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Jan 4th- Monday Night Raw vs TNA iMPACT

Which federation won on January 4th?

  • WWE is my favorite, and TNA came out the clear victor

  • WWE is my favorite, and WWE came out the clear victor

  • TNA is my favorite, and TNA came out the clear victor

  • TNA is my favorite, and WWE came out the clear victor

  • I like both equally, and WWE was the best show

  • I like both equally, and TNA had the best show

  • I hate both equally, and WWE had the best show

  • I hate both equally, and TNA had the best show

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If TNA got that high of rating I would happy. Because that means TNA is starting to compete against WWE. And then they should start to head to head WWE. Have a live TNA Impact on a Monday once a month, and see where i goes. And if they seem to still get great ratings while competing against WWE. Have then have an Imoact Live every monda after that. They have the talent and wrestlers to compete just as long as they can do it in the righ way
if they could do this 2 events in a row, or even 2 mondays in a row that would be something

but i honestly expect TNA to put up big/decent numbers on 1 show with the
"biggest name" in wrestling making a return

unless people just dont care at all about the return of hulk or TNA, they will do ok

and as someone stated above vince would probably just shrug it off, people arent just gonna stop watching the WWE because of hulk going to TNA, until they are really competing every week i dont think it matters what TNA does
If they do then good for them. But if hogan does not draw for tna i dont know what tna will do.I really think it wil be the death of tna because there is nothing else they could do to draw in ratings. So i hope they do good this monday because then it would mean that vince has to step up his game. But if they do draw this good rating. then hogan will have more pull in tna and i really dont no what he will do in tna because he can not wrestle very good. i heard at his tour he blew out his hip in the middle of his match. Hogan cant be in the ring so if he can attribute other ways then wrestling then i guess we can see what he does in tna
I agree with everyone else. If TNA does a 2.0, it will be enough of a success considering the show has been pulling 1.something in the Thursday time slot. TNA should consider doing this every once in a while at least on Monday Nights just to get people's attention. I'm personally routing for TNA to succeed Monday Night. Competition on Monday Nights can only lead to better things for pro wrestling fans. I have friends who haven't watched wrestling in years who are interested in watching both TNA and WWE because of the programming being offered on that night. For me personally, I have a choice between Hornswoggle or actual wrestling; women who can wrestle vs. models who trip on their own feet; make shift tag teams vs. actual tag teams who stay together longer than six months at a time. I am and will always be a WWE fan, but Raw needs competition. And TNA better deliver on that promise.

If TNA can score ratings around or higher than 2.0, they've got a good basis to continue Monday Night specials. If they somehow score in the 3.0 rating, I would consider making a Monday Night show on a weekly basis.
I like the Vince pic!!

Am I the only one who doesn't understand why we need to go head to head with TNA and WWE? What's wrong with having 2 wrestling shows? So one doesn't beat the other. I'd rather see this than see going head to head and having either Vince buy TNA or put them out of business.

I like the competition, and see nothing wrong with having 2 shows. I'm just afraid of the WCW factor; Vince buys it up just to dismantle it.

To answer the question, I think TNA will pull a 2 plus rating; enough to have Vince worried...at least for a few weeks anyways. Maybe then he will decide to pull the PG off of his shows and make more edgier programing.
i am not a fan of tna but its time for the wrestling business to shake things up,i want tna to fight wwe because in this way we will get true product out for the fans as wwe has been low for a while ,so thumbs up monday night wars

it will be really difficult for tna to get 2.0 rating,but they will be near tat mark bcz they hv 3 hrs for the show
What if TNA managed to get either a 3.0 rating or even higher come monday night? What would your reaction be

I would be very impressed if they reached that high of a rating because they do just barely better than WWE's "C" show right now, let alone being near the ratings of Raw.

what do you think would be the next move

I think the next move would be to put on another great show, but seeing as though they will probably try to put on the best show they possibly can on monday.... it will be a very tough act for them to follow up. TNA could pull it off, but I think it would be tough to keep providing better and better shows in the long run. We'll just have to see what happens.

do you think they could keep that consistent etc.

Not sure. I'll wait until after monday to predict that because it's still a little too early to predict things like this. We need to see first what TNA is capable of because we will have a better shot at predicting anything when we have already seen what they show us this monday.
vinny mac would probably drop a load in his shorts.....actually in all seriousness to answer the question, i'm hoping vince will get off his duff and have a better product. i don't watch as much wrestling nowadays, when i do, i prefer wwe to tna. (in tna i'm a fan of samoa joe, christopher daniels & daffney and that's about it). if tna can keep up the ratings & scare the piss out of vince enough to make a better wwe i think the competition will be a healthy thing (assuming tna can keep it up).
I seriously doubt TNA will ever get a 3.0 rating no matter who they sign. TNA gets somewhere around a 1.0 on Thursdays and that's not competing against WWE. Just because TNA signs a couple of big names doesn't means it's going to get that a big an increase in ratings. I doubt TNA could get a 2.0 if the show aired on Thursday only yet competing against WWE on Monday. Don't forget if you don't watch TNA on Monday you can still catch it on Thursday. TNA will probably get no higher than a 1.5 and I won't be shocked if WWE kicked their asses and they draw less than a 1.0.
I don't think you can overhype it too much. This is the first time there has been major competition in the US in nearly a decade. It's one of the biggest days in wrestling that we've seen in a long time, of course it's huge.

However, the shows themselves may not be as good as we may expect. I do think they'll try to give us big matches (Raw has DX v. Jerishow and Kofi v. Orton), but it'd be real tough for both shows to deliver up to fans expectations.

Sure, they both have big names on their side, but neither Hart nor Hogan can completely make a 2 or 3 hour show worthwhile. Raw has been pretty horrendous as of late. Unless the writing staff just wasn't trying that hard, I'd be surprised to see them suddenly turn it around right now.

TNA has been pretty good of late, but they haven't had an actual show for the last 2 weeks and it seems they've got caught up too much on the whole power struggle storyline and have forgotten about other things in the company that deserve more attention, like the World Title.

I think that we aren't overhyping the fact that TNA is going head to head with the WWE, but we're likely expecting too much from the shows themselves.

I'm excited for wrestling once again, I think the fact that Vince is brining in Bret shows that he welcomes the competition but has to be # 1. I'm always glad to see Hogan when he comes back to WWE, I am interested to see what role he will have in TNA. I hope he doesn't get the belt OR come off the wrong way with some of the TNA talent that has been there busting their behind for 7 years... if they get some momentum I hope he doesn't take too much of the credit. He is HUGE but he is only 1 person.

As for Bret coming to WWE I am so excited, I think it is long overdue. Interestingly I am curious to see what they do with him Monday night and if it is a reoccurring thing, or just the Guest Host 1 time thing and gone. After watching last Monday's HBK/ McMahon part announcing Bret as the Guest Host, I was a bit let down.
I hope this isn't like other things we WISH for like (NWO, DX, NWO again, DX again) and then we actually get it and we are disappointed. I wonder if this is similar to the chase being better than the catch. Will this live up to the 12 year hype, maybe, maybe not. I am optimistic I just think we enjoy things on here, in paper or in our heads sometimes more than we do when they unfold on wrestling TV.

I also wonder if Bret was going to TNA and Hogan back to WWE in some other role if the same momentum they have now would come with to the opposite federation...

Again, I am excited again for Wrestling which says alot.
Thank you Vince, Dixie, Hogan and Bret.

:hogan: Shane
I agree with NSL, Cena will be involved in some capacity. Maybe have him attacked backstage at the "beginning" of the show, or something like that. If not, they'll just have a 5 minute video detailing how awesome it is that he's the grand marshall of a bowl that doesn't matter.

With all of the Hart stuff and the other things happening on Raw, I don't think they'll miss Cena too much. If anything, this could be good for Sheamus. He'll get a chance to carry the feud for a week. He is the WWE Champion after all. He should be one of the most important parts of the show.
I'd go with Hogan. Both men were known for different things throughout their careers. For Hart, it was mostly for his precise in ring work, not his mic work, which while not bad, wasn't great either. For Hogan, it was for his charisma and overall presence that got the fans to go wild.

At this point in their careers, Hogan still has the ability to be charismatic and get people up and going on the mic, but Hart doesn't have to ability to go in the ring any more. Sure, the confrontation between Hart, HBK, and Vince will be great television, but from there, where does it go? Hogan just being on iMPACT is such a huge event as it's the first time a really, really huge name joined to company. The atmosphere will be electric.

I'm really excited to see both of them as it certainly is going to be a great night, but if I was forced to choose, I'd probably go the Hulkster in TNA.
Rampant speculation. I love it. This is what the WWE v. TNA forum should be all about. Here we go.

For the WWE:

1. Hart, Hart, and more Hart. He's really a big enough reason for pretty much anyone to turn in. What will happen when he comes face to face with Vince and Shawn? Will he punch them? Will they hug it out? Are they both going to turn on Vince? Will they have a 3 way? Will midgets be involved? So many possiblities for WWE to work with.

2. Utilize All Resources. I know it's just Raw, but why not use guys like Punk, Taker, and Mysterio as well. The "rules" of the brand split are broken frequently anyway. The WWE should be using all it has to make Raw the best it can be. Would you rather see Master v. Chavo or a #1 Contender's Match between Batista and Rey that'll get much more attention on Monday than on Friday?

3. Santino. TNA doesn't really have much comedy at the moment, does it? With the Prince Justice Brotherhood long gone and Deaner presumably dead, this leaves an opening for the WWE. Don't waste your time with Horny, use your best comedy character in something epic, like mooning Bret Hart.

4. Have Some Decent Matches. The WWE has already done a good job setting this up. With DX v. Jerishow and Kofi v. Orton, this has the feel of a mini PPV, especially with such a long gap between TLC and the Rumble. I'd reckon we'll get 3 or 4 solid matches, which is something we aren't accustomed to usually seeing on Raw.

For TNA:

1. Hogan, duh. They brought him in to be the big draw, they better use him. A lot of "smarks" may not like him, but there are millions of Hulkamaniacs out there both young and old. Frequent sprinkles of Hogan throughout the show will do TNA good. On the other hand, Dixie's exposure should be kept to a minimun AKA not at all.

2. Go Gimmick Crazy. There's so much stuff TNA can do. Ultimate X, 6 Sides of Steel, maybe even a KOTM match. They should pull out all the stops with they're crazy gimmick matches with no rhyme or reason as it's always entertaining. Especially the X Division guys. Blood should be used at a maximum as well for all those savages out there.

3. Show What Makes You Different. This is being done with a TNA Knockout's Tag Title Match which will be unlike anything you'll ever see in the WWE with Kong and Hamada involved. Couple this with the rest of the KO's and the tag and X Divisions, and you'll be sure to peak people's interests.
Like GD said, I don't think you can overhype this. WWE really needs to put out better programming (no matter what the ratings say), and TNA needs to expand their fanbase. If you overhype this, both shows are forced to put on their best, and make the show worth watching from the opening theme all the way through the camera fading out after the main event.

This Monday is going to be a huge night in the history of wrestling (for better or worse), and more than half the fans out there have no idea that TNA is going to be on against RAW. That's just bad news for both companies.
Rampant speculation. I love it. This is what the WWE v. TNA forum should be all about. Here we go.


For the WWE:


3. Santino. TNA doesn't really have much comedy at the moment, does it? With the Prince Justice Brotherhood long gone and Deaner presumably dead, this leaves an opening for the WWE. Don't waste your time with Horny, use your best comedy character in something epic, like mooning Bret Hart.

TNA does so have comedy. Have you ever seen Lacey "wrestle"?

Santino is a pain in the ass, so as a TNA mark, I'd love to see Santino get a 10 minute segment blasting Canada, only to have a payoff of the Hart Dynasty kicking his ass. He doesn't draw (anymore), and he's losing his funny bone. He was better off as IC champ.


1. Hogan, duh. They brought him in to be the big draw, they better use him. A lot of "smarks" may not like him, but there are millions of Hulkamaniacs out there both young and old. Frequent sprinkles of Hogan throughout the show will do TNA good. On the other hand, Dixie's exposure should be kept to a minimun AKA not at all.

Dixie is eye candy. Hogan is not. I'd rather watch a 2 minute Dixie segment, than Hogan taking 5 minutes to get his Rascal Scooter to ringside. Hogan needs to be kept to a minimum. If he's going to be a backstage guy, all of his segments should take place behind a desk, making matches for the night, and letting the guys who can still go, do their thing. If we get 10 minutes of Hogan on TV, I'd be upset, because that's 10 minutes we could have used on Wolfe/Daniels v. AJ/Angle, or AJ v. Angle, or Morgan and Hernandez...

2. Go Gimmick Crazy. There's so much stuff TNA can do. Ultimate X, 6 Sides of Steel, maybe even a KOTM match. They should pull out all the stops with they're crazy gimmick matches with no rhyme or reason as it's always entertaining. Especially the X Division guys. Blood should be used at a maximum as well for all those savages out there.

No, no, no. Do not go "gimmick crazy". Everyone around here complains that TNA overdoes their gimmick matches, so they do not need to be overdone. KOTM has it's place, and it'd be crazy to throw together a Monster's Ball, and asinine to give us another Last Man Standing or Falls Count Anywhere. An Ultimate X to open the show would be a great idea. Maybe even a Tag Team Ultimate X. Who wouldn't enjoy a match between MCMG and the British Invasion, with the Ultimate X stip added?

3. Show What Makes You Different. This is being done with a TNA Knockout's Tag Title Match which will be unlike anything you'll ever see in the WWE with Kong and Hamada involved. Couple this with the rest of the KO's and the tag and X Divisions, and you'll be sure to peak people's interests.

I wouldn't go as far as "showcasing" the TNA KO Tag Titles, but a match for them wouldn't be a bad idea. A title change will keep people watching, so maybe this wold be the time to have Hamada and Kong take the belts. Just don't make an event out of it. Let them go for 5 or 6 minutes, have Hamada take some bumps, and then have them win the belts and leave. You can make it a huge thing the next week, when they win the rematch.
If anyone is guilty of over-hyping Jan 4, it's Hogan's ego. If you really think about it, Hogan has been all over the tube promoting his return, as if to say I will bring TNA the money, and the whole thing with a parade. WTF, its not a circus, even though that is how professional wrestling started. They have been promoting Hogans return every chance they get, everywhere they can. WWE just started promoting Harts return. Its Hogan and the morons in TNA that are over hyping the whole situation. In all Honesty I hope both shows do well, I havent watched TNA if over a year with the exception of a few Impacts, I dont find it interesting enough for me. WWe is on a downhill slide and will hopefully come out of it with the return of Hart they can do several things with that to keep me interested so we will find out.(Oh, and i really dont care about Hogan and his return, seen it to many times over the past several years and am bored with it)
I can't see how any of this can possibly be over-hyped. Looking at this and comparing it to the original monday night wars is just going to leave people disappointed. I expect the WWE to up its game a bit and give us some better stories, wrestling etc. Tna can't really lose imho ... unless your only concern is ratings points. Any exposure is good exposure. They can take whatever happens on monday nite and hopefully learn from it and expand on that into putting out a better product.

In the end I don't expect much from this. Unfortunately TNA at the moment doesn't have any focus ... part of this I blame on the hold on things waiting for Hulk Hogans debut. But really nothing of any consequence is going on in TNA, and at the moment i don't see that changing. Right now i'm more curious about the Bret Hart return than Hulk Hogan taking over TNA. But come Monday i suppose anything can happen ... excuse me if i don't hold my breathe though
I see lots of people citing the fact they only get 1.somethings while not competing with the WWE, but you've got bare in mind, TNA has virtually no publicity for Impact on a regular basis. For this monday, they've had adverts air during Raw all over the United States, they've had a billboard put up in TIMES FUCKING SQUARE for gods sake, Hogans been on chat show upon chat show, and they've basically done all they can to make people aware of them.

If anything, this will make people actually know TNA exist, and even if they dont tune in on Monday, who's to say they don't start tuning in on Thursdays to watch the "Promotion that dared to face the WWE". Who's to say they don't enjoy the product, tell their friends, TNA gathers momentum, we have another January 4th style showdown, and TNA gets a great rating and moves to Monday?

In the end, Monday isn't about facing WWE really. Its about putting themselves out there. It was just a possibility that was put in my head, of how the wrestling world would be turned upside down if they got a 3.

But hey, nothing's impossible. And sometimes wrestling can draw incredibly well. For instance, back in the 70's, an episode of World of Sport outdrew the FA Cup Final. For uyou yanks, thats the equivalent of Raw airing at the same time as the superbowl, and getting the better ratings. So never say never. ;)
If it could happen, it would be great. Ratings that high would have to have Vince pay attention and realize that he has competition again. He would have to kick the product in the ass and get it off of cruise control. Interesting storylines would need to be a constant instead of a once or twice a year occurrence. The target fan base would have to be expanded to more than just kids. It would also show that Hogan is still a draw and gets AJ Styles more exposure and could keep people watching past Hogan.
In some ways, I think the 4th has been overly hyped but maybe not quite in the way the OP means. Now, in and of itself, the 4th will be a historic night in pro wrestling in and of itself because, for the first time in nearly 10 years, WWE will have direct competition on a Monday night from a rival wrestling promotion. That in and of itself is kind of a big deal.

However, I think that the aftermath of the 4th and what it means for the future of wrestling has been blown way out of proportion by some fans and even TNA itself. For instance, Hulk Hogan has been going out on interviews and has made some pretty outrageous claims, such as him teaching Vince McMahon everything he knows, and pretty ridiculous predictions, such as TNA drawing a 3.0 on the 4th. Some fans have been excited by Hogan's presence and his bragadocious interviews regarding the 4th and I think some have started to buy into the hype that Hogan is putting into this.

Many are flat out calling this the Monday Night Wars II even though this show has been referred to as a test by Dixie Carter herself. According to the latest talk, the idea is for TNA to do 4 live Impacts against Raw this year, once every 3 months, but there's no talk of permanently moving Impact to Monday nights as far as I'm aware of right now. The 4th doesn't necessarily signal the beginnings of another wrestling war just because of what some overly excited fans say and just because Hogan is spouting his usual gibberish during interviews.

Also, if Impact doesn't do all that well ratings wise against Raw, it doesn't automatically mean that it's the beginning of the end for TNA either. It also doesn't mean that TNA is going to stop trying to compete with the WWE.
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I believe this is not over hyped one bit. This is the first time there will be a real competition between to American wrestling promotions in quite some time. Even if TNA doesn not become huge after Monday, hopefully this will light a fire under the WWE and cause them to start producing a better product.

All the hype that this has brought, the crazy signings , the matches for the shows, it'll be crazy and hopefully lead to an awesome turn out for both. The best part about the whole thing is that no one knows what will be happening on Impact, whereas matches for Raw have already been announced. I think the WWE made a good move in doing this, as we know the WWE will have a good card. It should be interesting to see how Raw goes with Cena there.
This is the first time I've been excited about wrestling since 2001. Right now ill be watching probably the first 15 minutes of Raw while DVRing the rest.

Bret Hart confronting Vince and Shawn is about the only interesting thing on that show. I don't need to watch Orton and Kofi AGAIN, I don't need to see DX vs Jerichow AGAIN (with a very obvious screw job in the making here).

As for TNA they have Hogan confirmed and maybe Hall, X-Pac, RVD (maybe). I want to see how they use Hogan and what his role is. Obviously he shouldn't wrestle because he can hardly walk. As for the NWO (grey hair/fat version) Why they would even consider this is beyong understanding but I want to see how they are used). And RVD if this is true, the matches they can make between RVD and some of that talent could be classics.

Bischoff on his Twitter says there are surprises in store for the show, I sure hope they have more then what i just mention planned. The surprise of the night for me would be something like Paul Heyman working with TNA as a Manager or Booker.

Monday night my DVR will be doing double duty and I can't wait.
TNA Goal for this show should be just getting 2.0 or close to it. I really doubt they can pull off a 3.0 unless every hogan fan in the world decides to tune in and watch.

Remember the first Nitro did a 2.5 and averaged that for the first few months. If TNA gets a 2.0 it would be a success but they really have to start building from that. They can't make it an old wrestlers show. They really have some amazing talent and this is their chance to show the world what TNA is about.
I think TNA has a lot going for it Monday, but Bret Harts return will still give it the higher rating. However it all depends on what WWE does inbetween the Bret Hart segments. Bret HArt alone will not stop people from switching to TNA do see what's going on once "The Miz" has a match. They'd need to keep every big name wrestler they've got on screen every minute to keep people watching.

TNA has a great advantage here. Most people tuning in NEw and old are going to see something completely new. Once they see Hogan, Hall, Nash, and Bischoff talking crap again, they might want to stick around for the Nostalgia. Not to mention new viewers will be seeing the same crappy wrestlers on WWE, but will see new guys with way more talent in TNA. So TNA has a lot of advanges monday, but I wouldn't exspect a big rating. In fact you might only see a small increase. Monday will be good TV and I think TNA might revive WCW(which isn't a bad thing to me anymore, just please no more "Good ole boys' promotion), but like Hogan has said it's going to be a slow progess. Either way TNA can't get any worse.
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