IMPACT Wrestling LD for 06.16.11

Nice segment. Good length and Gunner is surprisingly not horrific on the mic. Good ending too.
Lol at the "We Want Beer!" chant. Also lol at Anderson drinking half a cup full of foam.
Good gods they need to get rid of Christy. She cannot do the job and she has horrible hair. Neither of these statements are true about JB.
I just realized that they effectively started a war between the African Americans and the Mexicans. I'm sure they don't intend it to be like that, but uh...
Just what this show needed...Devon Dudley.

I can actually hear the sound of thousands of remotes clicking to the next channel.
Was that Devon's wife? DAMN!!!

Devon just got my respect. Well, more respect - or respect in the, "I would so stick my dick in your wifes vag/anal caveity/mouth/ear," kind of way.
I don't see why a Thesz Press warrants interference, but whatever. It was actually a pretty okay match until that.

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