Live Discussion: RAW 8/11/2008

Those WWE writers were smokin' some strong shit when they came up with this ending.
I marked out so much when he said MASK!
Then Rey Mysterio?!?!? Talk about anti-climax!
Now we just get some shit fued that I don't give a shit about.
He killed Rey mysterio? This just got interesting.

I'm sorry, you must have mistaken the man in the ring as someone who matches well with a cruiserweight. When in fact, the man in the ring is nearly 7 feet tall and is a heavyweight, who matches better with someone like Kennedy or Jericho.

Rey Mysterio coming back to fued with Kane makes my wee wee soft.
I was hoping for it to be Hurricane's mask haha
well at least now it gives a pretty good explanation (storyline wise) as to why Rey hasnt been on RAW lol
Amen Papa Shango... if it had been Kane's mask everyone would have been pissed that it was predictable... now smarks are mad because they didn't see it coming
Now whoever it was who suggested the mankind mask. 'That' would have been cool.

And made sense for that matter.
what a load of garbage. a storyline that builds up to that. i seriously hope kane rigged that bag before he came out.
How the fuck is that lame?!?, no one saw that coming, seriously what the fuck do you people want?!?, people complain shit is predictable and then they come out and do something no one predicted and everybody bitches and complains about, seriously, there is clearly nothing that will ever make you people happy so why bother watching?!?!?!
I'm glad WWE didn't go the obvious route...but where does this lead? A Kane- Rey feud? Forgive me if I don't get overjoyed over that.

I guess people know where Rey is now...disfigured and scarred. Go Kane.

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