10 WWE Superstars Suspended/Speculation & Effects

There is no way WWE is gonna keep all these guys off TV at the same time, it would KILL ratings. I agree that Morrison should drop the belt to Punk on ECW and that Umaga should drop the belt to either Hardy or Carlito on Raw, but they will NOT take guys like Orton, Batista, Kennedy, Morrison, Umaga, or Booker off TV at the same time, it doesnt mean they wont serve their suspention, it just means they will serve it later.
JOHN CENA HAS NOT BEEN MENTIONED IN ANY STEROID ALLEGATIONS, UNTIL WE HEAR HIS NAME BROUGHT UP LEAVE THE GUY ALONE. Focus on the guys who were stupid enough to get caught taking this stuff and how wwe can overcome their problems. Dont just hate on Cena because you dont like him, I personally hate the guy in-ring, but I respect the fact that he is a main event talent that WWE can truly reley on outside of the ring
{quote}Every forum turns into a bash cena thread at some point. ALL of them. Do you have nothing better to do than bash the guy. He is NOT implicated in this investigation, therefore he is NOT involved in this discussion.

Another Cena batty boy!!! How can Randy Orton and William Regal be on roids and not Cena. Regal and Orton hardly have the "Body Builder" physique like Cena does. So get lost and go polish your spinny belt you loser
JOHN CENA HAS NOT BEEN MENTIONED IN ANY STEROID ALLEGATIONS, UNTIL WE HEAR HIS NAME BROUGHT UP LEAVE THE GUY ALONE. Focus on the guys who were stupid enough to get caught taking this stuff and how wwe can overcome their problems. Dont just hate on Cena because you dont like him, I personally hate the guy in-ring, but I respect the fact that he is a main event talent that WWE can truly reley on outside of the ring

Jesus Christ People, John Cena's name has not come up in these steroid rings so he has nothing to do with this friggin conversation. If your gonna accuse Cena of Shooting then you better accuse Triple H, Khali, Rey Mysterio, and Bobby Lashley of doping too. If the guys name has not come up DONT BRING HIM UP,.
Alright guys, I think enough is enough.

Until they release the names, the Cena bashing is kind of out of place. He hasn't been implicated so far. Yes, he does look like he could possibly be using steroids (along with many others that haven't been mentioned so far), but until his name is brought up, don't let your hatred of the guy turn this thread into a typical Cena-fest. I'm not a big fan of the guy and I wish to hell he'd lose the belt, but he hasn't been listed yet, so why bother arguing about it?
was randy orton,ken kennedy,batista,chavo,king booker,edge,chris masters ,john morrison,rey mysterio and william regal

What about John Cena and HHH ? They do more than anyone it shows to tell you why favoritism is in WWE seeing that he wants to keep his boytoy champion JOhn Cena has done his share of steroids and so has HHH
I say arrest all 12 wrestlers and place them in prison for 20 years an dno less till they learn their lesson
Ken Kennedy who denied taking steroid use and was covering up McMahon and Chris Benoit well guess what the hippocrit spoke when he denounced that it was all internet rumors which wasn't so it tells you now why WWE sux and TNA doesn't!
Everyone that is saying that they have been caught doing steroids right now is wrong, they Have not tested positive for steroids this is a way for WWE to save Face on this issue as it is a huge PR blow to the WWE. You can't also say that they were on it under Doctors Perscription and it was one of those plans where they recieve them for so long, recieving doesn't mean taking them. WWESUX there has been no actual finding of Steroids in their systems as of Right now. John Cena is pretty Clean right now I am not saying he did it in the past as he was a bodybuilder at one stage. HHH has gotten off of the juice as has Rey. But John Cena and Triple H have taken Steroids they haven't gotten them through an online pharmacy. All of the names are said to be customers of a company not saying they tested positive. That last one is a stupid statement records could also have been falsified as we do not know the full extent yet.

And to repeat.

None of them have been tested positive, they have been linked to the Company, which is different
Everyone that is saying that they have been caught doing steroids right now is wrong, they Have not tested positive for steroids this is a way for WWE to save Face on this issue as it is a huge PR blow to the WWE. You can't also say that they were on it under Doctors Perscription and it was one of those plans where they recieve them for so long, recieving doesn't mean taking them. WWESUX there has been no actual finding of Steroids in their systems as of Right now. John Cena is pretty Clean right now I am not saying he did it in the past as he was a bodybuilder at one stage. HHH has gotten off of the juice as has Rey. But John Cena and Triple H have taken Steroids they haven't gotten them through an online pharmacy. All of the names are said to be customers of a company not saying they tested positive. That last one is a stupid statement records could also have been falsified as we do not know the full extent yet.

And to repeat.

None of them have been tested positive, they have been linked to the Company, which is different

The list that is floating around now is a list of people that have served suspensions I think. Matt Hardy was listed, and for the life of me the only thing I can remember was when he was fired and bought back which is hardly a suspension.

Also can I stress to everyone else here, this is not another Cena debate Thread, there is one long ass Thread for that where you can all go around in circles arguing with each other over Cena, Unless his name is mentioned in any reported news stories I dont want people speculating about him... it just leads to more Cena debates.
I doubt those names are true...If it was for some odd reason Good god what a stab right in the heart of an already terrible company. Orton,Kennedy,Bookman,Morrison,Edge,Regal and yet the initals OG were brought up in the investigation:rolleyes:. I think This is BS

You ECW Champion,RAW General Manager, Orton,Kennedy Booker are all top performers in the company and the biggest name that stood out to me...Edge and Edge is what 5x smaller than Lashley,Boretista etc..Is built up like any regular man. Kennedy doesn't even look like he's even been on steriods same with Orton(Even though they admitted from the past). Booker I could see being involved with something. But really WWE isn't going to suspend those guys they are all too involved with their shows and the company.

I think Aerandir put it best. If Cena,Tista Lashley and all of these other monster looking men aren't in this then I won't believe it. More than likely a bunch of mid carders and dude's from OVW.

Orton doesn't look like he is on Roids? How so! He looked like Cody Rhodes when he first came in WWE, and now he looks like a monster. Yeah, I have wondered about him for some time...and I am a fan of Orton's!

Edge shocked me. I didn't think he was on Roids, he doesn't look big enough...although he did say something in an interview, I Will see if I can find it...he said something along the lines of he hardly ever goes to the gym anymore...Made me wonder!

Booker, I have wondered about for some time! I think they should suspend everyone of them, to teach them all a lesson! If they suspend them and keep them off of TV in their contracts but without pay, maybe they will learn a valuable lesson!

On top of all of that, Kennedy? Sure didn't help him! He is still a skinny ass runt! And all of the crap he talked recently on the Benoit thing...he will be deemed a hyporcrite by the media!

I saw something on Wrestlezone said something about Matt Hardy? I don't believe Matt would do Roids...he has been prety adament about not doing them. Please let me know if he is innocent...Matt is one of my favorite wrestlers and I have a hard time believing he is on Roids!
what shadowmancer just said was completly correct..the news about the superstars being LINKED to the doctors who prescribed the steroids, and had been prescribed steroids, is completely independant from people failing drug tests in the wellness policy...this is most probably a PR stunt that was done becuase of the SI findings, and nothing more...there probably wont even be anyone suspended at all really...they put up the story of "10 superstars failing drug tests" on wwe.com for one day, the same day the prescriptions were leaked...now it is gone...all it was a PR thing to make them look like they were doing something about the steroid use in the WWE...being prescribed steroids some time in the past, and failing a test recently, are completely independant events from each other, and thus probably doesnt involve any of the guys named...these "failed tests" probably never even really happened...just PR to make it seem like the WWE is doing something..I wil be very suprised if these major guys really do come up missing, especially given the landscape of the gutted roster as it is....
what shadowmancer just said was completly correct..the news about the superstars being LINKED to the doctors who prescribed the steroids, and had been prescribed steroids, is completely independant from people failing drug tests in the wellness policy...this is most probably a PR stunt that was done becuase of the SI findings, and nothing more...there probably wont even be anyone suspended at all really...they put up the story of "10 superstars failing drug tests" on wwe.com for one day, the same day the prescriptions were leaked...now it is gone...all it was a PR thing to make them look like they were doing something about the steroid use in the WWE...being prescribed steroids some time in the past, and failing a test recently, are completely independant events from each other, and thus probably doesnt involve any of the guys named...these "failed tests" probably never even really happened...just PR to make it seem like the WWE is doing something..I wil be very suprised if these major guys really do come up missing, especially given the landscape of the gutted roster as it is....

I agree, it hasnt evan been said that ANY of these superstars have evan faided a single drug test, which makes me wonder about these drug tests and how serious they really are, If the documents show that they have been buying juice after the wellness ploicy was put in place, then why wernt there any failed tests. Great Point My Friend
One thing's for sure , perhaps the "Major , Major Shake Up" I talked about in the other thread is finally coming to fruition.

Now , We can only speculate at the moment , but. If the following guys are out:

-Randy Orton
-Mr Kennedy
-John Morrision

This is big stuff. I seriously doubt that they'd delay the suspension of the guys , with Congress breathing down their neck right now , they can't afford to be lazy.


Orton - Big news if he is one of them. As hes already been suspended this year, the suspension could be 2 months +. As much as hes involved in a major storyline. I suppose they could have him arrested for assult on Cena's dad. Would make sense. And then with that , have Cena or HHH go heel and setup a fued. Or even someone like Carlito. Or Booker if hes not suspended himself.

Kennedy - Now this is massive. He was lined up for one of the biggest storylines in the last few years , ready for a Wrestlemania push. Again if it is him. I suppose the one thing about the storyline though , is that it hasn't been revealed yet , so someone like Carlito , Punk , Benjamin (would love it to be Benjamin). So it wouldn't be the end of the world for the storyline. For Kennedy maybe , but he'll be back.

Batista - With the lack of talent on Smackdown! , he was needed for , at the very least a stop gap in time for Taker/Edge. It leaves them with a couple of options. Shift someone like Punk , Carlito , Benjamin over to Raw. Or Move someone like Kane (Oh god help us if its Kane vs Khali) , or even Mysterio. That would be a interesting storyline , the David Vs Goliath type thing. Or they could Rush Taker back , but I'm not sure they'd do that.

Umaga - Wouldn't be the biggest loss , but even so. Could open the door for again someone like Benjamin , or Better Cody Rhodes could get a push. Would be a fast track though.

John Morrison - It would be a shame if it was him. Because hes involved in a very good storyline. But could open the door for Burke. Although it wouldn't surprise me if the writers made it Big Daddy V.

All in all , could be a very interesting few weeks.

Two guys that I'm saying will get the worst punishment are Masters and Orton. Since the two in regards to the wellness policy, this will have been their second offense and Orton may get it worse than Masters since that guy was already in hot water this year. Morrison, as far as the ECW belt goes, kiss it goodbye. Because there is no way that he's going to hold that belt much longer. And yeah for Batista and Kennedy, this is REALLY going to hurt the rosters storyline-wise. And whether you like him or hate him, Batista is one of the most over guys in the Smackdown roster. So that will definitely hurt.
They may not have tested positive but if they are clients of signature pharmacy recieving roids, I think its obvious they are taking them. I think its easy to sit on the sidelines and judge, but part of the excitemnt of WWE is people love to watch these monsters fight, and how excited are the fans gonna be with, Batista, Lashly, Orton, and HHH if they are 185 lbs. and avg. size in a year. I doubt we are all gonna pay 49.95 per PPV event to watch a bunch of skinny normal sized individuals fight!!! Sure alot of wrestlers have had great careers without being huge, but most of the true great ones in the past 20yrs are enormous in size!! Just a thought!!
No it is not obvious that they are taking them they could take them under Doctors Perscription for Injuries which in the case of all of the named ones have all occured during the time frame mentioned. Therefore they would not be failing any Drug test. And you hit the nail on the Head there when you said about Size factor and people watching it is a case of The Fans views needing to change from the old mentality.
Shadowmancer I hope you are right, but this is an online pharmacy company that the DA in NY investigating these companies has gathered evidence that most of these scripts written were done without any of them actually ever seeing a doctor! And you are correct about perception, and that would be great, but I do not think it is realistic that wrestling could keep anywhere near its fan base with shrinking athletes!!!!
That is why they need to work on the Fans to promote the smaller guys as just as good if not better than the big guys, it worked sort of after the first steroid thing, it kept them afloat anyway. The Fans attitudes to Wrestling these are the fans that watch the WWE in the most numbers. I mean if you look at the matches that Smarks are talking about as good matches like McGuiness/Danielson neither of these two are overtly muscular in size, but they put on great matches. The attitude of the fans means that the Wrestlers will try and Bulk up more so as to have a push because that is who the fans want to see. Therefore the fans attitudes need to change.
for god sake, does everyone just care about whats going to happen on TV?

Come on guys... they are all going to be dropped of TV for 30 whoever the names are, doesnt matter how big the stars names are or whatever! because WWE cannot afford to have anymore bad press in the news!

secondly, if WWE do not act on this, these wrestlers are going to get away scot free, leaving them to either keep doing it or whatever.

Have we not learned anything from losing Eddie and Benoit? Two of my favourite wrestlers off all time, have had their lives DESTROYED and taken to the grave and at same time taking down others by this shit! Lets not lose more hey.
I would like to say if this list is true and these are the people who are suspended i would say i am very disappointed in them, admittedly guys like Batista are jacked up and you would think they were on steroids,maybe funaki was trying to beef himself up so he could try and get back on tv because lets face it they keep him around when they need to make someone else look tough. I know lets have them beat up FUNAKI!!! Bloody Hell! But out of all of them i think i would have to be most dissapointed with Chavo, SHOULD HAVE DAMN KNOWN BETTER! after what happened to Eddie, should have activated that one brain cell and said no. I would like to see all these guys suspended and give a chance for some of the mid carders to step up there game and prove to Vinnie Mac that they can make the jump to main-event!
Well you would figure a fall guy was coming, and Simon Dean is that guy. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you see Funaki's name coming up as well. The WWE isn't going to touch there stars. Unfortunately, the small guys are going to feel the wrath of this.

But Still, Everyone can complain all they want, but the second that "You think You Know Me" hits on the speakers, and Edge comes running threw the smoke, you guys are going to mark out, just like me.

Yes, this steroid situation is out of control, but it's not just the WWE. Look at Shawn Mariman, or however you spell his name on the Chargers last year. The man was a monster, suspended for four games, and still he was voted to the pro-bowl by his peers.

These guys are living a lifestyle that is going to put them in the grave, but until congress or someone else comes down very hard on all of these organizations, people are just going to serve there suspensions, and come back.
Well we have the first casualty of this affair as Simon "Mike Bussci" Dean has been released form teh company. A little surprised as if they wanted to show congress something they would cut an active wrestler like Chris Masters or Chavo and not a backstage talent but I know he had other problems.

Anyone esle find it funny though that his last gimmick he was pushing all sorts of body enhancing poweders and rugs and now it turns out he knew quite abit about them lol
all these guys especially the likes of CHAVO, BATISTA, BOOKER, REGAL etc. They have been around Benoit and Eddie for years, tagging, family, best friends, travelling, wcw, wwe, japan whatever.. did what happen to Eddie and Benoit not tell them! Hang on we should snap out of this shit?
Mike Bucci's release shouldn't really come as a Surprise as I had read reports that there was some problems with the way stuff was running in the development areas. I Suppose that the link to a Simon System is what put him on the outs with WWE brass. I expect to hear of Nova back on the Indy circuit soon though.
lol I haven't seen or heard of Simon Dean since the short bWo run in the WWE back in 2005. No real loss to have Dean go. I was wondering if he was still contracted.
That is why they need to work on the Fans to promote the smaller guys as just as good if not better than the big guys, it worked sort of after the first steroid thing, it kept them afloat anyway. The Fans attitudes to Wrestling these are the fans that watch the WWE in the most numbers. I mean if you look at the matches that Smarks are talking about as good matches like McGuiness/Danielson neither of these two are overtly muscular in size, but they put on great matches. The attitude of the fans means that the Wrestlers will try and Bulk up more so as to have a push because that is who the fans want to see. Therefore the fans attitudes need to change.

I highly doubt that this situation would change the perception of the fans. People in general have short attention spans. You have to grab their attention quickly. The easiest way to do this is visually (see ripped guys and half-naked women). I would at least like for a wrestler to look like he could kick my butt so he looks a little bit credible.
No none of the Lex Luger types look like they could Legitly kick your arse. Chuck Liddel has a Year Round Beer Gut. He could Kick your arse. You wouldn't think he could if he grew out his hair you wouldn't think he could if you used the Roided up frame as a basis of what is someone that can kick your arse. I say the Fan attitudes need to change because only in the US there a need for Pro Wrestlers to look like the toys. Look at Puroresu the fans don't expect to see Muscle men. Look at traditional British Wrestlers you don't see completely roided up frames until you get to Tom Billington and Davey Boy Smith, most of the other places in the world don't place an emphasis on the looking like a Toy Figure of He-Man. Fans in other parts of the world don't expect it as the norm, so why should US fans. There needs to be a huge attitude change on the part of the fans to help the stopping of Steroids in Wrestling.

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