10 WWE Superstars Suspended/Speculation & Effects

No none of the Lex Luger types look like they could Legitly kick your arse. Chuck Liddel has a Year Round Beer Gut. He could Kick your arse. You wouldn't think he could if he grew out his hair you wouldn't think he could if you used the Roided up frame as a basis of what is someone that can kick your arse. I say the Fan attitudes need to change because only in the US there a need for Pro Wrestlers to look like the toys. Look at Puroresu the fans don't expect to see Muscle men. Look at traditional British Wrestlers you don't see completely roided up frames until you get to Tom Billington and Davey Boy Smith, most of the other places in the world don't place an emphasis on the looking like a Toy Figure of He-Man. Fans in other parts of the world don't expect it as the norm, so why should US fans. There needs to be a huge attitude change on the part of the fans to help the stopping of Steroids in Wrestling.

The Damage has already been done here state side though. You're dealing with a generation of guys that have grown up with the Hulk Hogan and Arnold's of the world as role models.

Look at the big action stars of the 80's that have left a permanent mark on pop culture. Ferringo, Arnold, Stallone, Van Damme. Especially Arnold and Stallone, big giant muscles pounding while they are unloading an automatic weapon on someone.

There is a supposed new disease in America called "Manorexia". This is why I think psychologist are the biggest pieces of shit, making up new things to get money, and they have credibility just because they are a therapist, so no one questions the bullshit that comes from there mouths, back to Manorexia. So pretty much it's the Barbie Concept for Boys. Barbie is to blame for all girls wanting to be 6 feet tall, 110 Pounds, long blonde hair, and huge DDD tits. This time, it's guys growing up with their action figures that all have huge Scott Steiner biceps and 6 packs from hell. The big thing they did was show a Luke Skywalker figure from 30 years ago, which had zero definition, as compared to now, the figure is bulking and bulging out of his shirt.

So a long story short, a generation of Americans has been brainwashed to think that if you don't have muscles, you are a fat lazy slob. Muscles indicate that you are a hard worker and represent the American fighting spirit. It's a bunch of crap I don't necessarily believe, but I think it's the mentality of most.

The Culture needs to change. Hell, in a perfect World, Samoa Joe should go to WWE and absolutely dominate, but it will never happen, because, well, he's fat. Look at the Rock, Pre-1999. Notice how at the end of 1998 and early 1999 he was wrestling in Black Warmup Outfits? You want to know why? Because he had surgery to remove fatty cells from his Nipples, because they were to fat. This is the mentality of most athletes in the world today.
No none of the Lex Luger types look like they could Legitly kick your arse. Chuck Liddel has a Year Round Beer Gut. He could Kick your arse. You wouldn't think he could if he grew out his hair you wouldn't think he could if you used the Roided up frame as a basis of what is someone that can kick your arse. I say the Fan attitudes need to change because only in the US there a need for Pro Wrestlers to look like the toys. Look at Puroresu the fans don't expect to see Muscle men. Look at traditional British Wrestlers you don't see completely roided up frames until you get to Tom Billington and Davey Boy Smith, most of the other places in the world don't place an emphasis on the looking like a Toy Figure of He-Man. Fans in other parts of the world don't expect it as the norm, so why should US fans. There needs to be a huge attitude change on the part of the fans to help the stopping of Steroids in Wrestling.

Sadly, this isn't just a problem in the world of wrestling here in the United States, but in general with everything. Look at actors in the old days in Hollywood and look at actors today. The difference between then and now is actors then were actually entertaining and actors now are talentless models. Majority or every single commercials on television these days consists not of ordinary people you would see at Wal Mart, but they are models. It's just how things are in this country. It's a lot about the styles and not so much of actual values. Those are the only things that sells which sadly, it dragged wrestling with it.
Nearly all of these threads have touched on some excellent point, especially the past few regarding Americans' obsession with muscle definition. I was just reading the Yahoo sports headlines and found that Rodney Harrison of the New England Patriots (my hometown and favorite sports team, not to mention Harrison being one of my favorite players) has been suspended for 4 games for violating the league's substance abuse policy. His name was found in the same internet distribution ring as the currently suspended superstars. It should be interesting to see if any other professional athletes meet the same fate due to this investigation.
its a shame that ppl have been ''brainwashed'' like this, its mostly in america but lets face it, this attitude of having to be huge is going on all over the world now, though in wrestling its mostly in america

i think WWE should push smaller guys, they dont need to get over with looks, WWE has to understand that there are guys that can get over with talent, look at TNA and the x division... first time i saw them i just laughed, they were so small i was like ''wtf?'' but after seeing what these guys can do, and other promotions from japan or ROH, i see that these small guys can put on a hell of a show and i think could still draw ppl

how many times havent we seen these small talented wrestlers ''steel the show''? if WWE pushes them right the fans will get behind them, though it cant be a over night thing...

fans really do need to stop with this ''oh they need to be bigger'' hell the future of wrestling is with these smaller but more talented guys, or at least it should be, for example we've seen it in these forums ppl say how cody rhodes needs to ''bulk up'' even though he has all the talent, this kind of mentality needs to go

i dont blame ppl for thinking like this cuz the world today really does put this idea of the perfect body, if this continues most of the talented wrestlers will have to stick with the indy promotions or japan, cuz imagine if guys like cm punk would have to bulk up, for what? to look better but wrestle worse?

i hope WWE stops pushing these freaks and we start seeing some normal ppl in the main event, the only normal guy thats actualyl gotten huge that i can think of right now is HBK, though i think he did take steroids the other years but i think he has stopped, at leas it looks like he did =/...
So... I just read all 21 pages of this thread. Wow. The last few posts about society's perfect body perception was really insightful and it shows that what's happening in the WWE is totally relevant to the rest of the world.

But on a more superficial note... this whole situation reminds me of how everyone knew Britney Spears wasn't a virgin before Justin Timberlake told everyone, but they were still shocked when she confirmed it.

But back onto the topic, if the list is legit, it sucks. It sucks for everyone, but if it helps these people live a better lifestyle, obviously it's for the better and a month of bad, or worse should I say, television programming is worth it. Not that they don't have enough talent. They just don't use it. I agree with everyone saying that now the midcarders have their chance to show what they can do, and hopefully be recognized by management that they can help carry the show.

Also, I remember someone mentioning Shelton going back into the IC title picture. I hope so!!! I love Shelton. And for whoever mentione Cody being a part of that picture, as much as cute as he is and as I like him, no. Just no.

And a quesiton for all the people who know how steroids work and about bodybuilding and such, how do like protein powders and all that stuff factor into the routine?

And a quesiton for all the people who know how steroids work and about bodybuilding and such, how do like protein powders and all that stuff factor into the routine?

In order to gain substantial muscle mass, it is recommended that one intakes 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight every day. The average scoop of protein powder is between 20 and 25 grams of protein. So for a guy like Batista who weighs 290 lbs, he needs around 600 grams of protein per day. So that means if he eats seven high protein meals a day (50 – 60 grams protein per meal average) (which is probably a minimum for a beast like him) that makes 400 grams protein max from whole foods. So that means he probably drinks at least 10 scoops of protein a day. Probably something like 2 scoops of protein after wakeup, 30 min later huge ass breakfast, 2 scoop shake 1-2 hours later, huge meal, 2 scoop shake 1-2 hours later and so on throughout the day. Just being on steroids does not make anyone huge. Calories are the fuel that must be turned into muscle and with out substantial and clean caloric intake, it is impossible to grow into a beast like Batista or Lashly, or Cena for that matter. Everyone thinks that these guys just take a shot in the ass once a week and than they are huge instantly without much work (thus calling it “cheating”) but there is so so much more too it than that. Steroids enable one to maintain an anabolic state in which muscle growth/ maintenance can thrive. They enable one to train harder, recover faster, and have greatly increased stamina and strength. This is why wrestlers need and use steroids. They are expected to look like a “He-man action figure” day in and day out for months and even years. This simply cannot be done without the use of anabolics for many guys. But keep in mind they are also working their asses off to look like that, not only in the gym but in the kitchen day after day, meal after meal workout after workout.
This day and age, we live in a society where the large majority believe that image is not only everything, but it's the only thing. Clearly with these guys, it's no different. Especially for guys that are told that you're not big enough buildwise to headline anything. So far, it looks like Simon Dean (aka Nova) was the first victim of the discipline to come from the WWE. At some point, something had to give here and right now, the WWE is in a bad place right now with congress and now this scandal and of course the death of the Benoit family and the circumstances surrounding it. This year has not been a good year for the WWE.
{quote}Every forum turns into a bash cena thread at some point. ALL of them. Do you have nothing better to do than bash the guy. He is NOT implicated in this investigation, therefore he is NOT involved in this discussion.

Another Cena batty boy!!! How can Randy Orton and William Regal be on roids and not Cena. Regal and Orton hardly have the "Body Builder" physique like Cena does. So get lost and go polish your spinny belt you loser

you have no brain. I did not say that i LOVE Cena, actually his massive title regn is beginning to annoy me. Like i said, whether you like it or not, Cena's name is NOT implicated in this investigation, therefor he is NOT a part of this discussion. Somehow all you kill Cena people brought him in because you don't like him. So, he did not get caught. If he does, then go bash on him, but for no moron stick to those who did.
How did Cena even get thrown into this discussion? His name wasn't on the list. If it were, then it'd be another story. I'm not a fan of John Cena particularly because I find him boring to watch, but I'm not going to flame on him on this thread when this topic has nothing to do with him. There's other threads for that and personally, it's pointless to use this whole scandal as an excuse to bash on him when he's not even one of the wrestlers named. If he were, then we could pile on him, but since he's not, it's a dead issue. The ten + wrestlers that were on the list however is not.
No none of the Lex Luger types look like they could Legitly kick your arse. Chuck Liddel has a Year Round Beer Gut. He could Kick your arse. You wouldn't think he could if he grew out his hair you wouldn't think he could if you used the Roided up frame as a basis of what is someone that can kick your arse. I say the Fan attitudes need to change because only in the US there a need for Pro Wrestlers to look like the toys. Look at Puroresu the fans don't expect to see Muscle men. Look at traditional British Wrestlers you don't see completely roided up frames until you get to Tom Billington and Davey Boy Smith, most of the other places in the world don't place an emphasis on the looking like a Toy Figure of He-Man. Fans in other parts of the world don't expect it as the norm, so why should US fans. There needs to be a huge attitude change on the part of the fans to help the stopping of Steroids in Wrestling.

for me i dont like american style of wrestling. my favorite wrestlers ric flair, ted dibiase, mr. perfect, rick rude, greg valentine, and the brain busters are all wrestlers that have great technical ability. i do not like the chris masters and batistas. what american wrestling needs is a new wrestler thats a complete copy of ric flair. a great heel with great mic skills and great wrestling ability whos clean. no drugs. if kirk angel wasnt a druggie i would say he could cause a turn around in american wrestling but hes bombed his body with numerous drugs. i also must say i love japanese wrestling. they call it wrestling for a reason. the US doesnt have it but japan does.
the last 2 things,
1. i like CP Munk and Colt Cabunny (yes i know their not real)
2. please dont toss this as spam.
Cena not on the list means a lot, either they fake his results or simply don't test him look at Batista and Masters obvious right same goes for Cena. with the exception of edge, kennedy, and orton. I really don't care about this at all I was looking forward going to No mercy and seeing Orton win/retain the wwe title maybe it'll be Triple H but until details are clearer I may save my money. I'd love to see Kennedy have like a 10 month IC title reign right about now to restore toe title's respectability but I guess that may be out. and who didn't want to see the Ministry of Darkness WM24 match Edge Undertaker could of ended up a classic but maybe we'll never know One thing is for certain Chris Jericho needs to sign A huge contract and come back now!!
Unless there is actual evidence of Cena in this thing, don't bring him into it, These names are ones that have been linked with this particular company. And it is pretty hard to fake a Drug test unless you use other peoples Blood and Urine. Higly Unlikely. None of these have tested positive. This is all based on the reports of a Newspaper and ESPN. Cena however I feel is Cleanish, He is almost spotless outside of the ring except for his thing with Ron Killings.

Mike Bucci was expendable as well, any firings over this will be expendable guys, but this was as I said the final nail in the coffin for Mike Bucci's career in the WWE.

mtg712 Im not talking wrestling style as it relates to steroids as Tom Billington was an awesome technical Wrestler but he has even admitted to taking Horse steroids. Style does not imply Steroid takers. I mentioned Puroresu because of the actual lack of Muscle Definition when you watch Japanese Wrestlers as compared to a Batista or Scott Steiner. Both of whom are walking Talking adverts for Steroid use. For the "He Man Toy" look that has infused itself in US culture which is slowly going round the world. I blame the following, Hulk Hogan, Arnie, Jean Claude Van Dam, Sylvester Stallone, Ultimate Warrior, Venice Beach, Toys, Vince McMahon and Bodybuilding as a whole. this has led to the idea that the bigger you are in Muscle size the stronger and tougher you are. Look at Batista he is Weak as anything and if I was a westler i would be refusing to be involved in a Batista match where it ends with a Batista bomb as he can barely hold the guy up for it.
Unless there is actual evidence of Cena in this thing, don't bring him into it, These names are ones that have been linked with this particular company. And it is pretty hard to fake a Drug test unless you use other peoples Blood and Urine. Higly Unlikely. None of these have tested positive. This is all based on the reports of a Newspaper and ESPN. Cena however I feel is Cleanish, He is almost spotless outside of the ring except for his thing with Ron Killings.

I'm not by any means a John Cena fan.. but this has disturbed me too. I posted earlier in this thread, when people started mentioning Bobby Lashley & John Cena.. just because a wrestler has a big body build, does not automatically mean they're on the 'juice.' And again, not a Cena fan, however I am a fan of fairness.. & accusing him, just because he's "muscular" is NOT fair.

If so, just slap wrestling as a whole with steroid abuse.. ohh.. wait, the media already did. So I guess while you're at it, slap Football, Basketball, Baseball, Hockey.. & shit, even throw ping pong in there.. cause anyone who can hit a ball, flying that fast, as small as it is, MUST be on roids!

Mike Bucci was expendable as well, any firings over this will be expendable guys, but this was as I said the final nail in the coffin for Mike Bucci's career in the WWE.

In my honest opinion, this was a loss, but because W.W.E. was too stupid to know how to use him correctly.. it won't effect them. I hope & dream that T.N.A. will be smart enough to bring him in, as Nova.. & allow him to do what he does best.
Mike Bucci's Position in the WWE management is what I was referring to. He had stepped down as a wrestler. I said the expendable thing because he has had problems with other parts of Talent Relations the Steroid linkage made a reason to get rid of him. Personally I want to see Nova back wrestling in his superhero type attire. hopefully in Ring of Honor rather than TNA.
I don't think it's come up but it was mentioned on WZ the other day about how all of team Rated RKO APART from Bucci from survivor series last year was on the list, now Bucci has been fired. A bit of a coincidence if you ask me.

EDIT; Bucci NOT belucci
Belucci is either Dead or doing family comedies. Bucci was simon Dean and he wasn't part of Team Rated RKO last year, You are thinking of Mike Knox there Flameboy. As to your Belucci coment there is only one word to say "To-Ga"
ah cheers for correcting me, I'm totally out of it today! Bucci as belucci and thinking Bucci was Knox, silly boy.

And back on the conspiracy trail, the orton story on WWE has now been replaced by one about hacksaw jim duggan
Source: Newsday

Late Friday night WWE lawyer Jerry McDevitt confirmed to Newsday that one more unnamed wrestler has been suspended for "violating the Wellness Policy."

It is believed that there will be no more suspensions.

As I reported earlier the Pharmacy Ring and suspensions are now believed to be the same list.
AHHHHH , Ok If The Orton Cena Storyline Gets Stopped Just Before Orton WAs Gonna Win It At Unforgiven , Because Of This Bullshit , Thats Amazing , But For All Of You Concerned About The Orton Storyline Being Pulled Down , It Was Up For A Week , And Now Is In The Raw Preview Section Here http://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/.......its the main story , so hopefully it isnt true.

WWE has had warning about this and the telling thing now could be Jericho's off hand comment during the Larry King show with Cena, that he had "filed the paperwork" for a return...

Also several past talents have been getting try-outs... D-Lo Brown will easily slip into the IC title picture, perhaps with an upset on Umaga and leading to a feud with Shelton Benjamin and or Jeff Hardy... Chuck Palumbo will likely step up into the Masters place... and Johnny The Bull with his new gimmick could create some interest...

I doubt WWE will rush the Harts... unless they have Bret...

Big Show could now show how much he loves the business... but we all know Hogan will be sniffing around to pay for some of bad days he's been having lately...
Well folks, sounds as if one of the names won't be suspended and here's the story thanks to the PWTorch

PWTorch.com has been told that at least one top wrestler named in the media stories as turning up in the Internet pharmacy customer list will not be suspended by WWE.

Although only hited to us, the indications we've been given point to an out such as that he "came clean" about the Internet purchases previously and already served a suspension, so he b be suspended for the same violation twice.
I think WWE really needs to set an example!! They should get rid or Orton, Kennedy, and Batista. 3 HUGE names or better yet send them down to ovw so TNA doesnt get them!! This will be a Huge statment to the toher wrestlers saying it doesnt matter if your he top guy in the business if u buy/take steroids or other illegal drugs than c ya!!! Also John Cena wasn't mentioned cuz he is so obviouslt not on steriods he's just built!!!
First time poster but have been skimmin the boards for a while..

First off.. What's with the cena love fest with some of these people when you don't know for sure if he has or has not done steroids..

As for the top wrestler who won't be suspended. I think it's Orton or Kennedy... Orton was busted before and Kennedy has admitted to taking them.. They're both too much involved in story lines too that some way WWE would find a way to side step this..

In this time of wrestling you pretty much have to take steroids to get that "superstar" look.. It's a shame what wrestling is becoming these days
I think WWE really needs to set an example!! They should get rid or Orton, Kennedy, and Batista. 3 HUGE names or better yet send them down to ovw so TNA doesnt get them!! This will be a Huge statment to the toher wrestlers saying it doesnt matter if your he top guy in the business if u buy/take steroids or other illegal drugs than c ya!!! Also John Cena wasn't mentioned cuz he is so obviouslt not on steriods he's just built!!!

But isn't that the point? If we're talking generally, it is more or less known by everyone who works within wwe (unless they're seriously naive) that certain wrestlers take steriods or other frowned upon substances to enhance their physique. I'm not saying I advocate it, but like people have said,it's due to the idea of what a top class wrestler should look like.

It would suprise me if they got rid of those main eventers now when they've turned a blind eye to it when they've been giving them pushes etc.

If I give my personal opinion, I will hold my hands up and say I prefer a wrestler to have a cut and big physique, but if it's at the expense of their health and taking these things then that's obviously more important.

Maybe it's time WWE really started looking at the schedule that their superstars work so that wrestlers have more time to get and stay big naturally than having to use extra stuff to make up for time they don't have.

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