iMPACT! Moving to 8PM Starting May 31st

Ugh. That people think The Big Bang Theory is good television fucking kills me. It's not a smart show, like so many of its fans pretend it is. It's characters who say things that sound smart for the sake of sounding smart, followed by a laugh track. That the show is doing so well is a testament to the fact that people in this country have absolutely no fucking taste, and that people who think they're intelligent are probably easier to pander to than those that know they aren't.

That being said.

I think this will be a small benefit to TNA/IW, but it won't be a game changer. Ratings for them has been a game of inches, however, so let's see how it shakes out. It's not really an event worth getting excited about unless your parents were putting you to bed at 10.

This is the kind of response I would expect when the intellectual content of said show flies right over your head.
This is the kind of response I would expect when the intellectual content of said show flies right over your head.
I admit that I have never really followed the intellectual content of TNA/IW. A lot of people tell me that the show has very deep, textured storylines, but I see a mishmash of dropped threads and hastily stiched together endings.

On the other hand, I know that Big Bang Theory sucks. There are no life mysteries being solved on that show, just a series of geeky references that passes for humor once you add in canned laughter. Sheldon made a reference to particle physics! What witty and intelligent writing! Oh look, he's playing Nintendo 64 on a computer! I did that! How germane to my human condition!

Two fans of the show have now come forth to tell me, in so many words, that I must be too stupid to get the show. Don't, like, help me make my point about the show appealing to people who see themselves as intellectual and can be marketed to as such or anything.
Ugh. That people think The Big Bang Theory is good television fucking kills me. It's not a smart show, like so many of its fans pretend it is. It's characters who say things that sound smart for the sake of sounding smart, followed by a laugh track. That the show is doing so well is a testament to the fact that people in this country have absolutely no fucking taste, and that people who think they're intelligent are probably easier to pander to than those that know they aren't.

A bit off topic, but I agree with you that any show that needs a laugh track to alert the audience that something (supposedly) funny just happened is not a "smart show."

Personally, I doubt IW moving up a hour will help or hurt much. Impact ratings seem to be very consistent no matter what happens.

I've always thought Thursday was a tough night for Impact tho. Most networks air their flagship shows on Thursday nights, and the competition is more fierce than any other night of the week.
I lie this but just mainly because I don't watch iMPACT! when it's first on and this timeslot better works with my DVR schedule. I must say that's pretty much about it so if they were targeting me. Good move.
I've been saying TNA should do this for awhile now. they can pick up more viewers. I don't know the percentage or whatever, but there could be people out there that are not able to watch all the way until 11 because they have to go to bed in order to get up for work/school.
I don't know all competition in the 8 o'clock hour, but in the 10 o'clock hour this eliminates competition from MTV shows like Jersey Shore, Beavis and Butthead, and Punk'd. that might be TNA's target audience.

people shouldn't worry about missing Big Bang Theory. I guarantee you reruns will air again shortly. I'm not sure if it's the same in the US, but here in Canada this show airs reruns about 10 times a day (I swear) on multiple different networks.

ratings likely wont improve right away as you could still have people forgetting it's on an hour earlier. TNA needs to advertise this many times during their show, as well as it would be good to advertise this on other shows on Spike, and even on other networks.
They don't stay up until midnight to watch wrestling.
Just thought i'd say that over here in ireland, RAW doesnt come on until 1am and EVERYBODY stays up for it! And thats on a monday (ok, you knew that already)!

I dont know much about timeslots over there, but i think it might help a little bit! I hope it does atleast!! I'm pretty sure its not going to affect what time it gets shown over here though!

And to everyone saying "Ill tune in when they have better storylines..." how will you know?? Do you expect WZ to have a BREAKING NEWS: TNA BECOMES INTERESTING? And if you are getting the reports here you might notice that the reactions have been a steady B grade for a while now, which is on a par with RAW alot of the time!!

Time slot wont change anything if people arent willing to give it a chance!!
is it going to help with the viewership? starting an hour earlier means it will be starting at 6pm here. when wcw and wwf were going head to head, it made sense to start that hour earlier but tna is not competing against anyone so it seems a little weird. wait and see, this might help.
Forgive me for asking this since I'm a Brit. But in this country any adult content, eg swearing can't be shown before 9pm. Is this the same in the US? Will the product be edited as a result? I sure hope not.

Do the americans have a 9pm watershed?

Maybe princess carter thinks "hmmm, maybe PG rating is what we need to save the sinking ship"

So they break behind the watershed and try and draw some even younger viewers in as 9pm might be their bed-times.

Not really that fussed as they will be back at their normal time b4 ya know it (ala monday nights FAIL)
Forgive me for asking this since I'm a Brit. But in this country any adult content, eg swearing can't be shown before 9pm. Is this the same in the US? Will the product be edited as a result? I sure hope not.

Nah, cable networks like Spike aren't subject to the FCC's indecency rules. Technically they can do or say anything they want, anytime they want. In practice, all networks self-censor to please advertisers tho.

I wouldn't expect any content or language changes.
The ratings drop shouldn't be surprising at all. TNA has stopped relying on quick, big hype surprises and simply go for a more basic wrestling show. Most people say TNA still lacks this kind of stuff, but you can see it's devoid of the constant stable battles that hogged the broadcasts since 2008, guys like Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle and Sting are now on equal foot with the rest of the roster rather than looking like big fish in a small pond and they put notable emphasis on character development as you can see in Bully Ray, Austin Aries, Robert Roode and James Storm.

I get that most people still see the same cluttered mess from back then and at the same time, I can't hold it against people. But I seriously cannot understand most of the heat the show gets. Too much Hogan? He's the guy making the matches. Complex storylines? Seriously? Is RVD vs Roode that complicated? Was Roode's feuds with Jeff Hardy, Bully Ray or Sting that hard to follow?

As for the timeslot move, whatever floats their boat on that regard. If you ask me, they should aim to air more reruns too. It may not boost ratings and it might even drop them, but spreading the word on TNA sounds far more productive than trying to increase their ratings by 0.1.

And by the way, Big Bang Theory sucks. I've seen awkward kids at high school be funnier.
wont make any difference to the Australian market atleast
it already airs at 8pm but on a Saturday night and repeats the following tuesday.
I honestly doubt this is going to change anything. The product won't change. Maybe you'll grab a few kids in for a bit but once they realize it isn't the WWE, they won't care. TNA is a mess, if they wanna boost ratings, they have to establish guys and programs. I don't watch anymore but i read the results each week. I swear guys change from face to heel over night for no reason. In WWE its usually a big deal when someone turns. Or it happens over a course of a few weeks. TNA they just throw them in a match and hope the crowd cheers or boos. They need better booking. The feuds for the most part are unclear, did we ever find out why Kazarian turned on AJ? They just need to figure out some exciting story lines, sometimes simple is better to.

But timeslot change i don't think will affect them in a positive way in the long run.
I don't watch anymore but i read the results each week. I swear guys change from face to heel over night for no reason.

Well maybe that's because you're reading a text summary so it's not giving you the full story. Tell me some of the overnight changes that have happened and I'll do my best to explain them, because I haven't seen any of what you're talking about in the current product.

The feuds for the most part are unclear, did we ever find out why Kazarian turned on AJ? They just need to figure out some exciting story lines, sometimes simple is better to.

No not yet but I expect we'll get a reason, the whole point of this storyline is the "mystery" as to what the blackmail is.

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