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Jan 4th- Monday Night Raw vs TNA iMPACT

Which federation won on January 4th?

  • WWE is my favorite, and TNA came out the clear victor

  • WWE is my favorite, and WWE came out the clear victor

  • TNA is my favorite, and TNA came out the clear victor

  • TNA is my favorite, and WWE came out the clear victor

  • I like both equally, and WWE was the best show

  • I like both equally, and TNA had the best show

  • I hate both equally, and WWE had the best show

  • I hate both equally, and TNA had the best show

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Yeah, Bret Hart vs Hogan on Monday Nights. Seems like the mid 90's all over again. Except, this time, Bret Hart's actually a draw. I joke, I joke.

Anyway, I'm sure TNA and WWE have their strategies all sorted out. WWE will probably have Bret Hart come out first thing, announce the card, and have a face off with Vince, we'll get some good matches, Bret backstage segment, Kofi vs Orton, final Bret segment with HBK, then the main event for the tag team titles and some sort of ending which shows Bret's return is for more than one week. The Raw layout will probably be very similar to this. Either way, Raw will Draw.

TNA really need to figure out a good strategy. If they do all their Hogan stuff in the first hour, then who the hell is going to be watching the second hour? No, they need to push young talent in the first hour. Have some X Division action, maybe hype AJ Styles's match for the night. Show the world what TNA does differently from WWE. Then, one minute before Raw starts, have Hogan come out, make some announcements to draw people in. Take up a good amount of time with Hogan, and spread out the ground breaking announcements we all hope are coming. They need to take as many viewers away from Raw in that second hour (Raw's first hour) as possible. Then, they need to announce a main event that people will care more about than DX vs Jerishow, which could be quite tricky...

I dunno, it's all up in the air. But I don't care, as a fan, I am so damn excited.
Maybe I am becoming cynical of the industry that I grew up watching, cheering for and being a fan of. But I can't help but wonder has the state of professional wrestling really come full circle? Where we as fans are at the point that we have two promotions jockeying for ratings on Monday nights, or wrestlers that once entertained us as in ring competitors returning in a less physical role. Now I know that for as long as I have watched wrestling it comes as no surprise to see storylines reused. But it's a sad commentary on both TNA and WWE that while they have established several new talents their respective ratings safety nets are the stars of yesteryear. Even TNA is following WCW right down to the parade when bringing Hogan in. In the long run I like everyone else though will tune in and hope that pro wrestling doesn't find itself in the same place it was 10 years ago. I just hope that Vince and Dixie realize one thing about history those who don't learn from it are destined to repeat it.
Well seeing as I live in England I can't watch TNA till Saturday. If I was in America I would watch WWE though as Hulk Hogan has pissed me off and Bret Hart coming in has made me rather excited about it. I'm scared TNA will make it too much about Hulk, Foley, Jarrett and Nash which will make me want to watch it less as TNA shouldn't just showcase them it needs to do its whole product. If it does that then I would tune into that more than WWE but right now its WWE.
I thought I saw a mistake on ECW lastnight when they hyped up B.Hart being the host of RAW on 1/4. I saw WWE said that RAW was from 9-11. I thought this was wrong & RAW would be starting at 8pm, just as TNA is. Lord Sidious just confirmed to me that I am wrong- & RAW will only be airing in its normal time slot that night.

Does this seem odd to anyone else? Why would Vinny Mac even give TNA a sniff of ratings for that 1st hour? I guess he's just tryin to act like he isnt scared of TNA at all. & maybe he has no reason to be- not sure, but we'll soon find out.

I guess I just automatically assumed Vince would go 8-11 on the 4th. Making the hole TNA is tryin to dig out of, even deeper. But I am wrong.

Anyone have any opinions on why Vince wouldnt go 8-11 Vs TNA on the 4th? Im totally confused by it.
Because going 8-11 is essentially a form of tipping his hand and acknowledging that he indeed does has some semblance of fear regarding TNA's decision to "go to war" with him. Going 8-11 acknowledges TNA's existence.
I can somewhat agree with you IDR.

If we are talking about wrestling fans like us, that come to websites to talk about this shit...YES he would be acknowledging TNA. But to the average fan that just watches on TV, it wouldnt mean a thing IMO. People would just look at it as: 1 of the bi-monthly 3 hour shows that WWE likes to do.

It all comes down to how Vince thinks it could affect himself & his ego. One of 2 ways for him to look at it:
1. keep the 2 hour show and dont make it look like TNA is a big deal, by not acknowledging them as competition.
2. Show TNA how they really stack up to WWE, by goin for the full 3 hours and burying them in ratings for all 3 hours.

I guess Vince has decided to go with route #1. I guess I just thought he would go with #2 & not let TNA ever get goin on Mondays.
I can somewhat agree with you IDR.

If we are talking about wrestling fans like us, that come to websites to talk about this shit...YES he would be acknowledging TNA. But to the average fan that just watches on TV, it wouldnt mean a thing IMO. People would just look at it as: 1 of the bi-monthly 3 hour shows that WWE likes to do.

It all comes down to how Vince thinks it could affect himself & his ego. One of 2 ways for him to look at it:
1. keep the 2 hour show and dont make it look like TNA is a big deal, by not acknowledging them as competition.
2. Show TNA how they really stack up to WWE, by goin for the full 3 hours and burying them in ratings for all 3 hours.

I guess Vince has decided to go with route #1. I guess I just thought he would go with #2 & not let TNA ever get goin on Mondays.

Sure, from one aspect you could read it that way, but I really think Vince's propensity to walk fearlessly and his ego simply won't allow him to willingly be perceived by anyone as threatened by "that which is beneath him". I think you underestimate just how vindictive and trivial Vincent Kennedy McMahon can be with these things.
Vince didn't have Raw go 3 hours when Nitro was 3 hours and beating his show, why would he go 3 hours for a show that will probably only get a 1.0? Nitro was a threat and Vince didn't have to go 3 hours, and he beat them. If ratings jumped .4 points last week by just mentioning Bret Hart, imagine how much the ratings will jump next week.

I hope TNA will get good ratings, but Raw will clearly be the victor next Monday. 3 hours is just overkill, just look at Dennis Miller. Raw won't even have John Cena there next Monday either. They don't need 3 hours to compete with TNA.

Even if they didn't have Bret Hart, Raw would probably draw in the 3.0 range.
The way I see it is, Vince doing 2 hours while TNA does 3, is just his way of saying that the WWE can outdo TNA, if even TNA has a longer program. The key to this whole thing is not giving up major angles all in one night. They need to plant the seeds to them. TNA going 3 hours gives me the feeling that TNA is going to unveil all the major angles, all in one night. Raw being two hours means we will get our usual stuff with some small happenings into the major angles.
Here's another theory. Again, I will pull out the marketing degree.

After TNA does their Monday night show, EVERYBODY in the wrestling world will be looking at the ratings. WWE, by holding off to do a jam-packed 2 hr 9-11 show will watch just how well TNA does in the first hour of a potentially watered down 8-11 show. The biggest number is going to be the change in TNA's rating from the 8:45 slot to the 9:15 slot. If the number drops, then Vince will laugh it all off. If TNA's number stays strong, or WWE's number is weak, then it's a sign that there's competition.

Basically, it's market research.
Three hour episodes of Raw typically draw less than the two hour shows, even when there wasn't competition from a rival organization. The episode hosted by Jesse Ventura was for 3 hours and the overall show wound up drawing about a 3.2. The standard 9-11 hours of Raw drew a 3.5 for the week but the 8 pm hour only drew a 2.6, thereby dragging the total for the show down. It was pretty much the same thing with the god awful 3 hour show in which the Slammys were presented. The first hour drew roughly a 3.0 but still dragged the overall rating for the night down.

Vince wants to get as strong of a rating as he can so a 2 hour show is probably the best route to go, historically speaking. Vince going 3 hours does acknowledge TNA and that he views TNA as a threat, even to some small degree, and he didn't do it. If TNA wants a "war", then Vince will fight it but he'll do it on his terms.
RAW will beat TNA in the ratings because of Bret Hart. I think that many people that don't even watch the WWE anymore will on monday night just to see the return of bret hart and his confrontations with Vince McMahon, Shawn Micheals and even Triple H. This RAW could conclude the most controversial event in wrestling and I believe that more people will be interested in this than anything TNA is showing, even if it is with Hulk Hogan. As stated by posters above, the only real chance that TNA has in gaining viewers is with the extra hour
hmmmm.....where do I begin?

I'm gonna watch Raw Monday night. It's really no contest, well lemme take that back. It is a bit of a contest, but only because of how I as a fan of WRESTLING have been baited...Hogan vs Bret Hart?...no contest...I wanna see Bret Hart on a wrestling program. I was content to watch my 3 disc dvd...my old tapes...youtube...I was content with the Hitman being done...his book was enough closure...and I'm not sure that with a short term signing with WWE that Bret Hart will do anything to add to or justify his legacy.

Hart vs Hogan should've happened several times...several Wrestlemanias...several Starrcades,WWIIIs,Bashes...it's money...and the red and yellow, well was yellow.

Why do we watch wrestling...well I can't answer that for you, but for a long time fan (I'm 35) I remember when we believed it was real (sometimes) even when we were told it was false by those who never watched a match, we believed....even when we were told it was "sports entertainment" by those feeding us and flat out shattered the illusion, we believed....until we could believe no longer....they just dumbed it down too damn much...with clowns, minotaurs, turkeys, glittered stormtroopers, and IRS agents...we let go...until some "outsiders" invaded and a foul mouthed Texan let us live through him...then we gave pause and allowed ourselves to believe again...

but ya know what?...I remember before all that...during all that...when the Canadian in pink and black did his thing in the ring (not with backstage comedy) I had no problem letting my guard down...suspending my disbelief...enjoying the show...I may have been "smarkened up", but it wasn't hard to believe...that was Bret Hart's talent

don't get me wrong...Hulk Hogan was the fuggin' spectacle, but when that burned out (and i was in 5th grade-1985-when I was sick of the flash) there was a cartoon who noone coule "believe" in....he had served his purpose and would'nt let go...we couldn't care about anyone else, because the Hulk-up and Legdrop was the understood outcome...no other faces mattered....

I think Bret Hart's major flaw is that he took this "false" reality too seriously whereas Hulk's reality is way too fake...he needs to step away and focus on healing his reality, especially if he was as close to suicide as he claims...and Maybe Bret should let the false world go on.

Honestly as a fan, I wish TNA had Bret and WWE had Hogan...seems more cosmically balanced seeing that Foley and Jarrett are in TNA (watch the Owen tribute) along with great talent like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Chris Daniels, Kurt Angle..etc the roster is superior

not to say that WWE doesn't have great wrestlers...Kofi, Rey,Orton,hell both locker rooms are full of the best this sport has to offer, but this brings me back to the bait I'm given....Hogan vs Hart...no contest

it may be too little too late, for all involved...but truth is, I own 2 tvs...I'll be watching Raw and taping TNA...but it would be vise versa simply because I want TNA to suceed...but I fear that they picked the wrong bait.

I suppose that's it...
Ok so, seriously, there has to be someone here besides myself who loves both promotions equally. And with that, there has to be someone else besides myself who will be watching both programs.

So I have to ask, who else will be watching?

Obviously, I will but only because I want to see how each one of them battle for ratings and everything.
WWE Monday Night RAW, it's an easy decision for me. It has been 12 long yrs. since Bret Hart has been in a WWE ring. Unfortunately, Bret's career came to a sudden end and he wasn't able to go out the way he wanted to. This is a way for Bret to officially wrap up his illustrious career, by finally confronting Vince McMahon and potentially Shawn Michaels in the squared circle. This has so much more behind it then seeing a Grandpa Hogan blowing out his hip on the way down to the ring. I can't wait for this Monday.
I will be watching Monday Night RAW. The reason is simple: I'm going to be there live.
I'd be watching anyway, as I'm a bigger Bret Hark mark than I am a Hogan mark, and I'm a big Hogan mark. It looks like major things aregoing to be happening for both companies, but the return of Bret Hart is massive. Plus, TNA will be rebroadcasting Impact on Thursday, so I could just watch it then.
Tekkno Jonnie is watchin Raw for sure, unless I'm out partying. No but for seriously, I'll be watching Raw, I just care much more about it. I mean, Bret Hart is back in a WWE ring. Last time that happened in my life, I was 10. So yeah, I'll be watching Raw.
im going to watch raw because we didnt see bret hart for 12 years and i wanna see wat will wwe do with this but i will also watch tna later on thursday
Here's another theory. Again, I will pull out the marketing degree.

After TNA does their Monday night show, EVERYBODY in the wrestling world will be looking at the ratings. WWE, by holding off to do a jam-packed 2 hr 9-11 show will watch just how well TNA does in the first hour of a potentially watered down 8-11 show. The biggest number is going to be the change in TNA's rating from the 8:45 slot to the 9:15 slot. If the number drops, then Vince will laugh it all off. If TNA's number stays strong, or WWE's number is weak, then it's a sign that there's competition.

Basically, it's market research.

Sometimes I hate that IC is all smart and shit, but he's right this time. WWE won't go head-to-head for 3 hours, when there's absolutely no reason to. They just had a 3 hour show a few weeks ago, and there's more in the coming months with the build to WrestleMania and the draft.

TNA needs to work on keeping the viewers in at the close of the first hour, and the timeslots IC listed will tell the tale.
I mostly lurk around these parts but I decided I'd go ahead and post.

While I love both promotions and will watch both at some point that evening, I'll watch TNA live and DVR RAW or just watch the RAW encore.

I'm excited to see what both companies bring to the table on Monday night.
I will probably watch both and use the "Flashback" button on my remote a lot, just like I did during the old Monday Night Wars. That being said, much like WCW Nitro, TNA Impact has an hour head start. I am not interested in the TNA names coming in so much as I am interested in the product overhaul that is seemingly coming with it. Where as I am quite interested in what Bret Hart will do on RAW.

That being said, I expect the ratings will reflect the section viewers here on Wrestlezone. You check out the people viewing the WWE section at any given time and it's like 150 people. You check out the TNA viewers at any given time and it's around 50. That seems about right as RAW gets 3's and TNA gets 1's in the ratings.

I also think it's a horrible mistake for TNA to just re-show their big special 3-hour Monday head-to-head live extravaganza that following Thursday. They're basically saying "hey, if you're indecisive, just watch RAW. We'll be on again Thursday anyway!"

If I actually had to choose between the two, and make a definitive decision myself, I would choose TNA. Anything Bret Hart does is going to be replayed about five-hundred times between now and Wrestlemania. Outside of Hart, I have no interest in RAW whatsoever. I hate the commentary team. I'm not real keen on the TNA commentators either, but I feel the parodies that Cole & Lawler are are much worse than guido Taz and pederast Mike Tenay. Plus, there are genuinely people that I care about and want to see in TNA. In WWE, I'm left with poorly written "humor" like Big Dick Johnson and Hornswoggle. WWE is TV-PG for a reason and I'm damn near thirty years old. Dick & fart jokes aren't funny to me. A lot of what TNA does doesn't appeal to me either, to be fair, but they do feel closer to what I want from wrestling than WWE does.
RAW would beat TNA in the ratings even without Bret Hart. If anything, I think bringing Bret back shows that WWE is acknowledging TNA and that they want to hurt them. Same with announcing two big matches a week ahead of time which WWE hardly ever does. RAW could have guest GM Mini-Me or ZZ Top again and TNA would still get killed. Anyone looking at this through a purely ratings stance is crazy. You don't go from a 1.1 to a 3.5 just because you switch which day your show is on. TNA has no branding whatsoever. Most people don't even know they exist. A random local commercial during RAW, a billboard that no one looks at in New York and some mic time from an old wrestler on an MMA show isn't going to suddenly get a plethora of people to tune in.
What if TNA managed to get either a 3.0 rating or even higher come monday night? What would your reaction be, what do you think would be the next move, do you think they could keep that consistent etc.

Just a thought that popped into my head.
I would be impressed if they got a 2.0. Vince would shrug it off like it was nothing but he would probably have secret meetings with top officials about what to do. He really has it out for Hogan right now so I could see him pulling some dirty tactic on the WWE version of Hulk's character.
if tna got a high rating like hogan would point to that number and say that it was all because of him and that he draws ratings, which in turn he would use as leverage and as an "example" to dixie that his way is the way they have to go. <---that way would lead TNA down the even more WcW route of going down hill. You would see more vets signed less tv time for the younger talent and more likely a different product than the TNA which i enjoyed a mix of x-division, young midcard/mainevent talent, different mainevents and solid knockouts division, it would turn into a veterans fest and possibly burying the young talents, further burying the x-division into nothing and having a limited knockouts matches.
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