I fucking hate moderators

I love Wrestleing is mediocare. Pwn all of us though and post pictures of the women you could be out fucking right now (y'know, instead of engaging in a pointless argument).
Agreed on Angel's sig.

I talked to Pat Capone for an hour today in the studio. Bullshitting about games for the 360, zombie movies, and Sons of Anarchy.
Sounds pretty cool, but I don't recognize the name. I'm one who just flips to the next station if music isn't playing. Should I expect to hear you on the radio in the near future?
Sounds pretty cool, but I don't recognize the name. I'm one who just flips to the next station if music isn't playing. Should I expect to hear you on the radio in the near future?

Oh no. It wasn't on the air. I was just hangin' out when he had music going. He is the mid-day guy, 10-3.
Btw brain would have a problem with this, he jerks off to the wrestle zone rule. He gets off on banning people. die

Brain is probably the nicest mod around here, or so I would guess. He gets called out??? Wow.

Should I care that some dumbass who can't even get the spelling right in his own user name has a negative opinion of me?


And no..no you shouldn't.

Am I a idiot-sure
But am I right her - sure of course. These guys are all mighty.
Did I have a few threads close. I did.
That doesn't bother me, its the smug attitude these asshole carry

If you're going to bash someone, at least take the time to make sure you don't sound completely retarted, mmk?
4. You've started two threads here? I've started roughly 2000 or so, including gotten a section made to accommodate a type of thread that I started. I started a thread that was the biggest on the entire forum in half the time the second biggest thread was made.

No wonder nobody talks about your sex life. Hit the club KB, Bash At The Beach 2000 can wait you nerd.

Also, the OP has a point.

Viva La Revolution! September_Massacres.zip
It never ceases to amaze me that people actually think that we hold some kind of personal vendetta against them. We don't hassle the vast majority of anyone but we are after them.
....what in the flying bird that lands on park benches in south Los Angeles where old people feed them after they retire kind of hell are you talking about?
Doc not toying with your emotions your a good dude, I mainly have a problem with 2 mods. The thing is most of the time you guys are fair, how ever the brain and klunderbunker give you guys the reputation that makes US hates you guys.
Klunderbunker how was bash at the beach 2000 btw.
Get a life
shout out to doc- for doing it the right way
Overall Rating: D-. Now there are two ways to look at this show and all subsequent shows. For one, this show was a total trainwreck with maybe two good matches out of about 9 and both were more or less overbooked. The idiocy is running rampant here, but at the same time this wasn't completely terrible. It was mostly terrible and anything close to order here is strictly an accident mind you. WCW’s level of ineptitude would somehow be topped next month which we’ll get to later.

And then there’s another school of thought. The other idea is to look at this like a screwball comedy show and accept that WCW was completely and utterly dead at this point and was just waiting on someone to notice the smell of their rotting corpse. If you go on that route, the show goes WAY up in value as the comedy of it is pretty solid.

After the disaster that was Nitro the next night, everything was ripped apart backstage as the entire company was overhauled by the Time-Warner merger that threw it off the air. Anyway though, this is either a great show or absolutely horrible depending on how you look at it, so figure that out for yourselves.
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I do not understand what their objective is. This is a wrestling site and anything wrestling related should be allowed within reason. These people are absurd with their rules and how they act. I'm constantly suspended and they brutalize my rep pts. (they think suspending me bothers me) I'm 21 I could go get drunk and a get a girl drunk enough if you know what I mean instead. And after I get that girl good to go and have fun with her you know what I like to do..... go on wrestlezone and enjoy wrestling. I'll make a post or start a series... but the doctor or klunderbunker will act higher then god and move my remarks or ban me again. My anti moderator feelings were finnaly noticed when I was invited to the cage today, and my wrath begins now. These moderators go to far. Why do they need to be here. If you dont like what you see, scroll down.
Being suspended didn't bother you, but having really stupid threads you made closed does? Huh.
As of right now I started two of the most popular threads currently going on wrestlezone, Jeff Jarret , and should kncockouts main event. Getting countless hits and posts, and today I get this message.
klunderbunker rights this to me in a message. awful, insulting....WOW. Go back to school or something but go. for no reason.
Why do they feel the need to be deushes.....
I dont get it.
They were crap. Crap is meant to be flushed down the toilet. And I'm pretty sure none of the staff members are Dutch if that's what your horrid spelling says.
Down with the moderators.... give wrestlezone back to the fans.
That's what the spam section is for, you twit.

If you like this message give me bad rep... Fuck klunderbunker,the brain, mightynorcal, and Dman.
I hear that D-Man is one sexy bastard.
IDR and the doctor are good guys, Ferbian is alright to.....
Other moderators shove it
Shove what? Your shit down the toilet? Didn't they do that already?
Shout out to touch by an angel
Of course. The date rapist talking about touching people.

A nazi in the ss or nazi in the army is still a Nazi...klunderbunker.
To your point that you have started a lot of threads and made your own section I'm happy for you if thats what you enjoy to do. I'm happy you enjoy using the forums, and so do I. let the people use them, lighten up stop over policing the threads and let the ppl enjoy the posts, instead of only you and your nazi friends.
He's from Kentucky. Not Germany.
Sidenote- I wasn't being sarcastic, I truly am happy for you about the threads if that is what you enjoy doing. How ever Idk if I would brag about making voer 14,000 posts. Go outside or something
Pffft. This coming from the guy bitching over the internet.
Dirty jose, I dont date them so it isn't date rape. secondly , why are you attacking me, i haven't been negative towards you. Thirdly I dont rape them women cant resist me
Who wouldn't resist you. They take one good look at you and say "lets tease this twerp into a date and leave him high and dry in the end". Hell I'd try it too.

Doc not toying with your emotions your a good dude, I mainly have a problem with 2 mods. The thing is most of the time you guys are fair, how ever the brain and klunderbunker give you guys the reputation that makes US hates you guys.
Us? You're standing alone in your own pond, dude. Get out before you drown.

Klunderbunker how was bash at the beach 2000 btw.
Get a life
Again, this is coming from a web-bitch.
shout out to doc- for doing it the right way
He moderates the Graphics section. If he moderated a wrestling section, he'd do the same thing The Brain did. His job.

My boy Scott Steiner has a few words for you:

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