10 WWE Superstars Suspended/Speculation & Effects

The wellness policy I feel is a joke. It's not just drugs they should focus on. They should be able to know that the wrestlers are well both mentally and physically. These guys put their bodies on the line to do what they do so the guys that run this so called policy and the company owe them that much
I think that the only stars who will truly be missed for a month will be Kennedy and Orton, if he is suspended. ECW will do fine without Johnny. This will give them time to push Big Daddy V even more and moaybe Burke will get back into the title picture. Obviously, they don't know what to do with Booker on Raw. If Umaga is gone the IC division still has Hardy and Carlito and maybe Shelton if Haas is suspended. Smackdown won't really miss any of there talent that will be suspened. Batista doesn't do much for me and I believe Rey can carry the show as the number 1 face for a month. This will also give more time to Hardy/MVP fued, which is the best in years. A fued like that is the real way to make future main eventers.
Ya know, this is all for the best. Dumping Eugene and Simon Dean should have been done long ago. As for the 11/23 guys, they will have hopefully learned their lesson, along with LIVING IN THE GYM until their 30 days are up.
This will give some of the mid carders to move up and run with the ball. Guys like shelton, MVP, the hardy's, etc. need to step up and show some leadership.
Overall, everything will be back to normal by december/january when all the injured guys are back, any steroid left over's have been dealt with, and we will all have their eyes back on the prize.
Think of this as a true test of what creative can do, and what the lesser guys are really made of.
The wellness policy I feel is a joke. It's not just drugs they should focus on. They should be able to know that the wrestlers are well both mentally and physically. These guys put their bodies on the line to do what they do so the guys that run this so called policy and the company owe them that much

.... you do know the WWE runs a cardio test on the wrestlers to check how their hearts are working, right? Because of that, they discovered an unknown heart disease on MVP which he is now cleared to wrestle.
from WWE

Jeff Hardy and Umaga will kick Monday Night Raw off when Hardy challenges Umaga for the Intercontinental Championship

Looks like Jeff's going to win this, showing that Umaga will in fact be suspended.
this has been interesting, i thought it would really ruin WWE but IMO its helping them O.o lol, even though WWE is being forced to do most of these things i think its what they should be doing

like punk being the new ECW champ, took them long enought, good thing morrison fucked up

randy out of the title picture, i actually didint want him to be the next champ, after his match at SS i see that he still needs to improve a lot to have a meaningful run as champ IMO, i think it will be interesting to see carlito go for the title, since hes gonna fight cena on raw maybe this will be the start of a new more interesting feud?

Umaga loses the belt, wich i think should happen not cuz umaga is bad but because hes already better then the IC mid carders after so many main events =/, and jeff gets another reign wich i dont mind, maybe he'll feud with shelton

SD! didnt help much, or ruin anything, though the i quit match may be very entertaining =D, loved the last one...

sooo good job WWE, since ur superstars fucked up more deserving superstars are getting pushed, yay =P
.... you do know the WWE runs a cardio test on the wrestlers to check how their hearts are working, right? Because of that, they discovered an unknown heart disease on MVP which he is now cleared to wrestle.

Yeah well how good could it be because if it had worked for Eddie, he might still be alive today. And what mentally? Where's the tests for that to make sure that these guys are in the frame of mind?

As for the suspensions, It's looking like Batista is in the clear. That's good news for them. Orton may not be suspended so I don't know whether that means he's clear or not. For all we know, it could be another example of the WWE lost their nerve with Orton.

The feeling backstage at today's Raw taping is that the wrestlers expect more talent to be fired later today on the heels of the Signature Pharmacy drug scandal. There is even a rumor going around (this should be stressed as a rumor) that one top wrestler on Raw involved in the scandal may have given his notice to leave the company on his own accord. There is actually a name going around, but it can only be confirmed if its 100% correct.

You should also expect a title change in the Jeff Hardy vs. Umaga match at tonight's Raw tapings.

The Raw brand had the most wrestlers involved in the Signature Pharmacy drug scandal with seven in total. Those wrestlers are Randy Orton (who apparently has been cleared), Mr. Kennedy, Umaga, Charlie Haas, William Regal, King Booker and Santino Marella.

I'm wondering how Raw could pan out tonight then, hopefully after tonights taping all will be clear.
I cant wait for tonights Raw. From a smark viewpoint it's going to be one of the most intresting shows in a long while. I haven't been this intrested in seeing a show since the ECW show after the Benoit murders.
I actually think that raw's rating might blow through the roof in the next couple of weeks. Think about it, most wwe fans if not all of them want to see how creative the wwe can be with the midcarders. They're also interested in seeing how far the midcarders will go to get that main event spot. I don't expect raw's rating to be huge tomorrow since it's taping is today, but I think alot of fans will be tuning into raw in the next couple of weeks.
During the meeting before the ECW/SmackDown! tapings yesterday, Batista asked Stephanie McMahon what he could do legally about his name being included in the recent media reports, citing publicly in front of the crew that he had never received anything from the online pharmacy companies. Stephanie told him that was an issue he and his attorneys should look into, also mentioning that she was under the impression he was already doing that (which would mean a civil lawsuit seeking damages).

Batista claims that there was no connection between him and the pharmacies and he is very upset at Sports Illustrated and other media outlets for reporting his name.

I won't lie, that made me laugh and think at the same time. You know Batista has to be on Roids, so if he's not really lying (which I wouldn't really put past him) the question remains; where does he get his from?
hmm i doubt the ratings will change much on RAW, most fans dont really know wth is going on with these suspensions, hell most fans think that some1 gets hurt is when they take a vacation, only smarks see this stuff and see interesting things coming

to the normal fan base its just another RAW with something wierd goin on, so i really doubt any big changes in the ratings will happen, but no doubt RAW will start getting more interesting...
hmm i doubt the ratings will change much on RAW, most fans dont really know wth is going on with these suspensions, hell most fans think that some1 gets hurt is when they take a vacation, only smarks see this stuff and see interesting things coming

to the normal fan base its just another RAW with something wierd goin on, so i really doubt any big changes in the ratings will happen, but no doubt RAW will start getting more interesting...

Well, you got me there. The normal fan will believe anything thrown at em. If the midcarders get their big break then I hope ratings go up so it can show vince that we want talent, not snitsky lol.
can I just ask people if they read the Raw spoilers not to post about which people were at Raw and which ones weren't until it has been aired, it's not fair on people who are waiting to see the show. Thanks
so on the main board it said something about a WWE star asking for his release.....anyone think it was King Booker? has anything else been reported on this?
Good call Flame. I read the spoiler because with Cryme Tyme gone and half the known world ready to begin a suspension, what's worth watching?

I think the major effect thiscould potentially have is on the 3-hour USA deal. Watch - top stars get suspended and one of two things will happen:

1. Fans will not want to tune in to see this uber-depleted roster. Ratings with drop to the 3.0 level or into the 2's and WWE will not get the 3-hours with USA. Ratings MAY begin to SLOWLY creep up later on after the suspesions have been served, but it will create a major hit.


2. Previously overlooked stars like Jeff and Matt Hardy, CM Punk, Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, etc will get to pick up the ball and run with it. As a result, fans are refreshed by the product and, as with the Steve Austin era after WWE stars defected to WCW, the young blood will re-energize fans for the product.

I think scenario #1 is more likely, since so many of the suspended starts are among the younger and more popular, especially Orton. It'll be tough to have a youth movement without him.
Good call Flame. I read the spoiler because with Cryme Tyme gone and half the known world ready to begin a suspension, what's worth watching?

I think the major effect thiscould potentially have is on the 3-hour USA deal. Watch - top stars get suspended and one of two things will happen:

1. Fans will not want to tune in to see this uber-depleted roster. Ratings with drop to the 3.0 level or into the 2's and WWE will not get the 3-hours with USA. Ratings MAY begin to SLOWLY creep up later on after the suspesions have been served, but it will create a major hit.


2. Previously overlooked stars like Jeff and Matt Hardy, CM Punk, Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, etc will get to pick up the ball and run with it. As a result, fans are refreshed by the product and, as with the Steve Austin era after WWE stars defected to WCW, the young blood will re-energize fans for the product.

I think scenario #1 is more likely, since so many of the suspended starts are among the younger and more popular, especially Orton. It'll be tough to have a youth movement without him.

Well, I may be wrong about this, but I think the 3 hour Raw deal was already dead (or close to it) long before the suspensions so I wouldn't worry about that.

But I'm going to go with scenario #3. The ratings stay the about the same. The ratings have probably bottomed out, they're already down to the hardcore addicted fans that will watch no matter how crappy the product is, they're not going to get much lower. And I don't think the product is really going to get appreciably worse. It was so bad before, it's really impossible to get much worse. If Raw was actually good, and all of these guys that are suspended were actually fun to watch, then they'd be in trouble. But I for one won't miss anybody that's been rumored to be suspended, the closest one is Kennedy but they were misusing him so badly it doesn't matter.

And this certainly presents them with a great opportunity to turn it around. In the short term, fan interest will be higher than usual because everybody will want to see who's suspended, how they get rid of them, and then see how all of their replacements do. At that point it's up to the writers to come up with good storylines and the non suspended wrestlers to deliver. And like I said, I think the worst they could do is probably just about as good as what we have now, and at best maybe they'll make Raw a lot better.
Regular fans(marks) wont really notice.How many of them realised that Kennedy & Taker had to drop their respective MITB&WHC due to injury.It was all worked into a subsequent storyline.Right now the only problem is that of Ken Kennedy as he's involved in a major storyline.But its clear he wont be buried as after this week's RAW.He'll probably return to take out he's revenge on Vince for "rejecting" him or something like that.ECW wont suffer that much as people watched it not for John,but to see CM Punk as champ.
If Benoit killing his family didnt kill WWE's ratings,then this probably wont.At least it will be a great opportunity for guys like Carlito,Burke,MVP,Matt Hardy& other midcarders to stepup & fill the void.
I found this story today

- Several WWE names listed in media reports as being customers of the Signature Pharmacy are believed to be inaccurate, mainly Batista who was listed by ESPN but not Sports Illustrated. Sources say the wrestlers who were incorrectly named are very upset but WWE won't let anyone in the company speak to the media right now because it has backfired on them too many times in the recent months.

Even though Batista is clean from this current situation, but of course there's always a possibility he is secretly getting his "stuff" somewhere else.

I do admit, I had a hard time believing some of the names are actually on the 'roids. A couple of the names would be Edge, which he isn't much of a big guy at all, he just looks like an ordinary person that lifts weights to grow a few pounds of muscle. The other is Funaki, LOL and William Regal.
I on't think that we will know the full extent of the suspensions for the next few weeks. I don't think all 12 will be pulled off TV this week - especailly with at least 7 being on Raw. Possibly half will go tonight, and the other half next week.
I really don't know what to say about this...it's good that WWE is enforcing it's wellness policy, but if you thought they were in the can with all of the injuries...just wait for the ramapercussions from this, it's gonna be awful.
Here is something I'm disappointed with. It's good the WWE is going to drug test people prior to being employed which will really help for the future generation of the WWE, however I was really looking forward to Sycho Sid's WWE return but yeah....

- We've posted recently on the rumored return of Sid Vicious to the WWE and how Sid has expressed his interest in wanting to return to the company. Now it seems WWE has shown some interest in Sid as well. A WWE official, most likely Johnny Ace asked Sid if he would like to return to the company. However, before Sid could return to WWE he had to pass the Wellness test. Sid told the WWE official that he wouldn't be able to pass it. Sid is said to be going through some kind of therapy or is taking some medication to deal with whatever physical problems he may have.

WWE were willing to work with Sid again, realizing how bad they need star power right now, especially with all the suspensions and injuries. But because of the whole Wellness situation, Sid may not be coming back at all.
^^ I have no idea. He admitted that he can not pass their Wellness Policy, that's if [of course] the report was correct. Probably at his age he needs a little muscle and energy to keep in such great shape....
It looks as if Big Show and Ric Flair are trying to be dragged into this


The following is an excerpt from an article in today's Palm Beach Post linking Ric Flair and Paul Wight to receiving packages from a Tampa drug clinic.

In 2003, the Hillsborough County sheriff arrested and charged John Todd Miller with posing as a doctor and running a Tampa medical clinic that allegedly supplied wrestlers, law enforcement officers and businessmen with anabolic steroids. The case was dropped because of a lack of evidence, but the case file shows how wrestlers might obtain drugs.

Misty Waldo, an employee of the clinic, told detectives that when she was hired, she was told to expect to see wrestlers at the clinic. Waldo said she sent overnight "packages" to Paul Wight, formerly known as "The Big Show" in the WWE, and Richard Fliehr, a top star whose professional name is Ric Flair. Investigators didn't specify the contents of those packages.

Wight did not return a message Wednesday. The WWE, Flair's employer, did not respond to a request for comment.

In documents filed by investigators, former University of North Carolina wrestler T.J. Jaworsky said he was introduced to Miller by Flair two years prior for help in healing a sports injury and that he paid $1,200 per "cycle" for unspecified drugs. Flair called Jaworsky "everything I'd want my kid to be" in his 2004 book, To Be The Man. Contacted recently, Jaworsky said he hadn't talked to Flair in more than two years and he doesn't remember Miller. "It happened so long ago," Jaworsky said.

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