Jeff Hardy Suspended for 60 days.

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i think people are over reacting a little here. okay he knew what is allowed and what isnt yet still violated the policy.

But people on here are reacting like hes on steroids or coke or something pretty damn serious.

Has anyone thought that he may actually be in so much pain, that he has risked some painkillers to keep him going? still idiotic i admit, but you cant blame the guy as he risks his body every night.

Lets remember that hardy is one of the few 'main' eventers who does all RAW house shows internationally. Maybe he needed something to keep him going?

It hasnt even been announced what hes suspended for so how about we dont crucify the man until we hear a little more about it?
i think people are over reacting a little here. okay he knew what is allowed and what isnt yet still violated the policy.

But people on here are reacting like hes on steroids or coke or something pretty damn serious.

Has anyone thought that he may actually be in so much pain, that he has risked some painkillers to keep him going? still idiotic i admit, but you cant blame the guy as he risks his body every night.

Lets remember that hardy is one of the few 'main' eventers who does all RAW house shows internationally. Maybe he needed something to keep him going?

It hasnt even been announced what hes suspended for so how about we dont crucify the man until we hear a little more about it?

So, you basically just said that drugs are okay. Drugs are not okay, drugs are bad. It's pretty sad that I as a 13 year old have to remind that drugs are bad. And yes, it is pretty damn serious because he does drugs. So what that he works alot of matches, no one forced him to sign up for such a rough schedule. You also basically admitted that he's a bad worker. You say he needs pain killers to keep on going, yet most of the other good working wrestlers don't.
i think people are over reacting a little here. okay he knew what is allowed and what isnt yet still violated the policy.

But people on here are reacting like hes on steroids or coke or something pretty damn serious.

Has anyone thought that he may actually be in so much pain, that he has risked some painkillers to keep him going? still idiotic i admit, but you cant blame the guy as he risks his body every night.

Lets remember that hardy is one of the few 'main' eventers who does all RAW house shows internationally. Maybe he needed something to keep him going?

It hasnt even been announced what hes suspended for so how about we dont crucify the man until we hear a little more about it?

Actually it has been on the front page of thsi site, and to me this doesnt seem surprising, i knew he would screw this up, he screwed up main eventing before the wwe, screwed it up in tna by no showing, and then screwed it up again with two violations non the less, the dude needs to get clean or leave the company seriously it aint worth killing yourself over if your gonna get caked up I dont want to see him on the deceast list i think matt needs to have a word with his brother
So, you basically just said that drugs are okay. Drugs are not okay, drugs are bad. It's pretty sad that I as a 13 year old have to remind that drugs are bad. And yes, it is pretty damn serious because he does drugs. So what that he works alot of matches, no one forced him to sign up for such a rough schedule. You also basically admitted that he's a bad worker. You say he needs pain killers to keep on going, yet most of the other good working wrestlers don't.

i have not said that drugs are ok. Im sorry you have misinterpreted what i have said.

all i am saying is that noone knows what he has done. He has violated the wellness policy. there are many terms on this policy. He could have taken painkillers on an expired prescription for all i know. Its happened with others before.

And I never said he was a bad worker. And im sorry to tell you son, but most wrestlers are on painkillers. Just ones on legitimate prescriptions.
I’m disappointed, but not angry. A terrible decision and the fact that he was receiving a great push aids disappointment. I’m wondering if he will face the same treatment as D.H. Smith.

So, you basically just said that drugs are okay. Drugs are not okay, drugs are bad.

I don’t usually enter these arguments. However drugs are not always black and white issues.

It is true that in excess and certain situations a number of drugs can be harmful, but to say indiscriminately that drugs are bad does not appear to be a fully researched thought.
To Jeff, this isn't a big thing. He has done it in the past and has ended up being a big commodity in wrestling and will more than likely do it again until he going into a long term rehab center. This is a very unfortunate thing as he was probably going to be winning MITB this year and getting a long overdue title run.

But now he has probably knocked himself so far down that I would be suprised if he doesn't get demoted to another show or eventually shown the door. WWE is only going to take so much from these wrestlers with their addictions before they shut them completely out. This has to be like what? Jeff's third strike with the company? Well if you could that he got de-pushed and then fired the last two times he got busted.

I say this. Take all of the Jeff Hardy's who are nothing more than wasted talent and use them to job to guys who actually want to come and live this dream called profesional wrestling. maybe then, it will show these punks with endless potential that some people do this for love and not just for a paycheck.
i think people are over reacting a little here. okay he knew what is allowed and what isnt yet still violated the policy.

But people on here are reacting like hes on steroids or coke or something pretty damn serious.

Has anyone thought that he may actually be in so much pain, that he has risked some painkillers to keep him going? still idiotic i admit, but you cant blame the guy as he risks his body every night.

Lets remember that hardy is one of the few 'main' eventers who does all RAW house shows internationally. Maybe he needed something to keep him going?

It hasnt even been announced what hes suspended for so how about we dont crucify the man until we hear a little more about it?

Kid, it IS serious. It's Rick Rude, Curt Hennig, Eddie Guerrero, Louie Spicoli, Brian Pillman, Bam Bam Bigello, Von Eric Brothers, Brian Adams serious! How can you sit there and say that it should not be? If the wrestling promotions took this half as seriously back then as they do now, then some of the sports greatest superstars may still be around.

Hell, I applaud the WWE and think that they should Hardy an ulimatum to either take time off and get his head out of his ass and do a rehab program, THE RIGHT WAY, or to pack his bags and erase their number from his phone. Sure it's nostalgic to have both of the Hardy Boys and sure he has unlimited potential, but do you want to be the company that's employing him when then news hits the ariwaves that Jeff Hardy was found dead in some hotel room the night before or the night after a pay per view? I wouldn't want to be in that position, would you?
Damn spawn your right. Personally im a hard fan, Loved the dude when he was with matt. I didn't watch tna to much when he was in there. But still cool dude imo.BUT he royaly fucked up his chances of ever becoming anotheing more than a ic title holder in the future. He was going into mitb at wrestlemania and possibly winning, I mean who... WHO fucks up that chance? (hell its probibaly been in kids dreams to go to mania since the 80's) The dude was getting chance after chance to hold the strap, It was a storyline but I stearnly remember reading on wz that people high up in the back were pushing him to get the belt. SO WHY JEFF HARDY DID YOU MESS UP... NOT ONCE BUT TWICE?
I know for a fact if I was in wwe and even herd I was getting any sort of push i would get clean as fast as I could. Your a sad dude, You need to take what wwe is handing you on a silver fucking platter and take the rehab.
1. Do it for me your fans and every person who remotly whatches wwe.
2. Do it for your family bro. We dont want or need anymore dead wrestlers, You have a chance at what people can only dream about.
3. Do it for your self man Drugs in no was shape or form are >than your job, your friends,And your damn life.
I would like to side with buscuitboy on this one. It really sucks that Hardy still has been using after all this time, but maybe there's something we don't know? Hopefully this will be a time to help Jeff work through whatever issues he's facing and teach him how to cope with things in a more healthy manner upon his return.

I don't think this will ruin Jeff. I think if WWE handles it in a non-condemning manner, Jeff could get better. It will ultimately be his decision if he wants to get better. A bunch of media and IWF judgment will not prove fruitful.
If Jeff were to come back and never be able to hold a title greater than that of the intercontinental championship... he'd probably ask to be released, don't you all think? If he can't be anything greater I don't want to see him wrestle anymore. I loved Jeff Hardy, but I hate the fact that he's done this to himself, and to the fans. Damn it Jeff... you've lost me as a fan.
In all likelyhood, he probably won't be anything greater than that. Whenever WWE invests the time and money to give him a decent rub with guys like Triple H and the Undertaker, he backslides and lets them down with this bullshit. Jefft need to sit down and take a long hard look at his life and decided what he really wants to do with it. Does he want to be a an entertainer in front of millions each weak and be clean or does he want to entertain a couple of hundred on the indy circuit and do all of the drugs that he wants until he mercifuly OD's at a young age and becomes nothing more than an aftermentioned sidenote in history? Nobody can make him do it. He needs to come to whatever realization he comes to on his own.
It UTTERLY UTTERLY disappointed, I am a HUGE jeff Hardy fan........I can't believe it, now what will happen. I am so upset at this, I will always go back to Jeff Hardy if it CAN ever happen again, now it WONT. I don't understand this, I couldn't be more upset right now.
If WWE thinks it's necessary for Jeff to go to rehab, then they should. Because lord knows, it can really help give his live more longevity... fuck, maybe even save it. Even it's longer than two months, because if he needs help he needs to truly get it... then let that happen. It'll be better for the Jeff fans in the long run, because we won't have to be the ones hearing he died in a hotel room of an overdose or something.

I, as a Jeff fan, hopes he gets the help he so desperately needs.
i'm sadden by this cause i'm a fan but hope he goes to rehab and opens up his eyes and sees what he things he can't lose, he says he loves this business, but in reality he doesn't because he decided to use drugs, I mean I have no Idea if he started using recently for a few months or way before his return but he has got to wake up...I believe that once he comes back, I think that fans will know if Jeff is still hot after all...and he'll get the push...dont get me wrong he needs to work his way up again...

I mean after his first suspension last year when he returned the day after summerslam the fans still went wild...also I agree with a post earlier with there have been HUGE wrestlers who got suspended for using and still won a title or got a huge push after.

well all I end with is that Jeff kicks it...addiction is hard I've seen people go through it and how they're friends and family react to I just hope he kicks it and goes to REHAB
Jeff Hardy risks his body like no other. I think to be able to go on like that, especially when you're one of the top dogs and in action every week, you just HAVE to take painkillers. Jeff does all these things that other wrestlers don't do, and it's probably simply too much.

Also it seemed like he didn't want to screw up his push and did everything the WWE asked him to do, so I'd say the WWE is a bit guilty as well for expecting him to do such things.
Here we go again...

Jeff Hardy...what a role model for all to see. "Hey kids! Be like me, Jeff Hardy! I jump off tall things and take the pain away with my special (but illegal) medication!"

Unbelievable. Respect begins to fade with people that fail the policy the first time. Sure, they fucked up, but the key thing is that they learn their lesson.

People who fail the WWE's testing for a second time, deserve not one god damn shred of dignity, and especially not any respect. They should be rightfully publicly humiliated. As disheartening as it is for people to see their 'heroes' put in their place like this, kids and the like need to see them for what they really are: which is false heroes.

The need for a third chance is beyond me. They've shown that nothing stops them from doing it a second time, so it's obviously due to either two reasons that I can see as to why they do it the second time:

1. They don't care for the policy in any way, and don't see their drug taking as a problem.

2. They feel that they can get away with stuffing up 2 times, and use their third chance.

Both of these lead me to an assumption that the third chance has no justification being in place.

But enough about the policy. On to Jeff 'Painfree' Hardy (assuming it's painkillers he's on.)

One has to scratch well beneath the surface to find the logic in the situation here. Hardy was someone on such a rise in the WWE. Hardy had the most fan support, the most wins and was the fastest climbing guy in the WWE. So what does he do? My view is that he gets relaxed or complacent with where he is. Maybe a little of his newfound ultra-overness goes to his head. He begins working hard, harder than normal. Suddenly, he needs to find the easy way out to dealing with the pain one of his status has to go through. So he thinks he's above the system, and says 'fuck it', and, gets caught, and suspended for 2 months.


You hear that Jeff? That's the sound of your future in the WWE.

It's not as if Hardy couldn't get off the stuff in the first place. He had been clean for months now after his last failure. So what does he do? Piss it all away again.

I'm not a drug user. Never have, never will. Nor have I gone through the torment wrestlers go through. But, what should be underlining all the anger rightfully hurled towards Hardy, is the fact that Hardy failed the Wellness Policy twice, while EVERYTHING was going on around him in regards to: wrestler's deaths as a result of drug use, congress interventions and media backlash towards the WWE as a whole, based on the guys who failed Policy tests. To ignore all of these situations, and to let every one of your fans down in the position as their role model, is the sign of a troubled and moronic human being.


What happens from here? I hope the WWE fire Hardy, and anyone else who fails drug tests twice. They haven't learnt their lesson and showed no control over themselves, and never will.

People make mistakes. Some people don't learn from these mistakes. Jeff Hardy is one of these people.

Show me reasons to respect this man after this revelation. Go on, find them. Google 'Reasons Why Disgraced Role Models Should Still be Respected' and see what you get.

Unbelieveable...simply unfathomable. That's how I sum up this whole situation.

Thanks Jeff. Thanks to you, the media has a high profile name to use to bash the crap out of wrestling and the drugs involved in it. What I don't like, is that kids are going to continue to wear Jeff Hardy shirts, not knowing what he did exactly. It's disgraceful.
Bye bye to Randy.

Bye bye to possibly John, Batista, and Triple H.

It's likely that WWE knows that one or more of their top guys are doing the 'roids or pills but want to protect them.

Anyway, is Jeff Hardy an idiot for getting caught twice now? Absolutely. Should he get heat for it? Of course.

Regardless - once you get addicted, it's a hard habit to break. The most likely scenario is that it was a different drug this time around - painkillers - and maybe he thought he could get away from it because of all the heavy work he was getting. However it was idiotic especially if you know you may get caught.

When he returns after two months suspension is over (if he doesn't quit then that is), WWE won't trust him for a long time. He could just go back in the mid card, he could be in the main event but job pretty much every chance there is. He could be fed to HHH in a matter of minutes or Khali or whoever needs a rub.
You know what? Alot of you just judge and don't know. None of us know what was in his system. If it was pain pills, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. The man throws his body around like no other WWE wrestler. He entertains like no other.

If Vince was so serious about his wellness policy, then he would have suspended him this past weekend. But no, he made him go on RAW and lose the title. If this wellness program was that serious, he wouldn't have wrestled on RAW.

Sorry, this whole situation is a joke.
Shocked....but not shocked. I really thought he had turned everything around, and why would he do it KNOWING he would get caught? maybe he needs to hit rehab once and for all. Really sad...I hope he doesn't wind up like Scott Hall. You'd think they wouldnt take the OTHER Hardy for granted after this (you know..the one who eats, breathes, sleeps and straight poops wrestling).
can it be determined if it was just painkillers he was just using? i mean using painkillers is still legal...when prescribed right? and I do see Jeff being hooked on it because even now when he was getting the push he's been risking his life even more than usual practically every week

Jeff Hardy risks his body like no other. I think to be able to go on like that, especially when you're one of the top dogs and in action every week, you just HAVE to take painkillers. Jeff does all these things that other wrestlers don't do, and it's probably simply too much.

Also it seemed like he didn't want to screw up his push and did everything the WWE asked him to do, so I'd say the WWE is a bit guilty as well for expecting him to do such things.
Well, taking painkillers without a prescription is a big no no, I believe that's illegal. And it falls under 'recreational drug' which is what he was suspended for.
All I can say in this situation is GOOD! What an idiot Jeff is for taking drugs this close to his push, he had a good chance of winning the Money In The Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania 24, people like Jeff take things like that for granted if he was stupid enough to take drugs then thats his own fault.

I admit, Jeff might have made a big impact on the WWE title spot if he was pushed; he's a fan-favourite like Cena and if Cena can do it Hardy surely can! Shame really, Jeff might have been a good No. 1 contender and a possible future champ
And I will say this again. If Vince McMahon is so serious about this new Wellness policy, then Jeff Hardy would not have been able to wrestle on this past Monday Night RAW.

Jeff didnt wrestle this past weekend for the RAW house shows this past Saturday and Sunday. Obviously, the results came in last week. So, that means if Vince was so FUCKING SERIOUS about this wellness policy, Jeff shouldnt have wrestled this past Monday on RAW to lose the belt to Jericho.

Whether you like Jeff or not, I am talking about the seriousness of this new wellness policy. Jeff shouldn't have wrestled on RAW. Plain and simple.
The problem ScottEddy is that Jeff Hardy had the IC belt, so they needed to take that off him before he got suspended. It wouldn't make sense for them to just suspend the guy outta nowhere and vacate the belt. They tend to hold off into these wellness policy violations so they can make an 'example', it's how the WWE business works sadly. He was having a small feud with Chris leading into MITB anyway, so he was the best choice to drop the belt to.
That is not the point. If this Wellness policy is so serious now because of Congress cracking the whip, as soon as you are tested positive for a substance, you don't wrestle again until your suspension is up. That includes wrestlers that currently hold belts.

Wrestling fans are smart and know that this is a stage, so you know what? If WWE is willing to reveal names of wrestlers that are suspended, just go with it and say that Jeff is out for 60 days, so we have to put the IC belt up for grabs.

Its that simple.
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