Jan 4th- Monday Night Raw vs TNA iMPACT

Which federation won on January 4th?

  • WWE is my favorite, and TNA came out the clear victor

  • WWE is my favorite, and WWE came out the clear victor

  • TNA is my favorite, and TNA came out the clear victor

  • TNA is my favorite, and WWE came out the clear victor

  • I like both equally, and WWE was the best show

  • I like both equally, and TNA had the best show

  • I hate both equally, and WWE had the best show

  • I hate both equally, and TNA had the best show

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I agree with this 100%. Raw has confirmed matches and what not, the WWE viewers know what they can expect on Raw. The TNA viewers has nothing guaranteed but Hulk Hogan and a bunch of rumors.

But you know what, I wouldn't have it any other way. Instead of confirming tons of matches and appearances, they are leaving it open. They are leaving the fans to wonder what's going to happen tonight.

The only thing the WWE fans have to wonder about is what Bret Hart is going to do, how he will interact with Shawn/Triple H and McMahon.

TNA I believe has two confirmed matches, I believe Tara vs ODB is confirmed and so is Taylor Wilde and Sarita against Awesome Kong and Hamada with the belts on the line. Now we all know, that TNA's Knockout division is a staple of TNA. So I believe it's a smart move to advertise these two matches for the fans. To me this says, TNA fans, we've got two great Knockouts matched planned for you guys, and also, for you WWE fans who are tired of the division there, come check out ours, where the women really wrestle.

I cannot wait. I personally will be watching both, but I'll be in the TNA Live Discussion ONLY tonight. I just have to say , just as D-Man said, don't get over hyped though, because you may set yourself up for some major disappointments.

I would have to say that WWE is unquestionably going to be the more disappointing show tonight vs People's expectations.

WWE is not going to go overboard tonight, but they will have a phenomenal segment between Vince, Bret, Shawn, and maybe Triple H. But that is literally the only thing different they can offer.

It is going to be nothing new from what you have seen out of them for years, and I honestly don't know why people fall for it every time.

TNA wants to surprise you. They are going up against Raw. And if they would deliver, like D-Man suggests and commit to segments in advance, then that takes the "expect the unexpected" away.

There is a fine line between announcing some stuff for the show, but keeping your mouth shut to surprise the fans, for the rest.

But knowing WWE's past track record for delivering, you are setting yourselves up for major disappointments if you have any degree of expectations for the show tonight other than Bret Hart's interaction with Vince and Shawn. The rest of the show will be the usual Raw you see every Monday night, with nothing else special.
I have to agree with you Sid. I think Raw will be a good show but not as awesome as everyone predicts. Sure the interaction will be great between Bret, Vince, and Shawn, but that is really all there is to promote. Cena won't be there to have heated segments with Sheamus, and the matches booked are pretty much the same matches we have seen on Raw.

We have seen DX vs. Jerishow a ton on Raw, along with Orton vs. Kofi. I'm sure they will be good matches, but nothing spectacular. Along with that, we have a divas tournament. Besides Bret Hart's return, it sounds like a regular show to me. Who knows though, Vince may have some surprises up his sleeve.

TNA may or may not live to expectations, but from what we have read it definitely sounds like TNA will be a cant miss show. We will see some new talent and old with a new set and logo for TNA. We have the Knockouts matches and probably even a world title match tonight. I don't think we should get our hopes up, but I think TNA could be incredible. Raw has the ability to be incredible as well.

We will have to wait and see because both shows have been mediocre lately, but there is a lot of potential for them to be awesome tonight.
Jeff Hardy to TNA has legitimately made me think about watching TNA.

Luckily though, he is supposed to be in the first match of the night for TNA and this is a good thing for me. Hopefully, TNA manages to keep my attention past that. It is certainly shaping up to be a fucking epic night. I have goosebumps for this. It is the first time I have been excited for wrestling in ages. Kudos TNA.
With Bret Hart being the guest host, he's more than likely going to appear somewhere from the start. However, if it wasn't for this I wouldn't put it past WWE to hold off his appearance til the end of the show near the overrun. WWE doesn't really have that many big stars when you think about it. The WWE Champion Sheamus in my opinion is not really ready to head a show past his feud with John Cena. John Cena is still saying "You Can't See Me" way past it's time. He is tired and has no dimensions to them. For all the people who say that NWO is recycled, DX is just as recycled. WWE seems to somewhat still be in yesterday as much as TNA.

However, on the otherhand I want to see what TNA has in store. I think that TNA is definitely gonna be different for one night only at least. TNA has a knack for also waiting until the end of the show to show things which they promote throughout the show, but TNA cannot slip up tonight. They are out to make a point and I believe that even if TNA doesn't put on another quality show for 2010, they will bring out everything they have tonight. They have to show all they have to offer with the Knockouts Division, the X-Division, as well as the World Title race. They also need to show that they have or had a strong tag team division something that WWE has not had in years. They have to show everything they have to offer that WWE does not have. They have to push the limit, while they have the chance. TNA knows that they won't get this chance too often, so no matter how many people tune in they will make a point.
TNA needs to use Jeff Hardy carefully tonite. clearly he has yet to work out personal problems. TNA should go easy on him for a while. use him in feuds. Jeff is not ready to hold a major championship. not even with TNA's easy schedule.

And Bret Hart is "no spring chicken anymore" can he really perform at a capacity suitable to the Pro Wrestling pace. A pace that has changed dramatically over the past 8-10 years. I hope so. Hogan Clearly can't compete anymore and be entertaining, if Hart can, WWE wins this battle easily.

Quick question; If Hardy is going to TNA, does that mean his legal issues are sorted out? if not how does TNA sign him? what happened with his drug arrest/trial? was he acquitted? did he serve jail time? WHAT???

Will tonites shows take a hit from Fiesta Bowl? John Cena even wont be watching:lmao:
Thats purely rumor that Jeff will be competing..
Crashing the party could very well mean he'll be backstage which is what we've been expecting.
I hope i'm wrong, i hope too see him tonite.
Welcome home jeff, welcome home.

AAAANNNDDDD i was wrong..Roughly 10 mins before TNA started during UFC commercial, It wen t to TNA pre vidss and a yellow lambo pulled up, tazz screamed omg its jeff hardy and shanon moore.. SO they are officially there.. im sure jeff will at least do a promo.
Wow.. first ten minutes and Ive already lost count on how many times the WWE was brought up.. Has been the ongoing way for TNA the past few weeks through the media.. I see their reasoning since they have the people watching.. But wouldnt they be better suited to show originality rather than just constantly comparing themselves?
I love it I have been a RAW fan since its inception but TNA just hit a homerun in the first inning IMO. Hardy was a huge surprise in my eyes and I think Vince is really pissed at this point already. However, I love how they are attacking the "E" using the "PG era" as the biggest weapon. They truely are going to force Vince's hand very soon, hopefully, to go back to the attitude era.
well for an opening segment i feel it failed.

1)advertising something old as NEW!!! is completely moronic.
2)when the fans in the arena are chanting bullshit after the first botched match......not too good.
3)Homicide must have F*cked up getting out of the cage.
4)advertising WRESTLING and then having a gimmick match first with less then stellar WRESTLING if any wrestling at all, kinda dumb.

what else we gonna get?
The night is young, and it's looking more and more like TNA is going to go head-to-head at 9 o'clock with Hogan. WWE will likely go straightaway with Bret Hart when they open, although it's also likely they'll jerk the audience off with a 15-minute Vince promo. The Vince promo isn't entirely likely, but I know that's about the only thing that will get me to flip back to TNA.
I'm a fan of TNA, But hat was a terrible match.. It was alot of close-ups of people messing up.. That match had to have been kind of thrown together just so they could put Hardy over more.
And that was when the camera angles didn't suck. TNA has a lot of production work to do, but that's what you start doing live TV.

Just as I type this about suck camera angles, they cut to an overhead shot of the steel asylum when they fear they might show asscrack. Switch away from the hard camera, production guy!
Let me say this I have been a fan for years and now look at us all. As fans we should be sick to our stomachs on what we are seeing. Hogan and the NWO going to TNA wow. What haooened when WCW had it sold to Vince so now what. Are we really hoping for Hall X-Pac Nash and Hogan to make wrestling great. Enough we want WWE to be better then we stop watching it till it does.
TNA will grow no matter what.. It will be the "Hip" thing to be a wrestling fan, yet be a fan of something other than WWE.. these are the same people that want to still appear kind of cool though, therefore they know nothing about ROH (Also on tonight :D )

And I agree with Rayne, you wont see the old guys do an nWo deal.... even though Hogan DOES have the dark facial hair. I Just dont see Anyone really thinking thats a plan that would help the company long term.

If all the tweets Im getting from my friend down there are accurate, there are still ALOT of people around town tonight.. Just seems silly to keep recycling old talent, with half of them being rejects anyway.. Smart of Hogan to try and wor on the talent he had through is Aussie tour though, eh? I mean who better to convince guys Hogan is a great leader than te ones hes already paid off?
So far this show has sucked balls. The opening match did nothing, ended with a No contest. Jeff Hardy shows up.. whoopee. The Knockouts match sucked. Ric Flair arrives, great, but all they're doing is tossing out names and everything feels entirely rushed and has no meaning to it. Then we have Bobby Lashley in the ring... what a boring show. And this is how they want to draw in ratings? They've probably lost ratings.
Question: Why in the hell does Hulk Hogan have a police escort?
Is the WWE going to intercept them and attack Hogan to try to prevent him from getting to the Impact zone to somehow salvage the garbage product they've so far shown in the first hour? I don't think so. Hogan's going to get there just fine, and the product's not getting better..

I'm anxiously waiting for RAW to start.
This is the first time I have legitimately watched TNA (and I'm changing the channel in about 15 minutes to the actually watchable RAW) and I can't believe how much of a joke TNA is.
A complete joke!
First match (a low budget hell-in-a-cell/cage match in which you can't see what's going on...aka Steel Asylum) ends after no time at all in a no-contest and then 'Homicide' and Jeff Hardy botch a lame confrontation.
Then Jeff isn't even given TV time or a legit moment with Shannon Moore
THEN Tara (who can actually perform) jobs to ODB (who I thought would have dived into her stereotype more by taking a dump on a child or kicking an unborn baby fetus or something.)
Then, WOOOO! Could have been a moment if it were shown at the END of the show (but, they want ratings before RAW starts)
Then the robot Lashley has his unimpressively spoke wife speak. I tuned out.

'TNA is the #1 trending topic on Twitter!"

Woop-dee fricken doo!

ten minutes till a real show starts!
Well TNA is bring in everybody they can think of. Sounds good, for 1/4/2010. But you aren't winning the ratings tonight, so why bring EVERYTHING tonight. Why on gods name would you reveal your hand in one night. You have no surprises left for next week, the PPV. People aren't going to pay to see Flair and Foley wrestle. Nobody is going to pay to see Nash or Hall wrestle. So why bring in EVERYONE and not leave a few surprises for future episodes

10 minutes away til Raw. If Vince is smart he will have Harts music play from the very second and let the crowd draw the tv viewers in.

Nobody has mentioned this, but there are a few more guys that Bischoff loves that MIGHT show up. I don't know if they are hurt, or even in the country.

DDP, Goldberg. What if Goldberg is in the other limo? If its the fucking Nasty boys or Bootyman I will stab Dixie in her lovebox
with as crappy as this hour has been, I dont know that a Hogan intro will save them when Raw starts.. Vince is a smart man anyway, for all we know he'll report what is going to happen on the other side to save us the time... I think I STOPPED being a TNA fan if this past hour is a sign of things to come.. thankfully they arent goingto bring back nWo I don't think, but isnt this pretty much still the same basic idea? Parade a bunch of stars who can handle a mic for the most part.. Only to see one or two of them wrestle on a "regular" basis.. And those that DO wrestle on a regular basis, make it obvious why they arent with the same company that made them household names... (With respect to Hardy.. He still is an amazing daredevil.. I'd give it 2 to 1 Odds he bounces BACK to the other side eventually though).. All I'm saying is if this hour is a sign of things to come with Hogan, Bischoff, etc running it.. I've seen it before and ready to stop defending TNA.
I think all these commercials are a smart call.. they'll be ahead in breaks and be able to go longer than Raw will for the NEXT break.. So they MIGHT lose out to Raw when raw comes on, but when raw goe to commercial, TNA will still have time and they'll catch some people that way.. I dont think TNA is putting a nice product out there, but I understand their commercials right now.
Interesting night, but TNA has a lot of work to do. Which unfortunatly was exspected. All WWE had tonight was Bret Hart, and his segment with Michaels was the best part of the show. I actually felt some closer there.

As for TNA. Good night for the company maybe, but the show was all over the place. The first hour was sloppy. The Cage match was uninteresting to say the least, and Jeff Hardy's arrival was a let down because of it. If Hardy had been part of the match that would have been another story.

There was no change tonight. Do I believe change will happen over the weeks to come, yes, but it definitly didn't start tonite. It was just Hogan and the crew getting a rating with showing this guy return and this guy return. All these returns had no purpose.

The Hogan return was just ok, and if we're talking mic skills, then all involved save Bischoff need to get back in the grove. It was like they didn't know what to say next, as if they had forgotten a line or something. Bischoff was the only one who prospered here. And they also lost a great opportunity tonite. When Hogan said these guys had to prove themselves, then they should have all been given matches. Well atleast Hall and Pac. That would have been great TV. Have Hall and Pac wrestle one of these knew young guys, let them have a 15 minute match, and put that young wrestler over(doesn't mean hall would lose of course). Hall wrestling a match would get a rating. He might be old, but he can entertain. Lost opportunity there. Also Hogan screwed up his own segement with, "I've been in the back all day." Yeah ok, so why were we led to think you have been in the car on your way to the arena? Maybe he went to Wendy's?:shrug:

All these 5 second guest appearances were crappy. Yeah I'm happy Flair, Hall, Hardy, Pac(well maybe), and even Venus were there, but they served no purpose save for the Outsiders at the end.

This was not a wrestling show either. The Joe vs Abyss match was good, and the main event was good, but all the other matches were like 2 minutes long. How are these guys supposed to prove themselves to hogan and Bischoff. Also the poker was stupid as hell.

Also didn't appreciate Ravan and Stevie getting jobbed like that.

I'm not gonna be one to say the show a total loss. It was entertaining, but main no sense at all.

Clearly 3 hours wasn't enough for them to do what they wanted to do. I'm not hate anymore. I can see that good things can come of this, and I actually think good things will come of this, but tonite was a super sloppy night.
I have a feeling that TNA will end up winning some how because of the fact that during the show tonight they brought in a few people that are returning or new to TNA ... scott hall, x-pac, nasty boys, jeff hardy, shannon moore, eric bischoff, and hulk hogan. I like Bret Hart but I found myself watching more TNA than RAW tonight. I think Vince could make RAW better by bringing back some old names (Stone Cold, Rock, Steve Blackman to name a few), dropping the PG rating (go back to TV-14), and strengthen the tag division (More tag teams). Also quit having the same people fighting for the titles ... let others have a chance (I for one would like to see Kofi wear the title because of what he has become)
Well, after catching Impact live and watching Raw afterwards on DVR, I'd have to say that I made the right choice in which show to watch.

Impact was a bit sloppy, but there's no denying the pure awesomeness of it. From all of the surprises, to the returns, the set ups, and an awesome main event that's already a MOTY canidate, TNA really came out guns blazing tonight. I lost count of how many times I marked out tonight and haven't felt that excited watching wrestling in YEARS.

Now onto Raw. Other than anything involving Bret Hart, it really was the same show we've been seeing for weeks. A crap divas match, a Sheamus squash, lame DX skit (though somewhat better since Shawn seems to be getting sick of it himself) and a missed opportunity in the Kofi/Orton match (Kofi should have won. Period) It felt like they weren't even trying which is a let down, because I expected a lot more out of them tonight. It'd be complete garbage had it not been for the great opening and final segments with Hart/HBK/Vince.

So in my mind, TNA won tonight by a landslide
The question is:

Which wrestling federation came out on top on january fourth?

You don't even have to respond to this other than cast your vote. I think this more in-depth poll will tell us how you, the wrestle zoners, really feel about this event. And also it will mark out what's most important, which is from what side you came, and how you saw things accordingly from that perspective.

Lastly, your vote is anonymous so vote how you truly feel.
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