IMPACT Wrestling LD for 12.20.12

Well if this is the last wrestling show I ever watch I guess you can say I was satisfied for the most part. Still don't know where this Brooke/Ray thing is going.

Loved Kenny King tonight though.
There is room for criticism just like there is room for praise. Why do you get to discuss your enjoyment, and I don't get to discuss my annoyances? You are free to discuss and debate with me, and you usually do. It usually comes to us both agreeing on most things, so I'm not sure why tonight it was a big deal. Maybe I'm just more exhausted, and more frustrated than usual. Sorry. I'm probably just reading into it more than I should. Next time I'll just stay away and let you live in a world where everything is perfect, and nobody gets to say anything bad about your shit.
My prediction should have been right. Aries was fucking robbed. :suspic:

Bully and Brooke...

When it was announced that Brooke was going to have a weekly role in TNA, you had to figure eventually that there was going to be a storyline involving her and a guy and Hulk getting pissy over it. But if we were to do a poll back then asking what wrestler people thought Brooke would have that on-screen relationship with, I'm positive Bully Ray would have been at the bottom of the list. And that's exactly why I like the pairing of the two, lol.
There is room for criticism just like there is room for praise. Why do you get to discuss your enjoyment, and I don't get to discuss my annoyances? You are free to discuss and debate with me, and you usually do. It usually comes to us both agreeing on most things, so I'm not sure why tonight it was a big deal. Maybe I'm just more exhausted, and more frustrated than usual. Sorry. I'm probably just reading into it more than I should. Next time I'll just stay away and let you live in a world where everything is perfect, and nobody gets to say anything bad about your shit.

Apparently you didn't read what I wrote, so I'll write it again:

The only thing I'm implying is that coming into these threads every week to have to read through vocal minorities rip the entire show, only to justify it with "well, I have to review it because I'm being paid to" is fucking annoying, and something I don't take kindly to as a fan of the product. I get not liking this, or that, or even vocalizing it during the LD (even I do that), but this business of whining about how you can't stand TNA but are "forced" to watch it when you aren't forced to take part in the LD's is incredibly aggravating, and you're gonna find an enemy in me every week if it's something you intend to continue to do.

We clear?

And seriously — clear out your inbox, bro. That error is fuckin' annoying.
I'm not negative every week. I'm sure I find something to be negative about every week, but it's not the whole show. Sure, I think Impact IN GENERAL has become really boring. And so I'm sure a lot of what I say reflects my being really bored. That just makes sense. But I do enjoy some things about it. You're right, I'm not being FORCED to participate in the LD every week. I enjoy doing it. I like reading things people get excited about, and KB's ever-sarcastic comments.

For what it's worth, I liked the way the show ended tonight. Some things I did enjoy about the broadcast:
1. Kenny King getting the upper hand on RVD. Even though they lost, he was the one that got "put over" out of that whole exchange.
2. The impending Aries vs. Roode vs. Hardy match. It's gonna be one hell of a match. Like I said, I don't like Aries and Hardy as World Champs. But they are great chasers, and I do like Roode. So I can get behind that match up.
3. Jesse and Tara continue to be enjoyable and effective.
4. Kazarian is now almost, if not just as entertaining as Chris Daniels. Which is pretty cool.
I'm not negative every week. I'm sure I find something to be negative about every week, but it's not the whole show. Sure, I think Impact IN GENERAL has become really boring. And so I'm sure a lot of what I say reflects my being really bored. That just makes sense. But I do enjoy some things about it. You're right, I'm not being FORCED to participate in the LD every week. I enjoy doing it. I like reading things people get excited about, and KB's ever-sarcastic comments.

For what it's worth, I liked the way the show ended tonight. Some things I did enjoy about the broadcast:
1. Kenny King getting the upper hand on RVD. Even though they lost, he was the one that got "put over" out of that whole exchange.
2. The impending Aries vs. Roode vs. Hardy match. It's gonna be one hell of a match. Like I said, I don't like Aries and Hardy as World Champs. But they are great chasers, and I do like Roode. So I can get behind that match up.
3. Jesse and Tara continue to be enjoyable and effective.
4. Kazarian is now almost, if not just as entertaining as Chris Daniels. Which is pretty cool.

See? That's the way to do it.
Dammit all. Now I'm an hour behind. Fucking time travel bullshit. Frankie's jolly, Daniels looks drunk and Joseph Park is dressed as Santa and got those funny 90's pants.
Just watching the Santa segment now. Daniels' turn and evil smirk to the camera after he's asked if he's been a good boy this year is incredible.

Edit: That whole segment was great. Best Christmas ever.

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