Live Discussion: Raw 01/11/10 Featuring Guest Host: Mike Tyson

You're almost certainly right, but how much would you wager. I'm just interested, I'm obviously not going to bet against that happening.

Anyway, to Sly, I don't think Swagger has particularly been great, but a month ago he was clearly about to start feuding with Miz, and was getting a clear push, and now he is losing to Santino, who hasn't won for about 9 months. That is a pretty sudden fall from grace, by anyone's standards.

I would bet $50 American on Tyson turning Face by the end of the match and costing Jericho the match.
He went out there, cut a solid promo about winning the Rumble. He then participated in a match in which he was going to display how he was going to win, only to be met by the disappointment of a fluke loss.

That IS character development.

No, it's character development if it leads anywhere past the Rumble. It won't because for some reason Swagger isn't worth pushing.
oh he wont. Cena cant lose until he regains the title remember? superman just told us his schedule until wrestlemania

If you're going to shit on the WWE, at least sound smart about it. Sid makes his "Look, I'm shitting on teh WWE" posts at least respectable and readable. You can't even capitalize your own fucking sentences.

If you're going to shit on the WWE for the PG Era, or call Cena "Superman" like it's offensive, at least sound half way fucking intelligent. I swear to God. I think I'm going to start asking every idiot who doesn't like the WWE just tell Sid what they think, and have him post it. That way I can read it and not take a spoon to my eyes.
But, he shouldn't be losing to Santino. If he loses to Cena, I am fine with that, if he loses to Matt Hardy, I am fine with that, but Santino?
What's wrong with Santino? He's a former 2 time Intercontinental Champion. Why do people think Swagger is on a higher level than that?

What? No I don't. How is it smart to ruin the credibility of potential stars, considering no-one is ever heel or face for their entire career.
How did losing to a former 2 time Intercontinental Champion ruining his credibility?

You guys put WAAAY to much emphasis on the immediate present. I promise you, what happens in one night doesn't make or break your career.

Anyway, to Sly, I don't think Swagger has particularly been great, but a month ago he was clearly about to start feuding with Miz, and was getting a clear push, and now he is losing to Santino, who hasn't won for about 9 months. That is a pretty sudden fall from grace, by anyone's standards.
Again, only if you lack the ability to look at the big picture.

Quit focusing so much and placing so much emphasis on one event. A wrestler's overness exists over YEARS of work in front of a crowd.
No, it's character development if it leads anywhere past the Rumble. It won't because for some reason Swagger isn't worth pushing.

Bullshit. Not everything in wrestling has to have a definitive start and finish to be important. The best way to get a wrestler over with the fans is time. And it's been proven time and again to be the truth.

By putting Swagger out there every week, but giving fans things to remember him by, he will eventually get over with the fans, if he's good enough. Fans will remember his promo and loss much more than they will him beating some random jobber.
For all Swagger fans, don't lose hope. klunderbunker makes a good point about character development, but, as a counterpoint, I'd just like to say that Kenta Kobashi lost his like first 50 or 60 matches...everyone here would have just assumed that he'd be a jobber for life, but he ended up being one of the greatest and most popular professional wrestlers to ever step into the ring.
Bullshit. Not everything in wrestling has to have a definitive start and finish to be important. The best way to get a wrestler over with the fans is time. And it's been proven time and again to be the truth.

By putting Swagger out there every week, but giving fans things to remember him by, he will eventually get over with the fans, if he's good enough. Fans will remember his promo and loss much more than they will him beating some random jobber.

True, it he is otu there every week. I'd bet just about anything that he won't be though, which is the problem. After the Rumble, he'll be either jobbing or not being on TV.

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