what they do is going to be comfortable getting boo'd especially if they're not trying to get boo'd. I don't care who you are. If you go out there and give it your all every single night and you get reemed every single night, that craps not gonna feel good. But when you're a professional the show goes on. So no, personal experience but I have watched the effects of negative press on a high profile person. You still go out there and work your butt off knowing that people are gonna hate. It may NEVER affect his work. But that doesn't mean it doesn't bother him personally.
So it's your anecdotal evidence against mine.

Since you cannot prove how John Cena feels, calling him a liar certainly makes you look slightly hypocritical considering the offense you seemed to take at me calling you ignorant for not knowing you.

Thats not what I think at all. I never said that the people who BOO John mess with his self worth. That's false. I said boo'ed or cheered he is getting the reaction. And the reality is the only BAD reaction is NO reaction, BUT getting boo'ed especially when you're the face of the company, the guy who everyone SHOULD support, has got to suck. Especially when its happening at home. I'm sure he feels like he is giving 100% every night when he goes out there. And I don't disagree. I think he IS giving 100% and I STILL don't like him. He can know he's good all day long and every Cena supporter can say the same thing. His work, or his psyche is not in question. Its how he REALLY feels about being boo'ed. Thats what I wonder.
And what I'm asking you is why would he feel bad about it? Both points I made in my last post show why he has no reason to feel bad about it.

In essence what you're saying here is that because Cena is a professional who understands the business, he puts no stock in whether he's cheered or boo'd as long as he is getting paid....right?
No, not at all. It has nothing to do with HIM getting paid, it's whether or not he's doing his job. His job is to get fans to pay to come to the show. The WWE pays him to do this job, and he's doing his job very well.

If you're statement is true, wouldn't that make the Rock's statement that Cena is in it, "for the money" true as well?
No, for reasons I mentioned above.

However, that statement from Rock is incredibly silly. Of course Cena does it for the money, how else would he be able to live? Who doesn't do a job for the money? But just because Cena gets paid to do his job, that doesn't mean he doesn't love what he does.

I do not know what it is like to be in HIS position nor would I want to. However, I have seen first hand what its like for someone in a high level position to be scrutinized and criticized. So, I'm not ignorant. My father in law is the Pastor of one of the biggest churches in Chicago and though i see him doing all he can to be right and doing the right things and saying the right things, he gets criticized all the time. And sure, he's grown numb to a lot of it. But I've seen somethings get under his skin. So to say that John Cena doesn't allow the booing to bother him is something I believe to NOT be true. We can argue it all day. You say he don't care, I think it bothers him a little.
If it does bother him, its fine! I'm not using this to say he's a punk b@#*( for it. Not at all. I'm just saying I happen to think it DOES bother him.
Thats all.
I think if John Cena could choose to have this reaction or a 100% cheering reaction, I'm sure he'd choose the latter. But just because he prefers one choice over another, doesn't mean the choice which was made for him bothers him. Hell, at this point, I think he rather enjoys it. For example, last night when Rock said something about Cena's lady parts, you could see Cena mouth "wait for it" and then started counting, waiting for the moment the fans would start chanting about Cena's lady parts.

At this point, not only do I get the impression it doesn't bother Cena, I think he rather enjoys it.

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