Live Discussion: Raw 01/11/10 Featuring Guest Host: Mike Tyson

He didn't job at all. I would think you would know the difference between jobbing and character development.

I'd call it character development if it was a guy that will get to do anything of note. When MVP went on his losing streak it was character development. This is just a random comedy segment.
People need to get off Swagger's nuts. It's not like Santino dominated him, he got a fluke win. No different then when guys like Hurricane beat the Rock.

I'm just curious as to what Swagger did to merit this treatment. That's all. I would just like to know. I can go with WWE's de-push of him and accept it as long as I have an idea why they are de-pushing him and treating him like a jobber.
You're right.

He's not ready for the main event, because he's lost just about every week to just about everyone.

I mean FFS.. he had a 4-star match with Cena, and he's jobbing to Santino?
Most people have a good match with Cena, and he didn't job to Santino. That whole segment was about Jack Swagger, not Santino. To be jobbing, the point of the segment would be about developing Santino. It wasn't, it was about Swagger.

Its hard to get over with the crowd when your only television appearances are 2-minute jobs.
But, why does he have to get over with the crowd right now? He's only been on TV for what, a year? Two? He's got YEARS ahead of him, right now, he just needs to stay out of the spotlight and work on his skills, which he can do on the house show circuit.

Imagine if Austin had been jobbed out week in and week out.. or Orton.. or Cena.. or Undertaker.
Austin was. Did you not watch WCW? Did it hurt Austin's career? No, it didn't.

If you have the talent, you'll make it.

and Sheamus was?
What does one have to do with another?
haha "The All Italian Italian"

Can someone make me a sig of Santino with that phrase in it?

ask and ye shall receive kind sir!

Why is everyone all up in Jack Swagger's ass? He's got potential, but he's not ready for the main spotlight, not by a long shot.

But, he shouldn't be losing to Santino. If he loses to Cena, I am fine with that, if he loses to Matt Hardy, I am fine with that, but Santino?
I despise this crowd

Are you one of those people that takes the WWE's side when it comes to crowd reaction?

There's been "a lot" of bad crowds in WWE as of late.

Maybe it isn't the crowds fault since there are so many bad crowds these days. Maybe it's WWE's fault for putting on shit.
Your problem is that you think EVERY guy with potential should never show weakness.

Unfortunately, that's not how wrestling works, especially for heels.

What? No I don't. How is it smart to ruin the credibility of potential stars, considering no-one is ever heel or face for their entire career. The guy got built up against Cena a few weeks ago, now he's losing to Santino? Consistency? Logic? Oh yeah I forgot, this is the WWE.
I love how they tease Tyson wrestling. He'll stand on the apron for the whole match, get tagged in and deck Jericho, costing him the match. And that will be it for him for the night.

So damn predictable, WWE.

You're almost certainly right, but how much would you wager. I'm just interested, I'm obviously not going to bet against that happening.

Anyway, to Sly, I don't think Swagger has particularly been great, but a month ago he was clearly about to start feuding with Miz, and was getting a clear push, and now he is losing to Santino, who hasn't won for about 9 months. That is a pretty sudden fall from grace, by anyone's standards.
I'd call it character development if it was a guy that will get to do anything of note.
He went out there, cut a solid promo about winning the Rumble. He then participated in a match in which he was going to display how he was going to win, only to be met by the disappointment of a fluke loss.

That IS character development.
But Norcal, it's just Cena not being a good Face. Everyone knows the crowds would cheer Cena if he was any good at his job. Or if we weren't in the middle of the PG Era. :rolleyes:

Actually I think it would be worse if it weren't for the PG programing.

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