Live Discussion 2/17/2008: No Way Out

Wow, I am completely and totally shocked that Triple H is in the main event of another pay per view, didn't see that one coming.

Yeah along with HBK, Y2J, JBL, Umaga, & Jeff....dude he hasn't been in that many ME's since he's come back at SummerSlam, and now he's in one with 5 other top guys on the roster...this is probably the match most people are interested in anyway so why wouldn't it be the ME?
I suppose Hulk Hogan was a great "wrestler?" Or Mick Foley, or Kane?

You're just bitter because the WWE keeps pushing Cena. How is that Cena's fault?

never said hogan was a great wrestler, actually i dont think he was that good at all, but he was solid entertainer
Cena is in his prime, When Kane was in his prime, he would own Cena to shreds.
and so would mick foley

wtf is wrong with ortons knee

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