Evan Bourne Suspended

... become an after thought again?

This, hopefully. These vanilla midgets have no place in a heavyweight division, they're a terrible team. I think they should put the belts on Awesome Truth and let them be complete asshole heels, dominating the division long enough to actually build up a decent tag title scene...
Of course it seems obvious the tag division is just an afterthought for WWE, so they will probably pass them over to another bland joke team instead.
This is just.. shocking that someone with clean slate that Evan Bourne has had would just go and gt himself suspended.

This really shows that WWE is REALLY cracking down on the wellness policy this year. In 2011 alone we have had about 4 suspensions (or more) as opposed to the annual policy violation that we have seen in recent years (1 per year). How does this affect Bourne? Someone said that when Sin Cara was suspended he returned to his same mid card position, they asked why they would do the opposite to Evan. It's simple Sin Cara was a big expenditure for WWE while Bourne was not as much of a hassle for the E to get. He will most definitively be degraded to low card upon return. What else can I say but you messed up Evan, now you have to face your consequences with no one to save you. I doubt this will end up with something as unnecessary as a release from contract but the near future is not to bright for Bourne. Unless he goes back to his never ending feud with Dolph Ziggler I am afraid this could also impact Kofi and Air Boom. However the future of him remains to be seen.
I'm gonna laugh my ass off if they find out it's because of steroids. At least that would dispel the myth that "only the big guys are on roids". When used in moderation they have terrific recuperative properties.
I'm gonna laugh my ass off if they find out it's because of steroids. At least that would dispel the myth that "only the big guys are on roids". When used in moderation they have terrific recuperative properties.

Dirt sheets are reporting it's a JWH type of drug AKA synthetic "marijuana", potpourri, fake weed, the fake stuff, etc. Just wanted to clear that up for you before making anymore ludicrous statements.
The bloke's a prat for failing in the system but, to me, his future will depend who he's mates with really. If he's really mates with a guy like Orton or Cena then, even though he got his first failure, he'll still get a spot on Raw.

I guess we'll see how committed WWE is to tag teams with how he's treated when he gets back.

Dumb ass 12 year old looking douche bag!
Oh god. Weed is not even bad. They just needed to suspend someone with a title who's high up to "show" that "everyone can be suspended". It's rumored that Orton smokes and he never got suspended except when he was I.C. champ I think. Also Ziggler, Ryder, Kofi, Swagger, Hornswoggle, and like a BUNCH more are rumored who smoke. I'm surprised they got Bourne for weed but not Ryan for steroids. And no one smokes more than RVD, What I find funny are the people who say he's stupid but can't wait to see Jeff Hardy.
If anyone out there has any information on what is a violation of the wellness policy PM me!! I know it isnt steroids evan has too small of a frame i wonder if alcohol was involved?? Besides the hardcore drugs and roids what else is there left? Yah Mr Bourne just ruined what push he had in him. Its a shame but hopefully Evan can get back the steam he has!!! I think there gonna drop the titles on smackdown so much for air boom nice knowing you!!!:disappointed:
Oh yeah, and Kofi has been a multi time champ and went nowhere after it. On top of that, he was in a HUGE feud against Orton but fell on his face. So don't feel too bad for him. He's at least had chances. Matt Sydal is yet another guy who's... gonna get his talent wasted. "But he has a title" yeah, how many other people have had titles and went nowhere just to be released? So that comment is void now. Not trying to be a dick. Just WWE pisses me off with their suspensions.
people don't fear for Kofi. He will not be depushed, maybe temporarily by losing the tag title, but if the E decides to depush Evan Bourne they can always find a replacement partner for Kofi. Either JoMo or Zack Ryder. It will be called Starship Boom or Broski Boom.
Hold on a sec, this is both from me and my bestie Bre (who is i love with Evan [for me, he was in one of the first matches I watched when I came back to WWE]).

*turns from everyone else, walks aways a little, tips head back*


*comes back* Done!

1. They probably won't take the titles away but for now either Kofi is going out solo with one title or not showing at all (kind of like Zeik with the IC belt- seriously. I'm the only one who noticed that???). As someone once said, they just started to get hot. That doesn't just drop like a brick.

2. My guess- hint, GUESS- is that he'll come back as face, get back in the swing of things for a while, then they lose the belts and he pulls a Shad Gasphar on Kofi. Then he ets pushed that way and hopefully doesn't pull ANOTHER Shad Gasphar. Let's see how this goes, kay?

As my history teacher said, "All thins in our current history have all been done before." That goes for wrestling too you know.
I think Ryder-Santino will slide in there...unless they want to put them on Ziggler/Swagger, but I don't think they want Ziggler doing double-duty on a regular basis, or they would have put the titles on them on the last PPV. This is maddening, because they have actually made them a team, with a team name, music and all, and aside from the Uso brothers, that is it for true tag teams. Maybe they put them on Awesome Truth in hopes that elevates them.

I hope this is something innocuous, Bourne is behind the 8 ball as it is with his size...the tag team division was perfect for him without a cruiserweight division. This could really mess up his future in WWE.
On the subject of what the suspension may be for, my husband was wondering about pain meds he may not have a script for. Yes, it's been a three years since Bam Neely landed on him outside the ring, but none of us knows if he maybe came back to early, trained to hard or is simply still having problems from that incident.
I hate this happened. I don't understand why Bourne would this at the starting point of his push. I really feel bad for Kofi b/c this effects him a lot. I have no clue what the E will do w/kofi. I hate for them to him back in w/the IC & US title run b/c its so many contenders & interesting feuds going on. It wouldn't make sense to put him w/new tag partner b/c him & Bourne had great chemistry w/each other & they styles worked so well together. I don't see Kofi recreating that w/anyone else. It would be kind of crazy to do a injury angle being that it was posted on WWE.com & Bourne addressed it on twitter, but they've did stranger things. I see Bourne suspension starting next wk & they drop the titles on Smackdown. Who they will drop them is the question. I see it maybe being Ziggler & Swagger. They are the most logical choice right now. They've had previous matches against them & the titles could maybe further the feud b/t the two. They'll have to work together & it could lead to maybe Swagger & Vickie turning on Ziggler making him face or vice versa. I hope they don't drop the ball on Bourne or Kofi. They've been working hard & have gotten the fans alittle more interested in the tag titles again. They were going nowhere for so long & the tag title put them on the path to finding them a spot on TV. Also I don't understand this thing w/this K2 & spice. It's not safe. Anything that is meant be used as incense should not be put in the body. It's man-made w/chemicals in it that scientist can't detect very well. If I'm correct you only get fined 2500 if you do the real thing instead of a suspension. If that's true & you're dire need to get high then spend $2520 on the real thing & a fine.
Oh yeah, and Kofi has been a multi time champ and went nowhere after it. On top of that, he was in a HUGE feud against Orton but fell on his face. So don't feel too bad for him. He's at least had chances. Matt Sydal is yet another guy who's... gonna get his talent wasted. "But he has a title" yeah, how many other people have had titles and went nowhere just to be released? So that comment is void now. Not trying to be a dick. Just WWE pisses me off with their suspensions.

Okay, this annoys me.

I'm a Kofi fan. If people have their reservations about Kofi, that's fine. But at least cut it straight. What is said here is totally untrue. The Orton feud was great until Orton decided to make a visible scene and get that feud de-pushed. As for his championship reigns...they've always booked him as a champ to boost someone up. Last time he won the IC title, he won 1 match, and then lost 9 straight before he lost the title to push Wade Barrett.

As for the US title? Same thing. I think he had more losses AS champion than he did without it. Of course, the person who won the title from him, Dolph Ziggler, has still been running with the title even though he hasn't really faced anyone. Bear in mind, it was last year on Smackdown where Kofi and Dolph made the IC title matter again.

Speaking of Dolph, it was a few months ago where he was "the new and improved" Dolph Ziggler with brown hair and NO crowd reaction, but they repackaged him for the third time and kept pushing him until he FINALLY got a reaction with blonde hair again and a new theme song. You talk about chances? Don't get me wrong, Dolph is an excellent wrestler. They kept running with him in spite of failed attempt after failed attempt. Yet it still remains apparent how over Kofi is, yet they couldn't feud him with Ziggler for the umpteenth time. So they had to move him to the tag division and they refused to move him up in the card despite the apparent lack of faces on Raw.

The same persistent push that the "E" shows for people they want to can totally be said for the Miz.

Moral of the story? The "E" will push who they want to push.

Back to the topic. I like Air Boom. Kofi and Bourne made the titles relevant again. This is going to be a major setback as the writing staff doesn't know what the do with stars that are over. It's going to affect Bourne because he's pretty limited in singles, but this hurts Kofi more because it gives him absolutely nothing to do. He can't go back to fighting Ziggler and he'll have to wait the 30 days...or job to Barrett or Brodus Clay in the process.

I hope they fix this, but as of right now, the situation seems grim.
Most of the wrestling "universe" couldn't care less about Kofi or Evan Bourne. Neither have mic skills and nobody cares about either of their characters. You could have taken them off TV both at the same time with no explanation and I wouldn't have blinked an eye. I fast-forward every time they come on TV...that is after rolling my eyes at their intro.

If they don't have a quality gimmick for these guys and they can't talk, keep them off RAW. It's 2 hours that's supposed to be entertaining. That's combining strong wrestling with good angles and interesting characters.

I know the Internet community turns their noses up to anyone who doesn't care about the actual wrestling, but sorry to say the majority of people out there that actually watch the show do so for the characters.
Most of the wrestling "universe" couldn't care less about Kofi or Evan Bourne. Neither have mic skills and nobody cares about either of their characters. You could have taken them off TV both at the same time with no explanation and I wouldn't have blinked an eye. I fast-forward every time they come on TV...that is after rolling my eyes at their intro.

If they don't have a quality gimmick for these guys and they can't talk, keep them off RAW. It's 2 hours that's supposed to be entertaining. That's combining strong wrestling with good angles and interesting characters.

I know the Internet community turns their noses up to anyone who doesn't care about the actual wrestling, but sorry to say the majority of people out there that actually watch the show do so for the characters.

The wrestling universe you talk about is driven towards kids. In that merit alone, Kofi and Evan are popular in their own right.

I'll grant you the case that no one cares about their characters, but that's because they're not characters. Then again, more than half the WWE's roster are just regular people. Tell me, what is John Morrison's character supposed to be? He really has none. Neither does Dolph Ziggler for that matter. The days of rich characters are few and far in between.

I still find it hard to believe that people would fast forward an Air Boom match. They're designed to be wrestling entertainment and they do just that. Don't believe me? Watch the opening match for Vengeance.

As for the broken record about the two speaking, let me break it down like this:

Evan and Kofi barely are given opportunities to speak. When they have, they've been fine. They haven't been memorable, but they are never given the chance for a memorable promo.

My theories on the two speaking are as follows.

Evan doesn't get chances to speak because he sounds like a teenager.

Kofi doesn't get chances to speak because he doesn't come across as "ethnic."

Like I said, if you don't like the two, that's fine. But the arguments people make against them are tired and outdated.
So much for Air Boom. Kofi obviously cannot hold the belts on his own. I think it would be cool if he teamed up with someone like Ryder in the meantime. The titles will likely change hands very soon. I could see one of two different teams taking the belts. Awesome Truth or Swagger & Ziggler. It would make more sense for storyline reasons to give the belts to Awesome Truth because they are involved with the conspiracy angle whereas the Ziggler/Swagger team feels like a waste of time when both guys should be pursuing singles success in the upper midcard. Either team would be fine though. I am disappointed in Bourne. There is a good chance that the Air Boom tag team title run might be the only title he ever wins now. He blew it and smaller guys always seem to have to work harder to get pushes, things are looking pretty bad for Bourne. I liked Air Boom. They were an awesome team and I would welcome them back if they reunite once Bourne returns.
to whoever said "air boom" was hot right now, obviously hasn't been watching WWE in awhile, they are the champions yet lose in almost every match where the titles aren't on the line. They lost to miz / truth and barrett / rhodes in the past couple weeks, the only time they seem to win is when the titles are on the line, no wonder why no one takes those big penny titles seriously. If you want prestige brought back to belts like the tag, US, and IC belts, you dont have your champions lose so often in meaningless matches. Anyways, sad to see evan gone for a month, he's one of my favs to watch, but hopefully they dont bury him too much, sin cara got suspended for 30 days and was never buried because of it, he's still a solid mid card on smackdown, so hopefully they do the same with evan
Okay, this annoys me.

I'm a Kofi fan. If people have their reservations about Kofi, that's fine. But at least cut it straight. What is said here is totally untrue. The Orton feud was great until Orton decided to make a visible scene and get that feud de-pushed. As for his championship reigns...they've always booked him as a champ to boost someone up. Last time he won the IC title, he won 1 match, and then lost 9 straight before he lost the title to push Wade Barrett.

As for the US title? Same thing. I think he had more losses AS champion than he did without it. Of course, the person who won the title from him, Dolph Ziggler, has still been running with the title even though he hasn't really faced anyone. Bear in mind, it was last year on Smackdown where Kofi and Dolph made the IC title matter again.

Speaking of Dolph, it was a few months ago where he was "the new and improved" Dolph Ziggler with brown hair and NO crowd reaction, but they repackaged him for the third time and kept pushing him until he FINALLY got a reaction with blonde hair again and a new theme song. You talk about chances? Don't get me wrong, Dolph is an excellent wrestler. They kept running with him in spite of failed attempt after failed attempt. Yet it still remains apparent how over Kofi is, yet they couldn't feud him with Ziggler for the umpteenth time. So they had to move him to the tag division and they refused to move him up in the card despite the apparent lack of faces on Raw.

The same persistent push that the "E" shows for people they want to can totally be said for the Miz.

Moral of the story? The "E" will push who they want to push.

Back to the topic. I like Air Boom. Kofi and Bourne made the titles relevant again. This is going to be a major setback as the writing staff doesn't know what the do with stars that are over. It's going to affect Bourne because he's pretty limited in singles, but this hurts Kofi more because it gives him absolutely nothing to do. He can't go back to fighting Ziggler and he'll have to wait the 30 days...or job to Barrett or Brodus Clay in the process.

I hope they fix this, but as of right now, the situation seems grim.

I'm not saying Kofi isn't athletically talented. Shelton was too and look what happened. Dolph jobbed more than he won with the title. Danielson is the loosingest (sc) MITB winner and so on. It happens to a lot of guys. But Kofi, IMO is fal...ling into the Shelton direction. What is his gimmick? What makes him appealing? He had an accent, then changed it. Since then, barely any mic time to get over. I just can't get into him like I did Shelton. But his pushes have led to nothing as well. I'm fair and can say that Sydal's pushes are probably gonna lead to nothing either while I've always been a huge Sydal mark. Ryder is another that in the end, WWE will mess up. But I'm a fan who likes execution. I feel that Sydal's moves are very crisp. Same... with Shelton, while Kofi floats and moves look (dare I say) fake. His trouble in paradise looks really slow whereas an enziguri looks way more effective. Sydal's knee strike, more often than not, looks like it hurts. It's just personal preference. But I don't see what his appeal is.
You know as much energy as Air Boom has and all their flashly moves, there is something about them(perhaps their personalities)that really bores me. I'm not sure what it is, they work well together and the Universe seems to love them but I'm not on the Kofi & Evan train. Obviously now it's time for the titles to go to another more deserving team, without a doubt Awesome Truth is the best/hottest team around right now but I think their story is doing so well right now that there really wouldn't be any reason for them to hold the belts.

The most likely option here is for Swagger and Ziggler to snag the belts that they have been pursuing for the past few weeks but I would prefer to see a legitimate team that wasn't thrown together win the titles as once again I think there are other people who could benefit more from holding the belts and possibly do more with them. The only team that I can think of is The Usos, they're a legitimate tag team unit that works tremendously together and they have improved. I would be interested to see what they could do if given the belts and told to go for it, I think they could find some success. If not then just have them hold the titles until Bourne returns(from injury or what have you) and then see them get demolished by the returning Air Boom.
selfish dumbass bourne is. i noticed over the past few weeks he got a little bigger so i think it was steroids. he SHOULD NOT get pushed when he comes back he stuffed kofi and the wwe. the wwe had a good thing going with him they were pushing then he fudged it up. so i hope to god he doesnt get pushed when he returns he doesnt deserve it after this
So just when Bourne finally started to get on track to becoming someone in WWE, he fails a drug test. Some wrestlers in WWE are their own worst enemy and I've little doubt that this will derail the push Bourne has been enjoying as part of Air Boom.

As for what it means for the titles, it's too early to tell. His suspension might not go into effect officially until after a certain date so that they can drop the titles. They might also just announce that he suffered an injury and will be out for a bit but will be back in a few weeks. But, most likely, Air Boom will wind up dropping the titles. It's bad enough for a wrestler's career in WWE to fail a drug test but Bourne is a title holder so that could make it an even worse situation for him as far as the company brass' opinion of him goes.

What people don't realize is that everyone is taking something. The whole wellness thing is just for show most of the time. Two not big namers failed. So they publicly said when a title holder failed. You REALLY think Cena, HHH, Sheamus, Mason Ryan, The Rocketc. don't jump on the cycle? That is WAY bigger on their wellness policy. But it's covered up. So they let the lower level guys get suspended to show they're "playing fair". Hell, even Edge got caught for juice. And like I said, Orton. So if people are gonna ridicule this guy for partaking in some grass, they are blind and naive from the bigger crap like covering up all the other, more serious drugs that goes on in the back. I actually feel bad for Sydal. He either didn't know about the change in that weird part of the policy or got thrown under the bus. How is it that RVD either never or rarely got suspended when EVERYONE knew he smoked? 'Cause of politics.
Then Kofi can choose another partner and have him choose Morrison.

Hell no. Do you think for one second that Morrison even deserves a title at all. If you wanna bring back a great from 2010 still in the company, team Kofi with Drew McIntyre. At least McIntyre deserves something.
And before anyone says it, yes, I know that that's why RVD dropped the WWE and ECW titles from a failed test. But that was WWE's copout from pissing fans off by making him either lose at the ECW ppv or dropping it right back to Cena for no reason. So they publicly let people know he failed. They could've covered it like all the rest but chose not to. That's wrestling politics.
I'm guessing that Air Boom will now have to forfeit the tag team titles, and Awesome Truth will win the belts, probably next week on RAW or the following week. This will mean that John Cena and The Rock vs. Awesome Truth will be for the Tag Team belts, even though we know Truth and Miz will win OR Cena and Rock will win but Rock will not show up on RAW after Survivor Series forcing Cena to surrender the belts.

This is unfortunate for Evan Bourne, but good for Awesome Truth.

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