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Jan 4th- Monday Night Raw vs TNA iMPACT

Which federation won on January 4th?

  • WWE is my favorite, and TNA came out the clear victor

  • WWE is my favorite, and WWE came out the clear victor

  • TNA is my favorite, and TNA came out the clear victor

  • TNA is my favorite, and WWE came out the clear victor

  • I like both equally, and WWE was the best show

  • I like both equally, and TNA had the best show

  • I hate both equally, and WWE had the best show

  • I hate both equally, and TNA had the best show

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Even tho originally, I planned to watch TNA, now there is no chance in hell I don`t watch Raw. Bret Hart returning will not be matched by TNA. It is the greatest comeback in history of sports entertainment.
Even tho originally, I planned to watch TNA, now there is no chance in hell I don`t watch Raw. Bret Hart returning will not be matched by TNA. It is the greatest comeback in history of sports entertainment.

Hornswoggle could guest host Raw and it would still draw double the number that Impact is going to draw.

Hart all the way for me, despite the fact that I've not really seen anything of him other than youtube, I know how massive it is that he is coming back. I was a Hogan fan, and I loved his match with The Rock at Mania, but he has one of the biggest egos in wrestling and seems to think that just because HE has gone to TNA they are suddenly going to draw 3 times as much as Raw. He lives in a dream world and needs to get real.
Taking away from that, Hart coming back to WWE after 12 years will draw in every single Hart fan from back in the day, and every old school fan who wants to watch this develop.
I can't wait, Hart coming back is the one of the biggest comebacks in wrestling history IMO
I think that tna will just fail and go back to where ever they were before.WWE will just have a Awesome show and bing banda boom.

Tna will not make it and hogan is to old he is like a 750year old guy doing a leg drop.

WWE has got the talent and the big names tna has like two big names.

Thats just me.
I want to see the hitman.Hogan has been in the ring heaps but not HART.Hart will be the ratings draw for wwe Raw.I dont know anyone that is watching tna we are all watching raw,

This guy has been on wwe tv for heap and now we get him for this night.

It would be great to see vince in the sharpchuter.

He is just to big a legend to miss.


I think that tna will just fail and go back to where ever they were before.WWE will just have a Awesome show and bing banda boom.

Tna will not make it and hogan is to old he is like a 750year old guy doing a leg drop.

WWE has got the talent and the big names tna has like two big names.

Thats just me.

WWE hasn't had an awesome show in I don't know how long so I won't hold my breath. If Impact can pull in the same ratings ECW or Superstars do without the WWE marketing machine behind them pre-Hogan/Bischoff, imagine what it will be like after the 4th. Your implying that Hogan is gonna even be wrestling we don't know that for sure all we know is there is a partnership between him and TNA they never said he was wrestling. I hope to god TNA puts on a great show that night so that WWE will work harder to put on a good show of their own.
After watching last week's RAW, I know for certain that I will be tuning into Impact that night and not to RAW. Last week's RAW was absolutely abysmal. After watching it, I felt two hours of my life had been wasted. I've never felt as disgusted with any episode of Impact (although I will admit I fast-forward through all of Foley's scenes) as I have with RAW lately. I don't feel Sheamus is a credible champion, The Miz is a joke, and DX needs to fade out already. Hulk Hogan could dress in drag and do the hula for the entire time slot and I would be more entertained than watching any of the garbage RAW has been putting out.
That is one stupid fucking statement right there. Companies like the AWA, Bob Geigel's Central States Wrestling, Sam Muchnick's St. Louis Wrestling Club, Fritz Von Erich's World Class Championship Wrestling, Eddie Graham's Championship Wrestling From Florida, Georgia Championship Wrestling, Jim Crockett, Jr.'s Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling etc. many of these companies were pretty much the cornerstone for professional wrestling in the United States. Many of these promotions also were the foundation for WCW like the Georgia, Florida and Mid-Atlantic territories. Literally some of the greatest wrestling that there ever has been or ever will be came out of some of those companies that you've dissed. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

Another idiotic statement. Take WCCW for example. There was a time that WCCW was able to put 30-40,000 fans into football stadiums in Texas. Their television show was syndicated via satellite all over the world, even to places as far off as Israel. WCCW actually even toured Israel on at least one occassion to sell out houses. There was a time that many of these companies, like WCCW and Georgia Championship Wrestling for instance, had more than the roughly 1.3 million viewers that TNA averages.

So in that right TNA has no excues in not being able to pull off what WCCW did back in the old days of professional wrestling. Just like the old saying when their is a will their is a way. TNA needs to do what WCCW done back then to succeed.
Firstly, I don't see why anyone things this Monday Night venture by TNA is going to be a success. Their ratings haven't changed at all, evolved at all, in years now. The only thing that's changed right now about their product is Hogan, and he does not have the same drawing ability as he did in his prime, nor even when he first came into WCW. More so, he's not even going to be wrestling or part of the active roster.. you think people are going to tune in to see Hogan do NOTHING? To see him merely as an on screen persona talking? He's lost his appeal. How well did Hogan/Bischoff's last venture go? How well did the Hogan world tour go? That's the measuring stick. Bischoff's not even a factor in the ratings for the 4th.

Secondly, not only do they have to compete against the WWE (and WWE fans aren't going to switch over magically, because they're not made up mostly of internet smarks), but they also have to compete against everything else on Monday night that's going to draw viewers away from their unknown product. The problem with TNA is that instead of taking their time and focuses on making their product everything it needs to be to compete and to be the very best, they're rushing ahead blindly with this dilusion of a Monday Night war and competing as competition. They're not. The 4th isn't going to change that.
So in that right TNA has no excues in not being able to pull off what WCCW did back in the old days of professional wrestling. Just like the old saying when their is a will their is a way. TNA needs to do what WCCW done back then to succeed.

WCCW had several things going for it that, quite frankly, TNA doesn't have right now. WCCW had a steady, high quality product that you could count on week in and week out. I'm not saying that every feud or every match was of the highest quality or anything, but fans knew that they were going to see a good show when they tuned in. With TNA, you don't get that unfortunately. One week, Impact will ge a good show and the next week, it'll suck balls.

Another thing that WCCW had going for it was that it made young wrestlers the center of attention. Young guys like the Von Erich brothers, the Fabulous Freebirds, Jimmy Garvin, Chris Adams, Gino Hernandez, and others were the spotlight of WCCW. They were the draw and they had the goods to pull it off. When I look at TNA, I don't see that at all. Older wrestlers have been the focus of the company for the past few years and continue to be so. The centerpiece of TNA come the new year will be the power struggle angle between the side of Hulk Hogan/Kurt Angle/Dixie Carter vs. Mick Foley/Jeff Jarrett.

WCCW also did have something of a legacy going for it whereas TNA ultimately doesn't and that counts as a lot. WCCW, while operating under other names, had been in operation since the 1930s. Literally, generations of wrestling fans in Texas grew up watching it. Even though WCCW was always a regional territory, the fact that it syndicated itself out across the country and the world garnered it fans all over the world who, otherwise, would never have known it existed. If Fritz Von Erich had tried to take the company national, as the WWF would later do, then I think there's a good chance that the face of pro wrestling would be different from what it is today.

TNA's biggest problem, in my view, is that TNA management is in such a hurry to compete with Vince McMahon's WWE that they've neglected to build a product that's going to attract the kind of viewers that they want. Instead of building or trying to build new stars, they keep importing these older, established names into the company with the hopes that viewers are simply going to follow these names. The problem is that it hasn't happened. TNA Impact, right now, is struggling to reach 1.0 in the ratings each week. There was a time that the show was doing 1.3 on a regular basis, which means hundreds of thousands of viewers have stopped watching the show.

In order for TNA to do what WCCW was doing in the early to mid 80s, which is being able to put 30 to 40,000 people in seats, then it's going to have to build a different product than it has right now. And that's going to take time. TNA often has trouble filling venues that hold only a thousand people or so. Right now, TNA is said to be rennovating the Impact Zone in order to make it look less generic. TNA needs to hold more live shows and more shows in other venues outside of the Impact Zone.
2 Hours of WWE Monday Night Raw vs. 3 Hours of TNA Monday Night Impact. Bret Hart vs. The Reunion of the NWO. I feel like a kid again. I feel that Impact will get good ratings for the first hour. I believe after that though, the last 2 hours will go to WWE. It depends on what matches WWE bring because they can't depend on Bret Hart alone.

TNA will probably have great matches too and some shocking debuts. The only debut on Raw we know for sure is Bret Hart. Even though I am excited about both shows, I am more excited about TNA since no one has competed against Monday Night Raw since Nitro over 10 years ago.

TNA probably will only draw 1.0 or maybe 1.5 if they are lucky. The main thing is getting their name out there so they can be heard. I'm looking forward to the new talent, story lines, and new set up of Impact next Monday. Even though Raw will clearly gain more viewers, there isn't as much to be excited about besides Bret Hart.

There should be good matches and great promos on Raw with Hart/HBK/and Vince, but there isn't anything new besides that. TNA are pulling out all the stops with a new stage, a new ring, and brand new talent and feuds. I will definitely be recording both shows next week. I just don't think Raw will trample TNA in the ratings, especially if TNA has a good first hour.

I'm sure TNA will do their usual numbers if not more. Raw will win the ratings, but I think people are underestimating TNA. I'm not saying they will get 3.0 or even 2.0, but Raw isn't going to cause them to lose all their viewers.
Very simply, which show will you be watching next Monday night. This is not blast the marks (me being one myself) just which show and WHY.

For me it's going to be WWE, the reason is that I think both shows will be dominated by either Hart or Hogan however Hart hasn't been in WWE for 12 years and a major wrestling promotion since 2009. That's 10 years there, whilst we've seen Hogan here there and every where.

There is no way that Bret in a WWE ring again is not huge.
TNA, and it really should be everyone's choice. In 8 months, maybe a year, people will look back on Bret hosting RAW (and his tenure) and think "Ah, that was cool", but in 5 years, Hogan's arrival in TNA, and the fallout/aftermath will be remembered as changing wrestling. Either TNA will be out of business, or TNA will be competing, and the end of WWE's monopoly will have happened.

I'm excited myself that Bret is coming to RAW, but nothing of interest has happened in weeks for me, and I don't see why that one show would make me want to watch every week after that.
I will be watching both.

I will generally watch Raw on my TV and probably stream TNA to see what is going down over there. I will also be taking part in both LD's. This is a huge day for both of the companies and I look at the card that WWE have put together for next week's Raw and I can't help but be impressed. It is going to be a cracking show and it will be worth watching. The chemistry between McMahon and Hart will be incredible and I honestly cannot miss it for the world. Hogan is a draw and TNA could be pretty good but I just think that WWE are really going out of their way to crush TNA next week and I can't resist it. I think there is plenty more surprises to come out of WWE and I don't think I can say the same of TNA.
I once heard this story and I think it's applicable to the topic at hand, bear with me here:

There once was a fox who was hungry. So he came upon a rabbit and started chasing him. He kept chasing him around and around but the rabbit would not stop no matter how fast the fox went, so the fox eventually gave up. He figured it wasn't worth the effort.

The point of this story is that the rabbit had it's whole life to lose, so it ran as fast as it possibly could for as long as it could. The fox's life did not depend wholly on eating the rabbit, because the rabbit was just a meal, so he didn't put as much effort into going after the rabbit.

Similarly, the WWE is the fox. It's going to put on a great show on Jan 4th, but it's whole existence does not depend on how Jan 4th goes. Whether it gets higher ratings or whatever, it's going to be fine either way.

On the other hand, TNA is the rabbit. It's whole future existence is coming down to putting on a great show on Jan 4th. It has much more to gain, and much more to lose at the same time.

That's why I'm watching TNA on Jan 4th. They have more to prove, and I feel like they're going to go all out to make the show the best they possibly can.
Easy choice for me, it has to be Raw.

I was devastated the night of the screwjob, I've waited for 12 years since Montreal to see Bret back in a WWE ring and still can't believe he's coming back! The video package on Raw last night gave me goosebumps and made me feel like I was a 10 year old kid again watching my hero.

However I do hope TNA doesn't get murdered by Raw in the rating's as we desperately need legit competition for WWE to force Vince to step it up, and give us a more interesting and edgy product.

So I'll also be watching Impact later in the week to see if Hogan can spark anything interesting over there, and to see who he brings with him.
On the 4th Raw is going to wipe the floor with TNA. As far as what will happen from that point on depeneds on what Hogan does. If he stays in the back more and acts as more of a GM on a power trip "trying" to be far it will go further. He needs to piss off ppl and have them prove themselves to wrestle him rather then the wrestlers being like "it is Hogan I want to wrestle the legand and have another great match." which we all know will be hyped up beyond belief and suck.
If there is absolutely no sign of Cena, they won't take a hit on the 4th, but they may lose a handful of viewers for the following week. People will tune in, and then realize Cena is nowhere to be found.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a taped promo, or an interview via satellite with Cena, continuing his storyline with Sheamus, and keeping the build for their imminent rematch.
Well I watch both, but in reality I am more interested in this Raw, since the rumor is that Bret will host in order to lead to something else at Wrestlemania. Also I want to see how HBK, Vince and Bret interact, I am not mentioning HHH even if he and Bret doesn't see each other eye to eye because I think HHH will stay at the sidelines for this one.

I really hope Hogan bring something to TNA that inject it with some life but the way he has conducted himself, scripted himself (Yes, Hulk is way more scripted than the whole WWE) and talk about TNA is not giving a lot of Hope. I really hope he porves me wrong.

All in all TNA should start seeing this as a small victory because they at least brought out the WWE interest, proof of that? WWE isd bringing out Bret and putting to big matches on the show: Jerishow VS DX and Kingston VS Orton. They didn't make ita 3 hour show because that would made them look like they are really worried about TNA, which is not the case, if you see the way they are doing things, they are aware and countering a little, but not so worried about it.

The Ratings are secondary that night, if TNA pulls less than it regular rating, well it was a nice experiment and will comeback to Thursdays like nothign happened, if they do it regular rating, well it could lead to something else since it is holding it self againts the WWE and if by a miracle it happens to put way more rating (I don't thing they will but everything can happen in wrestling, right?) well, like Jeff Jarret say in an Interview, it won't be a different game for quite a while, but by then end of the next year, we hope it is a different kind of game.
The simple fact Bret Hart is going to be in a WWE ring (in any role) will be enough for fans to switch channels from TNA.

TNA needs something to grab the interest of WWE fans, and their best bet is Kurt Angle in the main event, putting on another amazing 5-star match. They'd also be smart to put one huge gimmick match on the show, to highlight the difference in the styles, as well as the 6-sided ring. Flipping the channel, if even for an instant, and catching a glimpse of a Six Sides Of Steel would make any wrestling fan pause, and if the right guys are in the match (AJ v. Daniels?), the action should keep their attention.
If I were to make TNA's episode on Jan 4th here's what I would do:

I would have an Ultimate X match, or something similar, because for one thing it's a big part of what makes TNA different, and secondly it would make the people who like high flyers happy.

I would have a hardcore match of some sort, whether it's first blood, or tlc, or anything goes, because you gotta appease the hardcore folks if you're really trying to get the wrestling fans.

I would have a technical match between the best TNA has to offer to appeal to those particular fans.

And then lastly I would have all kinds of swerves and surprises to appeal to the people who like drama.

And then maybe a cliffhanger at the end, so you couldn't miss the next episode.
I made a post about this and it got merged.

Basically I think TNA has to start fast. Showcase the X Division. Get the crowd pumped and the blood flowing before Hogan comes out. Then let the Hogan/Foley thing play out.

There are so many things that they need to show off. The tag teams and the Knockouts deserve the air time. And there is so much talent in the main event, that in some ways three hours may not be enough.

The key is to push the in-ring action. That will be what TNA fans who intend to stay loyal will want to see. The Hogan/Foley/Jarrett/Carter thing needs to be very minimal and there should be things teased but with plenty of room to develop.

I do think that the show should end on a positive. Hogan raising AJ's hand after a successful title defense would be the best way to start the new era.
I'm with Numbers here. TNA needs to hold off on the big Hogan/Foley showdown until right before RAW airs, so that you can't change the channel.

The first hour should have a multi-man X Division match, possibly resulting in a title change. Have Suicide go over Red, Dinero, Homicide, Kiyoshi, and whoever else they add in. Then let the Guns get a clean win over the Brits, and let them work a solid 10 minute match. Give Eric Young a promo, building his heel heat, and putting the mid-card title on TV. Then they can have a promo hyping the main event, and a video package for whatever gimmick match they use. This keeps the TNA fans happy, gets the casual WWE fans interested, and showcases the best of what TNA has to offer (without it being a main event). At 850-855p, you have Hogan make his "debut", and that will stop people from switching the moment their TV reminds them Bret Hart is on RAW.
I am a HUGE Bret Hart fan. But without a shadow of a doubt I will be watching TNA, and frankly I'd suggest EVERYONE do the same, including you Lee and the rest of the WWE marks, because it's really in your best interest to. You want the WWE to be more entertaining, to step up their game? The best way to do that is to watch TNA and show the WWE that TNA can be a real threat to them. Seriously I can't believe anyone would be watching WWE that night knowing they have the power in their hands to help kickstart a new Monday Night War. How can you people NOT want this? It's not like you can't DVR Raw or watch it online.
I'm going to watch TNA. I haven't really been watching a lot of either show lately. I watched RAW last night and I didn't find it to be neither atrocious nor amazing, it was just boring, so I don't want to be disappointed by getting my hopes up for the Jan 4th show. TNA usually entertains me whenever I watch it, it's just that they have very few wrestlers who really make me get excited for the show (I really just watch for Beer Money and Abyss)

I really don't think WWE is going to do their very best to make their show un-boring. I think they lucked out with the Bret Hart return and they'll just put on the same show they've been putting on for the past year, just with a guest host that people really like. I think TNA would be the one more likely to put out a hell of a show, or at least try.
TNA, (though I'll be watching RAW on DVR later that night, or the next day) because the TNA product interests me much more so than anything going on on RAW. Though Bret Hart in a WWE ring is interesting in and of itself, the remainder of the WWE's product is about as fun as running backwards through a cornfield, naked.
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