Live Discussion 2/17/2008: No Way Out

God, the Cena hating thing just gets old.

If he was a heel, I bet all of you "haters" would just love him. He is a dedicated, respected, hard-working wrestler and deserves a lot of what he has gotten.

Granted, his title reign last year did get a boring and stale...but that's no reason to absolutely despise the man.

he is pushed constantly, and is not as great on the mic as he thinks. I wont really even talk about his in ring ability cuz there are worse but alot better
Stone Cold Steve Austin - Lou Thesz Press, Stone Cold Stunner, Elbow drop, stomps, kick to the groin.

The Rock - Rock Bottom, People's Elbow, Spinebuster, punches in the corner, neckbreaker

Triple H - Pedigree, jumping knee, Spinebuster, punches, kicks

Hulk Hogan - Big boot, leg drop, body slam.

You're an idiot.

sorry i offended your hero bro, dont kill me now, but since you can have an opinion and i can't, makes it kind of stupid dont you think
Wow, I am completely and totally shocked that Triple H is in the main event of another pay per view, didn't see that one coming.
Like cenas the only person who has gotten this kinda reaction, Trips 2003 anyone? Its just that hhh hasnt been in the title picture and cena has, when cena leaves the title picture and has a fued for something other than a title maybe people will chill with the Hatin
sorry i offended your hero bro, dont kill me now, but since you can have an opinion and i can't, makes it kind of stupid dont you think

John Cena is anything but my hero. I just think all of the hating is ridiculous. No, he's not The Rock or Hulk Hogan, but he is not nearly as bad as everyone tries to say he is.

5 moves? So what? Its not about the number of moves, its how they work in the ring.

But, thank you.
John Cena is anything but my hero. I just think all of the hating is ridiculous. No, he's not The Rock or Hulk Hogan, but he is not nearly as bad as everyone tries to say he is.

5 moves? So what? Its not about the number of moves, its how they work in the ring.
But, thank you.

he aint very good at that either
I get angry when the title match isn't last, it's the main damn thing in the company, grrr. I'm going to rip my shirt now, brother.
What happend to cenas gimmick, he doesnt rap before a match which is what got him to the big time, now he is a marine but unless he joined while doing the shit movie,he has never been

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