Jan 4th- Monday Night Raw vs TNA iMPACT

Which federation won on January 4th?

  • WWE is my favorite, and TNA came out the clear victor

  • WWE is my favorite, and WWE came out the clear victor

  • TNA is my favorite, and TNA came out the clear victor

  • TNA is my favorite, and WWE came out the clear victor

  • I like both equally, and WWE was the best show

  • I like both equally, and TNA had the best show

  • I hate both equally, and WWE had the best show

  • I hate both equally, and TNA had the best show

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Personally, I simply do not believe that Jeff Hardy will be re-joining TNA tomorrow night, I consider this hype and propaganda from Dixie Carter. I believe Hardy will be backstage, and this is the only form of "party crashing" Hardy will be doing.

Hardy left WWE on his own terms, and burned no bridges on his way out. Why would he leave such a lucrative opportunity in WWE, just to jump on board the sinking ship? Shoot promos aside, WWE did nothing to alienate him. Hardy tried TNA before and was lukewarm at best.

A couple of days ago, word was that RVD was coming on board, and that apparently has turned out to be inaccurate. And Jeff Hardy will be inaccurate too. Spreading rumours to coax viewers away from WWE. Interesting strategy but not too smart.
I don't think he'll wanna go out on Impact. He's there for Shannon Moore, nothing more in my opinion. TNA would take him definitely, but if Hardy wanted to wrestle, he wouldn't have left WWE. It's not the schedule that messed him up, like most people who leave WWE for TNA. He wanted to do his other stuff, if he joined TNA it would get in the way.

If TNA had known there was even a slight chance that Hardy would be on Impact, they would've promoted it. Yes, Hardy has a big following. But it's with kids and teens, more casual fans who don't keep up with the business as much as the IWC do. No one apart from the IWC has any idea Hardy will be backstage at impact. 98% of his fans have no idea. So even if he appeared on impact, and it would probably be just for that night, what would be the point? Jeff Hardy on Impact without hype is the dumbest thing TNA could do. Either they would've hyped the shit out of it, or it would've been a total surprise mark out moment. But Hardy doesn't want to wrestle right now, like I said. So I don't think he's going to appear on impact.
Personally, I simply do not believe that Jeff Hardy will be re-joining TNA tomorrow night, I consider this hype and propaganda from Dixie Carter. I believe Hardy will be backstage, and this is the only form of "party crashing" Hardy will be doing.

Spot on here, how does Carter saying she 'heard' that Jeff was crashing the party mean that Jeff Hardy has joined TNA and will shoot on WWE? Methinks you've jumped to conclusions there.

I'd be a bit pissed if he did, simply put WWE gave him many a chance and if he spits it in their face to join TNA that is bad form.
Spot on here, how does Carter saying she 'heard' that Jeff was crashing the party mean that Jeff Hardy has joined TNA and will shoot on WWE? Methinks you've jumped to conclusions there.

I'd be a bit pissed if he did, simply put WWE gave him many a chance and if he spits it in their face to join TNA that is bad form.

Because Carter is not going to put something out there publicly on her Twitter account, unless she has plans on using a person like him on TV. Obviously, she isn't verbally saying he is going to appear to preserve it as somewhat of a "surprise" ... even though it really won't be to the Internet. She is trying to hype it without spoiling it.

As far as jumping to conclusions, I don't have a crystal ball of course, but knowing Bischoff's style, along with Russo, you can expect the pot shots to fly all night from TNA towards WWE. So I think it's a safe assumption.
Hmmmm well, first off, RVD has recently quashed rumors that he's going to be at iMPACT and that he's going ot be watching the show. Hardy, according to his latest tweet on Twitter, says he's going to be at iMPACT to support Shannon Moore but there's no indication that he's going to actually participate in the show at all.


TNA iMPACT - 1.2

8-9: 1.5
9-10: 1.2
10-11: 1.0

The first hour of iMPACT will be the highest drawing of the night, most likely. I expect at least a third of those watching the show will flip over to Raw at 9 to check out what's going to happen with Bret Hart. After a while, I'm expecting a little more than half to stay tuned to Raw. By the second hour of Raw and the third hour of iMPACT, I'd say most of those same viewers might switch back over to Raw to see what happens during the second hour.

iMPACT segments that will draw viewers
Hulk Hogan appearances
Eric Bischoff appearances
An appearance from Sting
nWo Tease
Kurt Angle wrestling
AJ Styles wrestling

iMPACT segments that will lose viewers
Steel Cage Asylum for X Division title
Knockouts Title: Tara vs ODB
Foley/Jarrett appearances
Eric Young/The World Elite
Team 3D
Matt Morgan
Desmond Wolfe

The reason I think the X Division title segment will lose viewers, I might be wrong, but the title and the division in and of itself has had virtually no presence on iMPACT for well over a month. I've lost interest in the division and just throwing a match onto the show with no build up or reason doesn't do anything to rekindle it.

WWE Raw: 3.7

9-10: 3.8
10-11: 3.6

I'm expecting the Raw audience to stay fairly constant throughout most of the night. Bret Hart's appearance during the first hour should draw a pretty high number. Whatever interaction he might have with certain people like Vince or HBK at least will probably hold a lot of interest. If DX and JeriShow winds up being the main event, I'm expecting viewership to drop off a little for the second hour. A lot of this is speculative since we only know about the Kingston vs. Orton and the DX vs. JeriShow matches as well as Hart's general appearance. Some segments might be on the show that we weren't expecting and some might be left off that we were. I'm hoping that the WWE doesn't use a lot of the comedy gimmicks going on like Santino or just plain old ratings drags like Chavo Guerrero.

Raw segments that will draw viewers
Bret Hart and Vince/HBK/DX interaction
DX vs JeriShow
Legacy splits up
Hart Dynasty segments
John Cena's appearance via satellite
Sheamus segments
Kingston vs Orton match

Raw segments that will lose viewers
Hornswoggle segments without DX
Santino Marella segments
Carlito segments
Chavo Guerrero segments
DX skits plugging merchendise
I want to see both of these companies improve. This "war" wasn't started to divide the fans to see who has a better product. It was started so that both promotions can up their game and hopefully make wrestling an all around better product, in both TNA and the WWE. You know, when Dixie Carter made the comment that wrestling will be the winner of this war... she had the right idea.

The mistake WCW made was trying to bash the WWE and not improving THEIR product. I think this will be a better product because all TNA is doing is trying to improve their product, whether or not I disagree with how they're doing it (Hogan... again...ugh), but at least they're trying. And I know the WWE made a marvelous attempt at upping their game by getting Bret Hart to sign a deal with the WWE, despite his apparent hatred for the company.

Think about the promo HBK cut on Monday, when he said, "Only good things can happen."

I think that quote had a lot of subtext. He wasn't only talking about Bret Hart, but he was talking about a promotion that may be big enough to bring some competition to the WWE. Nothing but good things can come out of this "war" between the two promotions when it comes to the wrestling fans.
Because Carter is not going to put something out there publicly on her Twitter account, unless she has plans on using a person like him on TV. Obviously, she isn't verbally saying he is going to appear to preserve it as somewhat of a "surprise" ... even though it really won't be to the Internet. She is trying to hype it without spoiling it.

As far as jumping to conclusions, I don't have a crystal ball of course, but knowing Bischoff's style, along with Russo, you can expect the pot shots to fly all night from TNA towards WWE. So I think it's a safe assumption.

I just don't think this is right. Jeff posted on his twitter account before her that he would be in FLA with his boy. I think she is simply searching for more fuel. I can't imagine Jeff jumping back in not only so quickly, but also due to what is going on in his life.

I'm not saying there is no chance Hardy shows up on TV. I would be very surprised though if he does. Shocked would even be a good word for it. One really should ask themselves if Shannon has gotten the call just bc they know he is friends with Jeff. Obviously, Jeff is more of a catch than Shannon is. If they got him to come back it's a huge deal. He was moving merch like crazy before he left WWE. Hell, he still is.

I just don't think this is legit. Seems like she left it vague to make people have assumptions.
Because Carter is not going to put something out there publicly on her Twitter account, unless she has plans on using a person like him on TV. Obviously, she isn't verbally saying he is going to appear to preserve it as somewhat of a "surprise" ... even though it really won't be to the Internet. She is trying to hype it without spoiling it.

As far as jumping to conclusions, I don't have a crystal ball of course, but knowing Bischoff's style, along with Russo, you can expect the pot shots to fly all night from TNA towards WWE. So I think it's a safe assumption.

But all she put out there publicly on her Twitter account is that Jeff would be crashing the party, i.e., that he would be there. So her Twitter cannot be discounted as being factually incorrect, but rather, deliberately misleading to lure away the more naive WWE fans. And I for one won't be such a naive fan. Because I don't feel there's anything to the Hardy rumours, no more than there were to the RVD rumours.

As another poster said previously, if Hardy were coming to TNA, they'd be hyping this to death to lure away the younger audience, allowing Hogan and Bischoff to attract the older demographic, and Hardy to entice the younger fans. The lack of hype is indicative of the lack of accuracy of the rumours and the twit (the message, not its producer).

Pot shots all night, I would agree with this, it's what runners-up do, while the front runners don't even acknowledge their adversary as even a blip on their radar.

Tell me, for a company like TNA which has not exactly had a long and lucrative history, how could they possibly afford Hogan. And Bischoff. And Flair. And RVD. And Jeff Hardy. And Mr. Kennedy/Anderson. And a revengeful Bret Hart as some earlier posts ridiculously suggested. And Bill Goldberg in an equally ridiculous earlier post. About all they can afford is Sean Waltman and Scott Hall. And Shannon Moore. And the Nasty Boys. Bargain bin talent for, well, you know.
My grandparents were mentioning this to me. They were telling me Jeff Hardy was gonna be on Impact Monday. I asked where they heard it and they responded with IWA. A company in Puerto Rico very closely affiliated with TNA. Now I didn't see it myself so I don't know if they've mistaken a random comment as promotion so I can't say. However it seems like a convenient option for Jeff. He wants time to do other things, but like every other pro wrestler, his boots will always itch and I thing going to TNA can give him the chance to wrestle and with the light schedule giving him more time for his other projects. Not to mention it can keep him distracted from certain "pass times" that keep circulating him.
I still believe you're just jumping to conclusions. Hardy announced himself via his own twitter account that he's indeed going to Impact tomorrow, but in support of Shannon, who'll be meeting with Hogan. Granted, it could just be an attempt of a swerve by Hardy, but I strongly doubt it. Hence the reason Dixie says nothing of him appearing on the show, just the fact that he's showing up to the party. I'd bet alot he doesn't appear on tv tomorrow night, or any night on TNA.

I view this as simply false advertisement by Dixie, anything to get viewers.
If Jeff does appear on IMPACT, I think he'll just cut a promo, and not wrestle. Whether he wrestles or just cuts a promo, I think this a major way to burn his bridge with WWE. Yeah, Vince probably just pushed him because he was a merchandise selling machine, and he was way over, but still Vince pushed him.

We all know things can change when it comes to the wrestling business. Who would have ever thought we see Hulk Hogan join TNA? Imagine if things don't work out between TNA and Jeff again. Do you think Vince will want to take him back after he jumped ship to the enemy? We all know Vince likes to hold grudges, and not let them go for a very long time or ever.
Well, Hardy never said anything about actually appearing on the show, only that he was going to be there to support Shannon Moore. Now, that certainly doesn't mean that he might not be part of the show or might not be convinced when he gets there to be part of the show. While Jeff Hardy is there, I'm sure that he's going to be asked to join the company or for negotiations to at least begin.

If Jeff Hardy does appear on Impact, then I'd say that Vince will wash his hands of the guy. There are rumors flying about that they'd like for Jeff to come back and worth a match against CM Punk at WM. If he shows up on Impact, then it's probably not going to happen even if he doesn't wind up signing with the company.
But all she put out there publicly on her Twitter account is that Jeff would be crashing the party, i.e., that he would be there. So her Twitter cannot be discounted as being factually incorrect, but rather, deliberately misleading to lure away the more naive WWE fans. And I for one won't be such a naive fan. Because I don't feel there's anything to the Hardy rumours, no more than there were to the RVD rumours.

Did Dixie ever Tweet that RVD was going to be attending the Impact tapings, or was that Internet speculation?

How is it misleading when you don't know if it's true or not? If Jeff Hardy does appear on Impact, would you construe it as misleading still?

As another poster said previously, if Hardy were coming to TNA, they'd be hyping this to death to lure away the younger audience, allowing Hogan and Bischoff to attract the older demographic, and Hardy to entice the younger fans. The lack of hype is indicative of the lack of accuracy of the rumours and the twit (the message, not its producer).

Not necessarily. There does need to be some genuine surprises. Remember the motto that the World Wrestling Federation used to have-- "Anything can happen in the WWF"?

I think that is the environment TNA is hoping to recreate and to "expect the unexpected". What you saw out of Dixie's Twitter account was simply a tease of what to expect out of Jeff Hardy for tomorrow, without outright saying it and completely spoiling the surprise.

If I am a betting man, you will see Jeff Hardy on Impact tomorrow.

Jeff's 90 Day No Compete Clause is also up since he last wrestled at SummerSlam against CM Punk.

Pot shots all night, I would agree with this, it's what runners-up do, while the front runners don't even acknowledge their adversary as even a blip on their radar.

You seem to say this with a certain ounce of glee. Competition is a good thing. If anything, you should be embracing this, as all of us benefit with a better product, instead of taking pot shots at the company who is trying to make this a possibility.

Tell me, for a company like TNA which has not exactly had a long and lucrative history, how could they possibly afford Hogan. And Bischoff. And Flair. And RVD. And Jeff Hardy. And Mr. Kennedy/Anderson. And a revengeful Bret Hart as some earlier posts ridiculously suggested. And Bill Goldberg in an equally ridiculous earlier post. About all they can afford is Sean Waltman and Scott Hall. And Shannon Moore. And the Nasty Boys. Bargain bin talent for, well, you know.

Well in the business world, things don't always work out that way. You seem to think that it's impossible for a business to spend money that they don't have, when in reality, the opposite is true.

You have a couple of options.

A company either takes out loans to invest into the company in hopes for a big payoff down the road.

Or, you get a group of investors together, such as Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, Dixie Carter, Panda Energy, etc. and they invest their resources into promoting TNA with the hope of making it major competition for the WWE.

Sure, they are spending money they don't have and are going into the red. Companies do this all the time, so it's nothing new. I don't get why "spending money you don't have" is such an unbelievable concept for people to fathom when it's done every day.

TNA as a matter of fact, was in the Red until just a year or two ago. But they are turning a profit now. They are just going to go back into the Red again, and hope for a big payoff down the road.

Byt back to Jeff Hardy, he is one of those people who I don't sense has company loyalty to anyone, since he knows that companies are not loyal to him. Vince uses him because he sells merchandise. Had Hardy not sold merchandise, Vince would have kicked him to the curb a long time ago. So Jeff knows Vince is simply using him.

Therefore, the loyalty simply is not there, and I think Hardy has shown that once before when he left for TNA.
This is bullshit. Hardy may be there, he may be backstage or involved in some party in TNA, but that by no way confirms he's joined TNA and is going to debut on the show tomorrow night. I wouldn't be surprised if Dixie Carter is just trying to draw the attention of certain fans and get them tuning in to TNA merely for the hope Hardy's going to show up.. just to boost the ratings.. when he's not even going to be there. Unfortunately, it's not going to work. If Hardy does join TNA and debuts, then I've lost a lot more respect for him.
So if you have a problem with a company, and things aren't working out (maybe you are getting tired of the travel schedule, for instance), and feel it is in your best interests to join another company with a less rigorous schedule ... then you think people should lose respect for you?

I honestly don't get this logic that people should work for a company for life, and shouldn't be given an option to go anywhere else to be happier. Although obviously this is being said because people are fans of the WWE more so than they are fans of wrestling, and people take it personally ... for some reason.

I just don't get why people care. It's not like there is a vested interest from them in the WWE, unless you own stock maybe.

Jeff apparently confirmed via his Twitter account that he will be there, as well. Somebody like Hardy is not going to go there, and nor will it be made public via both Dixie and Jeff's Twitter accounts, unless there are plans for him to appear on screen.

If anything, I would look for him to maybe cut a promo, as I said earlier, against WWE since that would be typical Russo and Bischoff. And I think it's perfectly acceptable. After all, WWE did make Hardy's drug problems personal in a worked shoot storyline. If I were Jeff, maybe I would be angry at WWE airing and flaunting my dirty laundry in public, too.
What this thread really gets at is competition, and is really directed towards the very passionate WWE fans on here. Do you feel that competition from TNA is truly a bad thing for the WWE?

Yes and no. Competition during the attitude era brought out a product from WWE that is still talked about fondly by fans almost 9 years after the ratings war ended. I personally think that Raw would never have gotten ratings that high without WCW's rivalry causing them to be determined enough to put forth that great of a product. However, on the other side of the coin.... it's also a bad thing because both federations needed to do better than the other and WCW lost in the end.

Do you think competition will make the WWE better? Why or why not?

Yes. It happened during the ratings war and it can happen again. If TNA continues to improve then they can reach the level of a threat that WCW was. Then we will truly be in for something awesome as the two federations try to outdo one another. Although, the original monday night ratings war might never be replicated. Some things are once in a lifetime events.

If you want to see the WWE improve and at its peak, do you feel that supporting TNA is in your best interests? Why or Why not?

Yes. If we support TNA then it helps them improve. They get better ratings and will be more optimistic about their potential, thus putting forth a better product with confidence that they can pull it off. We can still support WWE too. I support both federations and luckily I have 2 tv's so I can watch both, they will both get ratings increases from me. The better TNA does, the higher our odds of seeing a better product from the two federations, because rivalries bring out the best in someone. WCW did it for WWF. TNA can do it for WWE.

Lastly, do you agree with Dixie Carter in that "wrestling and its fans will win on Monday"? Or do you feel that this is something you aren't in favor of since it will take away some viewers from WWE that night?

Absolutely. Wrestling fans will get twice as much wrestling that they can potentially watch on monday. BOTH of the federations are going to be doing the best they can to put on a great show for US the fans. The happier we are, the better the wrestling business does. Dixie is right in that the fans are who will truly win on monday because we have so much to look forward to. We are in for a very special night, guys.
I don't think much of it. Sidious makes a great point about RVD, but the difference is RVD won't be at the arena, Jeff Hardy will be. But I assume he won't be on camera, and I assume he won't be cutting any promo against the WWE, a company he probably will want to return to when he can.

But if he did go, it would help, but Im not sure if it would be that much. I can't see the kids who love Hardy switching from WWE over to TNA for him in groves.
I don't read too much into it either. It's just Dixie trying to get people to switch over and fill them with the hope that they will get to see Jeff Hardy. With as much time, and as much faith that WWE put behind the man, he would be absolutely stupid to switch over. In my opinion it's just publicity, whether true or not, fans of Jeff will now tune into TNA to see their hero. This could actually end up hurting them if Jeff is just there visiting Shannon. He wont appear on TV, and Dixie will look like a fool.
I believe he is just there with Shannon Moore, wasn't Shannon at SummerSlam backstage (he wasn't on camera at all) So this could apply to Jeff. Whether he joins TNA im not sure, I always believed he wanted to an extended break from wrestling (like Jericho) Also didn't Jericho kind of appear on TNA with Fozzy (in that music video).

If he went to TNA it would be a lighter schedule and he'd be a big name and probably be in the main event

If he went back to WWE then he'd be a big name and possibly be able to work out a schedule for himself (they were offering him this before he left I believe) and be pushed in the main event.

So looking at it like that, there's not much in it and since WWE is a bigger stage (at the moment) it would be kind of strange to go to TNA
Well, if TNA were smart (haw!) and Jeff Hardy is going to "crash the party" tonight, then what they need to do is put him on right at 8:57 before they go to commercial break. They need to try to retain as many viewers as possible before the clock hits 9:00, and people want to flick over to Raw to see Bret. A lot of people would stick around at the very least to see what Jeff is doing there and what he's going to do.

Also, if they've made any high profile signings (i.e. Kennedy), they need to debut him during the 8 o'clock hour and have him booked to wrestle later on in the show. TNA can make this work, but they need to make the WWE fans who are tuning in before Raw have incentive to stick around before 9:00 hits.

TNA better be banking on more than just Hogan. Hogan's not too much of a draw anymore. Hogan Knows Best lost a lot of interest quickly, and Celebrity Championship Wrestling bombed. Furthermore, with everything that has happened with John Graziano (Nick turning him into a vegetable and Hulk basically saying he deserved it because he was "negative"), and the creepy pictures released of him rubbing oil on Brooke, in addition to his fiancee being an exact double of Brooke, people don't exactly have a favorable point of view on Hogan.

Furthermore, there has always been more of an interest in Bret Hart than Hogan. Hart's Hall of Fame induction got more viewers than Hogan's did.
Sid I do think you are jumping the gun by saying he is going to be on air. A bunch of us know that Jeff is very good friends with Shannon Moore. If one of my best friends asked me to go to his or her show for support, unless I had an emergency, I would be there. From what I have heard, Jeff only said he would be in Florida, and we check out the show. It is only speculation that he will be out in front of the crowd.

Now, if Jeff does end up going out and cutting a promo or being in a match, I do believe it would be the final nail in the coffin when it comes to Jeff's WWE future. I don't know who he would face if he does, but it would be interesting to see. He has a huge following, and would definitely help out TNA gain a newer audience. The thing is, I just can't see Jeff cutting a promo about the WWE, when they never screwed him over at all.
I think the keyword in this thread title is definitely "at". That could have been "participating in" and then would have would have probably warranted a thread about it.

To my mind, Jeff Hardy is a fucking fool if he turns his back on the WWE again. Although, I am certain that nothing more will come of his appearance at Impact this Monday. As we all know, he is going with Shannon Moore and he is good friends with him. He has every right to be there but he wont take it any further than that, I hope. I say I hope because this would not be a good move for Jeff Hardy in any sense of the word. I mean, yes it is a bit of excitement for us fans as we near D-Day but it just does not make good business sense for him. If it is money he wants, then WWE can give it to him. If it is fame he wants, WWE can give it to him. It makes little to no sense for Jeff Hardy to think about coming out on Impact and having a shoot against WWE. He would effectively close the door on a retirn to WWE and I hope that he is not that stupid.

As has been said, I am sure that offers will be extended to him at some point by Hogan and others. However, if he is smart, he will tun them all down and just enjoy the show. The fact of the matter is that there is other people on TNA that can do what he does even better than he does. I am looking at AJ Styles, Amazing Red and others when I say that. Jeff Hardy is only getting by on reputation and that reputation was given to him by the WWE and it only exist therein. He will be foolish to join TNA but I certainly don't put it past him.
A lot of huge WWE fans aren't taking the threat of TNA seriously, but now that I've read about them planning a weekly Monday night show to go head to head with RAW, I'm not so sure if we WWE fans should be overlooking the potential this all has. I think we should look at it this way: if TNA steps up their game and really wants to give WWE a run for their money, then in turn WWE will step up their product (I really hope they do either way because I've been a WWE fan since late 2006 and the product has never stank as much as lately), and we'll see the re-igniting of the Monday Night Wars. The one thing I'm doubtful about is to what point WWE can showboat how much better they are since they are now rated PG, which means no blood and no "extreme violence" since it might upset the little kiddies watching with their mommies and daddies. TNA is not rated PG, and that is the one thing I like about that promotion; they show blood, they use swear words (even ones as simple as 'ass'), and they aren't afraid to air an "in your face" sort of product. Unfortunately, Vince McMahon seems to think that the entire future of professional wrestling's fan base is kids just because the Cena and DX shirts are flying off the shelves to anyone between the ages of 5 and 11...he forgot all about people who have been watching since the old Attitude era days, maybe even earlier. Yeah we've lost some fans over the years, but that's bound to happen. It doesn't mean we need to go PG, which in my belief gives the creative team less options to bring something really good to the table. Vince, the PG thing is just hurting you and you need to realize that you don't have to turn WWE PG just to keep your young fans. Just like a few years back, chances are they'll still watch even if some stuff is a little much for them to be seeing. WWE needs to show TNA exactly what they showed WCW when they destroyed them, and make us WWE fans proud. I, for one, am not gonna wanna see TNA come out on top. Tonight is gonna be interesting, and NO ONE should underestimate the threat TNA poses to WWE. If you think it's just a joke, you're kidding yourself.
Did Dixie ever Tweet that RVD was going to be attending the Impact tapings, or was that Internet speculation?

How is it misleading when you don't know if it's true or not? If Jeff Hardy does appear on Impact, would you construe it as misleading still?

Not necessarily. There does need to be some genuine surprises. Remember the motto that the World Wrestling Federation used to have-- "Anything can happen in the WWF"?

I think that is the environment TNA is hoping to recreate and to "expect the unexpected". What you saw out of Dixie's Twitter account was simply a tease of what to expect out of Jeff Hardy for tomorrow, without outright saying it and completely spoiling the surprise.

If I am a betting man, you will see Jeff Hardy on Impact tomorrow.

Jeff's 90 Day No Compete Clause is also up since he last wrestled at SummerSlam against CM Punk.

You seem to say this with a certain ounce of glee. Competition is a good thing. If anything, you should be embracing this, as all of us benefit with a better product, instead of taking pot shots at the company who is trying to make this a possibility.

Well in the business world, things don't always work out that way. You seem to think that it's impossible for a business to spend money that they don't have, when in reality, the opposite is true.

You have a couple of options.

A company either takes out loans to invest into the company in hopes for a big payoff down the road.

Or, you get a group of investors together, such as Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, Dixie Carter, Panda Energy, etc. and they invest their resources into promoting TNA with the hope of making it major competition for the WWE.

Sure, they are spending money they don't have and are going into the red. Companies do this all the time, so it's nothing new. I don't get why "spending money you don't have" is such an unbelievable concept for people to fathom when it's done every day.

TNA as a matter of fact, was in the Red until just a year or two ago. But they are turning a profit now. They are just going to go back into the Red again, and hope for a big payoff down the road.

Byt back to Jeff Hardy, he is one of those people who I don't sense has company loyalty to anyone, since he knows that companies are not loyal to him. Vince uses him because he sells merchandise. Had Hardy not sold merchandise, Vince would have kicked him to the curb a long time ago. So Jeff knows Vince is simply using him.

Therefore, the loyalty simply is not there, and I think Hardy has shown that once before when he left for TNA.

I don't think that Dixie ever tweeted that RVD would be appearing at iMPACT, but then again, I never suggested that she herself did. It was just Internet speculation as far as I can recall, but it still turned out to be untrue. It turned out to be TNA fans grasping at straws to hope that the Wars will be re-ignited tonight. The RVD rumours were misleading, wherever their origins; people would possibly have tuned in to see RVD, when there wasn't a shred of validity to him appearing on the show. It would not be misleadaing, of course, if he actually does appear on the show. But the general consensus here, and in my opinion, seems to be that it's bullshit contrived by Carter to mislead the fans, which reeks of desperation. And it's misleading because in her position, she knows it's not true. If she doesn't, that raises another whole bunch of concerns.

I agree with the notion of genuine surprises being great, and the concept that "anything can happen" was always terrific. Unfortunately in today's world of Internet spoilers and pre-taped shows and extensive television coverage, it's not as realistic a concept as it was back then. Anything could happen because you couldn't read about it ahead of time. I would have loved to see Bret Hart return as a surprise, it would have been a "mark out moment" of all time, to hear the Hart Dynasty's music hit, and have Bret Hart come out instead. But it was virtually impossible to keep this under wraps, just like the return of Jericho was ruined IMO by the Internet. Unfortunately for TNA, though, they really cannot depend upon surprises too much anyway. Let's face it, even the staunchest and most loyal TNA has to recognize they're a distant second place organization in terms of numbers. They need to do something proactive to sway people to change the channel to have any chance of success, much like they're doing with Hogan and Bischoff. Bringing Hardy in as a surprise would be ineffective if no one knows because they're all watching USA at the time. They would need to put this out there in advance (or bring him out at 8:57 as someone else said) to maximize his impact.

By the way I feel no glee when I make the comments I make. I have consistently stated in numerous threads that I would love to see TNA establish its own identity and become competition for WWE, because both organizations would benefit from it and wrestling fans could watch two quality products, rather than have to choose one or the other. I guess it comes across as glee, whereas in reality it's amusement in the fact that so many people see TNA as competition now, and I simply don't. Maybe in the future, well down the road, but not now, and certainly not with their current trend of mounting a challenge by using guys that WWE cast off. If TNA would develop from within and create a vibrant alternative to WWE over time, I'd be all for it. But by re-hashing the nWo, Angle, Foley, etc., guys who WWE no longer wanted anyway (possibly with the exception of Angle), I just think it's unrealistic to think that the wars resume tonight. A feeble whimper maybe, but not a war.

With regards to the business world, sure people can borrow money they don't have, but to a limited degree. There has to be some realistic expectation to regain the money lent. With all of Hogan's baggage, he is likely not a prime candidate to be loaned much money. Same would be true with Flair. As you stated, TNA has been in the red until a couple of years ago, not a real attractive alternative for any lender. I cannot comment on Carter or Panda Energy as I don't have enough knowledge of them to comment accurately, I defer to you on this point.

Finally with regards to your comments about loyalty, let's face it, there's little or no loyalty in the wrestling world today. The Screwjob itself, which we are all so interested in again because of tonight, was obvious evidence of this. Not to get all philosophical, but there's little loyalty left in the world period. There should be, but there's not.

Putting that aside, if we want to assume that there is still loyalty in pro wrestling, why wouldn't Hardy be loyal to Vince? Vince took a skinny guy (by wrestling standards) with a suspect history, limited mic skills, and some would say limited in-ring-skills (except for occasional high flying spots) and made him huge. Probably far more than he deserved, with his history. Of course Vince used him to make money, why wouldn't he? This is just typical of your anti-Vince Chronic Complaining. Vince made a lot of money off of Jeff Hardy, but the reverse is equally true. That's the world of business and the world of professional wrestling. If Hardy is not interested in financial gain, maybe he should go to TNA, it'd be right up his alley in this regard. Sure the WWE exploited Hardy's personal life to further storylines but this has always been done, it comes with the territory. TNA does it too. I don't feel too sorry for Jeff Hardy by WWE exploiting his drug history in storylines, especially with all that has happened since he left the WWE. He was more than compensated financially for this.
Words cannot explain how much I am marking out for tonight. Seriously. I never mark out but tonight has fuelled something within me.

For one thing, I am a huge Bret Hart fan. I wasn't until I joined these forums but they have brought an education to my sorry ass and Bret Hart is one of the finest superstars and people to ever grace a wrestling ring. Him being on WWE, with the history that exists between him and Vince is just amazing, Honestly, for me, the tension is palpable. With that being said, I have always been a fan of Hogan and I am very excited to see him in a wrestling ring again, even though he is not doing the deed himself. Two massive names in the world of wrestling are going head to head tonight and I am sure that Bret Hart knew it. I just wonder if he knew that his legacy would be going up against Hogan's and that was a draw for him... Either way, it is going to be great to see them both back in a ring.

That being said, other things have me excited about tonight and I am sure that I am not alone. The three hour TNA is a bit of a treat, to be honest. It will be like a PPV and the length really intrigues me. I will be watching both and I am honestly excited to see what TNA manage to pull of against DX, JeriShow and Bret Hart. I swear to God if Edge turns up tonight, I will just jizz everywhere. Don't you just think that that is something that could happen? I have goosebumps. However, I am sure that WWE will crush TNA tongith when they are in direct competition. I expect WWE to get around a 3.9 and TNA to get a 1.8. Which is not that bad, to be honest.
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