Jeff Hardy Suspended for 60 days.

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I know WWE announced it on, but I will be very interested to see how WWE explains him being removed from MITB on TV. Are they going to do some type of injury angle? I sure hope not since it was them that broke the story. I think they need to be honest with the fans on TV as well and not try to bury this.

Jeff was right on the verge of being a top guy. WWE has done everything in their power over the last 5 months to make him look good, including clean wins over HHH, HBK, Umaga, Jericho, a solid Royal Rumble push and match with Orton, and a very strong showing at No Way Out. For him to just disappear off of TV with little to no explanation is insane, but it is also something that WWE might try to pull, as it isn't often they treat the fans as intelligent individuals.

As I see it, it was fan reaction that got Jeff the push he was getting, and therefore the fans that got him there. It wasn't because of his stellar scientific wrestling abilities, his killer mic skills, or b/c he politicked his way to a top spot in the back. The fans demanded it and because of that, they WERE getting it.

Although in the short term this might seem like a bad thing, perhaps WWE can make a positive out of it. Assuming that when Jeff can come back, he has a job, push the real reason why he left. Now I don't mean for him to come out on Raw smoking a dooby, ala Scott Hall. Instead be honest with the fans and be completely straightforward about the situation, and place the blame totally on Jeff for screwing the fans out of the main event push that the fans themselves demanded. Say the reason he got suspended was for pain pills. His explanation to the fans could be that he had to do it, because the fans demand too much from him and his high-flying style. Maybe have HHH or HBK come out and cut a worked shoot on him for screwing up with the theme being 2nd chances, and the fans will only only give you so many.

This could really do a lot for Jeff, WWE, and accomplish several things. Jeff gets the opportunity to be himself and develop even more as a character, and switch things up in the ring as well. He knocks the fans for demanding too much from him, so instead it lets him further develop his style as a big time heel. It lets him step back into a semi-main event role, but instead of being the white meat babyface he has been for ages, he is instead garnering white hot heat from the fans that made him, and that he screwed by messing up yet again. Also, down the road this can lead to an even bigger face turn when he redeems himself in the eyes of the fans. Positives for WWE: Lots of feuds here with Matt Hardy, HBK, HHH(assuming he isn't a heel), Cena, and pretty much anyone as he becomes the truly uncaring heel WWE is missing right now. He is that uncaring heel b/c unlike Edge and Orton(Who I am both fans of) he doesn't have to pretend to screw the fans on Monday nights, because he screwed them in real life. I am well aware of how edgy this is for how closely it borders on reality, but it is something much less cartoonish, and completely fresh from what WWE is doing right now. As a fan of Jeff Hardy, I'd love to hate him for it, and by the time he goes babyface again, he will be even bigger and hotter than he is/was now.

But hey, who am I kidding. Jeff will probably be headlining Sunday Night Heat on when he comes back.
Thank god. Last night I was so happy when he dropped the IC belt, but then I thought to myself, this probably means he's winning MITB. I always thought it was risky to give him a major push, since he so recently had his suspensions and jump to TNA. This guys career just peaked and is on a steep down slope now. Thank god though. I had enough of him in the main event scene. Send him off to TNA. They could use a guy who can't cut a promo, and has no technical wrestling skills. WWE midcard just got more exciting because young guys now have more of a chance, and the championship scene just got better, because the rainbow haired spot monkey isn't involved.
Jeff Hardy officialy destroyed any hopes of him becoming a world champ in the WWE. Jeff was being pushed to the skies, he was one of the, maybe even the top face on RAW. This was the biggest push of his career. And what does Jeff do, he fucks himself over. What the fuck was he thinking? He was gonna win the MITB match, and probably become the WWE champ by the end of 2008, and he throws all that away. Why!? Because he's a junkie. He was released by WWE a few years back because of "inner demons" (i.e DRUGS), and was suspended last summer for DRUGS. So, why does he keep on doing it? He already has two strikes for steiroids, and he's not even been back in the WWE for two years. Jeff deserves what he got. He did drugs now he has to pay for them.
He was released by WWE a few years back because of "inner demons" (i.e DRUGS), and was suspended last summer for DRUGS.

Well that's what I don't understand....if that short break(I think 30 days) he got during the summer was for a wellness violation then why isn't this his third strike...?
Yes. Jeff Hardy has clearly lost his hopes of possibly winning the Money in the bank ladder and match and ever having a chance at the wwe championship. Im sure if he did not get caught for not obeying the WWE wellness policy im sure he would have held the IC title for a year. Jeff Hardy thought that this time he could get away with whatever he was trying to do, but was not aware of the WWE's new wellness policy, and superstars cannot get away with what they might have got away before the new policy. Now that Jeff has done that, he is basically going to strongly be supervised, because everybody backstage figured he remained clean from his last mistake, but that wasnt the case now. I really dont feel sorry for Jeff, it his mistake to try and take a chance and not remaining clean, and because of that, if he does it again he will be released from WWE for good.​
Well that's what I don't understand....if that short break(I think 30 days) he got during the summer was for a wellness violation then why isn't this his third strike...?

His first incident was before the Wellness Policy was put into place. He left WWE, went to TNA, and returned. Last summer he was suspended for violating the policy and is now suspended again. He technically is only on his second strike. This is what Shocky brought up, saying he should just be released since he obviously can't stay clean.
:disappointed: Are you seriously kidding me?! Jeff, you f*cking moron. You were in the middle of perhaps the single most important push in your entire career.. and you literally just wasted it.

This is highly disappointing to me, because of all people, Hardy has had issues with shit in the past. In fact, from what I was told the biggest reason for his leave from the W.W.E. and jump to T.N.A., was because he refused to go into rehab. Then, they (W.W.E.) gave him a second chance because he made such a bigger name for himself in T.N.A., now he does this, when they're pushing him as a legit. World Heavyweight Championship contender.

Seriously, I think Mr. Kennedy, or M.V.P. can single handedly thank Jeff Hardy, for giving them their new spot in line for getting the next big push. I think since Kennedy blew something like this before, M.V.P. will likely be getting the M.I.T.B. win. The question here is, do you punish Matt Hardy as a result as well? The reason why, is because you can't have M.V.P. suddenly lose to someone like Matt, if you're suddenly gonna push him without any pre-push hype, into Main Event status.

I think Jeff just screwed him and his brother over with this one. I can't believe this. And as Pskohurricane said. I'm curious if Hardy will still compete in the Money In The Bank match, or if his spot will be given up to someone else.

I'd give you a rep, but it won't let me. Apparently I must've given you the last rep I gave out or something, lol.

But yeah, MVP and Kennedy are in the prime position to capitalize on this, but there are things that need to be tweaked. If Kennedy wins, you need to throw in something to have him not cash it in at Wrestlemania like he said he would (as its pretty clear we're heading towards HHH/Cena for the next month or so, not Kennedy/HHH/Cena/Orton). MVP, like you said, if he lost to Matt, you'd be wondering how the hell he deserves a main event spot. He should've lost the title to Matt nearly half a year ago when he was still just a midcarder.

Do you go the route of Carlito/Benjamin and have them win the ECW title, as if it means anything? Do you just waste it on Jericho or Kane, as they don't need it? Do you finally give Kennedy his steam, or do you slightly nudge MVP into the position that he's clearly already capable of handling?

Jeff, you just crapped yourself out of the best position you've been in for years. Its a shame, as I liked Jeff, but you can't logically defend the guy no matter how much you were entertained by him.
This is what happens when you spend a night out on the town with Floyd "Money" Mayweather, and his posse.

No seriously, he really really screwed up this time. I hope MVP wins MITB. Two freaking wellness violations? Give me a break man, every time you get a push, you really screw up. If he fails again he will get fired.

He was probably going to win MITB, and possibly the world title. How in the world do you screw something up like that?

O well thats what stupidity gets you, hopefully they push someone that is deserving, and hopefully MVP wins MITB. It could do wonders for his character, cocky guy with US title, and a guaranteed title shot. O well he loses his push, thats what happens, you screw up, and you are going to lose the biggest push of your entire life. See ya when you return.
Jeff Hardy screwed up as bad this time...i wouldn't be surprised if they sent him to ECW or even heat thanks to this...he blew his opportunity as a future world champ and main eventer...i doubt he'll be within the company for another year since this has been his 2nd suspension in just about 6 months...i say give someone else a push who rightfully deserves it...hardy's time is done...
wow thats all i can say.

i think that jeff is one of those people that cant handle success and cant handle the responsability that he prolly KNEW was coming at him. If you cant handle success or have responsability when your 30 years old i dont think hell ever able to handle a world title.
Hopefully hes not back on hard street drugs, i dont think hes on roids, i think hes on painkillers.

one thing i hope doesnt happen is that he dies and we end up seeing " in loving memory of jeff hardy" at the beginning of raw
all i can say is dumb dumb dumb and dumb again i mean he was basically was in his prime right now and we all knew sooner or later he would either get a title shot or win the title either or and he was gunna be a big time main eventer but nope he blows it again thats really stupid of him i just think when he comes back he wont be the same again i just dont think so it also reminds me a little of randy orton last year when he kept messing up like with the hotel incident but i think orton redeemed himself and has had the title for about a good 3-4 months so hopefully when hardy comes back he has something too think about and apply it and become better but if he dosent and he acts like he dosent care then realease let him go to tna cause i know there is some guys that were dying to be in the spot hardy was well hopefully that teaches them not to be like hardy and dont screw it up
You know Im going to be honest, and say I have no clue what the big deal is. I guarantee you plenty of wrestlers do the drugs and arnt being suspended, Hardy is by far one of the most entertaining things to ever come in wrestling. I really dont like the drug testing policy and find it stupid, but if their going to use it on a huge crowd favorite and draw like Jeff Hardy, and not use it on some of the worse offenders, then WWE are complete morons. Him and shelton Benjamin were gonna be like the only highlights in MITB, and now i only get Benjamin.
Coming from a fan of the guy, I have to say this. He's an idiot that he screwed up his biggest damn chance of his life.

It could be said addiction's a bad thing and it's not easy to get help for it, which may be the case for the guy. It can also be said Jeff was addicted to painkillers; it was either illegal or it expired because the guy did say his knees and ankles were fucked. Or WWE already knew about it and wanted to punish him because he's seen as one of the top guys. Maybe the problem is Jeff doesn't do politics. However there's other top guys (I won't say their names) that you can easily tell took steriods and other drugs but won't get punished because they're viewed as important. Maybe WWE wants to be taken seriously. There are just so much reasoning behind it.

I think the most logical reason is because he took painkillers that either were illegal or expired. He said months ago that his knees and ankles were fucked due to motocross. And with his workload increasing, the pain most likely got worse, so he took painkillers to help with that and he got in trouble.

It's rather disappointing for the fans of the guy including me.

I do see a bit of HBK in Jeff however. He had problems backstage, he had problem with steroids and drugs in his career but he cleaned up. After this suspension, Jeff needs to wise up and wise up damn good because it's going to take a long time for WWE to even trust him again. Plus it's said that Triple H and Stephanie supports him backstage and that he likes Jeff. If you ask me, it looked like the plan was for Triple H to win the title at WM and Jeff wins MITB. And he would've won the title from him after cashing in MITB. And we do know Triple H gets his way =/. Randy did so much shit last year that could've gotten him suspended and away from WWE television, but somehow he was kept around because he was important.

Regardless, me and other fans can only hope Jeff wises up and gets clean because it's the last chance he's got. He's one of the most over guys in the WWE and a future world title contender (that is if WWE can trust him depending on what he does). This can only be a lesson for Jeff to learn. People get immature and people do stupid things but they redeem themselves ala Randy thus far. I hope that's the case for the guy.
You know Im going to be honest, and say I have no clue what the big deal is. I guarantee you plenty of wrestlers do the drugs and arnt being suspended, Hardy is by far one of the most entertaining things to ever come in wrestling. I really dont like the drug testing policy and find it stupid, but if their going to use it on a huge crowd favorite and draw like Jeff Hardy, and not use it on some of the worse offenders, then WWE are complete morons. Him and shelton Benjamin were gonna be like the only highlights in MITB, and now i only get Benjamin.

What's the big deal, these guys are destroying their bodies to get a competitive edge, (yes, muscle mass is a competive edge in wrestling) or they are destroying their bodies with recreational drug use. On top of the fact that drug use is illegal to begin with. What's wrong with making sure your guys are clean. It saves you money in the long run, and you don't have to pay for their rehab (See Scott Hall, Ron Simmons, Jake Roberts).

This isn't the 1980's, no one is going to turn a blind eye in todays day and age to rampant drug abuse or steroid use. It's today's culture, and it's unacceptable. How testing for drugs is "stupid" is beyond me.
What's the big deal, these guys are destroying their bodies to get a competitive edge, (yes, muscle mass is a competive edge in wrestling) or they are destroying their bodies with recreational drug use. On top of the fact that drug use is illegal to begin with. What's wrong with making sure your guys are clean. It saves you money in the long run, and you don't have to pay for their rehab (See Scott Hall, Ron Simmons, Jake Roberts).

This isn't the 1980's, no one is going to turn a blind eye in todays day and age to rampant drug abuse or steroid use. It's today's culture, and it's unacceptable. How testing for drugs is "stupid" is beyond me.

Ok maybe I said this in the wrong way, but so far as WWE has gone theyve turned the blind eye to the people who are in the main event scene. I mean I would never take the guy out of the friggin match, maybe make him be the jobber, or have got him injured on raw for an injury. But to just take him out means they wanted a scapegoat who still looked like he was worth alot to the wwe.

And shock while drug use is illegal its being done all over, barely anything gets done about it, and if its the only way they can relax either they dont go into the business or they are completely aware of the risk their taking. Ive known for a long time hardy is a drug user, and hes still been one of my favorites. I wanna make it clear that I don't condone drugs, but if they are willing to do it then they know their risks.

Like I said my main problem with this is as far as im concerned Jeff Hardy is a scapegoat, compared to other main event stars who have done it, and only had to do a Job.
I'm actualy suprised Hardy has done it again especially considering that he was getting over, and that he shouldn't jepodise his push for the sake of looking a tad bigger. He really should have realised though that after the Benoit situation that there was no chance he would get away with it, and that they would wipe it under the carpet. Hardy has really blown it now I can't see him ever getting a push like he was getting. On the flip sode though when he does return he will probably get a huge reaction from the fans since its a good 2 months.

I'm pretty sure Jericho will get the title shot, probably not use it for a while. Kennedy won't win it because it would mean cashing it in the same night, and Kennedy is nowhere near enough ready to be at the head of the company no matter how much anyone bigs him up. Besides Kennedy is the new Val Venis, last night on Raw proved it.

It would be intresting to see who Jericho would face if he won the match, him and HHH don't get on too well and there matches in the past haven't been overly impressive or known for their drawing ability. Jericho/Cena wasn't too bad the first time round, and I'm now almost certain Cena will win at Mania, now the possibility of Orton/HHH vs Hardy both of which matches went well are out of the window.

Then again WWE might throw us all off and have Carlito win it since they made up and are friends now, remember Carlito was quite hot upuntil after the elimination chamber a few years back when WWE killed his push.

As for compeitiors for the money in the bank it's going to be a struggle for WWE now, I think Shelton, Carlito, Jericho, Kennedy, Morrison, and Kane. Are the likely guys to be in the match.
Ok maybe I said this in the wrong way, but so far as WWE has gone theyve turned the blind eye to the people who are in the main event scene. I mean I would never take the guy out of the friggin match, maybe make him be the jobber, or have got him injured on raw for an injury. But to just take him out means they wanted a scapegoat who still looked like he was worth alot to the wwe.

And shock while drug use is illegal its being done all over, barely anything gets done about it, and if its the only way they can relax either they dont go into the business or they are completely aware of the risk their taking. Ive known for a long time hardy is a drug user, and hes still been one of my favorites. I wanna make it clear that I don't condone drugs, but if they are willing to do it then they know their risks.

Like I said my main problem with this is as far as im concerned Jeff Hardy is a scapegoat, compared to other main event stars who have done it, and only had to do a Job.

You're going to have a hard time convincing people that Jeff Hardy is a scapegoat. Am I going to say that the main eventers haven't done drugs, nope, that would be foolish and I'm not that naive. However, they haven't been caught since the Wellness Program restarted in 2005, therefore, they aren't cheaters. The Wellness Program is conducted by an independent third party, so pretty much, the WWE simply hands over the wrestlers that are to be tested, that is the only thing the WWE controls.

Scapegoat, no sir. Not when guys as recently as last september including, Booker T, Edge, Umaga, John Morrison, Kennedy, Regal and Chavo Guerrero Jr., plus other failures with DH Smith and Randy Orton, arguably Hardy is bigger then 2 or 3 of these guys. Your telling me that the WWE invested all of this time and energy into pushing Hardy the last 4 months and they decide to make him a scapegoat, doesn't make much sense to me. Hardy failed a drug test by his own chosing, and this is the third such test he's failed. He's an addict, he has a problem, and he needs help. He doesn't need to be pushed to world titles, he needs to be pushed into a rehab center.
I'm suprised that Jeff is taking drugs............AGAIN! WTF is his problem right in the middle of a huge push he decides to do this didn't he get released for taking drugs in 2002. He must have not realized that taking drugs ended lots of people's push like including orton for example. I'm glad that he did this tho it gives people like carlito, kennedy, MVP, shelton, and others a chance to win the money in the bank and be elevated to the main event staus.
Jeff Hardy you assclown. main event slot, pretty much a sure thing for MITB and you get caught on drugs...again.

as far as his WM MITB match slot goes, i could see shelton benjamin doing well out of this, i don't think CM Punk is ready for the step up to Raw/Smackdown main event just yet and is pretty much ECW's main event mainstay so he doesnt need the shot. shelton's being pushed, is talented enough and probably use it to get ECW shot. or give kane 1 last go vs undertaker. i just hope they dont decided it would be fun to push a 7'3 giant into the main event with this match
What drugs is he doing? Are we talking pot or something more serious.

Either way, it was foolish to ruin this opportunity. He has been pushed something fierce, and the fans genuinely were loving him. He had a long run with the IC title, and I really expected a World title on him someday soon.

I'm also wondering if the WWE, besides suspending guys, provides drug counseling. I'm not saying they have to, as we are all responsible for our own actions, but it might be something Vince should consider.

Maybe two months at home, or in rehab, whatever, will finally make him see the light.

One more time and he's gone, and that would be a shame. When he does come back, he'll either be buried or have to start from the bottom again.

WTF is WRONG with people? Drugs and work don't mix. If you want to get high, do it on your own time and not at work. Then again, I can see how my last statement might seem stupid, as wrestlers are always, basically, at work. However, if you knowingly persue a career, cop, driver, athlete, etc., where you KNOW you cannot take drugs, why do you risk your career. Getting high isn't evil, but it's not worth your job. Besides, there's always alchohol. ;)
as for the conspiracy theories, would wwe push jeff for 4 months before suspending him? probably not. a month maybe but not 4.

as far as ryukuma's comments go, yeah a lot of guys probably did roids in the past, some probably still do. but in theory it is possible to stay that size if you work out a hell of a lot. jeff's drug use is more than likely of the criminal offence kind, and i think if faced with police or a wellness violation i'd choose wellness. bitch about it all you want but he got caught and as you said 'if they are willing to do it then they know their risks.'
What drugs is he doing? Are we talking pot or something more serious.

Either way, it was foolish to ruin this opportunity. He has been pushed something fierce, and the fans genuinely were loving him. He had a long run with the IC title, and I really expected a World title on him someday soon.

I'm also wondering if the WWE, besides suspending guys, provides drug counseling. I'm not saying they have to, as we are all responsible for our own actions, but it might be something Vince should consider.

Maybe two months at home, or in rehab, whatever, will finally make him see the light.

One more time and he's gone, and that would be a shame. When he does come back, he'll either be buried or have to start from the bottom again.

WTF is WRONG with people?

it was crystal meth last time so possibly that again. i dont think jeff has the signs of using hgh or steroids...if so they ain't doing too much to him

Firstly, Id like to say thankyou Mister Hardy, for doing something that no one on this forum has done, at least not to this degree. Which is make me look like a complete, utter, fucking moron. Here I was, last night, making no less than two posts about how the reason Jeff Hardy lost the IC title in a respectable contest last night, was to elevate him fully into the main event, and how I was nearly totally sure that you were going to win MITB, and finally ascend to the position they have been grooming you to be in. And then I wake up to THIS. JEFF HARDY, YOU ARE A FUCKING LOSER. There are so many people everywere who would fucking KILL to be in your postion, and you cant quit fucking around with whatever dumb shit you keep getting suspended for. you FUCK.

Jeff Hardy was probably THE most over guy in WWE, and was the odds on favorite to win MITB. And now the last three months of building him up, have been WASTED. He is obviously selfish as fuck. Selfish for letting all his fans down, selfish for letting the company down, selfish for throwing away the spot that couldve been given to someone more forgiving. I dont expect him to be back, EVER, to be honest. He doesnt really WANT to be doing what he is doing, by all accounts, as has heavy injuries to his neck, back and ankles. After sitting out for two months, he probably wont want to come back. and right now, I say good riddance Jeff Hardy, you fucking clown. FUCK jeff Hardy.
I am very disappointed by this entire situation as I have always been a Jeff Hardy supporter but I find it difficult for any of us to place judgment on him as we truly have no idea as to what exactly occurred. If Jeff is in fact a drug addict then I would more so be concerned about his health and well being as opposed to his wrestling career. Ever since the Chris Benoit situation I have no idea what to expect.
Wow, just wow.

You know what is the first thing that comes to my mind?

Marty Jannety. You would think that watching good old Marty hit the bottle over and over again and lose his job over and over again would be proof positive enough that Jeff should have gotten a clue. I suppose the major difference is that I actually mark out for Marty Jannety. But time and again we've seen people with demons like that and it never, EVER works out for them. The only person that ever had a personal battle with substance abuse in the WWE that came out of it and WON was Shawn Michaels, and that required a complete 180* turn, finding Jesus, and accepting the love of his wife.

The moral? Stay clean people, for God's sake. Doing recreational drugs for any reason is ******ed. Period. End of story. You're telling the world that you need foreign chemicals in your body to make you happy. That you are so pathetically weak willed that you can only be entertained when your brain is unbalanced enough to simulate it. Think about that.

Then you take that level of stupidity, and apply it to a job that has had strong, recent problems with substance abuse that you know regularly drug tests?! Fuck me, do you want me to buy that vowel for you?
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