10 WWE Superstars Suspended/Speculation & Effects

I'm not saying that it's the end for the WWE. This is not going to kill them. It's going to rock them and it's going to hurt them. As far as only 40 day suspensions, not gonna happen. 60 days minimum and pending on the guys and how much hot water they've been in like Orton, it'll be higher than 60. Vince and the WWE can't afford to lose that much talent for that amount of time, but they can't afford to do nothing or go easy on guys either with Congress breathing down their necks. I mean come on, the Congress wanted the autopsy report of Eddie. Probably wanted Benoit's as well. Again, not saying this is going to kill the WWE, but no good will follow from any of this. And in order for the WWE to save face and not suffer more damage, they got some serious work to do.
I wonder if any of these suspended wrestlers with ties to this company also provided others with the same substances.

Like a drug dealer. A Pro Wrestling Crime Syndicate.
Here are a few more notes from WWE Lawyer Jerry McDevitt's appearance on Greta tonight:

- After confirming information from the Albany DA today, Mr. McMahon himself informed the 10 talents that they would be suspended.

- Nine of the suspensions are the Superstar's first offense while one is the second offense for the Superstar. First offenses carry 30 days while second offenses carry a suspension of 60 days. Again, McDevitt didn't name any names or speculate as to who may have what.

- All of the suspensions come with no pay.

The only person on the list I can think that has been suspended is Orton. So he's looking likely.
Kennedy is certainly one, his Wikipedia entry states:

On August 18 2007, Kennedy gave an interview to The Sun UK where he admits to using steroids when he was on the independent wrestling scene, saying he quit the steroids because of the WWE Wellness Policy and that his job in WWE was worth more than an extra ten pounds of muscle mass.[45]

Interesting to see where the McMahon child storyline goes now.
Kennedy is certainly one, his Wikipedia entry states:

On August 18 2007, Kennedy gave an interview to The Sun UK where he admits to using steroids when he was on the independent wrestling scene, saying he quit the steroids because of the WWE Wellness Policy and that his job in WWE was worth more than an extra ten pounds of muscle mass.[45]

Interesting to see where the McMahon child storyline goes now.

First of all Wikipediaa is NOT a reputable source, second of all it says he stopped because of the wellness programme. It doesn't mean anything, it's not a fact until we see names come out
I just have two words… Holy Fuck.

This is insane Orton, Kennedy, Nitro and others rumoured to be serving 30-60 Day suspensions because they have taken what I guess would be called illegal drugs. Now obviously being in Britain I haven’t seen the massive media coverage that the illegal drugs in wrestling scandal has gotten, but does this not seem a little too convenient for everyone? We are a little under a week removed from SummerSlam arguably the second biggest Pay Per View of the year and we don’t have anything major until November for Survivor Series… to me it seems like this couldn’t of happened at a better time for the WWE. I mean if you are going to have 10+ Wrestlers suspended this is probably the best time of year to actually do it. Honestly if you ask me this is the WWE’s way of covering a gunshot wound with a plaster and I believe they are only doing this to show the media that they are doing something about it. The thing is, these people will all still be employed by the company and a lot of them hold top positions in the company when they end their suspension, what kind of message is that sending? Its okay if you use illegal drugs as long as you serve a suspension. If the WWE really wanted to stamp this out, these people would be out of the company quicker than it takes me to write this post.

But the problem with that is, say they were to fire all of these people TNA would just pick them up and with that sort of Star Power they probably would be a viable competitor for the WWE. What I am getting at here is this isn’t just a problem within the WWE, but within Wrestling itself and it needs to be stopped, I mean how many more wrestlers have to die for the industry to stand up and say “no, not anymore” if everyone was to band together and NOT take these drugs there would not be a problem.

You know, I have a lot more random thoughts running through my head, but its early here I’ll try to post the rest of them up later.
So I have a couple issues with this, but my first is clearly going to be the media. I don't know if everyone gets the samething, but on my espn-news channel.. down at the bottom, with the different news stories for different sporting catagories.. under "news" it has that W.W.E. has suspended 10 wrestlers & something about a meeting in September, about steroids in wrestling.

My biggest issue with this, is NOONE in the media or ESPN, would give a second look to W.W.E. as a sport.. UNLESS something like this happens, which obviously, only makes W.W.E. look like shit to the world. I'm sick & tired of a wrestler dying, then seeing it all over the news with the basic point being made that W.W.E. was the one who "pulled the gun." (so to speak)

If media outlets like ESPN are going to run crap like this, then why not run other news such as winners & losers from p.p.v.'s, Championship title changes, or really big stories on wrestlers returning & whatknot. Don't just bad mouth the industry, because you're pissed they call themselves a sport.. & slap the word "entertainment" behind it. If you're going to run stuff about wrestling, then don't just stick to the bad stuff.

Now then, regarding the suspensions.. wow, I can't believe you could gather a bigger group of names then the likes of Batista, Randy Orton, Mr. Kennedy, King Booker & Edge. First & foremost.. I think that this will definately destroy W.W.E. for the next couple of monthes, because if each of these guys take a 30 day suspension.. Unforgiven & No Mercy will be basically a glorified Raw, Smackdown & E.C.W. Supershow.

I could've seen them dropping Batista, Chris Masters & Chavo Guerrero out of storylines, cause more or less they aren't in any, anymore as it is. (Batista was, but Mysterio replaced him)

Randy Orton suffers the worst out of everyone, possibly with Kennedy behind him. Orton suffers because it was heavily rumored that he'd become the next World Champion.. whats that mean now, Triple H? hopefully.. or Cena continues to reign as the main guy.. because sadly, if all these guys get 30 day cuts.. he would be the only guy left. I can picture it now, the next 4-5 Raws will have 3 diva single's matches, Cody Rhodes running wild & a 40 minute John Cena promo, with Triple H. interrupting.

One last thing, Edge, how will this effect him? Suspend him, NOW?! Its not like he can return within 30-60 days, anyways. So would his suspension be held off until when he can return... THEN suspend him?! Or worse, what would happen if they suspended him now (which means without pay) & then, as punishment.. when he came back, they DID NOT give him the World Heavyweight Championship back?

My final thoughts on the group is this..

Randy Orton: His punishment could very well be no longer winning the W.W.E. Championship, & once again losing his Main Event push. (on top of ANOTHER suspension - remember he was suspended last year for, I believe, cockiness)

King Booker: If he thought jobbing to Triple H. was bad, wait until he returns. I can definately see Cody Rhodes notching a couple victories over King Booker, cleanly.. as his punishment.

Mr. Kennedy: The assumed bastard son of Mr. McMahon, does this mean the storyline would be cut all together? Worse, does this mean Kennedy would be taken completely out of the storyline.. as its ONLY been rumored that he's involved.

Edge: He's injured, so a 30-60 day suspension would only hurt his pockets.. so therefore, I see his punishment being a return to Smackdown, without a Championship reign involved.

William Regal: Just given the G.M. role on Raw, will Coach somehow be back in the main spotlight & Regal be on the outs?

John Morrison: If he wasn't set to lose the E.C.W. Championship to C.M. Punk before.. you can bet he is now. Worse yet, I can even see him somehow being stripped of the Championship, that way it can go into a "impressive" Ladder match, or gimmick match, between Punk, Burke, Big Daddy V, or several others.. & when Morrison returns, he'd get a shot.. only to lose cleanly?!

Batista: A suspension would be the best thing for his character, as he's been handed/given a Main Event/Smackdown Championship match at every p.p.v. this year practically.. AND LOST THEM ALL.. Batista dropping off t.v. is actually, probably, going to help him in the long run.

Finally.. Chavo Guerrero & Chris Masters: Good luck in T.N.A. - thats all I have to say.
I just personally think its wierd that ppl r so shocked that steroids r in the WWE, they r making it out to b thi huge scandal and when you look at these guys its kinda obvious. Also how r John Cena and Boddy Lashley not on this list? Did u guys see the pictures of lashley in college wrestling?Hes tiny!
I just personally think its wierd that ppl r so shocked that steroids r in the WWE, they r making it out to b thi huge scandal and when you look at these guys its kinda obvious. Also how r John Cena and Boddy Lashley not on this list? Did u guys see the pictures of lashley in college wrestling?Hes tiny!

I'm not intentionally trying to bad mouth you, or "flame" you, because its your opinion & you have every right to it..

However, to me, this is such a ignorant post. Just because a guy is tiny at one point in his life then becomes huge in another.. it automatically means its steroids. pffft.. you realize he was in the marine's, or army, or whatever. Its not like they don't make you work out almost all the fricken time. And John Cena was huge when he was "the Proto-type."

I'm NOT saying either did or didn't take roids.. but you also stated that people are shocked. And quite honestly, I'm surprised theres an actual true-hearted wrestling fan out there.. who'd believe instantly that all these "big bodied" wrestlers naturally didn't get that way by working out, & taking legal vitamins, but instead took the easy route & injected roids into their body.

Steroids are a major part of EVERY sport seemingly, because selective athletes don't believe in their own abilities. Outside of wrestling, who is the media truly attacking? Baseball at one point & time.. but anymore, wrestling has become the major target..
mcnairfrk,i dont think ppl are schocked there are steroids in wrestling overall,they are schocked that the WWE might actually suspended so many
main eventers at the same time and again like most ppl have already said dont talk about Cena,hes not one of the wrestlers that might be suspended
Come on, do you think they are going to rewrite all their major storylines with Unforgiven 3 weeks away! Hell No, they said that 1st November is when they will release the names, so i think thats when the suspensions will begin that gives them time to work on new storylines and angles to explain where all there top names have gone for 30/60 days, even if the names on the list on this site are true! I'm not sure because you just cant print stuff that isnt true because thats libel! and WWE could take people to court for things like that!
Come on, do you think they are going to rewrite all their major storylines with Unforgiven 3 weeks away! Hell No, they said that 1st November is when they will release the names, so i think thats when the suspensions will begin that gives them time to work on new storylines and angles to explain where all there top names have gone for 30/60 days

I think this is a great point, actually. W.W.E. mentioned that they will suspend 10 of their talent for the events talked about. However, did anyone actually read that these athletes would be INSTANTLY suspended? It'd be more than perfect for them to continue with current storylines & give them 2 solid monthes to come up with injury angles, losses, etc..

But on the flip side, someone else mentioned Survivor Series being the next solid p.p.v. & that'd be in November. SO, with THAT being said.. if the aforementioned Superstars that'd be involved got suspended in November, they'd all but miss the Survivor Series.

And if W.W.E. thinks logically.. more people would buy Survivor Series than Unforgiven & No Mercy.
So as a wrestling fan, after the suspensions are over for the suspected users do you root for them? Do you still think the same of them? Will you watch and wonder if so and so is using? Can we look at HHH, Cena, Lashley,HBK, Taker and not question whether these big names are on steriods as well? The thing is they are only hurting themselves. This is sports entertainment after all, they are putting this stuff into themselves to entertain us. Heel or face there are a majority of wrestlers who love performing for us and aren't just about making themselves rich. Lets hope they are able to overcome whatever steriod they maybe on and will be okay down the road. Guess I'm just thinking it might be hard for some to watch wrestling and not question who may or may not be taking performance enhancing drugs.
One thing's for sure , perhaps the "Major , Major Shake Up" I talked about in the other thread is finally coming to fruition.

Now , We can only speculate at the moment , but. If the following guys are out:

-Randy Orton
-Mr Kennedy
-John Morrision

This is big stuff. I seriously doubt that they'd delay the suspension of the guys , with Congress breathing down their neck right now , they can't afford to be lazy.


Orton - Big news if he is one of them. As hes already been suspended this year, the suspension could be 2 months +. As much as hes involved in a major storyline. I suppose they could have him arrested for assult on Cena's dad. Would make sense. And then with that , have Cena or HHH go heel and setup a fued. Or even someone like Carlito. Or Booker if hes not suspended himself.

Kennedy - Now this is massive. He was lined up for one of the biggest storylines in the last few years , ready for a Wrestlemania push. Again if it is him. I suppose the one thing about the storyline though , is that it hasn't been revealed yet , so someone like Carlito , Punk , Benjamin (would love it to be Benjamin). So it wouldn't be the end of the world for the storyline. For Kennedy maybe , but he'll be back.

Batista - With the lack of talent on Smackdown! , he was needed for , at the very least a stop gap in time for Taker/Edge. It leaves them with a couple of options. Shift someone like Punk , Carlito , Benjamin over to Raw. Or Move someone like Kane (Oh god help us if its Kane vs Khali) , or even Mysterio. That would be a interesting storyline , the David Vs Goliath type thing. Or they could Rush Taker back , but I'm not sure they'd do that.

Umaga - Wouldn't be the biggest loss , but even so. Could open the door for again someone like Benjamin , or Better Cody Rhodes could get a push. Would be a fast track though.

John Morrison - It would be a shame if it was him. Because hes involved in a very good storyline. But could open the door for Burke. Although it wouldn't surprise me if the writers made it Big Daddy V.

All in all , could be a very interesting few weeks.
Come on, do you think they are going to rewrite all their major storylines with Unforgiven 3 weeks away! Hell No, they said that 1st November is when they will release the names, so i think thats when the suspensions will begin that gives them time to work on new storylines and angles to explain where all there top names have gone for 30/60 days, even if the names on the list on this site are true! I'm not sure because you just cant print stuff that isnt true because thats libel! and WWE could take people to court for things like that!

This is exactly my point, the WWE choses when to and not to enforce their so called wellness policy. There are 10+ guys that have not only broken the rules of the WWE (therefore breaking their contract I might add) but they have possibly broken the law they should be out the door without a second thought. Especially with the amount of media hype surrounding the steroids stuff. But instead they are going to decide to get their own business in order instead of doing the right thing. God forbid the writers would have to *gasp* think on their feet and maybe build some new stars for a change.

The WWE should not be allowed to chose when and how people that have broken the rules should serve their suspension, so what if it screws up a couple of Pay Per Views, as far as I can tell the WWE has sat on this for alot longer than we think as well they have quite possibly known about this for at least a few weeks. Like I said before this seems like a really half assed attempt at manipulating the media into being on their side, the WWE are saying "Hey yeah we have a problem, but we are dealing with it" only they are not dealing with it. The constant pressure put on WWE Wrestlers to have the right "look" is what is driving these Wrestlers to use performance enhancing drugs.

If they really wanted to send a stern message to the rest of the industry and the rest of the world these people taking drugs should be out, no questions asked, not suspended when storylines fit it and being told in one ear "dont worry, you can keep taking them, just dont get caught doing it". With the amount of wrestlers passing away (and I am by no means saying the WWE is directly responsible for killing these wrestlers) over the last ten years the WWE as the #1 Wrestling Promotion in the world needs to be seen to be actually doing something about it, not half assed media cover-ups of the problems.
Are you guys bloody selfish or what?? Or you guys care about is the show, the entertainment. oh no, my god, the shows going to be rough for a bit!

The real major factor in all of this is, lets save their freakin' lives! let's save 10 or so more lives before we lose more lives like eddie/benoit/crush/awesome because, as a fan of wrestling, i dont know if i can handle losing another one of my idols..

edge, batista, randy orton, chavo, helms, charlie haas, regal, booker, kennedy, nitro, .. all freakin young guys (minus booker/regalish) under the age of 40, lets not lose more of them!

I am in support of a suspension to all of them, if 30/60/90 or permenant suspensions/expulsions is what it takes to save some more young lives then so be it.
Im going to bring this up as I don't think it has been mentioned yet. This is in line with what I will say later, but Smackdown's #1 Announcer has been implicated in this thing. This tells me the direction they are probably taking this entire saga, all of the suspended will most likely be lower midcard(Masters) to the very bottom Rung(Funaki) The big name Heavyweights will still be fine most likely, why not have the small guys take the fall. This is what I can see happening, But Funaki, does Funaki look like he is on the Juice? I don't think so.
they should all take the fall shadowmancer, they need to! whats it going to prove if they stay on? that they get away with scot free? come on man! they are all in it, who ever the names are! they should all go down equally or none at all. and if they dont WWE will be up shit creek without a paddle
Im not sure whos taken drugs cuz u can probaly tell if people are on steroids or not. Chris masters looks definately on steroids because lots of people on drugs have really big muscles and have big veins through their arms but some wrestlers are well-built and dont look like they've taken drugs. But the list might turn out to be right so its hard to tell whos going to be suspended or not.
Randy Orton
King Booker
Mr Kennedy
William Regal
Charlie Hass
Santino Maralla

Obviously, this hurts RAW the most. 6 out of 7 were used as regulars on RAW each week in the past month, and the other (Hass) was kinda a glorified Jobber. I just looked at the RAW roster, and 7 out of 28 Male wrestlers are here. (I didn't include names like Vince, Austin, Anouncers, or Divas) Thats 25% of the RAW roster gone for a month. And looking at the roster again, there are only two people the WWE could even THINK of using at Cenas new opponent, that being HHH and Snitsky. And THAT would suck both ways. The best news is that we get a new IC champion, and the best thing they could do for that is have some kinda gimmick match at Unforgivin, like a Ladder match or somthing, or even have a tourny.

Chris Masters
Gregory Helms
Chavo Guerrero

Smackdown didn't get it that bad. Only two of the 6 names were used regularly in the past month, and with the Friday Night Spoilers, it looks like Batista and Chavo were both left without a storyline, therefor making it that much easier to deal with. Like mentioned before, with Taker VS Henry and MVP vs Hardy, plus the Main event, Smackdown will hold through this.


Alot of people are saying this will have the biggest effect. I disagree. Although it will be HUGE for Morrison, I can actually see this being a good thing. How many people were actually looking forward to Punk Morrison 4? But this time, instead of having a four person tournament like last time (with the title going to someone not involved no less) Have a fatal 6 way or somthing with Punk, Burke, Miz, Big V, Boogeyman, and hell, toss Dreamer in there for namesake. Hell, throw Stevie and Thorn in there to freshen up the rivalry and add presege to it. An 8 way pinfall battle royal at Unforgivin? If they focused on that kinda storyline for the next couple of weeks, that would really bring up rating. John "Who"? haha
Very sorry for the bias opinion yesterday, here's my take on this. If indeed these are the superstars that are getting this suspension then unforgiven is going to take on a big change. We may see mid carders in the spotlight at unforgiven. Obvisously the ill legitamate child angle may be in trouble or put on hold for now seeing as how it's suppose to be Kennedy and his name is on that suspected list. Give John Cena some credit here, now I've come to hate Cena but as a top superstar he has shown responsibility and has not dropped the ball.
You know, so long as it gets Cena off of our screens I really don't care..
Ok thats my Cena bashing over with.
You know as much as it sucks it really isn't all that surprising just as Benoit and Guerrero weren't surprising.
I mean heres 2 guys that back when they were with the radicalz were fairly small men in the grand scheme of things and then all of the sudden ballooned up to heavyweight size, if alarm bells weren't ringing in Vince's ears then he should really get a hearing test.
I just think Vince's view of what wrestling and entertainment should be is all wrong as we all might agree from the recent years gone by. He seems to encourage the huge superstars while smaller guys just get left to fill in the gaps of his stale shows, when in reality I find that the smaller guys actually put on a hell of alot better matches then the big guys, they just don't get the recognition they deserve.
I just hope the WWE and Vince learns from this and starts heading in a newer fresher direction... Although I'm really not banking on it, why try and fix something that aint broke right?
I'm surprised nobody's thinking of the most logical punishment that won't hurt the company and would be the best move for both entertaining the fans, maintaining the business, and still showing that they are going to have punishments for breaking contract:

30-60-90 (depending on the consequence) days, forced labor, without pay.

Why? Because it keeps the storylines going and the only people that are seeing the negative side of this are the wrestlers that got themselves in the situation. Why punish the fans who have stuck beside you through your "dark times" as people are calling it and give them main event matches filled with jobbers and such? For our Green Bay friend who is now pissed that he may be spending money to see a live show and have nobody he wanted to see on it, why should he have to waste his money just because someone else did something wrong? If the WWE is smart, they'll realize that yes, suspending even the main event superstars will make you look better to Congress, however your ratings have been dropping lately as is, and if you give a 10x worse product, you're likely to lose an enormous amount of money and it'll be a long time before you can get back into the swing of things because you'll have to reset stories and rebuild feuds. They're concerned about the buy rate for the past few ppvs, correct? Well are they really going to solve that by having Cena/Snitsky? No. WWE is in a tough spot here, obviously, but the best option for them is to solely punish the wrestlers themselves by not paying them for their services.

They have two options:

1. Suspend everyone and severely lose large chunks of money for roughly two or three months, just to look slightly better to Congress, who is already on their ass - And this won't save them from the publicity because they've already gotten it and they've already been in a bad spotlight from it, so doing this isn't the magical fix of it all.

2. Keep the wrestlers and don't pay them, allowing the revenue to continue coming in, and keeping the same position with the Congress situation.

As far as the congressional issue is concerned, the only way the WWE will be given a bright limelight in the situation is if they literally spot-on fired everyone that was involved and said "see, we have no tolerance whatsoever", and if they do that, goodbye WWE. This Congress issue is the same as nearly every other debate in that the prosecution side is going to take every little bit of information and try to use it as a battering ram. Crush died recently, right? No reports so far if it was due to steroids, but they'll say how he formerly used them. He wasn't involved in the company when he died, but are they going to say he used to be, so that they can try to make it seem like the WWE subordinately killed him? You're damn right they are.

Now look, I'm not defending steroids at all...I don't even think people should drink alcohol, let alone do any kind of drugs or smoke cigarettes. However, you guys have to look at this through business glasses. If they suspend their big superstars, they'll be more damaged than if they keep them and just don't pay them. The lower superstars like Haas, yeah, they could be suspended, but they can't be taken off TV and the more popular ones NOT, because then it will arouse suspicions and those same people that would blame the WWE for Crush's death will be pointing fingers and saying there are exemptions to the rule.
Well, I'm shocked. I do notice one glaring similarity among the wrestlers on the list, and that is a lot of them have been recovering from injuries. Maybe the steroids weren't prescribed, so they went to outside sources to help with their recovery and keep them in shape until they could return. I heard that Edge, Kennedy, King Booker Helms, Batista, Umaga and Santino all had lingering injuries or recovering from them, and who knows what the others have. Maybe a lot of them like Funaki, Kennedy and Helms don't look all jacked up, but they do need to be in shape, and when you're on injury or nursing one, sometimes you can't do your normal regiment. Remember when Austin came back for one PPV and he looked really out of shape? That's what can happen if you don't have a way to keep the muscle growing.

No way that they will make the suspensions uneven. If they did that, that would put an even bigger spotlight on the whole thing. It'd be like the NFL suspending some 3rd string guys for 8 games for drugs but giving Terrell Owens a slap on the wrist and a fine.

By the way, please stop saying that Cena and HHH are on steroids. It's not true, it's only speculation and you DON'T KNOW. So they're big, so they've grown, so what? Every person with large muscles is on steroids now? God forbid anyone actually goes to a gym! Even if they are or were, they weren't caught, were they? Cena and HHH are bigger, they work out and they aren't involved in a steroid scandal. So quit wanting them to be in trouble.

The WWE will find a way to make it work. Even if it is Cena vs. Carlito and Mysterio vs. Khali, and C.M. Punk vs. Big Daddy V or Elijah Burke or The Miz or whomever. They're not completely sunk yet. The main thing is to make sure they keep their books in order because Congress does not play around.
On the wrestler topic,

Many wrestlers, movie stars and athletes use steroids on a regular basis. Some are now getting caught because the authorities are trying to shut down the distrubutors. Just because someone is named here or tested positive at some point, doesn't mean they are the only ones. Cena may be on roids, other guys may be on roids. Many NFL, MLB, MMA guys use HGH and roids and do it in a way so they don't get caught with the testing that is in place.
There needs to be a standard drug policy used in all athletics which includes blood testing of athletes at random times throughout the year. Now should WWE be included in a sports drug policy? I don't know, since they are entertainment. So maybe there should be an entertainment policy as well where wrestler and actors are being tested randomly by their employers. Maybe movie studios should randomly test there stars just as WWE should.
Also the legal ramifications should be increased, so if you are caught using, or they find your name on a list of clients of an illegal pharmacy scam you should go to jail. The penalties for being caught with steroids should be through the legal system not form the employers.
These types of things will solve the problems. You can not expect companies to suspend there athletes, actors, wrestlers and lose money on purpose.

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