Brooke Hogan Joining TNA/IW As Executive In Charge of the Knockouts

When I originally read the news I was irritated because what could she possibally bring to TNA but another pair of tits. But could it be possible that Brooke will be TNAs version of SMH? Stephanie wasn't the best actress when she first started and some will say she still isnt but as time went on she found her voice. With TNAs history of copying old WWF/E storylines I can see Brooke possibally joining Roode as a new power couple in TNA in 2013 when Roode's second title reign begins. It will also be interesting to she how the live crowd treats her at PPVs and when iMPACT goes live in the summer.

#WhatsOldIsNewAgain #CornettesSevenYearRule
From what I can find, this may not be an on camera position:


So if that's the case, not only is she being brought in above the Knockouts, she's being put in charge of running the division. And her experience in this would be......what exactly?
Well perhaps her experience comes from growing up around the business alongside her father. Similar to Steph, she'll have something to do with character development, It'll probably not be as big of a deal as some are making it out to be, and everything will resume as normal. When coming up with characters and throwing around ideas it never hurts to have an extra person around.
Did everyone forget WWE had her on RAW and involved in angles with Hogan and Orton?
Now that its TNA time to throw them under the bus. Love the double standard. Heres a list of things TNA is currently doing better then WWE
*Tag Team Division
*Knockouts are better then divas
*TNA Champion actually main events when he is in a match not wrestle in the first match of the night.
*TNA's Heels are better then WWE heels

That doesnt mean that TNA doesnt have problems because it does have some but people act like its falling apart and that its hot garbage and its actually pretty damn good if you take off the hate blinders.

I don't mind this move.. its not like she's being hired as a wrestler.

There's a HUGE difference in the way WWE used Brooke. They used her in an angle that involved her father as a one off to make the feud personal, TNA is hiring her as a full time fixture of the company, to help "develop" knockout. Completely different. A company hiring Brooke Hogan to develop personality in others is like the government hiring Stevie Wonder to teach their snipers how to aim.

Plus what is with the defending of TNA when NOBODY BASHED THEM? People are complaining about Brooke Hogan and your bringing up Tag Team Divisions and match placement for champions... Well TNA and WWE are both inferior because Fenway Park serves better hot dogs... See, topic jumping makes no sense.
Dixie, if you hire Brooke you'll sell more tickets, brother! And if you make Hulk Hogan the face of iMPACT! you'll overtake WWE, brother! And if you give me complete control you'll be the biggest sports company in the world, brother!
So with Brooke Hogan joining forces with TNA, how long before Dixie Carter and the rest of the Egomaniacs decide to use one of her massive hit singles - and I'm using that terminology very....very loosely here - as the theme song for IW?
Sooooo.... First and foremost I'm going to need to ask any and all gods that are reading this to forgive me for what I'm about to do... and I'll not only need a bottle of mouthwash after (as god knows somewhere in the typing of this i'm going to vomit...)

This is NOT the worst decision TNA has ever made. Brooke Hogan will be working with female talent on characters, look, music. The sorts of things she might ACTUALLY know a little about. Her father is THE Hulk Hogan you know the guy who more or less took wrestling main stream many moons ago (weather someone else could have been placed in the role he was given is still up for debate) needless to say the mans a legend.

Even if he tried (which Hogan Knows Best showes he did not) Brooke has grown up in the wrestling business she played a character (at least I hope it was somewhat of a character) on Hogan knows best. She failed to become a pop sensation however she is still in touch with music she knows how to develop a character (sort of) I believe she was writing songs at some point which if she is a capable writer there is no reason she would not be able to help the ladies in writing promos..

Qualification wise there is no reason to assume that she does not meet the very tailored job that she has been given.

Could someone do it better? probably. Does she have the job because she is Hulk Hogans Daughter Would not doubt it. But that's what happens when someone exploits an in they get the job they make the money. And so the world turns.

(please don't flame me for my sad defense attempt i'm going to go vomit now....)
Sooooo.... First and foremost I'm going to need to ask any and all gods that are reading this to forgive me for what I'm about to do... and I'll not only need a bottle of mouthwash after (as god knows somewhere in the typing of this i'm going to vomit...)

This is NOT the worst decision TNA has ever made. Brooke Hogan will be working with female talent on characters, look, music. The sorts of things she might ACTUALLY know a little about. Her father is THE Hulk Hogan you know the guy who more or less took wrestling main stream many moons ago (weather someone else could have been placed in the role he was given is still up for debate) needless to say the mans a legend.

Even if he tried (which Hogan Knows Best showes he did not) Brooke has grown up in the wrestling business she played a character (at least I hope it was somewhat of a character) on Hogan knows best. She failed to become a pop sensation however she is still in touch with music she knows how to develop a character (sort of) I believe she was writing songs at some point which if she is a capable writer there is no reason she would not be able to help the ladies in writing promos..

Qualification wise there is no reason to assume that she does not meet the very tailored job that she has been given.

Could someone do it better? probably. Does she have the job because she is Hulk Hogans Daughter Would not doubt it. But that's what happens when someone exploits an in they get the job they make the money. And so the world turns.

(please don't flame me for my sad defense attempt i'm going to go vomit now....)

i hate to say it but i kinda agree with this...i just hope her whole "wanna be pop singer" was a gimmick because she cant sing. but back on topic dont like the move but im willing to give it a chance...i just hope for the love of god she NEVER makes an on screen appereance thank god she wont wrestle though.
I am just amazed by TNA, and Dixie Carter's, lunacy. How can you put someone in charge of developing talent, when they have never set foot in a wrestling ring? There's no sanity left in TNA whatsoever. Might as well hand Vince all the footage now, cause you are one step closer now Dixie.
Wow, this is officially the smartest move Dixie has ever made next to hiring Angle. Look at the interest and legit heat it has created. People are really buying the idea that Dixie spends time with Brooke, that she thinks Brooke is creative and will help develop the KOs.

By the way people are eating this shit up I have to say that Brooke has the opportunity to be the best heel TNA has ever seen. Brilliant, now let's see if they can pull it off.
By the way people are eating this shit up I have to say that Brooke has the opportunity to be the best heel TNA has ever seen. Brilliant, now let's see if they can pull it off.
It worked for Garret Bischoff, right? People hated the fact that he was brought in merely because his father was a leading figure in the company, and then.... never changed their opinions and got sick of having him forced down their throats for twenty minutes every week. Currently he is MIA.

Folks, if there is anything Brooke Hogan knows about professional wrestling, there are at least five dozen women who know ten times as much. Let's not try to defend this hire as "well, she has some experience". She was on a reality TV show with her father, and had a 'music career' entirely bought and paid for by her father. Which, now that the divorce settlement is through, you aren't hearing too much about anymore. Correlation might not equal causation, but damned if that isn't a funny coincidence.

Brooke Hogan's "talent", so far as TNA/IW is concerned, is that she is Hulk Hogan's daughter, end-of-story-bottom-line. You are kidding yourself if you think she's being brought in because of her natural talents. I don't believe the 'backstage' role for a second. It would be some kind of sick, cosmic joke if Brooke Hogan were to actually be employed in a role where she was giving Mickie James and Gail Kim advice on developing a character for television.

Hey, maybe she'll surprise all of us and show that she's a compelling character with previously undiscovered acting chops. But she won't. She'll be awkwardly shoved down our throats for months, placed in situations in which she gets to play damsel-in-distress. But as we learned with Garret Bischoff, someone can be found to defend any lump of shit, no matter the size or smell.
Did everyone forget WWE had her on RAW and involved in angles with Hogan and Orton?
Now that its TNA time to throw them under the bus. Love the double standard. Heres a list of things TNA is currently doing better then WWE
*Tag Team Division
*Knockouts are better then divas
*TNA Champion actually main events when he is in a match not wrestle in the first match of the night.
*TNA's Heels are better then WWE heels

That doesnt mean that TNA doesnt have problems because it does have some but people act like its falling apart and that its hot garbage and its actually pretty damn good if you take off the hate blinders.

I don't mind this move.. its not like she's being hired as a wrestler.

Wow dude, you're a fucking dimwit. I'm not going to sit here and debate whether or not TNA is better than WWE or whatever (what debate is there to be had? Can't even break 1.0 anymore) since I don't even watch it, but who here is just throwing a tantrum because she's been signed? A lot of people expected her to show up at some point or another, it's hardly a big deal if they use her in angle or 2. However, the fact that she has supposedly been placed into a position of power in a field where she has absolutely no experience is a disgrace to the women in that division and the industry as a whole. She is going to be in charge of people like Gail Kim, Tara, and fucking Mickie James. Mickie James is better at Brooke's profession than she is, what fucking business does Brooke have giving orders to her?
A company hiring Brooke Hogan to develop personality in others is like the government hiring Stevie Wonder to teach their snipers how to aim.

Nice analogy there, like it.

Anything just get Brooke exposure, like when HH first debuted in TNA, all the ringside camera shots HAD to have Brooke in them.

Im just wondering what the knockouts think about this, like when they slagged off management for paying christy Hemme such a high paycheck?
Can someone confirm what Brooke's role is?

Is she just an on-air talent playing a character who is in charge of the KO's?

If so, I am not that bothered by it. There have always been non-wrestling trained performers on wrestling shows- such as Karen Angle and as long as she stays out of the ring, I couldn't care less about her getting a job.

Yeah, its because of Hulk that she has got the job, but come on, if your parents had influence in a major company and could get you a well-paid role, you would most likely take it. I know plenty of people who have gone to work for or with their parents and immediately been given a good position in the company.

Also, she is hot so no complaints about seeing her and her rack on Impact.
she is just going to be an on air authority figure for the KO's not a wrestler so I really don't see the big deal, btw you guys that are critizing this what do you think of wwe signing ric flairs daughter.

The big deal is that she has no obvious qualification for anything relating to her role within the company. Put yourself in this situation, you're working for a company with years and years of proven accomplishments and experience and you miss out on a job, because they gave the position to Brooke Hogan.

From what I can find, this may not be an on camera position:


So if that's the case, not only is she being brought in above the Knockouts, she's being put in charge of running the division. And her experience in this would be......what exactly?

That's my biggest issue with it. TNA has Gail Kim, Tara and Mickie James on the roster. I'd be livid if I was one of them and had to consult Brooke Hogan for anything. Brooke has never shown signs of character or personality that I have ever seen so I fail to see the logic of having her as a consultant for such. And TNA now has someone on their roster that's job description includes "theme music consultant" on their roster.....

Well TNA and WWE are both inferior because Fenway Park serves better hot dogs... See, topic jumping makes no sense.

Sometimes topic jumping is used to further a point so it does have it's place in certain discussions.

Also, it would be the venue that makes and sells the hot dogs, not TNA or WWE.

Could someone do it better? probably. Does she have the job because she is Hulk Hogans Daughter Would not doubt it. But that's what happens when someone exploits an in they get the job they make the money. And so the world turns.

TNA is a business. A business' only goal should be to be profitable. The best way to become profitable is to higher the best people with specific skill sets for a particular position because it's best for the business and for making money. If Brooke is not the best person for the job, how does this help TNA make money?

If they wanted to fill this position, they should have looked for the best person to do it. Hell Fit Finlay did this exact thing for the WWE and he's available right now (excluding ROH). Tell me that Brooke Hogan is better suited for this than Finlay who has proven experience with developing women's wrestling and actual in-ring experience.

Clearly the only qualification for this job was to have the last name "Hogan" I can't wait until they hire Nick Hogan as TNA's Official Driver of Things From Here to There" Now that's a man with proven driving experience to move things fast. (At least he's qualified, right?)

(please don't flame me for my sad defense attempt i'm going to go vomit now....)

Don't be a bitch and worry about what people think of your post. Man up and fight for your words and opinions. If someone disagrees, prove them wrong by providing facts and an intellectual conversation.
Wow, this is officially the smartest move Dixie has ever made next to hiring Angle. Look at the interest and legit heat it has created. People are really buying the idea that Dixie spends time with Brooke, that she thinks Brooke is creative and will help develop the KOs.

By the way people are eating this shit up I have to say that Brooke has the opportunity to be the best heel TNA has ever seen. Brilliant, now let's see if they can pull it off.

May I refer to David Arquette, that seemed like a smart move give a Hollywood actor the World Title to generate interest and look what happened there... one big backfire.

Also getting the so called 'X-Pac' heat doesn't make you a good heel, so Brooke becoming the 'best heel TNA has ever seen' is one of the most far-fetched statements this forum has ever seen.

Angle = Good move as a whole, a Olympic gold winner, a world famous wrestler who had a successful career who looked like he could destory people in ring = Win for TNA

Brooke = Zero talent, sucked on tv, sucked with music, sucked with getting her own career or coming out of her father's shadow = What the hell are TNA thinking. They might as well hire Snooki as the Assistant and be done with it (then again even she has more talent both in and out the ring compared with Brooke)
Everything TNA/IW does i look at the positive side of it but this hiring Brooke Hogan are you kidding me. and she is in charge of the up and coming knockout wrestlers, well get ready to see a whole bunch of females laying on their backs, well here is to middle fingers up to you Dixie Carter. now anyone want to bet on how long before Nick Hogan is in TNA/IW?
In all honesty, I figured Brooke would wind up in TNA sooner or later. It's not as if she has any other prospects going forward from what I understand. Her music career is nonexistant, and was pretty much DOA from the start. Her old man invested millions of dollars in trying to buy her a successful music career, as detailed on Hogan Knows Best, and it didn't pan out. Her acting career has amounted to little more than straight to DVD C grade horror movies that have a shoe-string budget. It was either this or porn, but porn is something that could work for her, not to mention something that people might honestly pay to see.

As others have mentioned, Brooke is someone that has zero experience, especially in this role she's reportedly been given. She's hot but there's no shortage of hot women in TNA. After all the crap I've heard from Hogan, talking about people paying their dues and all that, this just comes off as laughable. Nepomania is runnin' wild, brother!!
The role she is given in TNA is horrible. Why make someone the consultant in telling the women how to entertain the fans considering her entertainment career has been a complete failure.

And I know there are people who defend this position, but seriously. If you were running a company would you hire a business consultant whose had a track record of failed business ventures?

Also this seems to be the same old Hogan using his political influence to get his buddies and family into the company for his own agenda. He's been doing it since his Hulkamania days, getting his not-so-talented buddies huge pushes so they won't overshadow him, and he did it in WCW (Butcher vs. Hogan at Starccade), and now in TNA. It's so sad how this cycle never dies.
Really? (I could see The Miz tearing this up) Really?! Really?

Apparently, Brooke's role will be to "help up and coming she-wrestlers develop their characters, help with backstage promos and even consult on entrance music."


What does Brooke know about character development and backstage promos? One, she's younger than pretty much all of the Knockouts, I believe. With pros like Mickie James, Tara and Gail Kim on the roster, how is she going to establish herself as an expert to them? Two, she's not a wrestler. She has a father who has been in the industry for 30+ years, but that does not make her an expert on anything in the wrestling business. Character development? Her acting career is feeble at best. Those saying she played a role on "Hogan Knows Best" may be right, but she didn't even play that role well. I just can't see it.

What does she know about consulting for entrance music? She's not that good of a singer and flopped even with her rich daddy trying to buy her way into the industry. I'm a musician with a minor in music production and industry and I listen to a lot of music, and I've been a wrestling fan longer than Brooke has been alive, so I'd be about as good of a consultant for that as she would. If it's that big of a problem for the Knockouts to require Brooke Hogan to help them pick out music, then the division is truly in dire straits.

I will say that if this is simply an on-air role, it's not as crappy of a move. My statements above apply if she is actually being given a true backstage development role with the company. Anyone can be brought in for an on-air role if used correctly. If this is some type of angle, then I could palette it a bit better.

I've made my feelings about Hulk Hogan clear in past posts. I personally think he's all about himself and that he is ruining TNA. I don't believe in nepotism either. Didn't like when Bischoff brought in his son, and don't like this. Maybe she'll prove me wrong and do a great job, but I'm not holding my breath.
Meanwhile Traci Brooks a 10+ year veteran and one of first real TNA knockouts was let go. I guess TNA just couldn't find ANY position for her with her experience.
If its just an on screen role I don't have that much of a gripe, I mean Karen Angle did it and she did a pretty good job in my opinion.

But if the artlicle KB posted is to be believed that bloody sucks. I've seen about one or two episodes of Hogan Knows Best and aside from looking nice in a bikini Brooke has the personality of a gnat. I mean they could've saved some money and got Christy Hemme to do it. Heck Tara's probably the most qualified for the job.

I don't mind parents helping their kids out with jobs, but only if the kid is actually good at the job or wants to better themselves in that field, Brooke is neither.
Next, Brooke will write her autobiography and call it "Making It On Your Own."

Has she ever gotten a job in which her contract wasn't negotiated and signed by a man with 22-inch pythons?

I remember watching an episode of "Hogan Knows Best" in which Hulk was telling Linda they owed $50,000 to the recording studio. For the first time, Brooke's efforts at a singing career became clear to me: she didn't have a recording contract....rather, Pop was paying for her studio time, in effect using the studio as a vanity press for his daughter to appear famous.

If I were Brooke, I'd go out and try to make it on my own.

Then again, Hulk Hogan isn't my what do I know?
Ok, I'm usually not this blunt but...

Brooke Hogan is a talentless hack as far as the entertainment industry goes. The only reason people paid attention to her at all is because she's using her fathers (wrestling adopted) surname. In 2012, her music career potential is tantamount to Hulk's current in-ring wrestling prospects. The key difference of course is that Hulk got a prior 20+ years of success before reaching the end point. It's easy to argue that Brooke didn't even get her 15 minutes, despite daddy pouring millions of dollars down the drain in the attempt.

Much like said music career, she's using daddy's (again, wrestling adopted) surname to slide her way into another industry she'll likely fail miserably in. The logic probably goes, "my daddy knows a lot about the wrestling industry and I am his daughter, so I know a lot about the wrestling industry too." It's downright shocking that Dixie, or even Daddy Carter himself, haven't put the kibosh on this.

There is no logical reason that Brooke should be a part of IW, or any other wrestling program really. She's not a proven commodity in wrestling or any other entertainment industry for that matter. She likely has no formal training in wrestling, so the fact that she will be instructing or even coaching established athletes, many with a decade plus worth of experience in multiple organizations, is laughable at best and downright insulting at worst.

Still, maybe since she's borrowing daddy's fame to eek out a place in the wrestling business, she can appropriate one of his catch phrases too. I think "watcha gonna do sisters, when nepotism runs wild on you" would make for a good first promo when she inevitably debuts with the Knockouts on TV.

Hulk did say a couple years back that he wanted to start shootin.
It worked for Garret Bischoff, right? People hated the fact that he was brought in merely because his father was a leading figure in the company, and then.... never changed their opinions and got sick of having him forced down their throats for twenty minutes every week. Currently he is MIA.

Two totally different situations. Nepotistic advancement is not a face quality. It made no sense to have Garret be a face. Even as the underdog facing his father people would not accept him. He couldn't look or act the part. Brooke as a heel authority figure or heel enemy of her father may actually work.

Folks, if there is anything Brooke Hogan knows about professional wrestling, there are at least five dozen women who know ten times as much. Let's not try to defend this hire as "well, she has some experience". She was on a reality TV show with her father, and had a 'music career' entirely bought and paid for by her father. Which, now that the divorce settlement is through, you aren't hearing too much about anymore. Correlation might not equal causation, but damned if that isn't a funny coincidence.

Brooke Hogan's "talent", so far as TNA/IW is concerned, is that she is Hulk Hogan's daughter, end-of-story-bottom-line. You are kidding yourself if you think she's being brought in because of her natural talents. I don't believe the 'backstage' role for a second. It would be some kind of sick, cosmic joke if Brooke Hogan were to actually be employed in a role where she was giving Mickie James and Gail Kim advice on developing a character for television.

Exactly Rayne. While I could see her maybe consulting (consultants don't make any decisions, they just get paid to independently give advice) on little things here and there, there is no way she is booking matches, training KOs or making creative decisions.

Hey, maybe she'll surprise all of us and show that she's a compelling character with previously undiscovered acting chops. But she won't. She'll be awkwardly shoved down our throats for months, placed in situations in which she gets to play damsel-in-distress. But as we learned with Garret Bischoff, someone can be found to defend any lump of shit, no matter the size or smell.

I think you're coming around to this idea. Brooke is expected to play this role od clueless, helpless, smiley Hulk's daughter but in the end she may surprise everyone. Excwpt me.
I truly think this is BS. So Brooke can come in and just be the focal point of the KO division. Whatever. Look, she's already considered eye candy, but let's get real here. The KO's overall aren't really viewed in a good light in regards to in ring ability, with the exceptions of Tara and Mickie James. But now you have Brooke Hogan who is considerably younger than all of the KO's being in charge of them? Its almost like a McMahon storyline. I can only imagine the majority of the roster feels about this. First Bischoff and now Hogan applying nepotism. Its not surprising really. But I wonder if these "focus groups" that Bischoff tends to talk about mentioned that having Brooke Hogan will bring in higher ratings. Maybe it will. But I'm not liking this at all.

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