Rumor: Brooke Hogan To Wrestle At BFG

Yeah, TNA should put Snooki or Maria Menonous in a match instead, cause at least they have wrestling lineage; oh, wait that was already done at two consecutive Wrestlemania's, right?

Yea i agree.. Brooke problly wont be the best in the ring, but she cant be any worse than snookie.
:lol: WOW you must feel really proud to make fun of how long ive been a Fan don't you? I know it was WWF before the name change in 2002 which is why I choose to put it the way I did. Sorry that bothers you so much and I really feel sorry for you. :disappointed:

The WWE Universe is a term in my opinion that stands for everything that's wrong with today's landscape in the promotion, it's so unnatrual and fake sounding, at least to a fan like me that grew up in the 80s-90s following the careers of legends like Bret Hart, Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Ricky Steamboat, Demolition, The Road Warriors, and so on. But again that's another story for another day. Just my two cents...

Bottom line is Maria or Snooki weren't the "figure head" of the Divas Division like TNA has made Brooke Hogan as. Her falling down last week was probably the best part of Impact.

Anyway, moving back to topic. Too be honest, anytime someone literally falls on their ass, be it The Shockmaster in WCW or Vince at the 2005 Royal Rumble, it makes me laugh...all kidding aside. (Yes I know it's been said that Vince tore his quads coming down to the ring, but just the same I found it amusing). So Brooke falling on Impact is no different, we can all have a laugh at the moment.

And like I mentioned in previous posts, Brooke as an authority figure going up against a roster member is not setting a precedent, it's already been done. And yes from what the rumor mill is stating, it's possible that Brooke might be vying for TNA's Knockout Title, but again this really is no different than Vince beating his then-future son in law for the World Title or is it any different than this little piece of WWF archive footage, please see below:

Again, the match still has to be signed, sealed and delivered and Brooke has to actually become the KO Champion, before any of us are really entitled to bitch about a thing. But if you watch here in this youtube video, Stephanie walks away the Woman's Champion, and as we know Stephanie much like Brooke is the spawn of a prominent figure in wrestling. I'd think a proud and long standing member of the WWE Universe like yourself would have remembered this moment in the organization's history. Or did you just conveniently forget it so you can justify your point and sweep your hypocrisy under the rug? I indeed look forward to your counterpoint on this one...and before you say anything about it being a match chock full of interference, that might be true, but it was most definitely a waste of time for someone who had the ability of Jacqueline to have to job to the boss' daughter.

But again, if TNA turns around and does the same thing, I won't say I wouldn't be disappointed, but it wouldn't surprise me because no logically minded WWE fan can say it's any worse than what their preference of wrestling organization has done in the past.
Brooke Hogan is not famous. Her father is famous, but Brooke Hogan is a chick who got a spinoff reality series that her father got in the first place. She had a few songs that no one remembers and she has some very nice big fake boobs. Other than that, she's Hulk Hogan's daughter and that's it.

She's in TNA because she's Hulk Hogan's daughter and doesn't have enough talent to be famous anywhere else. As for her wrestling, why would this surprise anyone? The day she showed up in TNA, someone said "and your next Knockouts Champion......" Would that surprise you if it happened? I'm not saying it will, but would it surprise you if it did? Bischoff's kid got a huge undeserved push so why not Hogan's? I'm not annoyed about it, but this makes me roll my eyes. Chicks like Mickie James, Winter, Velvet Sky and Tara can't get on TV, but Brooke can almost every week. It's nepotism again, but this shouldn't surprise anyone. She'll have a five minute match, do one or two things badly and the announcers will talk about how talented she is. It'll be treated as a big moment and about four people will care, then it'll be over.

Assuming this happens of course.

I couldn't agree more with this entire post. Are there really any of us out there who didn't expect to see Brooke eventually wrestle once she signed? She'll wrestle, it won't be for the title, it might get a mention on TMZ, and then it will be over. Worse things have happened in wrestling.
And like I mentioned in previous posts, Brooke as an authority figure going up against a roster member is not setting a precedent, it's already been done. And yes from what the rumor mill is stating, it's possible that Brooke might be vying for TNA's Knockout Title, but again this really is no different than Vince beating his then-future son in law for the World Title or is it any different than this little piece of WWF archive footage, please see below:

Again, the match still has to be signed, sealed and delivered and Brooke has to actually become the KO Champion, before any of us are really entitled to bitch about a thing. But if you watch here in this youtube video, Stephanie walks away the Woman's Champion, and as we know Stephanie much like Brooke is the spawn of a prominent figure in wrestling. I'd think a proud and long standing member of the WWE Universe like yourself would have remembered this moment in the organization's history. Or did you just conveniently forget it so you can justify your point and sweep your hypocrisy under the rug? I indeed look forward to your counterpoint on this one...and before you say anything about it being a match chock full of interference, that might be true, but it was most definitely a waste of time for someone who had the ability of Jacqueline to have to job to the boss' daughter.

But again, if TNA turns around and does the same thing, I won't say I wouldn't be disappointed, but it wouldn't surprise me because no logically minded WWE fan can say it's any worse than what their preference of wrestling organization has done in the past.

Completely agree. It always amuses me when people forget some of the silly things WWE has done in the past so really they have no room to talk. I don't particularly agree with the push of EB's son but Garrett has more talent than Brooke EVER had. I don't agree with Brooke wrestling but anytime I get to see Brooke Hogan in Booty shorts and a sports bra is a good day.
The WWE Universe is a term in my opinion that stands for everything that's wrong with today's landscape in the promotion, it's so unnatrual and fake sounding, at least to a fan like me that grew up in the 80s-90s following the careers of legends like Bret Hart, Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Ricky Steamboat, Demolition, The Road Warriors, and so on. But again that's another story for another day. Just my two cents...

Anyway, moving back to topic. Too be honest, anytime someone literally falls on their ass, be it The Shockmaster in WCW or Vince at the 2005 Royal Rumble, it makes me laugh...all kidding aside. (Yes I know it's been said that Vince tore his quads coming down to the ring, but just the same I found it amusing). So Brooke falling on Impact is no different, we can all have a laugh at the moment.

And like I mentioned in previous posts, Brooke as an authority figure going up against a roster member is not setting a precedent, it's already been done. And yes from what the rumor mill is stating, it's possible that Brooke might be vying for TNA's Knockout Title, but again this really is no different than Vince beating his then-future son in law for the World Title or is it any different than this little piece of WWF archive footage, please see below:

Again, the match still has to be signed, sealed and delivered and Brooke has to actually become the KO Champion, before any of us are really entitled to bitch about a thing. But if you watch here in this youtube video, Stephanie walks away the Woman's Champion, and as we know Stephanie much like Brooke is the spawn of a prominent figure in wrestling. I'd think a proud and long standing member of the WWE Universe like yourself would have remembered this moment in the organization's history. Or did you just conveniently forget it so you can justify your point and sweep your hypocrisy under the rug? I indeed look forward to your counterpoint on this one...and before you say anything about it being a match chock full of interference, that might be true, but it was most definitely a waste of time for someone who had the ability of Jacqueline to have to job to the boss' daughter.

But again, if TNA turns around and does the same thing, I won't say I wouldn't be disappointed, but it wouldn't surprise me because no logically minded WWE fan can say it's any worse than what their preference of wrestling organization has done in the past.

I grew up in the 80's/90's and experienced all those guys Careers. You don't have to remind me how great they were. I also remember Stephanie winning the Womens Title in 2000.

Im not trying to make this a WWE vs TNA argument like you are. All im saying is if TNA does this like KB said its nepotism at its best by wasting a spot on a C/D List Celebrity who just happens to be Hulk Hogan's Kid. Instead of giving the spot to Mickie James,Tara,or whoever is still left on the KO Roster.
All im saying is if TNA does this like KB said its nepotism at its best by wasting a spot on a C/D List Celebrity who just happens to be Hulk Hogan's Kid. Instead of giving the spot to Mickie James,Tara,or whoever is still left on the KO Roster.

It is a waste of a spot for the other womens talent, its also a shame that IW didnt have a BFG Series for the women too.

I know, I know... there aint many women on the IW roster so a slightly scaled down version of the BFG series would have been nice though.

TheHitMark-SirJoseOle, I did like the breakdown of my post that you did, and I did agree with some of the points ya made, but to rip into me like that was a little un-called for, but hey... everyone has a right to their opinion.
It's bad enough that Brooke Hogan is involved with TNA in the first place, but now TNA is going to torture their fans by placing her in a wrestling match AT THE BIGGEST SHOW OF THE YEAR? What has she done to deserve that? Oh right. Nothing. NOT A DAMN THING! Really, TNA!? REALLY!? COME ON!!!! Seriously!? Does anyone, and I mean ANYONE even have ANY desire to see that match whatsoever!? :banghead: That seriously frustrates me. I can't STAND her, she shouldn't even be onscreen, let alone working a match. She's extremely annoying, has no talent, and is only where she is due to how famous her father is. I flat out REFUSE to watch a match that she is in. I don't care who she's facing. It could be Trish Stratus or Lita making their TNA debut, I still wouldn't watch it. I'll be walking the dogs, checking facebook, moderating/posting on here, grabbing a snack, or doing nearly anything else in the world that I potentially could be doing instead of watching the match.

The only way this could possibly get worse is if it's for the Knockout Championship. If Brooke Hogan wins that title, then WWE's awful Divas division will officially pass TNA's Knockouts in terms of quality. Nothing could ever be worse than Brooke Hogan as Knockout Champion. I'd take an entire year of Kelly Kelly feuding with the Bella Twins over the Divas Championship rather than watch Brooke Hogan work even one title match. TNA used to have such a great female division and if this report ends up being true, it is only further proof of how far the quality has dropped. It seriously does not get any worse than this and nothing could ever save a Brooke Hogan match from being 100% unwatchable. NOTHING. She's that awful and does NOT deserve a Bound For Glory match. Hell, she shouldn't ever have been made an onscreen character on Impact to begin with.
This rumor does not surprise me at all. I have no desire to see her on my screen at all let alone a match, but we should have know it was bound to happen. I don't really get the appeal of Brooke in any aspect though. She can't act, she can't sing, and truthfully I don't even get why people think she is hot. We will be lucky if it isn't for the KO title. I imagine it is Hulk's dream to see his baby holding the belt over her head at TNA's biggest ppv. Let's hope they don't take it that far.

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