Please name one WRESTLING promotion that started on Thursdays, stayed on Thursdays and got massive ratings on Thursdays.
Then I want you to name all of the companies that started/went on Mondays, stayed on Mondays and got massive ratings on Mondays.
You sure as hell gave me a ride on the "ROFLCOPTER". People say "Hogan this and that", but are you telling me, that you - one single person, knows more about how to run a wrestling promotion than men like Bischoff and Hogan who have been a part of it for decades?
I know that this is only a discussion but I find it histeric that even when TNA does what people have been crying for it to do for quite some time now - people complain. Even when TNA does something incredibly smart - people still complain about it.
Move on from the whole Thursdays crap. Before, people used to knock them for being on Thursdays. Saying that since they are on Thursdays they're immediately pervceived as a low-grade show. Add their stinky Impact Zone and the production - you turn people off.
Them moving to Mondays was a signal, a message to the entire wrestling community more than anything. It was the next step. They've been on Thursday for GOD knows how long now - have they EVER gotten past 1.7? No they haven't. Time to move on, try new stuff.
Tell you what, they'll get a lot more advertising ONLY by being on Mondays. It just gets people talking which is the best form of advertisment, especially in wrestling. "Oh the Monday Night wars, the wars are back, nyaaah". An hour before RAW gives RAW/TNA fans something to watch until RAW starts. It's TNA's job and duty to dish out some exciting wrestling and nice storylines in that first hour to draw people into hour Number 2. They'll switch back and forth but some of them, the ones that are sick of WWE's BS will find a new home - like I did.
FIRST - Heyman how to run a company better than Hogan and Bischoff for one Major Reason. He started something from scratch with rejects and made it a hit that people still talk about to his day.
Hogan Never Started a company, He only came to a place after someone else had found the fans, did the grunt work and had a name. Hogan is a change artist - He comes in and tweaks. So to act like Hogan is Vince Sr, Jim Crockett or any other territory promoter is to give him too much credit.
His actions have proven this. IMO he is a one trick pony. Shock Value, Roids and Nostalgia all of which don't work today. We are in a different time and Vince understands that because he always adjusts his product according. TNA for some reason just can't see this.
SECOND - I said TV Shows. Example, Jerry Spring started on TV at the worst time slot ever. He was on during the dead time after many stations closed programming around 2am for a few years. He made his content better , they marketed the show then he went mainstream. This has happened to a number of shows.
This is the way Network TV works for programs they are not sure of. Even Tyra Banks started on Oxygen at a bad time slot before CW gave it a chance.
THIRD - I NEVER Knocked TNA for being on Thursdays. I have always loved the fact that there was a show on that night so I could have more nights of wrestling. There is nothing wrong with being on Thursdays. TNA moved to quick and we are seeing what I was saying at the start.
FOURTH - You need to market and advertise. There is no way around it. If no one knows you exist they are not going to watch. Period ! UFC gets advertised heavy on Spike during all programs throughout the day. Spike doesn't give that same treatment to TNA.
Expecting people to somehow come to TNA because they are at 8pm is pie in the sky mentality. The Bilboard in Times Square with Hogan is what it takes to get people to watch at 8pm. And honestly they should be pimping Jeff Hardy and RVD more than Hogan on bilboards and display ads throughout their markets because casual fans know Jeff Hardy and Indy fans know RVD.
That is how you get fans. Or they should take a lesson from ROH who puts more butts in seats at house shows than TNA. They are on local news stations when they come to town, get articles written in papers and have New Yorks Wrestling Fans Ablaze when they come to town.
FYI - These People Know How to Run a Company As Well or Better than Hogan
1. Jim Ross - Helped Build Territories, Determine Creative and Develop Legends
2. Dusty Rhodes - Creative Genius , Legend and Behind the Scenes Man
3. Pat Patterson - Too long to list his history building companies
4. Bill Watts - Knows how to build and has experience on Crashing and Burning
5. Michael Hayes - Put WCCW on the Map, Developed the Hardys and Behind the Scenes
6. Jim Cornette - His resume is too long to write
There are others but my point here is to respond to the fact that many younger fans don't know that Hogan isn't the only brain in the industry.