Jeff Hardy Suspended for 60 days.

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I officially hate Jeff Hardy. It's obvious that Vince doesn't give a damn about the wellness policy at all.

Jeff Hardy comes back and gives a damn promo, a PROMO, about being his being away. That was some half-hearted apology anyway. Plainly bullshit, that was just another way to give him some heat back instead of punishing him for his own dumb assery.

And then squashes Umaga, a man that is 10 times the worker Hardy has ever been, a man that has gotten over (Umaga gets nice face pops these days if you haven't noticed)
through his solid ring work alone.

Screw Hardy.
I officially hate Jeff Hardy. It's obvious that Vince doesn't give a damn about the wellness policy at all.

Jeff Hardy comes back and gives a damn promo, a PROMO, about being his being away. That was some half-hearted apology anyway. Plainly bullshit, that was just another way to give him some heat back instead of punishing him for his own dumb assery.

And then squashes Umaga, a man that is 10 times the worker Hardy has ever been, a man that has gotten over (Umaga gets nice face pops these days if you haven't noticed)
through his solid ring work alone.

Screw Hardy.

I agree. He's suspended fro two months. He'll probably be suspended again withing 6 months. Yet it doesn't look like his push will stop. I fully expect him to feud with Punk, defeat Punk, claim the MITB, then get a title run. It's ridiculous. Yeah he's over, but so is Matt. Not as over, but just as bland and 100 x more reliable. Push him instead. At least he had a personality in 2003.
Rather silly. but its the Ultimate Warrior syndrome. He is over. so he gets away with murder, and goes over much more deserving competition. Its just disappointing, becuase he will get going again, get onto a run, get the kiddies beliving again, and then most llikely gets suspended for a third and final time, wasting all the time and effort. At least it gives us the oppurtunity of getting that breif case off of Punk for the mean time.
It's fucking ridiculous that upon his return, he's gone over two top tier wrestlers in Umaga and MVP. What's even worse is the fact that he's used a well-defined set-up move to beat both of them. Even more ridiculous is the fact that he's not even being punished for failing a second Wellness test. The credibility of Umaga and MVP has definitely taken a hit, and you might as well throw the wellness policy out the window at this point.

Last night, when MVP laid out the open challenge, it should have been Kennedy in that role. Kennedy has gotten ridiculously over in the last few weeks, and a win on a PPV over MVP would have done wonders to boost his stock.

Another fact that can't be ignored is the fact that they're already building him up to be the #3 face on the Raw roster, yet again. He's going to be passing the likes of Kennedy, HBK, and Jericho, who should all have that status.

Hardy should have been jobbed out in his return match, and he should have been jobbed out to MVP last night. He fucked up a major angle, the Money in the Bank storyline, and he made management look stupid by putting a lot of faith into him. He's going to make them look stupid again when he fails his third drug test. I give him six months, tops.
Relax Pete Rose's Haircut(He does have some hair btw) nothing has happened to the credibility of Umaga or MVP. They're the heels , Jeff Hardy ufortunatly is an established face. To me and you sure it looks bad he beat both of them with a set up move but the average watcher doesn't know the difference. Umaga will still probably goto smackdown and I even think down the line, whole the World Title. Same for MVP.
Now don't get me wrong..I strongly dislike Jeff Hardy's status as far as main event wrestlers go thats my opinion. I see his appeal(he does wrestle entertaining matches, he has long stupid dyed hair, and that whole high school girl appeal to him)(my opinion) but, the fact this is his second drug suspension just goes to show why Vince doesn't put the strap on just anyone. For awhile I've been on this site (Since like 98) and I've seen people talk about guys like Hardy and RVD not get a world title when it was deserved.
Then time and time again these guys show why they are unfit to carry such a title. Now don't get me wrong, I love RVD always have, hes a great talent and I hope to see him in a WWE ring sooner then later. But in any job in order to reach the top you have to carry yourself in a certain way cause once your at the top your actions are an image of that company you represent. The WWE gave RVD a title and look what happens...He's pulled over with weed and Vicadin like he was in friggan high school. People make mistakes, of course we all have, but when your the champ your held to a higher standard than everyone else thats why you have the damn belt in the first place. So in essence you can't screw up like that and be at the top you just can't
So finishing up this whole mindless rant that sounds like something out of my old man's repertoire of quotes I think this Jeff Hardy suspension proves why certain men in the business it seems get close to the title but never ascertain because of reasons one would only know by being behind the cameras
You Guys/ Gals You Know Why Jeff Hardy Get A Push Cus Hes A Fan Favorite Yeah Thats Write A Fan Favorite John Cena comes back Everyone thinks it Amazing Fuck Cena Stop Shoving The Wanka Down Our throats On Other hand Hardy Had His House Burnt Down He Lost All His Possession And His Dog Now I Like Too see 1 F*c^er Try To Deal Wif and See What You Resort to yeah
Well Hardy's house burnt down after he smoked some crack. It also probably burnt down because of a discarded crack pipe. Or he left the gas on. Either way, houses just don't burn down. It was probably a mistake by Hardy, his girlfriend, or the dog that did it.

Jeff Hardy rox? I say he sox.
Well Hardy's house burnt down after he smoked some crack. It also probably burnt down because of a discarded crack pipe. Or he left the gas on. Either way, houses just don't burn down. It was probably a mistake by Hardy, his girlfriend, or the dog that did it.

Jeff Hardy rox? I say he sox.

I agree he should have punished after he came back, or at the very least just keep him out the the main event picture for a month or so, it doesnt seem fair that Rob Van Dam would get punished when he was caught but jeff didnt.
After a few months of reading all these posts I feel I have to share my thoughts on this

First off I will admit I am a jeff hardy fan and I will try to keep this post unbiased

I have been watching wrestling for many years now and have seen (as they happened) great matches such as hulk vs. randy savage, jake Roberts vs. undertaker, undertaker vs. undertaker, etc... you get the point. I was always partial to the main eventers as the wwe presented them to the crowd and viewers. But when I first caught glimpse of Jeff Hardy I was a instant fan. I first saw him when he came out with Matt and Micheal Hayes (manager) as a tag team. I saw the in ring style and charisma that he brought and thought "this guy will be going places".

I have actually had the honor of meeting Jeff hardy at a signing along with his brother Matt once and one thing that has turned me off of Matt so much and more to Jeff was when I was getting the autograph Matt called us fans glory hogs and jeff replied "if it wasnt for these guys we would still be on trampolines in our backyard" Needless to say that was a very cool thing that he stated and that he appreciated us as fans.

Now along with whatever he is addicted to that caused the suspension, I know what it is like to be addicted to something and it is very hard to overcome. The only way I can give you guys (people who don't have ANY addictions) is take a deep breath through your mouth and hold it.... soon you think man I want to take a breath.... and not to soon after you think I HAVE TO TAKE A BREATH.... and not to soon after you do. A addiction is very similar to this process... you have to do it. The road to recovery is learning how to get around the urge to breathe through your mouth....

now I never said you couldn't breathe through your nose now did I??? Learning to cope with addiction is learning to think of ways around it. Unfortunately Jeff has not learned that yet.

Some of you may say oh it was the weed he smokes... uuummm that does not warrant a suspension in the wwe. It was something more serious. Such as pain killers which I can see with ANY wrestler cause of the bumps and spills they take while performing for us. If it wasn't painkillers then I really have no idea. All I know is it was something that he has gotten in trouble for in the past. It's a addiction and I hope he can overcome it.

As for the main event push I was ecstatic that it was happening and VERY let down that he was suspended for the violation. I really thought that he overcame it and was ready to become one of the elite. Unfortunately this is not going to happen right now. Maybe soon he will learn to breathe through his nose. I also feel this violation was also a reason he went to smackdown. Raw has always been first, Smackdown second.

All in all this guy I think is very entertaining and has main event status. But he has to deal with his inner demons before he can progress any further than mid card. Time will tell with him, but I will always be a fan of this guy whether he overcomes them or not
i thought he was suspended for doing that 30 foot hight swanton bomb on randy orton coz after that episode, they met again to apologize and after that, i didn't see hardy that much...
Jeff didn't do crack, he used his brothers pains med, and Umaga harder worker than Hardy? his free ride on the rocks name, and being pushed in WM and squashing people is really hard work.
While I don't think you should bring up an old thread like this, I'd like to use the occasion to discuss another incident with our friend Jeff.

Yeah, the Nashville airport incident. What do you guys make of that? Do you think he did something again? Possibly bad enough to warrant a final strike? I'm not saying we should draw conclusions here but...I don't know, the whole deal makes me feel uneasy for some reason.
I don't know what to think of the whole situation. I mean, it does seem like a serious issue and although they didn't arrest him, it is never a good thing when the police take you off a plane and want to question you on something. It has all the makings of "drugs in his bags". If that is the case, I think the WWE will fire him. I think it is enough to warrant a third strike and they would see that Hardy is not willing to change.

But who knows, maybe I'm wrong.
I hate Jeff Hardy with a passion. And I can tell you that you guys are probably worrying for nothing.

I don't think the situation has to do with anything serious so its unlikely to be making the rounds around the newsprint or whatever.

This won't affect Jeff Hardy at all.
No need to bump this old thread. If you want to discuss a Hardy issue, start a thread for that one. This is old news.

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