iMPACT Moving To 8PM & Getting Thursday Replays

I'm forced to ask then, what the hell is the point?

Yeah, moving to 8 will give TNA better ratings...because they are not competing with RAW.

Hey TNA, want to know how you can improve your ratings even more? Not compete with RAW's second hour either.

"Monday Night Wars" became the "Monday Night Massacre" and now, because of TNA's failure, it has become the "Monday Night Confrontation" (which they are still getting massacred, lol.
to me this just shows again that TNA connot go head to head hour to hour with WWE.My prodiction is that TNA will still drag in about a 0.9 rating each week.
I think Impact should just move back to Thursdays. Who's going to miss Raw for Impact when they can catch a replay on thier original timeslot. I mean Impact is not even live every week. You can just read the spoilers an wait for Thursday to see the show. I don't feel like I have to immediately watch Impact to see what happens seeing how it's taped every other week but fir Raw I do want to immediately see what's going to happen since it's live every week. The replay on Thursday is just going to hurt Impact's Monday night rating.
I'm glad TNA decided to go with this move. Although I'm sure it was more of Spike's decision then TNA's decision to go to 8 pm along with the replay on Thursday. It's a good idea nonetheless. Impact can get the early lead in with audiences tuning in at 8 pm. As far as people not watching Monday to watch Thursday, it really doesn't matter as long as fans are watching. A lot of people can't watch or record Impact on Monday nights because of other shows, but Thursday is out there as an option.

The replays have been successful and are usually in the same range as the ratings for Monday night. I'm looking forward to the move and I hope TNA can continue to gain ratings.
something i just realise but what would happen in a couple of month, TNA still doing 0.6 ratings on mondays but doing 1.4 or higher on thursday? Do they cancelled the monday show and admit defeat and go back to thursday or do they keep the monday show and stop showing the thursday replay hoping that the people watching on thursday would come and watch on monday?

Another thing i just realise, in 3 weeks they are going head to head again raw for the first 2 hour since it was announce that in 3 weeks raw will be a 3 hour special and it'S one of their biggest show of the year: The WWE Draft. So it will be interesting to see how TNA will fair again Raw on that week.
There's no doubt that it was a smart move. It's probably the timeslot that they should have started out with in the first place. In a head to head fight, TNA simply cannot go against WWE at this time.

It's good that iMPACT! was able to pull bigger numbers this week than last week. If they'd have stayed at the 9-11 pm timeslot Monday, the combination of Raw and the NCAA Championship probably would have swallowed up iMPACT! and the show probably would have pulled worse numbers than last week. However, there's still some work to be done because TNA isn't out of the woods yet. From 8-9 pm, unopposed by Raw or the NCAA Championship game, iMPACT! still only pulled a 0.91 rating for the hour and the rating dipped to a 0.78 for the second hour. Even before the move to Mondays, a disturbing trend for iMPACT! is that it loses viewers during the second hour. While a couple of the segments came close, the show still didn't have a single segment draw a 1.0 or better.

All things being equal, this week was better for TNA than last week but there's still a lot of work for TNA if it even wants to recapture its average 1.2 numbers.
Perfect. Now I can just watch Raw on Monday's and if I remember I'll watch or DVR TNA on Thursday.

Problem solved. Thanks Hulkster!
well, TNA got a .9 rating, while Raw did a 3.2. That is pretty darn good on TNA's part considering there was very little advertising for the time change, outside of in-show.
The thing that confuses me is i heard TNA was gettin like a 0.9 ratin monday and same again on a thursday for those couple of weeks they were on both mon and thu so that shows that people are tuning into see tna regardless of what night its on. Over in the UK theres surely some showtimes of raw or SD on skysports that wont have hardly anyone watching yet they keep to this system here where theyre shown quite a few times a week. Is it not better for tna and wwe as a whole to try get as much airtime altogether on a network as opposed to makin it a one time only chance to see something? I just dont get why tna wanted to have a once a week showing only and this being versus wwe when they cud have multiple showings so more people could watch it in the first place.
I don't think it's very fair to compare TNA to WCW when it comes to their "competition" with the WWE. I don't think that many people can argue with the fact that wrestling is in a slump and has been since the turn of the century. Remember back in the day when both WCW and WWE used to draw high numbers? Far higher than the 3.2 that Raw is drawing now. When wrestling was at it's peak in the mid to late 90s, it was possible to divide the audience into two seperate groups and still post great numbers. But now that WWE has alienated some of it's audience with PG programming and TNA doesn't have the firepower to make a serious run, you just simply cannot divide the audience anymore without severely hurting one or even both products. In order for TNA to even start competing right now, they have to basically "steal" a bigger named guy from WWE. I'm not talking about picking up a guy that WWE disposed of, I mean a superstar that leaves WWE and hooks his wagon to the TNA horse. Unfortunately, that will more than likely never happen cause TNA is a VERY distant #2 at this point.

I'm a big TNA fan and I definitely cheer for their success cause it makes it a lot more fun for wrestling fans if they have a choice. I am personally very bored with Raw right now cause I find it insulting as a wrestling fan when they call their athletes "Superstars" and "Divas" and water down the actual athleticism of wrestling. But on the other side of the coin, I'm quite critical of some of the directions that TNA is taking too. But I'm confident that TNA will settle down and start to put out a quality product. TNA and their fans should accept their role as an alternative to WWE and not competition for the WWE.
I think it is a good idea to have thursday's back and aint it funny when u turn from WWE to TNA on Mondays during commercial breaks both mostly always so commercials and sometimes the same ones but anywho it was a smart idea for TNA keep it Thursday replays but I would tweek the replays with matches from explosion added in.
About time.

Anyone who knew anything about wrestling knew TNA didn't stand a chance in that timeslot against WWE. At least not in this point in time.

Smart move, bravo Dixie Carter and all you other people that made it happen. This has got to be the best thing the TNA promotion has done lately.

Now it gives wrestling fans a reason to tune in on Thursdays and not have to make the guilty pleasure of popping on Raw when there is a commercial break. TNA fans should eat this news up.
I think people are forgetting something major. The issue is not WHAT TIME YOU HAVE YOUR SHOW but PROMOTING THE SHOW YOU HAVE.

Moving time slots on Spike doesn't make a difference because those fans switching the channel are TNA fans mostly. I go to every wwe show in my region and always make a point to ask if anyone knows about TNA and the answer is almost 98% " Who is TNA " ?

So the issue isn't the time slot but TNA running advertisements on radio, tv, and bilboards like WWE does. It's nothing to hear a commercial here in Baltimore over the radio. Actually we have been getting them almost daily for the upcoming PPV.

TNA needs to focus on marketing and get away from time slots. I think Thursday was the perfect time from the start. They could have gone live and grown the base. But Hogan didn't realize he wasn't as important as he thought he was and now we have musical time slots.

It just shows a major fundamental problem with TNA: They don't know who or what they are ! And it results in crazy storylines, timeslot changes and all of this stuff that we have been watching.

I am not going to be patient. A business should know who they are on Day 1. Period . But I will talk about that another time. But TNA is just focusing on the wrong thing.

It's Content & Marketing. Because if your content is good, you can be on at 11pm on wed and still get massive ratings. And before anyone says it can't happen. TV is littered with shows that started on crappy networks and insane times that became successes and still went mainstream because the content was good and the show was promoted.
It's Content & Marketing. Because if your content is good, you can be on at 11pm on wed and still get massive ratings. And before anyone says it can't happen. TV is littered with shows that started on crappy networks and insane times that became successes and still went mainstream because the content was good and the show was promoted.

Please name one WRESTLING promotion that started on Thursdays, stayed on Thursdays and got massive ratings on Thursdays.

Then I want you to name all of the companies that started/went on Mondays, stayed on Mondays and got massive ratings on Mondays.

You sure as hell gave me a ride on the "ROFLCOPTER". People say "Hogan this and that", but are you telling me, that you - one single person, knows more about how to run a wrestling promotion than men like Bischoff and Hogan who have been a part of it for decades?

I know that this is only a discussion but I find it histeric that even when TNA does what people have been crying for it to do for quite some time now - people complain. Even when TNA does something incredibly smart - people still complain about it.

Move on from the whole Thursdays crap. Before, people used to knock them for being on Thursdays. Saying that since they are on Thursdays they're immediately pervceived as a low-grade show. Add their stinky Impact Zone and the production - you turn people off.

Them moving to Mondays was a signal, a message to the entire wrestling community more than anything. It was the next step. They've been on Thursday for GOD knows how long now - have they EVER gotten past 1.7? No they haven't. Time to move on, try new stuff.

Tell you what, they'll get a lot more advertising ONLY by being on Mondays. It just gets people talking which is the best form of advertisment, especially in wrestling. "Oh the Monday Night wars, the wars are back, nyaaah". An hour before RAW gives RAW/TNA fans something to watch until RAW starts. It's TNA's job and duty to dish out some exciting wrestling and nice storylines in that first hour to draw people into hour Number 2. They'll switch back and forth but some of them, the ones that are sick of WWE's BS will find a new home - like I did.
The reason being you tune in for hour one, and just like Nitro managed to accomplish a decade ago, slowly but surely you hook new users into the product who eventually forget outright to change the channel because of how compelling the matches/story lines/feuds/etc. are.

Well, yeah, if they can just figure out that pesky "make the storylines compelling part"
Awesome move on TNA's guessing that maybe Easy E or Dixie/with Spike TV had something to do with it!
I think that the ratings will increasingly grow in time from starting at the 8PM timeslot (thats if TNA continues to put on well wrestling matches,segments & promos).
And even better,for fans that may have missed out on TNA that night would be able to watch the replays on Thursdays xD..
But i want to point out that another really smart move they've done here on moving to the 8PM timeslot,is that its just well an hour before Raw starts that if TNA's programming are attracting more viewers,viewers may tend to forget to switch their channels to Raw!!!And knowing TNA,they'll probably have all the fast paced matches and all the other great stuff in the early hour!
I personally think this move to the 8PM Timeslot was great!!And by God..i truly hope that something happens to ignite TNA's ratings even more down the track...
Judging from this past Mondays TNA's ratings got was not that slightly moved..but they've got a helleva a long way to go.
Good move for TNA. They were never going to win a rating battle head to head with WWE and were only going to get pissed on like they did. At least now they get an unopposed hour, made better by the fact that casual viewers with nothing to do in the hour leading up to RAW may switch it on, or channel hop around it.
Please name one WRESTLING promotion that started on Thursdays, stayed on Thursdays and got massive ratings on Thursdays.

Then I want you to name all of the companies that started/went on Mondays, stayed on Mondays and got massive ratings on Mondays.

You sure as hell gave me a ride on the "ROFLCOPTER". People say "Hogan this and that", but are you telling me, that you - one single person, knows more about how to run a wrestling promotion than men like Bischoff and Hogan who have been a part of it for decades?

I know that this is only a discussion but I find it histeric that even when TNA does what people have been crying for it to do for quite some time now - people complain. Even when TNA does something incredibly smart - people still complain about it.

Move on from the whole Thursdays crap. Before, people used to knock them for being on Thursdays. Saying that since they are on Thursdays they're immediately pervceived as a low-grade show. Add their stinky Impact Zone and the production - you turn people off.

Them moving to Mondays was a signal, a message to the entire wrestling community more than anything. It was the next step. They've been on Thursday for GOD knows how long now - have they EVER gotten past 1.7? No they haven't. Time to move on, try new stuff.

Tell you what, they'll get a lot more advertising ONLY by being on Mondays. It just gets people talking which is the best form of advertisment, especially in wrestling. "Oh the Monday Night wars, the wars are back, nyaaah". An hour before RAW gives RAW/TNA fans something to watch until RAW starts. It's TNA's job and duty to dish out some exciting wrestling and nice storylines in that first hour to draw people into hour Number 2. They'll switch back and forth but some of them, the ones that are sick of WWE's BS will find a new home - like I did.

FIRST - Heyman how to run a company better than Hogan and Bischoff for one Major Reason. He started something from scratch with rejects and made it a hit that people still talk about to his day.

Hogan Never Started a company, He only came to a place after someone else had found the fans, did the grunt work and had a name. Hogan is a change artist - He comes in and tweaks. So to act like Hogan is Vince Sr, Jim Crockett or any other territory promoter is to give him too much credit.

His actions have proven this. IMO he is a one trick pony. Shock Value, Roids and Nostalgia all of which don't work today. We are in a different time and Vince understands that because he always adjusts his product according. TNA for some reason just can't see this.

SECOND - I said TV Shows. Example, Jerry Spring started on TV at the worst time slot ever. He was on during the dead time after many stations closed programming around 2am for a few years. He made his content better , they marketed the show then he went mainstream. This has happened to a number of shows.

This is the way Network TV works for programs they are not sure of. Even Tyra Banks started on Oxygen at a bad time slot before CW gave it a chance.

THIRD - I NEVER Knocked TNA for being on Thursdays. I have always loved the fact that there was a show on that night so I could have more nights of wrestling. There is nothing wrong with being on Thursdays. TNA moved to quick and we are seeing what I was saying at the start.

FOURTH - You need to market and advertise. There is no way around it. If no one knows you exist they are not going to watch. Period ! UFC gets advertised heavy on Spike during all programs throughout the day. Spike doesn't give that same treatment to TNA.

Expecting people to somehow come to TNA because they are at 8pm is pie in the sky mentality. The Bilboard in Times Square with Hogan is what it takes to get people to watch at 8pm. And honestly they should be pimping Jeff Hardy and RVD more than Hogan on bilboards and display ads throughout their markets because casual fans know Jeff Hardy and Indy fans know RVD.

That is how you get fans. Or they should take a lesson from ROH who puts more butts in seats at house shows than TNA. They are on local news stations when they come to town, get articles written in papers and have New Yorks Wrestling Fans Ablaze when they come to town.

FYI - These People Know How to Run a Company As Well or Better than Hogan

1. Jim Ross - Helped Build Territories, Determine Creative and Develop Legends

2. Dusty Rhodes - Creative Genius , Legend and Behind the Scenes Man

3. Pat Patterson - Too long to list his history building companies

4. Bill Watts - Knows how to build and has experience on Crashing and Burning

5. Michael Hayes - Put WCCW on the Map, Developed the Hardys and Behind the Scenes

6. Jim Cornette - His resume is too long to write

There are others but my point here is to respond to the fact that many younger fans don't know that Hogan isn't the only brain in the industry.
If they feel they have to do a re-run on the Thursday they shouldn't keep it at it's full 2 hours. All the re-run is there for is to make people want to watch it on the Monday night next week, a 1 hour edited version could do that, and yet not give the viewers a reason to miss the Monday show.

It would also free up an hour for TNA to have another show, if the re-run led into an hour of X-division matches it could hook people into the brand. I can't see it costing that much more to tape 2, 3 or even four more matches a week and make them into a 3rd show. (don't forget Xplosion, lol)
I like this move. TNA hasn't done as well against Raw as they would have liked to. Now they can get a few viewers before Raw starts. However they will probably do terrible against Raw once Raw has started for that week, now that fans regain the option of watching the thursday night replays. The positive side to that though is that people do not have to have a choice anymore. Wrestling will be on four nights a week again. People will not have to pick between Impact or Raw. It was cool to have the small ratings "war" but I did miss the days of watching Impact on thursdays honestly. This is better for TNA in the long run because they took on a challenge they just might not have been ready for yet. Now they have thursday replays as their backup if/when they get bad ratings on mondays. Everyone wins.
The rating for last night's iMPACT! replay are in. It pulled in a 0.56, rounded to a 0.6, with 758,000 viewers. I'm not really sure how TNA feels about this. When they were doing the iMPACT! replays on Thursdays in the past, the ratings were almost identical to those of the first airing.

I think that the ratings for last night's replay distinctly show that a significant portion of TNA's audience has disappeared. TNA didn't have competition from Raw last night, so fans didn't have to choose one or the other. And, if they missed iMPACT! to watch either Raw or the NCAA Championship game Monday, they'd have had a chance to watch iMPACT! last night.
The rating for last night's iMPACT! replay are in. It pulled in a 0.56, rounded to a 0.6, with 758,000 viewers. I'm not really sure how TNA feels about this. When they were doing the iMPACT! replays on Thursdays in the past, the ratings were almost identical to those of the first airing.

I think that the ratings for last night's replay distinctly show that a significant portion of TNA's audience has disappeared. TNA didn't have competition from Raw last night, so fans didn't have to choose one or the other. And, if they missed iMPACT! to watch either Raw or the NCAA Championship game Monday, they'd have had a chance to watch iMPACT! last night.

I don't think one bad night means their audience has disappeared. They sure do need to build it up, though. One thing that I did notice, at least on Suddenlink's online guide, Spike had something else listed as playing. I'm not sure if this was an issue with other TV providers, but anyone using that guide wouldn't even have known TNA was on. They have been playing "musical timeslots" too much lately.
FIRST - Heyman how to run a company better than Hogan and Bischoff for one Major Reason. He started something from scratch with rejects and made it a hit that people still talk about to his day.

Hogan Never Started a company, He only came to a place after someone else had found the fans, did the grunt work and had a name. Hogan is a change artist - He comes in and tweaks. So to act like Hogan is Vince Sr, Jim Crockett or any other territory promoter is to give him too much credit.

His actions have proven this. IMO he is a one trick pony. Shock Value, Roids and Nostalgia all of which don't work today. We are in a different time and Vince understands that because he always adjusts his product according. TNA for some reason just can't see this.

SECOND - I said TV Shows. Example, Jerry Spring started on TV at the worst time slot ever. He was on during the dead time after many stations closed programming around 2am for a few years. He made his content better , they marketed the show then he went mainstream. This has happened to a number of shows.

This is the way Network TV works for programs they are not sure of. Even Tyra Banks started on Oxygen at a bad time slot before CW gave it a chance.

THIRD - I NEVER Knocked TNA for being on Thursdays. I have always loved the fact that there was a show on that night so I could have more nights of wrestling. There is nothing wrong with being on Thursdays. TNA moved to quick and we are seeing what I was saying at the start.

FOURTH - You need to market and advertise. There is no way around it. If no one knows you exist they are not going to watch. Period ! UFC gets advertised heavy on Spike during all programs throughout the day. Spike doesn't give that same treatment to TNA.

Expecting people to somehow come to TNA because they are at 8pm is pie in the sky mentality. The Bilboard in Times Square with Hogan is what it takes to get people to watch at 8pm. And honestly they should be pimping Jeff Hardy and RVD more than Hogan on bilboards and display ads throughout their markets because casual fans know Jeff Hardy and Indy fans know RVD.

That is how you get fans. Or they should take a lesson from ROH who puts more butts in seats at house shows than TNA. They are on local news stations when they come to town, get articles written in papers and have New Yorks Wrestling Fans Ablaze when they come to town.

FYI - These People Know How to Run a Company As Well or Better than Hogan

1. Jim Ross - Helped Build Territories, Determine Creative and Develop Legends

2. Dusty Rhodes - Creative Genius , Legend and Behind the Scenes Man

3. Pat Patterson - Too long to list his history building companies

4. Bill Watts - Knows how to build and has experience on Crashing and Burning

5. Michael Hayes - Put WCCW on the Map, Developed the Hardys and Behind the Scenes

6. Jim Cornette - His resume is too long to write

There are others but my point here is to respond to the fact that many younger fans don't know that Hogan isn't the only brain in the industry.

i wouldn't call Rhodes a creative genius, his claim to fame was booking himself in the main event with Flair which was overdone to death, and he booked the promotion right into the ground.

Billboards only get people to the door, you have to have something for them once they tune in and watching RVD and Hardy get beat down week after week isn't going to hold anyone's attention.

Vince has successfully booked the WWE as The end all be all of sports entertainment, until TNA wises up and decides to do it DIFFERENTLY, they have NO chance. What's shocking is Bischoff did attack the WWF, by going in a different direction - cruiserweights, luchadores, nitro girls and putting the office in the storyline. Too bad he ended up being a one-trick pony.
This was clearly the only decision TNA could have made. They just aren't ready to go immediately head to head with the WWE, and this at least acknowledges that they realize there is still growth to be made within the company. Going with an hour unopposed allows them to set up the program, rather than throw out their little surprises in one fell swoop, and overload the audience. Now, TNA can still use surprises to maintain their audience, while at the same time, slowly build the surprise up the 9:00 hour, where they can only hope that the fans will stay glued, or that the WWE offers up a weak first segment, as they typically do.

As for the Thursday replay... I'm not sure how I feel on it, honestly. You see, on one hand, it allows TNA fans to see the show if they're watching Raw, and entice them to watch Impact the next night. On the other hand, eventually, wrestling fans are going to wonder this simple question: "why bother trying to watch both shows at once, when I can watch both in their entirety if I wait three days?" Sure, you could go with spoilers, but it really isn't that difficult to avoid spoilers, as long as you go to the right websites. (Just like this website, where spoilers are forbidden ;).) There isn't really a whole lot keeping fans from just watching Thursday, as opposed to Monday, unless you have some big hootenanny on Thursday, that you just can't afford to pass up. Most wrestling fans don't mind watching wrestling two nights; it's why we're fans, damnit. So the replay, while a nice gesture, I guess, makes Impact less immediate a show to watch on Mondays. What's the point of rushing to watch Impact on a Monday, when you know you're going to have it on Thursday to watch, at the exact same time, anyway?

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