Live Discussion: Raw 01/11/10 Featuring Guest Host: Mike Tyson

Easy, Vince. We can't be showing Middle Fingers or violence on PG television.

Dude, why do you keep saying this? I've been re-watching all the old Raws from 98 lately and I can tell you every single fucking one of them has a big fat rating in the corner that says "TV PG". Yep, the Attitude Era was PG Sid.
Orton is legit mad at Kofi.

Looked like Kofi was supposed to do something before the RKO

I thought... Cena was supposed to win every match? The fuck happened to that?

He didn't get pinned. TNA did the same thing with Samoa Joe during his undefeated streak

It isn't the fault of the crowd. Quit blaming them for Vince's failures.

I'm not blaming them for Vince's failures, I'm blaming them for thinking they are cool for booing Cena
I'm still waiting on a WWE Raw PPV main-event that doesn't feature Triple H, Cena or Orton.

Isn't it something like 4 years since that happened?
So, now your problem with the WWE's booking of Swagger is not actually what they did, but rather your conjecture, based upon ZERO evidence to support it, on what they might do a month from now?

Sorry Klunker, you can't criticize the WWE for that.

First off, I want to fucking murder that fatass that named me that.

Second, sure I can say that based on what they've done with him recently. he's been pushed down the card slowly but surely and with the Rumble here he'll be needed to fill a spot and then there's no point to having him around anymore other than jobbing to stars.
Well if Tyson was going to stay Heel, he would have took a shot at Hornswoggle. Since that didn't happen, you can bank on Tyson going Face by the end of the match.

If they are going to do predictable shit, don't do it at all.

Where's Vince Russo when we need him?

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