Breaking News: William Regal is suspended for 60 days

Jeeze, another star suspended right in the middle of a huge push.

Poor Kennedy, it's clear that the wrestling gods don't want him to ever receive a push.

I was kinda hoping that DiBiase would be the new GM but it seems that they're alluding to Teddy Long as the new Raw GM. There goes my dreams of Vickie being replaced on Smackdown...

I expect the DiBiase thing to lead to the introduction of ted dibiase junior... just a feeling, or some other guy DiBiase might manage...

Regal Regal Regal what has he done... finally starting to get an actual role and now BAM on the shelf for 6 months. In terms of the new GM I'm not really a Teddy Long fan but it will likely lead to the introduction to more inter-promotional matches rumoured to be planned for future RAWs. I don't think Teddy Long, if he does become GM will be in the role for too long anyway.
finally starting to get an actual role and now BAM on the shelf for 6 months.
Not to be an ass, but I'm just pointing out that it's 2 months (60 days), not 6 months.

I'm really disappointed about this. I can't believe that he could be so stupid when he was receiving the biggest push of his career. It seems like that's an ongoing trend lately in the WWE. All the stars receiving the big pushes seem to screw themselves over. But I'm really disappointed that just when Regal was finally starting to get over as the biggest heel in the WWE he gets suspended. I have no idea what's going to become of him now. He'll probably end up coming back as the King, but be in the midcard range, seeing as how I don't see WWE trusting him anymore. They've been burned too many times by the likes of Kennedy, Hardy, and Regal. And I can't say he doesn't deserve it for being so stupid. Granted I'm not in his shoes, and don't know what the situation really is, but I can't help but be disappointed and slightly ashamed of him.
This explains a lot, obviously. It surprises me that a veteran like Regal has never learned his lesson from his first suspension, I thought he was one of the "trustworthy" wrestlers in the WWE, but I guess I was wrong. He must be taking painkillers because I doubt he was taking steriods with his less than stellar physique, he was in the middle of something huge on RAW too, being the tyrannical GM was a real heat magnet(almost as big of a heat magnet as Vicki Guerrero lol). All is not lost however, all of Regal's momentum was passed on to Kennedy, which was a brilliant move by WWE IMO. Kennedy is definitely over with the fans and I only hope he doesn't screw up his big push like Hardy and Regal has done before him. The big question now is whether or not Regal will continue to be pushed when he returns, this is his second violation, so WWE may be hesitant in trusting Regal so quickly, but they are certainly taking a risk on Jeff, so anything is possible.
I'm officialy pissed. This was one of the best things in wrestling in the past 3-4 years. Now William Regal has to go and get suspended. I don't know what he was taking and I really dont care. All I do know is that now he has fucked himself and the fans over. More than likely he won't come back and recieve the same push he was recieving. It really is a shame because he was finally getting the push he deserved and it was making for interesting television.

I also do not like the idea of Teddy Long becoming Raw GM. He just doesnt fit the part the way Regal did. I hope that Regal cleans himself up and can be trusted enough to resume his role as GM when he comes back.
Regal will be fine, he was receiving the push cause Triple H wanted him to get a push, njust like he wanted Jeff to get a push, Jeff got suspended and returned back to his push (you know the one Trips wanted him to have), so I'm sure in 2 months when Regal comes back he'll return to getting pushed, cause Trips wants him pushed, I just fined it funny the last two guys Triple H has hand picked to be pushed both got suspended for Wellness Violation

As for the vacant GM spot, if they were smart they'd make JBL Raw GM while Regal is out, I mean is there anybody who would make a better evil GM that is already on Raw?, JBL is perfect for the role, he could even form a new Cabinet
vince will probably run the show for the next 2 months or so....similar to when ez e got fired. He'll come back in two months and probably kiss vinces ass again (literally) to get his job back just like in 2001....and then take it out on kennedy in a sad attempt to recreate mcmahon/austin...

On a side really dissapointed in him....This was probably one of the more well thought out storyline ideas in recent memory and it got fucked up...This is the 3rd story that got fucked up due to the world outside the ring

(the first two being mcmahon's death angle, and then the bastard son angle)
Regal will be fine, he was receiving the push cause Triple H wanted him to get a push, njust like he wanted Jeff to get a push, Jeff got suspended and returned back to his push (you know the one Trips wanted him to have), so I'm sure in 2 months when Regal comes back he'll return to getting pushed, cause Trips wants him pushed, I just fined it funny the last two guys Triple H has hand picked to be pushed both got suspended for Wellness Violation

As much as I was on the top spot in the Regal band wagon, I just don't think it'll be the same as Jeff Hardy. I mean, if it is then I'll be happy (I guess) but you have to look at the difference in situation.

First, I haven't read exactly why, but I assume Regal was busted for something that was purely illegal whereas Hardy was actually just caught with illegal pain killers, wasn't he?

Second, Jeff Hardy was eXtremely over with the fans before Triple H. even took notice in him. So his return/continued push was likely because of that. William Regal (even to me) I don't think is that over. On Raw people boo'd the shit outta him, but you have to step back and look at the killer heel heat reaction Vickie is receiving as of late. I mean, at Judgment Day, they wouldn't even shut up so she could cut her promo.. they KNEW what she was doing and boo'd the fuck outta her.

The only time Regal gets any type of reaction THAT LOUD is when hes either announcing a match that has John Cena or Triple H. in it, or whenever hes doing something with Kennedy or Jeff Hardy. His heel reaction is only countered off of that of whoever hes with. Hardy's face reaction is over regardless of who hes facing.. even Triple H. (from Armageddon)

As for the vacant GM spot, if they were smart they'd make JBL Raw GM while Regal is out, I mean is there anybody who would make a better evil GM that is already on Raw?, JBL is perfect for the role, he could even form a new Cabinet

I like this idea, but I think they're trying to return J.B.L. to form as a wrestler. Whereas I also believe they're trying to keep Teddy Long in a main role, so it'd make the most sense for Raw to suddenly become face carried through the G.M. spot.. when E.C.W. & Smackdown are overrun with heels carrying their shows.

The only question here I have.. is upon Regal returning, assuming he does and doesn't screw up during his suspension.. will Long remain G.M., or does Regal get into a storyline to get that spot back? I wouldn't imagine they'd return Regal to that spot without having a proper reason for it.. but having Regal just as a regular wrestler.. short of giving him a stable, he'd be useless.
First, I haven't read exactly why, but I assume Regal was busted for something that was purely illegal whereas Hardy was actually just caught with illegal pain killers, wasn't he?

Not really sure, Jeff has had a history of drug problems, same as Regal, and I could be wrong but I thought I heard somewhere that Regal wasn't wrestling much cause of some injury that prevented him from doing so, if that's the case than it could just be pai killers in this case to, like you I haven't heard what the substance he was suspended for was exactly either

Second, Jeff Hardy was eXtremely over with the fans before Triple H. even took notice in him. So his return/continued push was likely because of that.

He still should've had to work his way up after coming back IMO, to just put him right back to where he was before he left, and continue his push was fucked up, and really sends a piss poor example to kids watching

William Regal (even to me) I don't think is that over. On Raw people boo'd the shit outta him

Umm... yeah that's because he's a heel, they're suppose to boo his ass, if that's what they are doing then that just means he must be doing a good job at it

but you have to step back and look at the killer heel heat reaction Vickie is receiving as of late. I mean, at Judgment Day, they wouldn't even shut up so she could cut her promo.. they KNEW what she was doing and boo'd the fuck outta her.

I think that has to more with the fact that they genuinely hate her, and feel that she sucks, I mean she is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy bad at what they have them doing, she is getting the same kinda heel heat Khali gets, and that's the kind where they boo her cause she simply sucks

Regal will be just fine, Triple H wants to put him over, and that's exactly what will happen upon his return, he'll come back seeking revenge on Kennedy or something

I like this idea, but I think they're trying to return J.B.L. to form as a wrestler. Whereas I also believe they're trying to keep Teddy Long in a main role, so it'd make the most sense for Raw to suddenly become face carried through the G.M. spot.. when E.C.W. & Smackdown are overrun with heels carrying their shows

Personally I think they should either give Long his GM spot on SD! back, or give him the spot on ECW and move Estarda to SD! to be co-GM with Vickie, until they decided to finally get rid of her, with JBL as the GM on Raw he could basically do the same thing they where going to have Regal do for the most part, and if he reformed the Cabinet he could bring Regal into it upon his return
I like this idea, but I think they're trying to return J.B.L. to form as a wrestler. Whereas I also believe they're trying to keep Teddy Long in a main role, so it'd make the most sense for Raw to suddenly become face carried through the G.M. spot.. when E.C.W. & Smackdown are overrun with heels carrying their shows.

The only question here I have.. is upon Regal returning, assuming he does and doesn't screw up during his suspension.. will Long remain G.M., or does Regal get into a storyline to get that spot back? I wouldn't imagine they'd return Regal to that spot without having a proper reason for it.. but having Regal just as a regular wrestler.. short of giving him a stable, he'd be useless.

I don't see them putting Regal back in as GM for a while, if at all. From what I've read, they're worried about him, as opposed to how they felt when Jeff Hardy got suspended. They thought he was just stupid for screwing up a prime opportunity, and I have to agree. Anyway, my point is, I don't think we'll see Regal in anything more than a wrestling role when he comes back. As I said in another thread the other night, a power struggle with Vickie and La Familia would be good. But, to have him as a main eventer or GM role is too much stress, and I think that's a big part of when guys resort to things they shouldn't, because they feel they have to be bigger to keep their higher spot, and it gets 'em in trouble. The only way to keep Regal from doing it again is to keep him OUT of that higher spot on the card, in my opinion.
I really hope they don't give JBL a GM spot over Teddy. Not because I wouldn't mind seeing JBL step away from the ring, as I can't stand his wrestling "skills" *ahem*...but because I'm just soooo damn sick and tired of the General Manager always being an evil guy.

Seriously, right now we have Evil Vickie vs Taker, Evil Estrada vs Colin, and we'd still have Evil Regal vs Everybody/Kennedy if he hadn't gotten suspended. Do we really need all 3 GMs to have the same exact purpose? Then, on top of that, we have McMahon!

Teddy gets the Raw GM spot as a face. No clue what they'll have for Smackdown as I really hope its not Vickie, but maybe they'll just give Smackdown & ECW to Estrada. He's not great, but he's far better than Vickie as he can actually remember his lines.

As far as Regal when he gets back....I doubt they'll put him back on the GM spot, and I can see them pushing him, but not nearly as far as they were planning. If Regal hadn't screwed up, he most likely would've had a title shot by Night of Champions. Now, when he comes back, I think they'll try pushing him into the midcard spot. Regal is a talented enough guy that he could help with the Intercontinental title and put some guys over. This gives him a push (in a sense) but not nearly as much pressure as before. If he does well in this position and shows he can be trusted not to take that third and final strike, then they'll probably push him afterwards.
I wasn't surprised when I heard about this... why would they throw away a good feud like this unless for this reason... or the fact that the ratings were tanking. Either way, it's going to be a boring 60 days... Regal gave us some awesome moments, including great moments from other superstars. The blackout during the HHH/Kennedy match was my favorite, then flicker back on and into an RKO is was nice. Aw well... R.I.P. to Regal's push, just hope Teddy gives us some memorable moments.
This is so bad. He was the most over heel on RAW right now.

I heard people backstage thought due to his push, he was under pressure and took something. Its such a bad situation though, because he could have become what 'Mr McMahon' was during the Attitude Era.

It could have elevated many stars into a major player. Just look at what Mr McMahon did for Austin.

Well, I hope he comes back, and is still gets his push. He deserved it. And he could really become a major heel. He had all the attributes. He knew how to draw heel heat well.
William Regal is a great technical wrestler going by what I've seen of him back in his WCW days. He had his ups and downs in the WWF during 2001 and 2002. After that, he had nothing more than his 'special position' titles to add to his credentials.

So, as glad as I was to see him become the 2008 KOTR, I don't think he's going any further up the ladder. I think that's his final woo-ha. But, I do hope the WWE proves me wrong.
First, I haven't read exactly why, but I assume Regal was busted for something that was purely illegal whereas Hardy was actually just caught with illegal pain killers, wasn't he?

Huh? I'm sure illegal pain killers is purely illegal just the same as whatever you're implying. They're both illegal. There's not range to "illegal".. :lol2:
Huh? I'm sure illegal pain killers is purely illegal just the same as whatever you're implying. They're both illegal. There's not range to "illegal".. :lol2:

While I'm not discontinuing the fact that "illegal" is "illegal." The fact is, if it was for steroid abuse thats a major offense, whereas if it was for pain killers. The Jeff Hardy situation was over legal pills that expired, weren't they?

All I'm saying is, if William Regal's situation is similar, than there isn't any true reason to hurt or kill his push upon his return. If he abused steroids, then yes by all means kill him off and honestly downright fire him. There should be no place in the wrestling industry for that type of shit. You don't need roids to be a great professional wrestler.

However, each one of those athletes puts their bodies through tremendous pain night in and night out. That said, pain killers are their best friend. Before placing complete judgment on Mr. Regal.. look deep into what he was charged/caught with.

Again, illegal is illegal and hes paying the price, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. However depending on what he was caught with, should be used on whether he gets any type of repeat push upon return. I believe that is partly why Hardy is back where he left off from. (partly)

Also, when you reply, stay on topic. If you reply only to something I said thats that small.. PM me, or do it through positive or negative rep. Otherwise it could lead to you getting infracted for spamming.
No I'm sure you're not "discontinuing" the fact..

How did I go off topic? The thread's talking about William Regal's suspension for using something illegal that goes against the WWE policy, and we're discussing what that illegal substance is and how bad it really was. I don't think it matters whether it was steroids or whether it was pain killers, the fact is that both of them took something that was illegal and against the policy. There's no breaking the rules better or worse then someone else, they both broke the rules and they both got the same suspension and the same amount of time due to their second offenses. I really find it hard to believe that Regal would be stupid enough to take any kind of steroid knowing that he's being pushed and will be in the lime light, and that they could take a random test at any time. Regal's had issues in the past that have been documented, and they weren't for steroids. He was released from WCW in 1998, and even gone to rehab during his time with WWF for those issues. I'd be more inclined to believe they were for other reasons aside from steroid use, personally.
How did I go off topic?

I'm not exactlying meaning to say you may have went off topic, so much as lacked in adding detail and explanation to your post. I'm sorry for misexplaining that.

You gave about roughly two sentences, and most of it was saying more or less that it shouldn't matter that Jeff Hardy took pain killers, they were still illegal. (which has no business overall in the William Regal thread) No harm no foul though, as the post below is very good from your views and opinions.

The thread's talking about William Regal's suspension for using something illegal that goes against the WWE policy, and we're discussing what that illegal substance is and how bad it really was. I don't think it matters whether it was steroids or whether it was pain killers, the fact is that both of them took something that was illegal and against the policy. There's no breaking the rules better or worse then someone else, they both broke the rules and they both got the same suspension and the same amount of time due to their second offenses. I really find it hard to believe that Regal would be stupid enough to take any kind of steroid knowing that he's being pushed and will be in the lime light, and that they could take a random test at any time. Regal's had issues in the past that have been documented, and they weren't for steroids. He was released from WCW in 1998, and even gone to rehab during his time with WWF for those issues. I'd be more inclined to believe they were for other reasons aside from steroid use, personally.

Now then, I agree that William Regal made a stupid mistake and should've understood the situation. Furthermore, if he was busted in the exact same manner as Jeff Hardy, I have no clue why he felt he'd get away with it. Illegal pain killers or not, if he knew Hardy went down from them, I have no idea why he seen fit to continue taking his own.

The only forgiveable action I have with pain killers over steroids is the simple fact. Pain killers are legal and if taken beyond an expiration date or are in another person's name then they become illegal. Steroids don't have a legal use, at least within the regulations of Professional Wrestling.

Pain killers are a widely understandable pill. Roids aren't. Thats my argument. I'm not saying its right to break rules. They deserve punishment. I'm merely saying they don't deserve the same type of punishment.

Take this for example. If someone steals a piece of candy, they don't get the death sentence that a murderer would get, do they? So then why punish someone as harshly about pain killers that could've been legal at one point, that turned illegal beyond a selective date. (short of them being in another's name in general)
Ya know, Triple H should change his theme song to, "Another one bites the dust", because all of the people he actually doesn't mind pushing end up taking drugs.

Anyway the end of this push, or what I assume will be the end of the push is pretty sad. Because I assume the ratings weren't actually dropping then, and Regal was interesting to watch as well. Regal's character will be a loss for him and the company definately.

I really don't think the push of his will continue, unless he is actually still over like Hardy. Hardy was lucky enough to be still over, and they then tested him out in a few "fluke" winning matches. I don't think Regal will come back to the same ceramonial praise.

The issue of drugs is of course brought up with this and again we wonder what the situation was. Was it the situation of 'accidental overdose' of painkiller. In Hardy's situation, he had a better reason for them, taking bumps and wrestling more. Regal didn't wrestle that much currently, and his I have heard wasn't an accident.

This is of course most liekly the end of a big regal, and I don't think he will get pushed again.
Ya know, Triple H should change his theme song to, "Another one bites the dust", because all of the people he actually doesn't mind pushing end up taking drugs.

I beleive I was the first to say this

Anyway the end of this push, or what I assume will be the end of the push is pretty sad. Because I assume the ratings weren't actually dropping then, and Regal was interesting to watch as well. Regal's character will be a loss for him and the company definately.

From what I understand, and I could be wrong, the rating have been dropping ever since Trips won the belt, bu tlike I said before I could be wrong about this, I really don't pay much attention to the ratings cause I don't find them all that entertaining, and that's the whole point of watching wrestling, to be entertained, not look and see what the rating are

I really don't think the push of his will continue, unless he is actually still over like Hardy. Hardy was lucky enough to be still over, and they then tested him out in a few "fluke" winning matches. I don't think Regal will come back to the same ceramonial praise.

I'm still pretty convinced that it will continue, Trips wants him pushed, and as long as he's getting some sort of reaction from the fans they'll find away to push him, their best bet IMO would be to have him run interference in a Kennedy match, preferably a title or #1 contenders match, and screw Kennedy, then play off the whole revenge angle

The issue of drugs is of course brought up with this and again we wonder what the situation was. Was it the situation of 'accidental overdose' of painkiller. In Hardy's situation, he had a better reason for them, taking bumps and wrestling more. Regal didn't wrestle that much currently, and his I have heard wasn't an accident.

If he had an 'accidental overdose' then he would most likely be in the hospital or dead right now
I'm not exactlying meaning to say you may have went off topic, so much as lacked in adding detail and explanation to your post. I'm sorry for misexplaining that.

You gave about roughly two sentences, and most of it was saying more or less that it shouldn't matter that Jeff Hardy took pain killers, they were still illegal. (which has no business overall in the William Regal thread) No harm no foul though, as the post below is very good from your views and opinions.

Now then, I agree that William Regal made a stupid mistake and should've understood the situation. Furthermore, if he was busted in the exact same manner as Jeff Hardy, I have no clue why he felt he'd get away with it. Illegal pain killers or not, if he knew Hardy went down from them, I have no idea why he seen fit to continue taking his own.

The only forgiveable action I have with pain killers over steroids is the simple fact. Pain killers are legal and if taken beyond an expiration date or are in another person's name then they become illegal. Steroids don't have a legal use, at least within the regulations of Professional Wrestling.

Pain killers are a widely understandable pill. Roids aren't. Thats my argument. I'm not saying its right to break rules. They deserve punishment. I'm merely saying they don't deserve the same type of punishment.

Take this for example. If someone steals a piece of candy, they don't get the death sentence that a murderer would get, do they? So then why punish someone as harshly about pain killers that could've been legal at one point, that turned illegal beyond a selective date. (short of them being in another's name in general)

I take issue with your assumption that pain killers are not as bad as steriods. You do realize, that you can legally obtain test, and other steroids right? You do realize that both pain pills and steroids are controlled substaces right? Pain killers can be physically and mentally addictive, can have horrible side effects, and destroy a persons life just as easy, if not easier than roids.

I am not saying that it is ok to take any kind of steroid, but I can't undersand the witch hunt and horrible stigman that any one who watches a fake sport puts on people who use or are suspected of using at times. Pro wrestling is a tough business, lots of bumps, a long hard schedule, and tons of pressure to look good, and perform every night. Pain killers, steriods, alcohol, and other drugs have been a huge part of the culture of pro wrestling for years!

As far as Regal, it sucks for him, and for us the fans who were excited he was getting a push. However, I am glad that the E has suspended him, and did the same to Jeff Hardy right in the middle of thier pushes, just as they did to Kennedy during his for possible HGH use. If they are really going to enforce the policy, it has to cover everything, not just "roids", and everything has to be treated the same.
I have a theory. Regal's suspension is up on July 18th, and I was thinking.....what if he is in on all the strange occuriences on raw, included the Mcmahon "accident". I mean, think about the mood he was in when he was "fired" on raw. And I don't think its a cowincedence that he is getting off supension at the same time all this stuff is happening on raw. Just something to think about.

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