Evan Bourne Suspended

This really sucks to me. I personally enjoyed Air Boom as a tag team and thought that putting the belts on them would help take steps towards reinvigorating the tag team division. I'm guessing Ziggler and Swagger will be the ones to take the titles from them but I'd personally rather see Awesome Truth have a title run especially since they've already beaten Air Boom. Otherwise, Air Boom could still hold the titles but have Bourne written off with an injury and having someone take his place as interim champion like Zack Ryder or maybe even John Morrison since we all know he's not doing anything. There's a few possibilities.

However, this might be bad for Bourne when he comes back. For as long as I remember watching him on WWE television, his partnership with Kofi and their run as Air Boom is the only time I can think of in which he was doing anything relevant. When he comes back, his semi-push would probably get derailed and he could go back into obscurity. I hope that doesn't happen but if it does, I sure as hell hope that Kofi won't have to suffer the consequences.
y do all of u people like evan bourne he is a one move wonder but all of u hated on cena stating he was so boring well he atlease was edgy and can use the mic better then the rock i dont like cena but only cuz they made him hulk hogan he will never be a heel witch is sad a heel is where your true tallent comes out case and point y2j best wrestler today and he does his best work as a heel but i digress evan bourne is john cena with no talant a few flips make the kids go crazy and when has he done a good promo never stop cheering for the faces when the heels have all the talent

It all comes down to personal taste. I like Bourne because I find him to be one of the WWE's best athletes and I was happy to see that he was finally being given some spotlight after years of being one of the company's most underutilized wrestlers. I agree that when it comes to giving a promo, Bourne quite frankly sucks in that department but that can be improved upon. I think you're selling the guy short but hey, to each his own.
I am also really upset with this. Because despite how bland I feel Kofi and Evan's characters are, they're in-ring work over the last 3 months while they have been tag champs has been excellent. Both of their styles mixed together perfectly and they are (or rather were) really good friends outside of the ring. I am disappointed with the news and will go as far as saying Evan is a selfish dumbass but can you not link his title reign to his drug use?

What I mean is that, do you think it was out of stress from being overworked? Think about it though, during the majority of Air Boom's title reign they have had to work both Raw and Smackdown on top of house shows and PPVs. Now this work load is fine for people like Cena/Punk/Orton etc. But for a small guy like Evan it's a lot more work. Even suffering a small injury to Swagger's 'so called botched' powerbomb. I wouldn't be surprised if Evan has settled to a champion's schedule well.

In terms of what happens to the tag team titles Evan's really fucked things up. Especially during a time where the tag titles are going through a resurgence. The only thing you can really do with him now is to leave his suspension for now and either have Air Boom drop the titles on a Raw/Smackdown in the coming week or write Evan off TV through a beatdown injury from (insert heel/s here). If they drop the titles I personally see it being to Swagger and Ziggler. This will probably be done to give them and Vickie's heel stable heat and exposure but this will hold them back from the main event scene at least in Ziggler's case. This is probably the best choice in this scenario. Awesome Truth don't need the titles thrown upon them they're above that and just because they're a tag team dosen't mean they need the titles. And throwing the titles on a new tag team is the worst thing WWE can do. It takes away anything Air Boom has already done and puts you back at square one.

Meanwhile if you were to write Evan of TV. Kofi can have Zack Ryder or Mason Ryan as a replacement partner. However I feel Ryan better fits this bill though as I feel WWE will push Ryder to the US title despite the take care SPIKE your hair incident.

In conclusion I am disappointed with Evan and he will inevitably be pushed down the card I doubt Evan will ever get a push as big as Air Boom but he has friends in high places (Cena and Orton) so who knows?
Evan Bourne is my least favorite wrestler in the WWE. He has no charisma, no character, no gimmick and his wrestling style doesn't appeal to me. I don't care that he has been suspended, if you want to know the truth.
This guy screwed himself up. I hope Evan Stupid gets fired from WWE.. we don't need another spot monkey with bad mic skills and no charisma. We already have Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, Sin Cara, Rey Mysterio, and Daniel Bryan as our spot monkeys, why do we need 1 more in Evan Stupid?
Of the two of them, its Bourne who gets popped for drugs? :lmao:

Fuck, I hope this doesnt hurt Kofi. I would try to turn this into a positive overall instead a negative for two guys, one who deserves it, one who doesnt.

How? Sell and injury angle for Bourne (putting over the guy who does the injuring) and give Kofi a suprise substitute partner....Justin Gabriel would be my choice, as he coud work well in the sorts of team moves and overall vibe the team gave off.

When Bourne comes back, have them fight for the spot as the tag champ.

So you just put over two guys, AND the tag belts as an important thing.

Knowing WWE though, thats a bit too much outside thinking, and likely, Kofi and Bourne drop the titles next week, and then the new heel champs do fucking nothing with them. Good times.
I'm not saying Kofi isn't athletically talented. Shelton was too and look what happened. Dolph jobbed more than he won with the title. Danielson is the loosingest (sc) MITB winner and so on. It happens to a lot of guys. But Kofi, IMO is fal...ling into the Shelton direction. What is his gimmick? What makes him appealing? He had an accent, then changed it. Since then, barely any mic time to get over. I just can't get into him like I did Shelton. But his pushes have led to nothing as well. I'm fair and can say that Sydal's pushes are probably gonna lead to nothing either while I've always been a huge Sydal mark. Ryder is another that in the end, WWE will mess up. But I'm a fan who likes execution. I feel that Sydal's moves are very crisp. Same... with Shelton, while Kofi floats and moves look (dare I say) fake. His trouble in paradise looks really slow whereas an enziguri looks way more effective. Sydal's knee strike, more often than not, looks like it hurts. It's just personal preference. But I don't see what his appeal is.

I can respect some of the opinions but I think you're making a big mistake in comparing Kofi to Shelton.

Despite some of Shelton's move set and a great match vs. Shawn Michaels, there were nothing that made Shelton appealing. When he spoke, he really seemed flat and pointless and I can't think of a time where I wanted to see Shelton Benjamin in anything. Granted, he had athleticism, but of that athleticism, there's nothing that was memorable. I can't even remember Shelton's finishers.

Kofi's hang time in itself is memorable. You may not like the character, but just seeing the guy's vert and hang time resonates with the crowd. He's a high-flyer/pseudo Japanese style wrestler. Shelton is a athletic technical wrestler. And unless you are extremely gifted in technical wrestling to the point it stands out, or are at least somewhat possessing of charisma, you won't get far. Kofi's ring work has constantly gotten him over.

Shelton's two pushes (the held down black man and the Gold Standard) did not get him over at all. Kofi got pushed down on several instances and still remains over with the crowd. Kofi and Ziggler made the IC title relevant again. And now, Kofi's Tag Title reign made the titles AND Evan Bourne relevant again.

I don't think Kofi's moves look fake at all. Trouble in Paradise is unique as is the S.O.S. And unlike Morrison, where it seems like he needs a gimmick match to shine, Kofi's moves fit him well. They're purposeful and look like they can do some damage. Again, I can't remember Shelton's finishers. All I remember about Shelton is that he looked like Sisqo when he dyed his hair gold.
I can respect some of the opinions but I think you're making a big mistake in comparing Kofi to Shelton.

Despite some of Shelton's move set and a great match vs. Shawn Michaels, there were nothing that made Shelton appealing. When he spoke, he really seemed flat and pointless and I can't think of a time where I wanted to see Shelton Benjamin in anything. Granted, he had athleticism, but of that athleticism, there's nothing that was memorable. I can't even remember Shelton's finishers.

Kofi's hang time in itself is memorable. You may not like the character, but just seeing the guy's vert and hang time resonates with the crowd. He's a high-flyer/pseudo Japanese style wrestler. Shelton is a athletic technical wrestler. And unless you are extremely gifted in technical wrestling to the point it stands out, or are at least somewhat possessing of charisma, you won't get far. Kofi's ring work has constantly gotten him over.

Shelton's two pushes (the held down black man and the Gold Standard) did not get him over at all. Kofi got pushed down on several instances and still remains over with the crowd. Kofi and Ziggler made the IC title relevant again. And now, Kofi's Tag Title reign made the titles AND Evan Bourne relevant again.

I don't think Kofi's moves look fake at all. Trouble in Paradise is unique as is the S.O.S. And unlike Morrison, where it seems like he needs a gimmick match to shine, Kofi's moves fit him well. They're purposeful and look like they can do some damage. Again, I can't remember Shelton's finishers. All I remember about Shelton is that he looked like Sisqo when he dyed his hair gold.

You obviously don't watch indy wrestling. Scott Lost, since maybe 2002 was doing the jump spinning roundhouse and it looks brutal. Kofi's looks like shove to the face. An enziguri would look more devastating than the trouble in paradise. He...ll even Mysterio's kick to the face looks like more of a finisher. lol Shelton carried the IC title to keep it relevant and it wasn't his fault that it started to not matter. They kept it on him for 2 WrestleManias while being in a MITB match. They rarely had him defend it on Raws let alone ppv's. THAT is what made the IC title not matter. Same as when the US title didn't matter when the Miz had it since he rarely defended it. It's defenses that build a title, not necessarily all about who's holding it, while that helps. Shelton's wrestling was extremely well. Unfortunately they already had Kurt Angle. They can't exactly have 2 shoot wrestlers. Whenever Shelton WAS allowed to shoot wrestle like in the HBK match, his matches were spectacular. Now you mainly claimed that Kofi was awesome because of his athletic ability....isn't that what I said about Shelton? Plus, Shelton RARELY ever missed a spot while Kofi has pretty much quit doing the backwards leap frog and the leap into the corner to do the 10 punch because of not landing it clean more often than he did. I'm not saying Shelton was great on the mic either. Neither is Morrison and I like him too. But Kofi is just as bad on the mic and there is nothing that the crowd IMO can really grab on to and get emotionally attached to with him. Was Shelton missing something? Of course. But by the time they decided to push him as a main eventer, they had already found Sheamus, Morrison, Ziggler etc. So he became the guy to push the young guys, then fade away. Now I actually like Kofi while I still think he's overrated. I wanted his rivalry with Orton to work and push him. But he was missing something and still is. His athleticism is great, I never said it wasn't. But his execution of his moves like the SOS and TIP are lame in comparison to the guys from the Indies/Japan that he stole them from. Every move someone does in WWE is recycled, not unique. If anyone's unique it's Bourne and Morrison as far as WWE move sets. They also land their moves WAY cleaner and it looks like it hurts. Btw, Shelton did the T-Bone suplex as his finisher. Signatures were jumping straight to the top rope for a move, originator of springboarding onto a ladder and his capture leg backward spin kick that looked like it always effed people up. But everyone's entitled to their opinion. I think Kofi matches are repetitive while Shelton always had a different match. But he's there and Shelton's not. That's how it works. Though it pisses me off that guys like Mark Henry can stay after so long but not Shelton. I'm ok with him having the ROH tag titles with Haas though. :p
Things happen and I know its wrong to judge but its always sad when WWE goes all out on a superstar just for the superstar to make a silly mistake. There are guys in the back probably dying for the push that Bourne has been given the past few months and he repays the WWE by getting suspended? I always said the reason WWE isnt like it used to is because its not being consistent with who they hire. They want men who are serious about the job and have the same determination as the guys before them and theyre hiring boys just because they have washboard abs and a nice smile.
As most of you know, Evan Bourne one-half of the Tag Team Champions was suspended last week, now Evan could of just stayed home and kept his mouth shut, but instead he tweets these:
“I wonder if WWE ’13 will have our twitter handles, random tweet pop ups and Cole talking tweets? Might make gameplay as annoying as viewing.”

“My guess is WWE 13: “The Network”. You are Vince and control the WWE with a WWE “Univers(e)al” Remote. Create history and earn money!”

Now, its bad enough that he already got himself suspended, but him ranting on WWE's Twitter obsession isn't helping. So what do you think? My opinion is that he is lucky that the only reason why he isn't in hot water, is because he is a tag team champion, but he better watch his mouth and be grateful for his job, or else its back off to ROH for him.
lol at all the "I doubt it was steroids". Steroids don't make you taller. Matt is incredibly ripped and muscular, it very well could have been steroids. Who knows what it was, I honestly don't care. Probably something he wasn't sure about.

I'm guessing they keep the belts or Bourne gets "injured" and comes back. I don't think he'll be depushed because of this. He and Kofi were doing a great job at getting over and getting the tag titles over.

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