Idea for another potenial future tournment

If only Mickie James dressed up as SuperWoman during the "Dress-Up Contests," then she could kick everyone's ass in the tourney...
Substitute all comic book characters with porn stars, serial killers, and mass murderers, and I think you got yourself a plan (this is of course assuming that all anime characters will come only from either hentai or Shin Chan).
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1372927 said:
Substitute all comic book characters with porn stars, serial killers, and mass murderers, and I think you got yourself a plan (this is of course assuming that all anime characters will come only from either hentai or Shin Chan).

Anime/ Manga character's would dominate then, seriously, what's Jason or Freddy going to do against someone who can destroy entire cities by sneezing?

Besides, we've already done a tournament based off of horror icons and we've got the Hot Woman Tournament coming up later on in the future as well.
It's gonna come down to some god tier comic book character winning most likely. Like the Phoenix, Silver Surfer, or who I'm hoping for, Vulcan.
It's gonna come down to some god tier comic book character winning most likely. Like the Phoenix, Silver Surfer, or who I'm hoping for, Vulcan.

There are plenty of god like beings in manga/ comics. We could have 100 people in this thing and every single one of them would be fully capable of destroying planets with ease.
There are plenty of god like beings in manga/ comics. We could have 100 people in this thing and every single one of them would be fully capable of destroying planets with ease.
I'm sure you'll find very few who can manipulate time and matter.
I'm sure you'll find very few who can manipulate time and matter.

Off the top of my head

All of the Chousin (Techi Muyo Ryo Oki)
Sailor Moon
Anything equal or above a Super Sayian 3 in DBZ
Death X Mon

I could name many more...
So, if we include the Rockman.EXE series, do Navis and their Ops count as a single unit, or a team?
So, if we include the Rockman.EXE series, do Navis and their Ops count as a single unit, or a team?

Like, would it be Laika/Searchman vs. Beast Boy, or would it be Laika And Searchman vs. Beast Boy and Robin?
So, if we include the Rockman.EXE series, do Navis and their Ops count as a single unit, or a team?

Like, would it be Laika/Searchman vs. Beast Boy, or would it be Laika And Searchman vs. Beast Boy and Robin?

They would count as a single unit, I haven't figured out how exactly I'm going include teams but I would imagine them being single units.
OK, that'll be cool. Can't really have Navis without their ops, so it makes sense.

I would so love to see this tournament.
Lol, they're pokemon. They could get owned by a properly stated starter pokemon. I'm sure god tier heros can blitz them.
She can control time and matter? I don't remember that.
Sailor Moon
Never watched.
Anything equal or above a Super Sayian 3 in DBZ
Lol, they can't breathe in space. They get taken to space and die.
Death X Mon
Aren't digimon you know, DIGITAL monsters? I'm sure they can be broken down quite easily.
I demand Deunan Knute to be placed in this thing.
And Jing.
And the Silver Surfer.
Lol, they're pokemon.

your point? Doesn't make their skills any less impressive.

She can control time and matter? I don't remember that

Tenchi Muyo Ryo Ohki. Ryoko's powers are connected to Washu's, Washu is one of the super goddesses that created the multiverse. Ryoko places her body in a state of suspended animation for over 1500 years.

Never watched

Shame, you're missing out. Sailor Moon presents a different twist on the warrior's journey... Sailor Moon in her later forms (notably Cosmos) can travel freely through time and space.

Lol, they can't breathe in space. They get taken to space and die.

Freiza, Cell, Majin Buu... ringing any bells?

If Goku was taken into space he'd simply teleport himself to a planet that has air.

Aren't digimon you know, DIGITAL monsters? I'm sure they can be broken down quite easily.

Not all of them, and certainly not Death X Mon
your point? Doesn't make their skills any less impressive.
My point? They get owned by starter pokemon's with one attribute. Many cosmic's can produce that one attribute at a much higher level.
Tenchi Muyo Ryo Ohki. Ryoko's powers are connected to Washu's, Washu is one of the super goddesses that created the multiverse. Ryoko places her body in a state of suspended animation for over 1500 years.
fair enough.
Freiza, Cell, Majin Buu... ringing any bells?
If Goku was taken into space he'd simply teleport himself to a planet that has air.
Um, Freiza and Cell equal to SSJ3 and above? No, they're not. As for Buu, it's been awhile, but I remember him getting owned by SSJ3. As for Goku, what's he gonna do then? Run away from his opponent? This a tourney where they fight.
Not all of them, and certainly not Death X Mon
They're all digital data I'm sure.
My point? They get owned by starter pokemon's with one attribute. Many cosmic can produce that one attribute at a much higher level.

Doesn't change the fact that they can manipulate time and space, I'm not saying that they'd win the tournament, but they should be able to at least win a few matches before going out.

Um, Freiza and Cell equal to SJJ3 and above? No, they're not.

They can survive the vacuum of space

As for Buu, it's been awhile, but I remember him getting owned by SJJ3.

Err... no, in fact Goku as a SS3 could barely keep up with Kid Buu, the second weakest of the 6 forms of Buu shown in the series.

Buu in his strongest form can destroy the universe if he really wanted too (and he nearly does)

As for Goku, what's he gonna do then? Run away from his opponent? This a tourney where they fight.

It's only logical that Goku try to find a planet that has air for him to breathe, it makes zero sense for him to stay and die.

They're all digital data I'm sure.

to a certain degree yes, but the beauty of this tournament is to compare their strength anyway.
Doesn't change the fact that they can manipulate time and space, I'm saying that they'd win the tournament, but they should be able to at least win a few matches before going out.
That's fine. I'm sure they can win a few matches, but they are anything but top tier. You don't get owned by pokemon who aren't even legendary pokemon, and be considered top tier.
They can survive the vacuum of space
Great, still doesn't change they're both one of the weaker foes in the DBZ universe. Frieza got owned by SJJ only, and Cell SJJ2. I'm sure whatever energy they shoot out, someone like Vulcan will eat it, and shoot it right back at them. Or let's say the Silver Surfer who can survive in black holes and can travel at the speed of light, can just grab them and throw them into a black hole or star.
Err... no, in fact Goku as a SS3 could barely keep up with Kid Buu, the second weakest of the 6 forms of Buu shown in the series.
I forgot about Kidd Boo, I'd put him top tier.
It's only logical that Goku try to find a planet that has air for him to breathe, it makes zero sense for him to stay and die.
They fight in this tourney. There has to be a winner. If one can just run, then it's not a fight.
to a certain degree yes, but the beauty of this tournament is to compare their strength anyway.
You have to have tiers though. It's data, it would get broken down. I'm sure it would do fine in whatever tier it's put in, but you have to know where to make it fair. You can't have Sakura from naruto fighting the Phoenix for example.
That's fine. I'm sure they can win a few matches, but they are anything but top tier. You don't get owned by pokemon who aren't even legendary pokemon, and be considered top tier.

Great, still doesn't change they're both one of the weaker foes in the DBZ universe. Frieza got owned by SJJ only, and Cell SJJ2. I'm sure whatever energy they shoot out, someone like Vulcan will eat it, and shoot it right back at them. Or let's say the Silver Surfer who can survive in black holes and can travel at the speed of light, can just grab them and throw them into a black hole or star.

They fight in this tourney. There has to be a winner. If one can just run, then it's not a fight.

You have to have tiers though. It's data, it would get broken down. I'm sure it would do fine in whatever tier it's put in, but you have to know where to make it fair. You can't have Sakura from naruto fighting the Phoenix for example.

Great points, I would debate with you more but I'll save it for the tournament itself ;)

I expect most of the matches to be quite heated, and I also expect there to be some blind hate and love. The good thing is that it shouldn't be too hard to pursway fence sitters to one side of an argument or the other.

My original idea was to split everyone up into tiers but that's depending on how much interest we can garner for the tournament.The more interest we have, the more contestants we have, and that means more potential match ups we have.

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