Brooke Hogan: Good or Bad for TNA?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Sorry if this post has been done before i don't post on this site often.

I am watching todays impact wrestling and watched as Brooke hogan talked down to Gail kim about her rematch.

My question is i know Brooke only got the job because of her father but does anyone actually think this will go anywhere or will it be like alot of Tna storylines and we wont see anything come out of it.

I will admit i don't watch tna that often because of the switching of faces and heels switching all the time. I think the writing is not the best but the action is great.

But what will Brooke be doing she has almost no experience in the wrestling buisness and the only knowledge she does have is what her father gives her. the knockouts divison is bigger than the wwe divas divison but will brooke end up just as an onscreen figure or will she just piss off some diva and end up turning into a match between the two where Brooke ends up becoming a heel.

what are Your thoughts on what Brooke will do for Tna.
It's a little early to tell right now, but I am keeping an open mind. I think she would have fared better as a heel, but maybe after a time she will turn. I don't think she will do any harm to the company, and who knows maybe in time she will surprise us. Trying to keep an open mind since I am enjoying TNA right now.
I don't see Brooke Hogan as being good or bad for TNA. She just is. She's not a big enough celebrity that people will tune in just to see her, and she's not a big enough rat for people to tune out because she's there, so honestly, the answer is there is no answer. It's still early, so she could still turn a few heads, but asking about how some D-rate celebrity can help or hurt your program is like asking someone to explain to you the cost/benefits of weighing 210 pounds, versus 211. Ultimately, does it really matter?
My opinions thus far on Brooke Hogan have come down to two items:

1) The job market's tough these days, so a lot of kids are asking their parents to help them find jobs.



And that's about all.
I wasn't thrilled with the decision to bring her in, but I really don't have an opinion on how she's doing so far. For the most part, I don't find her annoying when she talks, so she could get better as time passes. In the meantime though, can't really say if she's helping or hurting the product. Its not like she's the focal point of TNA anyway.
I don't see Brooke Hogan as being good or bad for TNA. She just is. She's not a big enough celebrity that people will tune in just to see her, and she's not a big enough rat for people to tune out because she's there, so honestly, the answer is there is no answer. It's still early, so she could still turn a few heads, but asking about how some D-rate celebrity can help or hurt your program is like asking someone to explain to you the cost/benefits of weighing 210 pounds, versus 211. Ultimately, does it really matter?

To me it boils down to them wasting money to bring her in. She has zero credibility in the world of wrestling. Why throw cash at her to play a marginal role? Is it even necessary to have a "Knockouts Director" or whatever her title is?
First reaction was "how stupid". After two shows of her, I just don't care. So I guess I'm a little more positive about it. I agree about the throwing money away. I'm sure her salary would be better spent on bringing in (insert favorite wrestler/ manager/ valet here...mine would be James Mitchell).

I'm going to threadjack here, because apparently I can't start new topics. Since we're talking about worthless family hangers- on, I thought this would be a good thread to throw it out there. Why not do something with Gail Kim's new husband Robert Irvine? I have no idea what, but I think he has as many qualifications as Booke Hogan has. Family of a wrestler, attention ****e, minor celebrity. I'm sure they could come up with some unrealistic thing for him to do. Just a thought.
To me it boils down to them wasting money to bring her in. She has zero credibility in the world of wrestling.

If you by "zero credibility" mean "zero knowledge" then I beg to differ. She is, after all, the daugther of a man who by all accounts revolutionized professional wrestling. She is bound to have picked up a few pointers here and there.

If you by "zero credibility" mean lack of talent, in ring-experience or what have you then Im more inclined to agree. However, the jury is still out on whether or not she's an asset or a waste (of money).

It's like IDR pointed out - she just is.
Watching the backstage segments with Brooke and the knockouts, I actually think she is doing a pretty good job. I thought, when she was hired, that she would be annoying but I think she is carrying herself well on camera as an authority figure for the knockouts. She's not too over the top like I thought she would be. All in all I think she is doing a good job for the most part
Will Brooke Hogan help TNA? Probably not
Will Brooke Hogan hurt TNA? Probably not
Will Brooke Hogan eventually become very annoying? The magic eight ball says "all signs point to yes".

It's always been a pet peeve of mine in wrestling to see someone put into a position that they don't have the talent to justify it. Brooke Hogan fits that description. As has been pointed out, she only got the job because of her father. Nepotism is running wild in TNA, brother!!!

This past Thursday, during the segments with Brooke in her office "eliminating" potential opponents for Tessmacher to defend her title against, it really just irritated me to listen to and watch her sort of chastize these women. I know it's not "real" but, again, this is where the lack of legit ability comes in. Brooke Hogan has never booked a match, she's never wrestled a match and has never taken a bump in her entire life. Yet, somehow, she's "in charge" of the Knockouts? She's lecturing Madison Rayne on what she should be "focusing on"? She's telling ODB that her "marriage" is sort of getting in the way and taking focus from her matches?

That'd be like me trying to tell Al Capone how to organize a mob hit.
This past Thursday, during the segments with Brooke in her office "eliminating" potential opponents for Tessmacher to defend her title against, it really just irritated me to listen to and watch her sort of chastize these women. I know it's not "real" but, again, this is where the lack of legit ability comes in. Brooke Hogan has never booked a match, she's never wrestled a match and has never taken a bump in her entire life. Yet, somehow, she's "in charge" of the Knockouts? She's lecturing Madison Rayne on what she should be "focusing on"? She's telling ODB that her "marriage" is sort of getting in the way and taking focus from her matches?

That'd be like me trying to tell Al Capone how to organize a mob hit.

Just to play Devil's Advocate here, I have to say actually her reasoning seemed to make sense really. As someone who's as inexperienced as her, she can only go off of what she sees. Lately, all I've seen Madison do is lose matches or come out to watch who we assume is Garrett Bischoff in matches because she's infatuated with him. ODB's been off TV for a few weeks (probably because of EY's surgery) for kayfabe reasons of her marriage, so why pick her? And between Velvet and Mickie there's no wrong choice there (from an over perspective) so either way would've been fine. Though Mickie's been hit and miss on TV lately, but since there's an obvious story to turn her heel, her loss just furthered it.

From a real, "what does she know about wrestling?" perspective, I totally agree with you :)

As for what she does: nothing really. Like pretty much everyone has said. Who's Brooke Hogan? She's Hulk Hogan's daughter and that's all she's known for, and likely will ever be known for.
It's a bad idea for the same reason it's bad to bring in ANYONE who doesn't know anything about wrestling. Hogan can try to teach her all he wants but you either get it or you don't. If Dixie doesn't know anything, I'm betting Brooke doesn't either.
Im basically indifferent to her being there. The way i see it is the same way alot of other posters on here see it, she neither helps nor hurts TNA. She didnt quite make it as a singer yea she put out an album or two but never gained a fanbase to the point where she could make new people tune in to impact wrestling so basically she makes no difference, good or bad in TNA and I will have this point of view until she can prove otherwise.
I think she has been fine in all honesty. Some of her mannerism's annoy me, like how she always claps when talking to a knockout for example but I think most just need to look past the Hogan name and judge her on the job she is doing. Just because she is a Hogan, doesnt mean she is/isn't doing her job well. Give her some more time and we'll judge after a few months, not a few weeks.
She's not annoying, she's not exciting, she's not interesting therefore she's not good for tv. Sorry but to be on tv especially wrestling you have to have character and she doesn't. She's just a bland personality. I mean look at all the past gm's on TNA or Raw, whether it's for the Diva's, Knockouts, or just general gm's. They were either over the top annoying heels, or they were exciting interesting faces and she is neither. If she turns heel and feuds with Hogan then maybe but as a baby face, not doin it for me so I ff her segments.
We all know daddy helped the ultimate butter face get her job. it's an empty, non existent, pointless position like the WWE Presidency back in the day.

so it is bad for the company, because no one will want to see here and change to another channel when she is on. I know I have the urge to.

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