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Jeff Hardy Suspended for 60 days.

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Given Hardy's suspension and the gap currently existing in the MITB match, how's this grab you...

The Winner of the Money in the Bank 2008 is a Hardy Boy!


He returns and beats out MVP to grab the case, and that can potentially set up feuds with Edge (should he regain vs Undertaker) and if and when Jeff gets one last chance, a whole "you took my spot / you blew your chance" angle. Might be fun.

Jeff Hardy is what Robert di Niro talked about in Bronx Tale. There's nothing sadder in this world than Wasted Talent.
See, this is why I hate Jeff Hardy, he already sucks to begin with, but WWE had to go and give him a John Cena type push which really shows how idiotic they are for trusting the likes of Jeff Hardy with such a big responsibility in the first place. Jeff screwed up his career way too many times and I would be happy if they just fire his stupid ass right now and save us the pain of watching him blow it all over again in another couple of months. He was out-popping most of WWE's top superstars so he knew damn well he was going to have a bright future in the company, but I guess smoking a joint is way better than having it made in the WWE. I don't get why people like this jackass.
I'm not trying to defend Hardy in the least bit, I think he's completely stupid for even chancing getting caught again, but what if this is simliar to the DH Smith suspension on a higher scale? What if the WWE knew Hardy was violating the Wellness Policy, then pushed him to the sky so that when the suspended him, it looked like they'd suspend anyone? Think about it, the WWE has know suspended their second main eventer due to the wellness policy which in turn makes it look more legit.

Conspiricy theories aside, it turns out we were giving Hardy way more credit than he deserved. Most of us talked about how all the using and abusing was in his past and that he made a great comeback. I'm not a Hardy fan but this has got to be a huge letdown for his fans. Way to go Jeff! I know plenty of good hearted people who would kill for the chances you've gotten, and not screw it up nearly as bad.
...*takes a deep breath*...

Ok, Jeff Hardy, I've liked you since the time I started watching Raw. You've been my favorite wrestler dude, and because of you I've kept up with wrestling over the years. When you were first suspended, I quit watching wrestling. When I heard you were back, I was clearing up my schedule Monday nights, because I just had to see you perform in the ring, which I always thought was amazing. I've been extremely confident in your ability and future in the WWE, I knew you would get a chance at the gold and when that day came you would succeed, and hold the greatest title in your arms. I just knew it dude...

I've never been so excited over a Wrestlemania payperview till now... Because like many of the WWE fans, I KNEW you were going to win this year's MITB, and later cash it in to win your first heavyweight championship...



I can't believe I've been watching you all these years, watching because I wanted to see you succeed, so that you can just turn around and mess it up for EVERYONE, mess it up for YOURSELF!!!

I hate you Jeff!!! I doubt I'll ever watch wrestling again, because I doubt you'll ever get a singles push like you just have!!! I'm done cheering you on, I'm done watching wrestling...

I'm extremely disappointed, he's always talked about the fans, how he does this for the fans... but I guess he finds other things to be a little more important...

Anyway, being a Jeff Hardy mark, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt, and try to reason the fact that he's been using drugs to help with his body, which has been hurting him, for a long time now...

(>'')>--[I </3 Jeff Hardy]
What a fucking dumbshit:disappointed:

Looks like Jeff is gonna be this years Kennedy, in that he'll be given huge pushes only to either fuck it up by doing stupid shit like this or getting injured, I have a feeling that's what will happen when he comes back, he'll get another big push only to get injured, and lose his push to someone else, then he'll be lost in the shuffle for months

Well anyway congratulations Jeff you just blew the biggest opportunity of your career, way to go!!!!:thumbsup:
Jeff dropping the title to Jericho last night greatly disturbed me, so I wrote down a reply to the Legitimate Contender/Onetime Wonder thread. I was going to post it once I got to work today. I’m just now able to get on here and the first headline I see is that Jeff's been suspended for 60 days!

I am still in shock - not sure if it's because I have to come up with a way to explain to my daughter who is a HUGE Jeff Hardy mark what happened to him, why he isn't on Raw every week anymore, why he isn't going to be in MITB and get his run as championship OR if it's the fact I was so incredibly close to marking out for Jeff myself (and I haven't marked out for anyone in years). But I secretly held back because I figured his recent push/improvement was too good to last. Sometimes I really hate being right.

Jeff screwed himself. I don’t think WWE will risk pushing him again, that is if he even returns at all. WWE may decide to release him for good before the 60 days is up, just cut their losses now and move on. It’s like the saying “Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you.”

Just so I can get it out of my system, here is the post I didn
’t get to make earlier today:

*Jeff Hardy was getting the biggest pop of the night and receiving a nice push for months. He had a ppv WWE title match just 6 weeks ago, looked strong at NWO, qualified for MITB only 3 weeks ago. Since then what has happened? He lost to Jericho, last week a possible heel turn was alluded to, last night he lost the IC title cleanly – that’s 2 loses to Jericho in 3 weeks time. If he can’t beat Y2J 1-on-1, how are we supposed to seriously think he’s got what it takes to beat 7 other guys in the MITB at Mania, let alone deserves another title shot? I think something is going on with him. The main site reported he missed two Raw house shows over the weekend. I half expect to wake up tomorrow to learn he’s injured and needs time off for awhile or been suspended again.*

Damn that is eerie.....
What a dope(pun intended). It just doesn't make sense how some peoples minds work. I presuming its painkillers he has a problem with and if so he should vary his offence so wasn't so banged up instead of ruining his career. Did he think the tests wouldn't show up his drug use?

Im glad Jericho got the strap and I expect him to win MITB, he deserves a chance.
Wow. Jeff is indeed an idiot. He was by far the most over guy on the biggest show, and he does this. Damn it how hard can it be to jsut not get high? It's not like theyre asking you to perform brain surgery or carry orton to an exciting match. They wanted you to do something possible, jsut don't get high. He's done as a main eventer, at least for a year or so. If I were WWE i'd put him in the dumbest most pointless feud I could think of. Give him Hardcore Holly for 3 months when he gets back or something. This is so pathetic.
...and the wrestling community wanted him to take the title at the Rumble!

Well, well done Jeff. I take this as a major slap in the face to WWE fans. ?I don't even like Jeff Hardy, I think his ring work is sloppy, he can't talk on the mic, his image is stupid and he's a glorified stuntman BUT he entertains. I for one was looking forward to seeing him at WM24, him and Shelton Benjamin were to be the standout performers in the MITB match. Funny thing is, I can see him getting pushed when he returns!
He definitely won't be getting pushed when he returns. They're about to have a load of bad press coming out of this because the AP picked up on it. The last thing they really want right now is more scrutiny as far as drug use goes, especially before Wrestlemania.

What Vince should do at the start of Raw next week is state exactly why Jeff's being suspended, and that he won't be in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. He should then explain that drug use won't be tolerated even if you're a top superstar like Hardy is. Hardy should be publicly humiliated for this.

It's too bad Hardy burned his bridges with TNA... the best punishment would have been to lock him in a room somewhere every week for two hours, forcing him to watch Impact. Vince would then make him write "If I don't get my act together, I'll be in TNA" 100 times on a piece of paper after each viewing.
I'm very sad this has happened and that Jeff Hardy has done this yet again... I doubt he will ever return to main event status.

Although, on a brighter note, with him out of the money in the bank ladder match - I feel it will be a lot more exciting (bear with me). Before this, Hardy was pretty much a dead cert (as Kennedy and RVD were in previous years), now I feel the MitB match is anyones game...
My girlfriend is a huge Jeff Hardy mark, and as much as I liked the kid, two weeks ago was the first time I ever thought Jeff actually LOOKED like a guy that could be WWE Champion. He always had that small little kid doing good look about him. When he walked up the aisle after hitting the Twist of Fate on Jericho, I could easily see Hardy as a man determined to be champion.

Now, he has 60 days to think about it.

I didn't see RAW last night but I heard this morning that Jeff was suspended, so I got right onto Youtube to watch Jeff's match with Jericho. It was a GREAT match and Hardy didn't look weak in losing it. I'm curious if the WWE talked to Hardy before or after the match. Now, keep in mind that a lot of WWE stars have been suspended and got pushes afterwards. Edge, Chavo Guerrero, John Morrison, and Randy Orton have all been suspended at points and all are currently champions, including ALL THREE top champions. Add in top stars like Mr. Kennedy, Umaga (both in high profile matches), Rey Mysterio (only out because of injury), Shawn Michaels (way back in '93 but it happened), and many others, and you got a company that gives chances. Just because Hardy is suspended doesn't mean he's gone unless he quits or does it again. I could still see Hardy coming back and getting another push. Why would the WWE be unfair to him when they have Orton, who was a locker room cancer until he grew up, and repeat offenders like Edge, as their top champions?

I'm not condoning Jeff Hardy using drugs, though. He stupidly should have known better, especially now that so much is expected of him, but I can't say this is the end of Jeff Hardy in the WWE, not with others' past so apparent.

Hahaha, Come on you bastards, hit me with the red rep now. Haha, this is great. Keep your nose clean Jeff, that's all you had to do to get the biggest push of your life that you didn't deserve. You fucked up. The door is wide open for Mr. Kennedy once again to become the rising star on Raw.

Seriously, you get caught for smoking a J in the summer and destroy your summerslam push, and now, the biggest push of your career, and you can't pass a piss test. Same Old Jeff Hardy, that's all I got to say. At least Randy Orton can stay clean for a year, Hardy made it six months.

Bring it on Hardy fans.
I was actually becoming a hardy fan and couldn't agree with you more. If nothing else, do it after mania. I've never been on any drugs so i can't really know what it's like, but I can't imagine that its that much better than being out there in front of 70000 people and basically being handed a voucher for a title reign later in the year. Sad thing is he'll get a push when he gets back too. I am glad they put it on the website though. He deserves it.
^^I have actually had a drug problem when I graduated high school. Which is why stories like this hit home with me. One day I looked myself in the mirror and decided to start kicking myself in the ass until I got myself straight.

Now, I am a personal trainer and train myself five or six days a week. I don't use steriods or any other illegal drugs. So when I see something like this I think "if I could do it, they should be able to." In this case, Jeff Hardy has pretty much lost all the respect he had from me or any other WWE fans. I was never a Hardy fan, but I thought he was simliar to me in the fact that he made a comeback, turns out he just never got caught.

In the future, when I talk down about Hardy you will know why. Right now, I feel like I'm lightyears ahead of him. I kicked my habbit, he didn't plain and simple. He'll probably come back with some excuse, but I say no excuses, just get your ass in gear, if Vince even allows you to, which I personally wouldn't.
I can't see Hardy getting fired for his next violation. I think Vince is too paranoid to let him go. I don't see him being on TV. But I'd expect he'd just let his contract run out. Not that it matters, Hardy sucks.

Cena deserved the reactions he was getting in 2005. But fair dues to the guy, he's improved. But Jeff hasn't improved hardly in nearly 10 years. So him as champion would probably get a worse reaction that Cena several years ago.
I can't see Hardy not being fired for his next violation. Vince has stuck to his Wellness Policy exactly as stated so far, even when it meant suspending Booker T and Kennedy, two guys who were involved in semi major storylines. I don't see Hardy being any different.

I doubt Vince is worried about Hardy going back to TNA either, his last run did nothing. Plus, with Angle and Joe in the title picture few people would except Hardy as a main eventer. I think he's screwed, he's over but he's not untouchable.
Nananana, nananana, hey hey hey, good bye. I think it's out of Vinnie Mac's hands if Hardy gets caught for a third time. It would look terrible, just terrible if Hardy gets caught again and nothing happens as far as the firings. It would only fuel more fire for Congress to really go after McMahon and the steroid situation.

Honestly, Jeff Hardy has royally fucked himself. He go suspended in the summer, so instead of sticking it too him to teach him a lesson, they put the IC title on him and Triple H uses him as a pawn to derail Jericho. Now you're going into Wrestlemania with your hottest rising star, and he fucks you over again. How in the world, or why in the world, should Vince McMahon give Jeff Hardy yet another shot. He's not Jake Roberts, Roberts had talent and was enjoyable to watch.

Jeff Hardy walked out on the company before, and went ot TNA, he failed a test this summer, and now again, that's three strikes already in my book.
Nananana, nananana, hey hey hey, good bye. I think it's out of Vinnie Mac's hands if Hardy gets caught for a third time. It would look terrible, just terrible if Hardy gets caught again and nothing happens as far as the firings. It would only fuel more fire for Congress to really go after McMahon and the steroid situation.

This is precisely why I don't think Hardy would survive a third violation. Vince already has congress breathing down his neck. If he wants to loosen the leash, he should fire Hardy now. Its not like he'll have momentum after missing Mania.

Honestly, Jeff Hardy has royally fucked himself. He go suspended in the summer, so instead of sticking it too him to teach him a lesson, they put the IC title on him and Triple H uses him as a pawn to derail Jericho. Now you're going into Wrestlemania with your hottest rising star, and he fucks you over again. How in the world, or why in the world, should Vince McMahon give Jeff Hardy yet another shot. He's not Jake Roberts, Roberts had talent and was enjoyable to watch.

I'm sure that Vince hears the crowd reactions, sees the merch sell, and gives Jeff one more chance. He appeals to kids who and kids buy merch (or their parent do anyway), you should know that more than most of us. I went on WWE shop last week and he had the best selling T shirt, even more than Cena's new one.

Jeff Hardy walked out on the company before, and went ot TNA, he failed a test this summer, and now again, that's three strikes already in my book.

I forgot about that. He left because he was "depressed" but he was really depressed because he was on drugs. Either way, he'll get his chance, but if he messes up, see ya Jeff.
I have always preferred Matt over Jeff because IMO hes overall a better wrestler and hes reliable. Jeff was probibly going to win the MITB and now hes off the card WOW all the children must be crying haha ... Im not because he doesnt deserve the push and he probibly wont learn. Jeffs replacement should be MATT FREAKIN HARDY ... makes sense because matt needs to make a big return and being replaced by his brother makes more sense then anyone else.
Slim, true about the Merchandise. I won't deny, the guy is over, I don't understand the appeal and won't pretend to. I honestly never have seen what the big deal is with this guy, and don't understand why he was getting a push that about a half dozen other guys on the Raw Roster probably could have done better with.

That being said, I'll concede he can sell T-Shirts, but even if this was John Cena, I don't think it would matter. Selling a couple 1000 T-Shirts is nothing if you can keep Congress from pointing their eyes towards you. Drug Abuse is the hot topic in all of sports in the states at this moment, and stuff like this only leaves a nasty taste in peopel's mouths. It's an election year, and people are going to be gunning for exposure, taking on Baseball, Football, or the WWE gets people's name out there.

You have to remember, outside of us wrestling fans, Vince McMahon isn't though of us a great human being. It may not be right and he may not deserve the criticism he gets, it's just a fact. No one would be safe on the WWE roster of failing 3 drug tests and not facing being fired. No one is that big.
Wow. Jeff Hardy, you monumental idiot. Seriously.

And it's not even that he was so stupid as to use drugs. Its that he was so stupid as to not even attempt to cover that fact up. For the love of God Jeff, you have to have SOME damn money that you could've used for a system-cleaning drink? Really? You couldn't drink a gallon of water before the test? I know the WWE doesn't use the hardcore serious drug tests that check for dilution and chemicals other then drugs they're targeting, but come the fuck on man.

Even I, without a job, at the age of 17 was able to cheat a piss test. I could cheat any piss test you could think of. Jeff...I'm just disappointed in you man.

I'm sure it was just for pot or something like that too. Doesn't look too juiced up to me.

It would've been nice to have someone new in the main event scene, but not anymore I guess.
I agree that he would be let go if he failed again, mostly due to congress breathing down Vince's neck and breaching your own poilicy for a certain guy would look horrible. What I was saying is that Vince will give Hardy a third chance mainly due to the merch sales and crowd pops. I, like you, believe they should just release him now. Not just because I don't like him but because it would at least show congress Vince is serious about drug use by firing a main event wrestler.

Suspending guys like DH Smith and Charlie Haas while guys like Hardy (drug user) and Batista (roider) walk around untouched would get fishy.

Edit-(Response to Shocky)
No one would be safe on the WWE roster of failing 3 drug tests

Absolutely. And no one SHOULD be safe after such proven reliability.

I agree with you personally giving 3 strikes to Jeff Hardy already, one including his TNA tenure.

Jeff Hardy just reeks unreliability at this point, and has for awhile. I never liked his in-ring work even after people started jumping on his bandwagon due to his Cena level-push. But I did respect Jeff for his dedication to his fans(now questionable).

I've always said it but it needs to be said again: Matt > Jeff.
im actually really upset about this becoz im a huge jeff hardy fan and also becoz i cant beleive any1 would b so stupid. if he was juicing they werent working very well. but i know i shouldn't but i want jeff 2 come back better and get the push he does deserve. it was stupid wot he did and he'll probably get another push which is wot i want even though he shouldn't
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